China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 7: Going north to find a publisher

The movie "Ma Yongzhen" has a smooth plot and outstanding fighting scenes. As a commercial action movie, it is still very qualified.

Even though Jiang Heng has watched it many times, he still enjoys watching it.

But for Hong Kong audiences, they have seen too many similar movies and there is not much novelty, so the response on the spot is not very good.

Although no one left in the middle, some complaints were heard from time to time. Yuan Kui and Liu Zhenwei left the screening room halfway through the movie because of too much pressure.

Outside the theater, two people stood on the roadside smoking.

Liu Zhenwei suddenly said, "Looking at this reaction, I'm afraid the box office won't be too ideal!"

"The overall environment is not good now, there's nothing we can do about it!"

Yuan Kui comforted him casually, thinking, "Even if I lose money, I won't lose it myself. If I invest my own money like Jiang Heng, it will be miserable. Safety first!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about that. Let's think about how to start work in the future. I got a script about the Three Kingdoms. Are you interested in directing it?"

Yuan Kui waved his hand quickly, "I haven't been in shape for the past two years. I want to take a break!" The real idea is that it's not financially appropriate to cooperate with Liu Zhenwei.

In the past year, the two co-directed "Sparrow Flying Dragon" and "Black Rose Brotherhood", and the box office was not ideal. "Ma Yongzhen", which he served as director and action director, didn't seem to be good either, and he had already begun to think about quitting.

Liu Zhenwei seemed not to notice it, and said calmly, "Then help with the action scenes!"

"No problem!"

After that, the two fell silent.

The situation in the Hong Kong film market in 1997 was really bad.

Cheng Long's big production "A Good Man" was released at the beginning of the year and got a box office of 4,500, which sounds good, but compared with last year's "Simple Mission", it is 12 million less.

What many filmmakers did not expect is that a box office of 15 million can enter the top ten of the year, and there are only 19 films with a box office of over 10 million.

In the past, it was unimaginable.

What Yuan Kui and Liu Zhenwei could not imagine was the box office of "Ma Yongzhen", which went down all the way from the beginning. It was closed after only 11 days of release due to the dismal box office, and the box office result was only 3.01 million, which was not ordinary miserable.

Liu Zhenwei was so depressed that he almost autistic. If it were not for his partner David Lai to pull him, he would have directly retired from the film industry.

When "A Time Travel Love" is released next year, David Lai will stamp his feet and beat his chest, why did I pull him in the first place?

The failure of "Ma Yongzhen" has made Hong Kong filmmakers and investors more and more scared. Yuan Kui and Liu Zhenwei are also very outstanding figures in the circle, but they can't hide the decline. Will Hong Kong movies really decline?

Some people are worried, some go north to pan for gold, some go to Hollywood to find another way, and some are leisurely and don't care about these things at all.

After returning to Hong Kong to watch a midnight show, after wandering around for a few days, he went to the United States in the name of post-production!

It was already early September when he came back. Li Meiqi got the news and came to the door as soon as possible.

"Jiang, I need a job, I can't wait any longer!"

"Is the money gone?"

"How is it possible?"

Li Meiqi's salary is 100,000 Hong Kong dollars, and she spends very frugally on weekdays. At this moment, she still has a lot of savings.

She is worried that Jiang Heng seems to have no idea of ​​making a big career. He tied himself up with a contract and didn't care about anything.

Since the filming of "The Matrix" was completed, she has not participated in any film or TV series. It is a complete waste of life.

"I need to work. Women's blooming period is very short!" Li Meiqi said with a little sadness.

Jiang Heng smiled, "I completely understand your feelings, but I advise you to wait patiently. You are a newcomer with no works at this moment. Even if you participate in it, you can't get a good role!

But when the film is released, it will be different!"

"How different?"

"You will become an international star at that time, do you understand?"

"I really hope that everything you said is true, but I...!"

Perhaps because she was in a foreign country and her future was uncertain, Li Meiqi was emotional and covered her face with her hands, as if she couldn't help crying.

Jiang Heng gently patted her back and said with a smile: "Don't be sad, I'll show you something good!"

"Yes, yes, what do you want to see?" Li Meiqi stepped back in panic.

Jiang Heng just opened a notebook, "Of course it's the film we shot, what do you think it is?"

"I think so, it's this too!"

Jiang Heng went to draw the curtains, and Li Meiqi took another step back, her eyes wide open.

As a result, Jiang Heng just turned on the projector and connected the notebook, "Come here!"

Li Meiqi then walked over and saw Jiang Heng click on the video file with "The Matrix" written on the desktop.

