Jiang Heng has only made three movies so far, with themes including science fiction, monsters, and mythology.

As for the fourth film type, his preference is disaster or mecha. Suitable films include "2012" and "Pacific Rim".

The former was released in 2009, and the latter was only released in 2013.

From a timing perspective, it couldn't be more appropriate.

But both films have the same problem, that is, the scenes in the film involve multiple countries, and the actors in them are also very complex.

It is somewhat unrealistic to send a group of actors to the China Film Digital Studio to shoot.

It must be shot on location and have actors from multiple countries.

It is necessary to find a Hollywood company, and it would be best if the other party is willing to give up the initiative.

Pascal was "thirsty for talents", and Jiang Heng did not refuse.

The two first discussed the cooperation model for a long time. Pascal's opinion was that the film could not be approved until the script was unanimously approved by both parties.

Colombian companies can make most of the investments, but they have to receive proceeds from issuances in North America, South America, Europe, Australia and other countries.

Jiang Heng laughed angrily when he heard this, "According to what you said, I can only get box office revenue from East Asia and Southeast Asia?"

"No, Director Jiang, there is also Africa, and India is also a vast market!" Pascal said seriously.

"Otherwise, how about I take the main investment, and your company only needs to provide a small amount of capital and assist in filming, and then we can get the profits from the box office distribution of the film in Africa and India?"

Pascal smiled bitterly and shook his head, sighing: "You are such a shrewd guy!"

"Both and each other, the premise of cooperation is trust and win-win. If it is just a calculation, then I can only go back to filming fairy tales!" Jiang Heng said very rudely.

"Okay, then let's do it according to the investment ratio!"

"that's it?"

"It's okay to give you the director's salary plus box office dividends!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, "That's more or less the same, but I'm not short of money for investing in this!"

Pascal was speechless, smiled helplessly, and said after a while: "Okay, if Director Jiang is not short of money, you can pay a little more! Let's talk about the subject of the script first, and tell us what type of film you plan to shoot?"

Jiang Hengdao: "My preference is, disaster, or monster movie!"

"Disaster, do you have any specific ideas?"

Jiang Heng shook his head. He had not written out the script and registered it at this moment. He would definitely not speak out his ideas rashly.

"What about the monsters? Are they like King Kong or Godzilla?"

Seeing Jiang Heng's thoughtful expression, Pascal said: "But to be honest, I am more inclined to make monster movies. The monsters in "Devil's Land" (the English title of "Shituoling") are better than those in "Jura". The dinosaurs in "Monster Park" should be more realistic and scary. Both I and the company believe that you can make a good monster movie!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, "It's true, then let's make a monster movie!"

"Jiang, the protagonist this time should be our American military. Only they can defeat a monster like Godzilla!" Pascal said with a smile, with a hint of pride on his face.

Jiang Hengxin said: "I plan to design a mecha that is more beautiful and spectacular than the original version, and it has to be led by China!"

However, he was not prepared to reveal anything before the script was written.

He just said: "It depends on the situation. It's just an idea at the moment. The specific content won't be known until the script is written!"

When Pascal saw this, he could only interrupt the conversation. Fortunately, the distribution contract for "Shituoling" has been signed, and Jiang Heng has the source of the English version. Columbia only needs to do a good job of publicity and pick a suitable schedule to prepare for release.

Unlike the mainland, which counts June to August as summer, the summer in North America starts from the first weekend in May and ends on the Labor Day weekend in September, which lasts almost four months.

The North American summer of 2000 was full of blockbusters.

"Gladiator" released by DreamWorks, which was released on May 5, has a total US box office of 187 million, ranking fourth in the year.

On May 24, Paramount released "Mission: Impossible 2" with a total U.S. box office of US$215 million, ranking third in the year.

"Perfect Storm" on June 30 had 182 million, ranking sixth in the year.

There are also "X-Men", "Scream" and "Behind the Lie" in July, which ranked 80 and 90 respectively.

And "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which Jiang Heng participated in the investment, originally ranked among the top 12 movies of the year, followed the inertia of history and found Sony Pictures to distribute it, and it is scheduled to be released on July 6.

So in summary, in the North American summer season of 2000, May was a two-star battle for supremacy, and July was a group battle for hegemony.

In comparison, competition in June, August, and September will be slightly weaker.

However, in terms of schedule, it is naturally based on Columbia's arrangements. Jiang Heng could only say something sideways, feeling that there are quite a lot of blockbusters in North America in July this year.

Pascal also said that he will study the schedule issue carefully after returning.

In the days that followed, Jiang Heng returned to his mansion in Beverly Hills and began to concentrate on revising the script.

During this period, Li Yu brought the male protagonist Zhou Runfa and the female protagonist Zhang Ziyi of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" to visit. Naturally, they came to Los Angeles to cooperate with the promotion of the film.

However, the film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was chosen to be released in North America not for the high box office, but purely for "award winning".

It's just that if the film wants to be nominated for the Golden Globes and Oscars, it must be released in North America, so it found Sony Pictures for distribution.

Sony did not do large-scale publicity, and the number of theaters opened was very small. It was only because of the increasing reputation and the Golden Globe Award that the number of theaters increased to more than 2,000.

In this life, since Jiang Heng participated in the investment and he was quite famous in North America, Li An thought about asking Jiang Heng to help with the publicity.

"Of course, no problem. I haven't been to see how you are doing for such a long time. It's only right for me to help with the publicity!"

In the living room of the mansion, several people were chatting around the coffee table.

Zhou Runfa looked at Jiang Heng with a complicated expression.

When he left Hong Kong, he had not heard of Jiang Heng. In the past few years of working in Hollywood, this 20-year-old young man has become famous with three blockbusters and can harvest box office around the world.

Although he starred in several movies in Hollywood, he can only be regarded as a second- or third-tier actor. The fate of life is really wonderful.

I thought the Hong Kong film industry was a stagnant pool, but I didn't expect a giant crocodile to grow!

"Mr. Zhou, are you not used to this tea?"

"Oh, no, I just didn't expect that there would be such a young and powerful director in Hong Kong. The young are really formidable!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "A new generation replaces the old!"

Zhou Runfa looked a little unhappy when he heard this.

What does this guy mean? Is he saying that I am out of fashion?

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