China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 72: Temporarily ranked first in the year

The cinema equipment and decoration standards in Manhattan should be second to none in North America!

The screen is wide and bright, the sound system is surround, and it is a visual feast with special effects such as "Lion Camel Ridge".

The audience in the venue was immersed in it and was deeply shocked.

But the most shocked person was Liu Xiaoli.

Before she went abroad, she had been a dancer in Wuhan Song and Dance Theater. She also played Mrs. Xiang in the musical "Chu Yun". She was considered a half-Chinese entertainment circle and had some understanding of the domestic film market.

In her impression, Chinese films are Zhang Yimou's "To Live", Chen Kaige's "Farewell My Concubine", Jiang Wen's "Sunny Days", the grandeur of "The Decisive Battle", and the twists and turns of "Comrades: Almost a Love Story".

These excellent Chinese films have a common feature, that is, their colors are all gray.

Perhaps this is why Zhang Yimou attaches too much importance to the color matching of the film.

He wants to make a breakthrough and create his own school.

In terms of effect, it was indeed achieved, and the name of "national master" was widely spread.

The audience criticized him for not telling a good story, but no one questioned his movie pictures.

Liu Xiaoli's feeling at this moment was a bit similar to the first time Chinese people watched "Hero". They never thought that the pictures of Chinese-language movies could be so vivid.

Coupled with the smooth story rhythm and the dazzling special effects fighting, she was fascinated and couldn't calm down for a long time.

After leaving the theater, clips from the movie kept appearing in her mind.

"I can't believe that Chinese-language movies can be so good. It seems that none of the Hollywood blockbusters released this year can compare to it!" Liu Xiaoli, who sat in the co-pilot, sighed.

Her remarried husband also said: "Yes, I have always heard colleagues say how good this movie is, but I still don't believe it. I really didn't expect it to be so good!"

"Xixi, what do you think?"

Liu Tianxian, who was sitting in the back, was stunned when she heard her mother's question, and then said: "Ah, it is very good!"

Seeing that her daughter was a little absent-minded, Liu Xiaoli wondered why she was depressed after watching this movie, which was her daughter's suggestion.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I'm thinking about how long it will take to complete the credits and end my high school career early!"

Liu Xiaoli was overjoyed when she heard this, and said to her husband: "Look, our Xixi is getting more and more sensible!"

"Yes, she is smart and sensible!"

After the topic was changed, Liu Xiaoli didn't continue. After the three drove home, they went back to their bedrooms.

Just looking at the piles of study materials on the desk, her heart became impetuous.

The shocking scenes in "Lion Camel Ridge" kept appearing in front of her, and she felt the charm of the movie for the first time.

In the next few days, Liu Tianxian was quite depressed, and Liu Xiaoli didn't say anything when she asked.

Until one day, the mother and daughter were at home, "Mom, there is something I want to tell you!"

Liu Xiaoli knew that her daughter was worried, so she was not surprised.

"What is it, tell me!"

"I want to be a movie actor!"

"What did you say?"

Liu Xiaoli was stunned. She had some ideas about her daughter's future, but she had never thought of letting her be an actor. After all, she had heard about how difficult it was to get into the entertainment industry.

"Why do you have this idea? Just because of the movie you watched a few days ago?"

"Yes, but not entirely!"

Liu Xiaoli took her daughter's hand and sat on the sofa, "Then tell me slowly!"

"I was watching Audrey Hepburn on TV before, and I was very envious and wanted to be like her, but it was just an idea. Until I watched "Lion Camel Ridge" a few days ago, I felt that the movie was very good and wanted to be an actor."

Liu Xiaoli was stunned after hearing this.

I really didn't expect that my daughter would have such thoughts at such a young age.

Her expectation for her daughter was just that she would achieve success in dancing!

"Xixi, it's a good thing that you have ideas about your life at this age. Mom is very happy. But it's not easy to become an excellent actor. You have to endure a lot of hardships and suffer a lot. Do you understand?

The hardship you are studying now is nothing in comparison, do you know?"

Liu Tianxian was unshakable, with a tender face and firm eyes, "Xixi is not afraid!"

Liu Xiaoli hugged her daughter with tears in her eyes, "I'm afraid, you know how much hardship your mother has endured for you, how can I bear to see you suffer!"

Seeing her mother's emotional excitement, Liu Tianxian could only comfort her softly, and her desire to become an actor could only come to an end.

In the North American film market, "Lion Camel Ridge" came out, and the box office reached an astonishing 55 million US dollars in the first three days of the weekend. Among the Hollywood films released in 2000, it was second only to the first weekend box office of 57.84 million of "Mission Impossible 2". The North American box office results of the former have been released, reaching 215 million US dollars.

What's even worse is that the director of Mission: Impossible 2 is Wu Yusen.

If the first and second place in the North American box office rankings in 2000 were occupied by two directors from Hong Kong, the entire Hollywood would lose face, and the newspapers were full of news about the "threat theory" of Chinese directors.

However, the reputation of Mission: Impossible 2 ranked last in the entire series, and the box office results can be said to be high at the beginning and low at the end.

However, Lion Camel Ridge received unanimous praise as soon as it was released, and the final box office results will definitely exceed Mission: Impossible 2.

It would be a joke if a Chinese mythical blockbuster won the annual North American box office championship.

For a while, many major media outlets across the United States suddenly criticized "Lion Camel Ridge", leaving many viewers at a loss.

Because everyone around me who had seen it said it was good, and the media a while ago also said it was a surprise, why did it suddenly become bad?

Then I went to watch it with curiosity, and damn, the visual effects were explosive!

Throughout August, the North American summer season became the world of "Lion Camel Ridge", and the films released in the next one or two weeks all became cannon fodder, and none of them could compete.

The performance of "Lion Camel Ridge" also ran wild, breaking through 100 million US dollars and 200 million US dollars successively, and finally won 260 million North American box office results, temporarily ranking first in the year.

This result really scared the major Hollywood film producers and a group of filmmakers.

You can't really let a Chinese-language movie dominate the North American annual box office list, then they will have no face.

It's a pity that there are not many movies that can compete with the box office this year. If there were "Titanic" with a North American box office of 659 million in 1997 and "Star Wars Episode 1" with a North American box office of 430 million in 1999, it would not be like this!

When the news came back to China, it caused a great sensation. A group of friends came to congratulate Jiang Heng, as if "Lion Camel Ridge" had already won the annual championship.

Jiang Heng knew that "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" starring Jim Carrey at the end of the year had almost the same results.

Not to mention that the box office is expected to surpass it, even if it is not as high as "Lion Camel Ridge", the final box office results reported must be higher than "Lion Camel Ridge".

They have never been a man of martial ethics!

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