China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 71: Watching Liu Tianxian in North America

Inviting China Film Group into the game is a kind of reciprocation.

After all, in the original history, China Film Group cooperated with Xingmei to jointly create China Film Xingmei Cinema Company.

The so-called end of the business model is nothing more than lending and collecting rent. Theater chains are a good business to just sit there and collect money, not to mention owning a theater chain has a huge influence in the film industry.

Even famous directors and producers must find ways to build good relationships with theater chains.

Now that China Film Group has extended an olive branch, Jiang Heng has to give back to the other party!

Allowing China Film to participate in the production and distribution of "Pacific Rim" will not only bring fame and benefits to the other party, but also provide Jiang Heng with convenience in filming. It can be regarded as a win-win situation of cooperation.

For a period of time after that, Jiang Heng continued to rewrite scripts at home, occasionally going out to socialize, and his life was quite comfortable.

But on the Colombian side, Pascal led the company's executives to repeatedly study and judge the box office of "Ling and Camel Ridge" and believed that it might cause a huge sensation, and finally decided to vigorously promote it.

There are all kinds of outdoor GGs everywhere, and there are also promotional messages about "Shituoling" on radio, television, the Internet and other media.

For a time, Americans and Canadians who were even slightly interested in movies knew that there was a super mythical blockbuster produced in China that would be released in the summer.

In New York, in a high-end apartment in the central area of ​​the city, Liu Tianxian is writing furiously in the room.

At only thirteen years old, she was already a graceful figure, but her face was still a little immature.

She was born in 1987 and went to elementary school in Wuhan. It was not until 1997 that she began to study in the United States.

When I first came here, I definitely didn’t feel comfortable and didn’t have many friends.

But as time goes by, I get used to it.

But recently, some classmates in the class always called her to ask her what the story of the super-good-looking "Devil's Land" (the English title of Shituoling) was about, and whether it was good or not!

Liu Tianxian was confused at first. Her mother was very strict with her and many entertainment activities were prohibited.

Fortunately, I have read "Journey to the West". After learning that "Devil's Land" was adapted from the several episodes of Shituoling in "Journey to the West", I popularized this story with my classmates and gave them the evaluation that it was very exciting. , worth looking forward to.

But she didn't know what the movie was like. Instead, she had to wait for her classmates to give her feedback.

"Crystal Liu, I really can't believe that it was actually a work made by a Chinese director. It's really shocking. I don't know how to describe it in words. The feeling it gave me is beyond anything I've seen before. A Hollywood blockbuster. Really, the scene where the protagonist turns rocks into armor and fire into a cloak is so cool that I feel like I'm going to pee..."

The most famous little girl in the class was chattering on the phone, saying how good that movie was and that she strongly recommended watching it.

Liu Tianxian reacted indifferently, because her classmate has such an exaggerated character and likes to use the most exaggerated words to describe everything she encounters.

"Well, okay, I will go and see it when I have time, thank you!"

After hanging up the phone, she started working on her homework again.

Her mother has very high expectations for her and hopes that she can complete her credits as soon as possible. Therefore, despite the summer vacation, Liu Tianxian is still studying hard.

The phone rang again, and another female classmate called, "Crystal Liu, you really should watch it. This movie is so good, the plot is so smooth that you can't stop at all, and the visual effects surpass other movies! "Jurassic Park" The dinosaurs in it are shocking, every 'super monster' that appears in it is more powerful than the Tyrannosaurus rex, especially the scene where the golden-winged bird swoops down from the sky and catches the protagonist, I almost suffocated when I saw it!

No, I want to go see it again tomorrow. Do you want to come with me? "

"Well, maybe next time, I still have a lot of books to read!"

"I really don't understand why you Chinese people are so anxious and tired. Why do you have to complete your credits in advance when you obviously have a lot of time!"

Liu Tianxian didn't know how to explain it. Fortunately, this classmate just wanted to share his experience of watching the movie. Seeing Liu Tianxian's silence, he just hung up.

For several days in a row, Liu Tianxian always received such feedback, so that it kept popping up in his mind. It was a really good movie. Maybe I should go and watch it!

While eating that day, Liu Xiaoli suddenly said: "Qian Qian, what do you want to do these two days?"

Liu Tianxian looked up blankly, then shook his head and lowered his head to eat.

"Speak out if you have anything to say, don't hold it in your heart!" Liu Xiaoli continued.

"Well, recently, my classmates have all said that the movie "The Lion and the Camel" is very good!" Liu Tianxian said softly.

"Shituoling?" Liu Xiaoli was confused.

Her husband said: "It was filmed by the director of "Infamous Land" and "The Matrix". My colleagues said it was very good. If it weren't for the recent busy schedule, I would have taken you there!"

Liu Tianxian's eyes lit up, but he still said nothing.

"Really, you can take a look at that!"

Liu Xiaoli muttered to herself, then looked at Liu Tianxian, "How do you feel about the things I asked you to learn?"

“I’ve read everything and done all the questions!”

"Then go this weekend, my dear!" Liu Xiaoli said to her husband.

The latter said, "Okay, then I'll wait and buy tickets. I heard that this movie is very popular, and it's hard to get a ticket in any better theater."

Liu Xiaoli smiled, "It's hard for others to get a vote, but it certainly won't be hard for you!"

"of course!"

On a weekend in mid-August, Liu Tianxian and her family of three came to a movie theater in Manhattan.

Looking around, all the audiences were well-dressed and beautifully dressed.

When discussing the amazing box office performance and reputation of "Devil's Land", they were also pretentious.

"I can't believe that so many Hollywood blockbusters were defeated by a Chinese movie!"

"Yes, how could such a backward place give birth to such advanced audio-visual language? Aren't they the best at filming poor and backward things?"

"I can't figure it out!"

"These big Hollywood companies are still vowing to go to China to occupy the market, but they were beaten in by others without paying attention. It's really embarrassing!"

"But it is said that the audio-visual effects of this film are super shocking!"

"If it weren't for this, why would I line up to watch Chinese movies!"

"That's it!"

Liu Tianxian, who was in the line, listened to the discussion of those Americans, and suddenly had a strange idea in his heart.

Perhaps studying hard is not the only way out.

Not long after, they finally entered the venue.

After entering the theater and sitting down, after watching a few opening credits, the main film began.

The first scene was the exciting scene of the monk being killed. Fortunately, it was not NC-17 and there was a guardian accompanying her, so the young Liu Tianxian could watch the movie.

As a result, she found that compared with the audio-visual images later, the excitement in the front was really not even an appetizer.

Liu Tianxian had only one thought in her mind, "This movie is too exciting!"

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