There was no dragon logo, no production company animation, and it entered the main plot line right away.

Because she was familiar with the script, Li Meiqi watched it effortlessly and was immediately attracted by the action scenes in the film.

Especially the fighting scene where Trinity, played by her, jumped into the air and the camera rotated when she first appeared, which was so handsome that it couldn't be described.

She could only say that Hollywood had never had such an action scene, and Hong Kong should not have it either!

If it had always been at this level, then she might really become an international star as Jiang Heng said!

This is a woman with a strong sense of career. Thinking of this, Li Meiqi's breathing became a little rapid with excitement, and she stared at the picture on the screen intently.

She didn't even drink a sip of water during the entire two-hour movie.

When Neo, played by Wu Xianzu, soared into the sky like a superman on the street, and the curtain suddenly darkened, Li Meiqi breathed a sigh of relief and collapsed on the sofa, with beads of sweat covering her forehead.

Jiang Heng opened the curtains and revealed a sunny smile, "How about it, I can still satisfy you!"

Li Meiqi looked back against the light and felt that Jiang Heng, who was bathing in the sunshine, was so handsome and talented!

"I really can't believe that I played the heroine in it. I actually acted in such a movie. Please tell me, is all this true?"

Jiang Heng, who walked up to him, thought for a moment after hearing this, then reached out and pinched Li Meiqi's fair and smooth arm!

"I knew it was all just a dream!"

Li Meiqi smiled bitterly but didn't react at all.

Jiang Heng was stunned at this moment. Could it be that I was not reborn at all, and I never made a movie. All my experiences so far are just a dream?

Then this dream was too long!

Damn it, are you still lying in the hospital like a plant?

Just when he was doubting his life, a sharp pain came from his waist, but it was Li Meiqi who was lying on the sofa and stretched out her hand to twist his waist.

"Ahhh, shit, it hurts, let go!"

Li Meiqi loosened her hand and rubbed her arm, and said with an aggrieved look: "You know it hurts, but you still pinch me hard!"

Jiang Heng smiled helplessly, "Didn't you ask me if I was dreaming? This method is the most effective!"

But Li Meiqi said: "When do you plan to release it?"

Jiang Heng said: "Don't worry, I have to go to the mainland first!"

"Going to the mainland? Are there many people watching movies there?"

"Of course, the mainland has a large population, but the future of Chinese-language films lies!"

Li Meiqi didn't understand that, because she was only over eighteen years old at this moment, and she was just a little girl.

"Can you take me there?"


"I can be your assistant!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng was still hesitating, he added, "No salary!"

"Okay! Then book two tickets to the capital first, and then make me a cup of coffee without sugar!"


Seeing that Jiang Hengzhen was treating her as an assistant, Li Meiqi glared bitterly, and then she obeyed the request honestly.

This is a man who is expected to make her an international actress. He also said that there will be a sequel to "The Matrix" to be filmed, so just be an assistant. Who makes her want to stand out so much!

If you want to make progress, don’t be shabby!

A day later, the two of them took a plane to the capital. After landing, they naturally chose a five-star hotel. They also paid for the hotel to provide a car for easy travel, but they showed off their style.

During dinner in the evening, Li Meiqi couldn't help but ask, "When did we go to the audit?"

Jiang Heng ate the steak with a knife and fork, "Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry!"

Seeing that Li Meiqi still looked confused, Jiang Heng explained: "There are many brokers in the capital. As long as the news is released, someone will come to you soon."

"can you?"

Li Meiqi was still a little skeptical, but considering that the two of them were unfamiliar with each other when they first arrived here, this should be the best way.

Otherwise, it will be like headless flies scurrying around, and I'm afraid there won't be very good results.

Little did they know that Jiang Heng had lived here for many years in his previous life and was very familiar with the development of the mainland entertainment industry.

In the mainland entertainment market in 1997, many well-known film and television companies had not yet been established. Even Huayi Brothers, known as the number one private film company, is currently filming GG and has not yet entered into film and television investment.

The only ones with distribution capabilities are some state-owned film studios, but they are inevitably a little too ambitious.

If an unknown Xiangjiang filmmaker like Jiang Heng goes to him directly, he is afraid that he will be regarded as a liar.

As for reviewing it first, it is even more unreliable. If there is no person with good connections to smooth the relationship, "The Matrix" may be cut to pieces. In that case, it would be better not to release it!

So Jiang Heng's idea was to sit in a five-star hotel and wait for people with connections and ambitions in the film industry to come to him.

