After the broadcast of this episode of "Art Life", it really received a huge response.

The daily box office of "Lion Camel Ridge", which had been gradually declining, actually rebounded strongly in the first weekend after the broadcast.

And the bigger response appeared on the Internet.

In view of the fact that there are so many posts about "Lion Camel Ridge" during this period, Mop and Tianya have opened special sections for netizens to discuss.

What these netizens said most was that they wanted to see Jiang Heng's first draft version of the work, and then they imagined a type that Chinese-language movies have never had before, mythological horror movies.

In the current discourse film market, real ghost movies are definitely not allowed to be made.

To describe it in one sentence, it is not allowed to become a spirit after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

But "Journey to the West" is a famous work. You only need to follow the description in the original work to make a "dark journey to the west", which must be bloody and exciting, and there will definitely be a large number of audiences who love to watch it.

These netizens have all kinds of fantasies in the forum, and some even suggested that everyone should pool money together to give Jiang Heng a sum of money and ask Director Jiang to make a movie!

It wasn’t until a netizen who claimed to be in the United States and had just gotten off the plane said: According to the estimation of people in their company, the production cost of the film "Lion Camel Ridge" is at least 100 million US dollars, and even 1.8 million or 800,000 is not enough for Director Jiang’s salary, that everyone gave up!

Another netizen asked if anyone knew about Director Jiang Heng’s next film shooting plan. He had watched "Lion Camel Ridge" three times. He liked this movie so much and really hoped to see something similar again.

As a result, many netizens left messages and reported the number of times they had watched it again.

A netizen who claimed to be a girl was the most ruthless. She said that she had watched it seven times, and each time she went with a different boy. She still felt very excited every time she watched it. She really never got tired of watching it a hundred times!

As a result, the netizens broke their defense and asked her if she had literally "watched it a hundred times"?

Are the male companions enough? Is it too late to sign up now?

Some netizens said it was definitely fake, and the person opposite must be a big man who picked his feet.

As a result, the girl posted a photo. Her face was blocked, but her figure was very good. This excited the LSPs and they left messages to treat the girl to dinner.

While “Lion Camel Ridge” continues to create miracles in the mainland, it has also set box office records in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asian countries.

After all, these places belong to the Confucian cultural circle, and the theme of Journey to the West has been popular for a long time.

For example, in Hong Kong, Shaw Brothers filmed the “Journey to the West” series of movies as early as the 1960s, namely “Journey to the West”, “Princess Iron Fan”, “Pansi Cave” and “The Kingdom of Women”, which are quite large in scale.

Later, TVB filmed “Journey to the West” and “The Monkey King: The Battle of Heaven and Earth”, and the ratings were also quite good, earning TVB hundreds of millions of GG fees.

There is also Japan, which released a version of “Journey to the West” in 1978. It was banned in China after only 3 episodes were released. The pictures were extremely eye-catching and the plot insulted the original work.

The most terrible thing is that South Korea also made a Korean version of “Journey to the West” in 2017. The plot was a mess and it was unbearable to watch, but the ratings were very high.

It can be seen that the theme of Journey to the West has a very broad and deep mass base in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

After the release of "Lion Camel Ridge", it quickly triggered a movie-watching craze.

In Thailand, it directly beat Hollywood films of the same period to the point that there were no screenings.

In South Korea, the number of moviegoers hit a record high and triggered widespread discussion.

The most popular issue is naturally the nationality issue. It is said that a history professor has verified that the Huaguo Mountain in "Journey to the West" should be located in Jeju Island, South Korea. From this perspective, this Sun Wukong should be considered a Korean mythological figure.

However, it is not right that such a good movie was made by a Chinese director. We should also make a movie based on "Journey to the West"!

The second is the special effects. How could China, such a backward country, make a movie with such good special effects? It can't be our special effects!

In Japan, it instantly triggered a Journey to the West craze. Not only did the box office of "Lion Camel Ridge" soar, but the sales of the original novel also soared.

Even the sales of the comics of "Dragon Ball" have increased a lot.

However, the audiences in Europe are not so enthusiastic.

In the eyes of most people, this is a "level up and fight monsters" movie with super shocking visual effects. The strength of the opponents faced by the protagonist ranges from low to high. The protagonist also takes down all the heads with the blessing of the golden "BUFF".

Although the cultural connotation of the film is not deeply felt, the visual effects of "Lion Camel Ridge" are definitely better than previous Hollywood blockbusters, and the box office results are also quite gratifying.

In North America, several major Hollywood film companies have long been unable to sit still in the face of the global box office performance of "Lion Camel Ridge".

Knowing that Jiang Heng had cooperated with Columbia Company, he still came to negotiate and wanted to win the distribution rights of "Lion Camel Ridge" in North America.

Although Jiang Heng prefers Columbia Company, he can't resist the temptation if others add money.

Fortunately, Amy Pascal, the female president of Columbia Company, has good courage and increased the chips to ensure the number of theaters where "Lion Camel Ridge" will be opened in the summer. In the end, the two companies still signed the agency distribution contract.

"Director Jiang, believe me, choosing Colombia will be your wisest choice!"

"I hope so!"

"Then I have a suggestion. How about buying out the distribution rights of the film in South America directly to us?"

Seeing Jiang Heng hesitate, Pascal hurriedly quoted a price. Jiang Heng thought it was about right, so he agreed.

People can't make all the money themselves.

It is great to sell half of the films in more than 200 countries and regions in the world.

For example, in the Middle East, it is difficult for ordinary people to sell films because of religious issues.

There are also some countries and regions in Africa and South America. It is difficult to do business without the channel network.

After signing another supplementary agreement, Pascal was overjoyed, and the smile on his face could not be hidden. "Director Jiang, believe me, this film will achieve good box office in the United States and the world, and you will become a famous global director. Are you interested in co-producing a film together?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "What do you think?"

Pascal said: "My ideas are not important, your ideas are important! You can shoot whatever you want. You tell us how much money you need, and we will provide it. If you want the dominance of the film, we can also talk about it!"

Jiang Heng was really moved when he heard this.

The three films he has made so far, "Lion Camel Ridge" is in pure Chinese, and "The Matrix" and "100 Million Years BC" are both Chinese versions of Hollywood genre films.

But in his heart, he still wanted to make some Hollywood-style films, which involved a lot of American locations and actors. If he could cooperate with a Hollywood film and television company, it would be much more convenient to shoot.

"It's not that we can't cooperate, but I have a problem when making movies. I must control the whole process, otherwise I can't make a good work!"

Pascal smiled and said, "No problem, no problem, everything can be discussed!"

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