In Beijing, in front of the newly-listed Good Time Special Effects Company, Jiang Heng, Han Sanping and leaders of relevant departments lined up neatly, and together they used scissors to cut the red silk in front of them.

CCTV reporters used cameras to record this historic scene.

As the first film and television special effects company in the country, the establishment of Good Times received preferential treatment, and even the office space was provided by the government.

Of course, Jiang Heng is not short of rent, and he is even more interested in building his own office building.

After all, housing prices in Beijing have been rising since 2000.

It's just that the land in the capital was stared at by too many people, and it was difficult to make a strong move if there was no suitable one, so it was delayed.

I thought that after the filming of "Pacific Rim" was completed, I would have to settle the land issue and then start planning for the next film.

After cutting the ribbon, Jiang Heng led a group of leaders to visit the company. Looking at the various advanced equipment in the office area, as well as the various faces and even foreign employees recruited, the leaders were very happy and encouraged Jiang Heng, hoping that he would Can produce more and better films and make greater contributions to the Chinese film market.

Jiang Heng naturally also wanted to express his position, saying that the decline of the Chinese film market was just a temporary low point.

With the continuous development of China's economy and the gradual advancement of urbanization, more and more people will develop the consumption habit of watching movies.

With the increase in the number of movie fans, various genres of films have a place to survive and gradually grow, eventually presenting a beautiful situation where a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred flowers bloom.

The leader was a little surprised when he heard this, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the young comrade is not only good at making movies, but also has a high level of consciousness!"

Jiang Heng said with a smile: "I just feel that China, which has lasted for five thousand years and has more than one billion people, and the film market, which is such an important cultural propaganda position, cannot be allowed to run amok by Hollywood!"


But the leader didn't say anything, and an old comrade spoke up first to praise him.

Maybe it’s because he’s old and has no desires. This person didn’t care too much and directly expressed his thoughts: “I don’t like old American movies. What the hell, they promote their stuff all day long. What about saving the soldiers?” Movie, isn't that nonsense? In order to save a soldier, a group of people died. That boy's life is important, but the rest are not? In order to drive away the Japanese and Chiang Kai-shek, our soldiers charged bravely. How many people have died if we all consider who is the last child in the family? How can we fight this battle..."

The old comrades are fierce and criticize Hollywood blockbusters.

Others also expressed their opinions and spoke their minds.

At the end, the leader of the team made a concluding speech, hoping that Jiang Heng could continue to play his role as a "leader", produce more and better special effects blockbusters, and drive the Chinese film market to flourish...

At the end of the event, the leaders and others left, but Han Sanping stayed.

In the office of the chairman of Good Times, he was quite surprised and said: "I didn't notice it, but you are really aware. What, do you want me to help you get an identity?"

Jiang Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "You heard what the leader said just now. Making special effects blockbusters and being a leader in Chinese-language films is the task given to me by the times. If I don't want to complete it well and think about other things, then Isn’t it putting the cart before the horse?”

Han Sanping nodded, "That's right. Do what you should do in a down-to-earth manner, and I will definitely give you what is due."

Having said that, I was still shocked, and for a moment I didn't know what to say.

Jiang Heng said: "Columbia Company has already given me a reply. They will send a project team over to discuss the investment ratio, production and distribution tasks of the three companies. The male and female actors must be Chinese. People, the rest will be based on Hollywood!”

Han Sanping said: "That's no problem. It's an international blockbuster. It's originally about humans uniting to fight against monsters. What do you think about the male protagonist?"

"I still prefer Yan Zu. His appearance, acting skills, and reputation are all fine, and Columbia Company won't have any objections!"

Han Sanping felt a little disappointed when he heard this, but he also knew that he was a little impatient.

In his expectation, he naturally hopes that Jiang Heng's films will continue to use mainland artists, and then create a group of mainland stars recognized by the market.

However, for an international blockbuster like "Pacific Rim" with a huge investment, it is really difficult for a mainland newcomer to serve as the male lead.

But as for the female protagonist, Han Sanping thinks she can fight for it.

"As for the heroine, how about the selection in mainland China?"

Jiang Heng was stunned and said with a smile: "If you say that, I definitely agree!"

In fact, Jiang Heng himself has no intention of using Li Meiqi as the heroine of his new film.

After all, she and Wu Yanzu have already collaborated twice, and after a few more collaborations, the IPs will be bound.

Furthermore, unlike Jiang Wen and Section Chief Jia, Jiang Heng has no regard for what the audience thinks and uses his wife as the heroine in almost every work.

He still hopes that each of his films can give the audience some new feelings.

As the news spread that Jiang Heng's new film would choose a female lead from a mainland actress, the Chinese entertainment industry was in a state of excitement.

Especially some actresses who are of the right age and have beautiful looks, they all think it is an opportunity.

The popularity of "Shituoling" has just passed, and the box office prospects of the new film are also promising.

I also heard that it was a collaboration between Ayoteon, China Film and Columbia, as well as Hollywood artists, and these female artists were even more excited.

Jiang Heng's first three works can only be called Chinese-language movies, but this one is an international blockbuster. As long as he can play the female lead, his net worth will definitely increase dramatically.

For a time, these artists showed their talents and made inquiries in many ways.

Many financial backers and big bosses also came out one after another. A coal boss even came directly to Aiyouteng Pictures. After entering the boss's office, he ordered someone to pour out a sack of cash, "Help me tell your boss, as long as I can get My girlfriend plays the leading role and I pay 10 million!”

The general manager in charge of the company's business was dumbfounded. He had long heard that the coal boss was arrogant, but now he saw it.

Furthermore, although he is the boss, he is also a part-time worker. He has never seen so much money and cash.

By the way, how much is this? Can one sack cost ten million?

The boss was stunned for more than ten seconds, during which the coal boss sat on the sofa carelessly, smoking a cigar, smiling and saying nothing.

"Well, this boss, I understand very well that you want to flatter your girlfriend, but our boss is not short of money! A movie has a global box office of hundreds of millions of dollars, and the profit is no less than yours!"

When the coal boss heard this, his expression changed, and he immediately smiled and said: "I don't have any other meaning. I just admire Director Jiang and want to make friends with him. By the way, I would like to recommend my friend. There are absolutely no conditions to be specified. Everything must be done." Yes, everyone is happy!"

The general manager was helpless and could only call Jiang Heng to ask for instructions on what to do.

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