The situation was just as he expected. When he released the news that a Hong Kong film with Hollywood special effects was ready to be released in the mainland, it really caused a small-scale heated discussion in the Beijing film and television circles.

But I never expected that the first person I found would be Uncle Ma Weidu!

Ma Weidu is known as "Master Ma" and is known as "The No. 1 Collector in Beijing". He has written novels. He once set up the "Haima Film and Television Studio" with Wang Shuo and Liu Zhenyun, and created the influential TV series "The Story of the Editorial Department" ”, “Hippocampus Cabaret”, etc.

This can be considered a figure who has one foot in the film and television industry and one foot in the collecting industry.

It was probably because there were so many appraisals on weekdays that others encouraged him to come over and check out Jiang Heng's worth.

The three of them sat in the hotel restaurant and talked about Beijing's antiques, collections, culture, and architecture. Ma Weidu talked eloquently, and Jiang Heng was able to keep up with the situation. From time to time, he would say a few words about Beijing movies, but Li Meiqi was confused.

She had already asked others about Jiang Heng's background. He was a native of Xiangjiang and had never left Xiangjiang before the filming of "The Matrix" started.

How could he know so much about the capital and how could he say what he said?

Ma Wei on the opposite side was also a little confused. He felt that his eyes were like lightning, and nothing could be hidden from his eyes. No matter how skilled you were, you couldn't deceive him.

But after chatting with Jiang Heng, I became more and more unable to judge, and finally left with more doubts.

At Huayi Brothers Company, Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei were sitting in the office, analyzing the information they had learned.

"Over in Xiangjiang, I found out something useful. They said that Jiang Heng's father died and left tens of millions in property. This guy used to be a sidekick, but now that he has money, he has somehow proven himself. He actually wants to be a director and make movies. , fooled two new actors, found a few veteran actors and started filming.

After the filming was completed, he said he would go abroad to do special effects, but he was gone for several months anyway! "

After Wang Zhonglei said this, he concluded, "He is just a rich second generation who doesn't know what the world is and what a prodigal son!"

Wang Zhongjun nodded slightly, basically agreeing with his brother's words, and feeling a little envious at the same time.

Tens of millions in 1997, what a huge fortune it was, and it was so messed up!

"If this is the case, we need to get in touch, maybe it can help us make money!" Wang Zhongjun said meaningfully.

Wang Zhonglei smiled, "I have the same idea. That person doesn't sound very smart. Let's just buy his film at a low price and get involved in the film and television industry!"

In the original history, Huayi would invest in Director Feng's new film "Endless" more than half a year later and transform into a film and television production company.

Naturally, such a big matter was not decided by the two brothers over a drink and patting their heads. They started thinking about it long before.

Now that they encountered Jiang Heng, the two brothers had other ideas and wanted to release Hong Kong films at a lower price.

The film market in Hong Kong is in a slump. In the mainland, affected by the spread of videotapes, Hong Kong films are becoming more and more popular among young people.

As a result, in the early days of the rise of domestic entertainment, Hong Kong stars were very popular, but popular mainland actors could only play supporting roles, which shows the influence of Hong Kong films.

That is to say, Jiang Heng is unknown, and things seem very strange.

If a popular movie star came with a big production, the hotel would probably be packed.

The Wang brothers took a liking to Jiang Heng's film, and a young cadre of Beijing Film Studio also saw Jiang Heng's appearance as an opportunity.

He walked directly into the hotel where Jiang Heng was staying, asked the front desk to call Jiang Heng's room, and left his name - Yu Dong.

As a result, the front desk told him that the Xiangjiang man was not in the room and should have driven out.

Yu Dong had no choice but to stay in the hotel lobby and waited for nearly two hours before he saw the handsome Jiang Heng and the tall and beautiful Li Meiqi arriving hand in hand.

"Hello, are you from Xiangjiang, Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Heng smiled, stretched out his hand and said, "It's me, who are you?"

"Hello, I am the director of the distribution department of Beijing Film Studio. My name is Yu Dong. I heard that Mr. Jiang has a movie to be distributed in the mainland. I wonder if we have a chance to cooperate!"

Jiang Heng said: "I wonder if Director Yu is talking to me about this matter in the name of Beijing Film Studio or in his own name!"

Yu Dong was stunned when he heard this. He had had the idea of ​​starting his own business, but he had not yet put it into practice. After all, he was still highly regarded in Beijing Film Studio.

Of course, now that all walks of life in the country are developing rapidly, doing business in the sea is like a crucian carp crossing a river. He will do it sooner or later, but he has not made up his mind yet!

Jiang Heng can say this, it seems that he is not an ordinary person!

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