In his previous life, Jiang Heng could only be considered a minor player in the Chinese film industry and had little interaction with big companies like Bona.

But he still knew something about Yu Dong.

This is a man who is very ambitious, very capable, and knows both strategy and calculation.

He had a good drinking capacity. When he first joined China Film Publishing Co., Ltd. as a distributor, he would carry a copy with him everywhere and drink heavily every day, three times a day from morning to night.

Most people simply can't stand it, but he made his business better because of it.

In 1999, he and his family and friends raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to establish Bona Company, but they also kicked out many entrepreneurial veterans before the U.S. stock market hit in 2010.

He was good at borrowing power, and in 1997 and 1998, he began to drink and build relationships with media people in major cities.

I am indeed hardworking enough. The legend of "selling a copy of a glass of wine and earning 10,000 yuan per copy" has been circulating in the world.

He is good at layout. He binds the Xiangjiang film market through Wen Ruo, Xu Ke and others, and adopts the strategy of full package throughout the year, paying a deposit in advance, and then making specific bids and settlements after completion.

In the years from 2003 to 2008, 80% of Hong Kong films were distributed through Bona, and they were deeply tied to major Hong Kong directors such as Xu Ke, Lin Chaoxian, and Wang Jing.

In short, in Jiang Heng's view, he is a heroic figure in the Chinese film industry.

You can cooperate, but you have to be careful, but as long as the methods and means are appropriate, you can still bring huge benefits to yourself.

Jiang Heng was sure of winning, but Yu Dong felt a chill down his spine. He felt that the young and handsome Xiangjiang man in front of him seemed to be able to see through his thoughts, which made him very uncomfortable.

"I am from Beijing Film Studio, so naturally I am here to discuss cooperation on behalf of the factory!"

"Oh, that's such a pity. I thought Director Yu was here on my behalf!"

Yu Dong was a little moved, but said: "I am a person who can distinguish between public and private affairs!"

Jiang Heng sighed, "I've heard that Director Yu is good at film distribution, and I want to cooperate with you! On behalf of Beijing Film Studio...!"

Yu Dong said hurriedly: "Actually, I have also thought about taking a leave of absence without pay, but there is no suitable opportunity!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "It's here now, let's go to the restaurant to talk in detail!"

Naturally, Yu Dong would not refuse and followed Jiang Heng and Li Meiqi to the hotel restaurant.

After everyone sat down, Yu Dong asked: "Mr. Jiang, have you heard of my name?"

"Have heard a little bit!"

"It seems that I have been prepared for it!"

Jiang Hengdao: "I just made a good movie and it's ready for global distribution! The mainland has a large population and huge market potential. I originally wanted to sell the film to companies such as Beijing Film Studio and Hua Xia. But after seeing Mr. Yu, I changed my mind Okay. Let’s set up a distribution company and make money from it, right?”

Yu Dong was a little confused after hearing this. He was not very young, but he was already an old man.

I had three big drinks a day and heard many lofty words.

Nothing like tiling the Forbidden City or lining the Great Wall with gold was as shocking as what I heard at this moment.

A man from Xiangjiang has made a movie and comes over with a copy and says he wants to partner with you to open a distribution company to help you make money and make money. No matter how you sound, he sounds like a liar!

The problem is that if they jointly develop a publishing company, Jiang Heng will definitely contribute the money and he will contribute the effort. I can’t figure out what he could be deceiving.

"How much money is Mr. Jiang prepared to take if he opens a company?"

Jiang Heng smiled slightly and stretched out a finger, "I'll give you one million!"

Yu Dong's eyes lit up. He had worked for five years and had a net worth of less than 100,000. He already felt that he was among the best among men.

Looking at Jiang Heng's courage to spend a lot of money, I was severely stimulated again.

One million, how many drinks did he have to drink and how many copies did he sell to earn so much money, but the young man in front of him took it out without blinking!

Of course, Jiang Heng didn't spend any real money at this moment, but he felt that the other party had the strength.

"If I have one million funds and my publishing team, I am fully capable...!"

Before he finished speaking, a waiter stood far away, as if waiting for the right moment to come forward and speak.

Jiang Heng waited for Yu Dong to finish speaking, then waved to the waiter, "What can I do?"

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, there is a call from the front desk saying that two Mr. Wang want to see you and they are already in the lobby downstairs!"

"Two Mr. Wang?"

"Well, one is named Wang Zhongjun and the other is named Wang Zhonglei!"

Yu Dong's expression changed when he heard this. If there was no talk of cooperation, he wouldn't have paid much attention to Jiang Heng.

Now I heard that the other party was willing to invest 1 million to jointly develop a company with him, and when I was thinking about how to get more shares, I heard that the Wang brothers were coming over, and I felt instantly bad.

Jiang Heng was a little surprised. He expected that the Wang brothers would come over, but he didn't expect it to be such a coincidence.

Although I have no plans to cooperate with Huayi, with the Wang brothers here, the price can be lowered!

"Invite them over!"

After Jiang Heng said that, he handed over a tip.

The waiter was overjoyed and turned to invite the Wang brothers.

Yu Dong couldn't hide his depression, "Mr. Jiang, are you also interested in cooperating with Huayi?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said: "Business matters are always difficult to discuss. Everything is a matter of negotiation. Joint development of a publishing company is one way, and agency distribution is also a way. It just depends on which side has higher profits!"

Yu Dong was so depressed that he wanted to throw the plate. The man in front of him changed his face too quickly. Where was your face just now that was eager for talents and waiting to cooperate with me?

The Wang brothers came quickly and were stunned when they saw Yu Dong sitting opposite Jiang Heng.

This person has a very strong business ability, and with the big tree of Beijing Film Studio at his back, if Yu Dong wants to compete, he may not be able to buy it at a low price.

Several people stood up and introduced themselves to each other. Wang Zhongjun said, "Mr. Jiang, how much do you plan to sell the copyright for?"

All films imported and distributed from foreign countries and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are called imported films, including split-account films, batch films and co-production films.

Split-account films are imported films in which the producer does not sell the distribution rights outright, but entrusts an intermediary agency to distribute them, and agrees on a ratio in advance, and shares the profits and risks according to the box office revenue of the film.

Batch films refer to films in which the producer sells the distribution rights of a country or region for a certain period of time at a fixed price at one time, the buyer is responsible for the profit and loss, and the producer does not take the box office share.

Such films are often much smaller than split-account films, and the buyout fee is lower. Usually, the buyout of multiple films in a package means "wholesale", so they are called batch films.

And batch films are the way for domestic private film companies to enter the imported film market. Generally, the Chinese side buys out the copyright of the film and distributes it in the mainland market, and the risks of film review and approval are also borne by the buyer company.

Under the domestic system and censorship environment, importing batches of films often involves gambling. For small and medium-sized companies, if they are right, they can win big with a small investment, but if they are wrong, they will lose everything.

Originally, Yu Dong in history started his career by winning two films, "My Brothers and Sisters" and "Legend of Tianmai".

The Wang brothers asked this question, and it is obvious that they have the idea of ​​winning big with a small investment!

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