Jiang Heng was also a little confused when he received the call.

I knew the coal boss was arrogant, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant.

I remember that the famous screenwriter Wang Hailin once said that he missed the days when coal bosses were investors. They were very nice and had no other requirements except for actresses. I will not interfere in creation, because blind interference in coal mines can kill people, so I have a sense of safety in production.

When real estate developers invested in the film and television industry, it was not bad. At most, they had more management awareness.

Internet capital is the worst. Only looking at big data, traffic, and IP, the film and television industry has become more and more outrageous.

In contrast, film and television creators twenty years later miss Boss Coal even more.

Jiang Heng didn't feel anything at all. He was not short of project funds and would definitely not take other people's money easily.

He would not offend anyone casually. Those who could make a lot of money from mining in the 1980s and 1990s did not have a fuel-efficient lamp.

I drove back to the company and had a polite conversation with the coal boss, only to find out that this man was not just a coal mine trader. He relied on a variety of channels and means to operate his business and had a strong net worth.

Jiang Heng suddenly understood. After all, in his impression, the "golden age" of coal bosses would have to wait several years to come.

After hearing this, it is even less possible to take his money.

Jiang Heng was afraid of being entangled by social groups, so he lived in the mainland all year round and rarely lived in Xiangjiang.

I looked at the photo of my girlfriend provided by the coal boss and found that she was also an actress in the industry. She had a good appearance and temperament, but she was not very famous at this time.

"Director Jiang, would you like to think about it?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "It looks good, but this drama is invested by three companies, so I can't make a final decision. It also depends on the matching of the characters. In this case, I will definitely not accept the money. You can take it out." Go ahead and ask her to come and audition at the announced time!”

The coal boss probably used the money as a stepping stone. Without this performance, he probably wouldn't have met Jiang Heng.

And even if things don't work out, I still have an explanation to my girlfriend when I go back.

I even brought the money in a sack and threw it in front of others, but he wouldn’t accept it, so there was nothing I could do!

This man did not shirk at all, he smiled and ordered people to put the money back into the sack, "Director Jiang is a person who has brought honor to the country. We do not force others to do anything. We only hope that when several actors are of similar strength, they will give us more consideration." That one will definitely be rewarded heavily!”

Jiang Heng didn't believe what he said, but said: "Don't worry, I will definitely give it priority!"

After a few exchanges of words, the businessman finally sent this person away.

The boss of the company seemed to have just come to his senses and said, "Hey, this guy is very quick to spread his money and he is also very deft when it comes to showing off his money. I thought he would shirk it!"

Jiang Heng said: "So, money is for women as well as for men. If he doesn't do this, I won't have time to care about him!"

"By the way, I'll hire more security guards later. I'm afraid other bosses will follow my example and come over to throw money at me and recommend their girlfriends!"

"Well, I'll do it right now!" the company boss responded quickly, and then said with emotion: "Director Jiang, if you were any other director in the country, you wouldn't be able to get this kind of treatment!"

Jiang Heng said bitterly: "This money is hot to the touch, and I can't possibly ask for it. It will only cause trouble for me! Okay, if a similar situation happens again, just watch and handle it, and just say that you can't contact me at all!" He left the company immediately.

He really made the right move. In the next few days, the wholly-owned Jingcheng Aiyouteng Pictures, the Beijing Good Time Special Effects Company, the controlled Bona Pictures, and Xiangjiang's Youteng Pictures had various projects. Bosses, big and small, came to visit him, and some influential people even called him.

Fortunately, several phones were turned off, so we could have a moment of peace.

Soon the originally scheduled date for the audition came. Jiang Heng went to the venue early and found that there was still a long queue.

At a casual glance, I saw several female stars who would emerge in the future, but their aura was much worse.

It can be seen that a person's achievements and status have a great impact on his appearance and expression.

Many celebrities looked quite tacky before they became successful.

Entering the audition hall, someone quickly sent a list of names, and there were even more familiar names.

There are popular actresses who are about to become famous, and there are also actresses who have not become famous but have always had a good reputation.

After thinking about the performance of these people in the film, Jiang Heng was already pretty sure.

Because there are super microscopic computers, even if you don't come to audition, the shots after the makeup is set can still be "deduced".

But the required procedures still need to be followed.

After thinking about it for a while, the representatives of Columbia Company arrived. Because it was agreed in advance that the male and female protagonists would be decided by Jiang Heng, their coming here was just a formality.

As long as Jiang Heng's casting choice is not too outrageous, no one will object, let alone come early to wait.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Jiang Heng looked at his watch and ordered his assistant to let the actors come in for the audition.

The first one is an innocent bit-part actress. She looks decent and has acting experience, but she will not become popular in the future.

Jiang Heng naturally didn't take it too seriously and just asked this person to perform according to the predetermined requirements.

It can be seen that she performed very hard, but the effect can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

At the same time, it gave Jiang Heng a familiar feeling, and he immediately thought of the performance of the heroine in Zhou Xingxing's "The New King of Comedy", which was the feeling of exerting too much force!

I secretly sighed in my heart, in a place like the entertainment industry, it is very important for God to provide food for you.

Without talent, background, and resources, it is difficult to get ahead just by working hard.

He looked very handsome in his previous life, but he still couldn't get away with it.

How many handsome men and beautiful women have no roles to play, while those who are ugly and weird can be the protagonists of idol dramas, where can they go to complain?


The assistant called a stop, and seeing that Jiang Heng had no other expression, he followed the routine procedure and asked the girl to go back and wait for news.

"Director Jiang, I'm sorry, I was too nervous, I didn't perform well, I can...!"

Jiang Heng still had no expression on his face. People are like this. When you get a certain amount of resource allocation rights, you will see all kinds of people, some spend money, some sell misery, and some devote themselves.

If one can't control himself, things will be hard to say.

The several staff members present have seen this kind of thing a lot, and they hurriedly took the girl out.


The second person to come in was actually Little Goose Princess.

Jiang Heng frowned slightly, and subconsciously glanced at the senior executives of China Film next to him, who actually introduced Jiang Heng directly.

After the conversation, Jiang Heng did not express his opinion, but just said expressionlessly, "Let's start!"

The person in the audience panicked instantly. According to her initial expectation, even if Director Jiang did not say a few polite words, he should at least smile!

What does this expressionless face mean? I have never offended him!

The two of them have never met before, so even if I want to offend him, I have no chance!

When my thoughts are confused, my performance is bad, and the effect is not as good as the first one!

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