Xiao Yanzi didn't know how she finished the performance or how she walked out. She felt her mind was blank.

After she went out, an assistant came forward to ask about the audition, and she shook her head blankly.

Seeing Fan Qiaoqiao waving at her in the team, she subconsciously went over.

"How was the audition just now?"

"It was okay. They just asked me to go back and wait for news!"

Fan Qiaoqiao said: "That's all. With your strength and fame, I thought it had to be you!"

The others turned their heads and looked over when they heard this.

Seeing that it was these two, they turned their heads again and complained in their hearts.

Xiaoyanzi laughed at herself, "My fame in the TV circle is nothing in the film circle, let alone international blockbusters!"

Fan Qiaoqiao thought to himself, "It's good that you know!"

But he said, "You are still famous after all, unlike us, who can only leave it to fate!"

Xiaoyanzi sneered, "Not necessarily, I heard that some people have entrusted their connections to Director Jiang's friends, such as several action stars in Hong Kong, who have spoken for several people!"

As soon as these words came out, several female artists in the queue collapsed, and cursed the crew for being unfair and operating behind the scenes.

Fan Qiaoqiao, however, was calm and not affected at all, "Oh, that's really enviable, I...!"

"Um, those who have finished the audition, please leave immediately and don't affect others!"

But it was the staff on the scene who couldn't help but remind them.

At first, he wanted to turn a blind eye, after all, they were artists with a little fame, and it would be bad to offend them.

It can be seen that the two of them became more and more excited, affecting the people around them, and they couldn't help it.

Xiaoyanzi was also a person who liked to show her respect. She made an apologetic gesture to the people around her and said, "I wish you all a smooth audition!" Then she left the scene.

At the end of the line, Gao Yuanyuan, who came late, happened to see this scene and subconsciously said, "She is so polite!"

The girl in front of her snorted, "Why are you polite? You are disturbing others by talking nonsense. You have bad intentions!"

Gao Yuanyuan did not dare to criticize others and smiled awkwardly, "Not really!"

The girl in front of her sneered, "Not really? You don't know how important this role is. Everyone is fighting for it..."

She paused halfway through her words, but when she turned her head and looked over, she felt ashamed.

Gao Yuanyuan, born in 1979, is now 21 years old. She is at the age of being pure and beautiful. She wears a floral dress with a fresh and cheerful smile, which even in front of her is infected.

"Hey, sister, what have you played? I think you look familiar to me?"

The girl in front probably felt that she had little hope, so she started gossiping on the spot.

Gao Yuanyuan smiled awkwardly, "I've only made one movie and acted in a few TV series, but I'm not famous!"

The girl nodded and agreed with this statement, "I should have seen it when I was changing channels!"

An important criterion for this audition is that you must have acting experience, but the girl didn't think it was strange.

He also told some rumors that he had heard from others, which made Gao Yuanyuan stunned.

"Hey, I don't know what Director Jiang's casting criteria are. I'm definitely out of the game, but you should have great hope!"

Gao Yuanyuan said, "Such an important role, how could it be my turn? The most important thing is to participate!"

In the hall, more than 40 artists have completed the audition, but only a few can satisfy him.

Even the later "Fan Ye" has auditioned. Although she looks very beautiful, she feels that her temperament is slightly inconsistent.

"Director Jiang, take a break?"

A senior executive of China Film asked. If each person takes five minutes, it will take more than two hours for more than 40 people, which is also very hard.

"Take a break!"

The audition was paused, and the employees went out to smoke and go to the toilet, while Jiang Heng wanted to get the latest sign-in sheet.

While flipping through it, a Columbia employee next to him suddenly said, "Director Jiang, when we came here, President Pascal said that if you can't choose a suitable artist, you might as well consider Hollywood. In fact, you don't have to choose a first-tier star with expensive pay. Some second- and third-tier actresses are also very good. After all, the biggest attraction of this movie is the mecha fighting monsters, but if it is a Hollywood actress, it will help the film's box office in North America and around the world!"

Jiang Heng smiled, knowing that Columbia would not give up easily.

But he said, "Don't worry, we will definitely find the right one!"

"Are you talking about Miss Zhang? Her performance in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" is indeed good. But she doesn't seem to be here today!"

Zhang Ziyi has been actively seeking the role of the heroine since she learned that Jiang Heng was going to co-produce a special effects blockbuster with Columbia, but Jiang Heng didn't give her a chance at all.

When he learned that Cheng Long was going to shoot "Rush Hour 2", he gave up on this.

"Not her, the heroine I want is not like her!"

Perhaps due to her personality, the roles played by Zhang Ziyi are often too self-centered and strong.

So although she has good acting skills, she is not very popular with the audience.

The representative of Columbia Company continued to persuade: "Director Jiang...!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand to signal him to stop, "Let's do this for now, and continue the audition!"

Perhaps because they noticed that Jiang Heng was in a bad mood, all the staff members were expressionless.

After entering the hall, they saw that a group of people were like "black-faced gods", and the female artists who were auditioning performed worse and worse.

The representative of Columbia Company couldn't help but smile.

Although Jiang Heng could find other female artists even if there was no suitable one in today's audition, he would still be very happy if he could see Jiang Heng frustrated.

Because the president was frustrated too many times on Jiang Heng's side.

If the quality of the film was not really excellent, would one of the Hollywood giants like Columbia Pictures be so humble as to ask for cooperation?

"Hello, Director Jiang, hello teachers, I am Gao Yuanyuan, from Beijing...!"

Just when everyone couldn't lift their spirits, a crisp voice sounded.

Looking up, I saw an artistic female artist wearing a floral dress and long hair shawl standing in the middle of the stage, which was eye-catching.

Jiang Heng still didn't speak, so the assistant asked Gao Yuanyuan to perform according to the predetermined requirements.

As for the acting, it's pretty passable.

Mainly because he has a good attitude, his performance is relaxed and natural, and it's very comfortable to watch.

Of course, it may also be because of the other person's appearance.


After the staff shouted stop, they looked at Jiang Heng.

"Well, can you show an expression of anger, hatred, and sacrifice?"

Jiang Heng finally made the request, and everyone in the room was shocked. Is this the person he is looking for?

She's pretty, but her appearance and dress make her a proper literary goddess, but it doesn't match the style of "Pacific Rim"!

Gao Yuanyuan didn't know this and performed related performances according to Jiang Heng's request.

How should I put it, although it's not great, it's passable.

Jiang Heng thought for a while and finally said: "Let's go to the back and wait for a while!"

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