On the Shaw Brothers studio, the crew of "Pacific Rim" is in the midst of intense filming.

Regarding the filming cycle of the film, Jiang Heng's initial estimate is 100 days. In the eyes of others, the time is still very tight.

But Jiang Heng had complete images of the film in his mind, and he knew exactly which ones needed to be shot and which ones didn't.

It is impossible for Wang Jiawei to waste film and shoot a lot of things and eventually cut them all, so the whole shooting process was quite smooth.

In the studio, Jiang Heng held a wooden stick in his hand and told Gao Yuanyuan about fighting scenes.

Ordinarily, this should be done by the action director, but Hong Jinbao went to make other films, so Yuen Tak took over.

The latter deliberately tempted Jiang Heng and Gao Yuanyuan, saying, director, you are about the same age and can communicate more easily, so you should do it!

Jiang Hengxin said, what’s the reason?

But there were so many staff on site, so he couldn't say much. He walked up to Gao Yuanyuan and Wu Yanzu and demonstrated and explained the movements for them.

Wu Yanzu had studied martial arts and had no problem with his understanding and movements.

Gao Yuanyuan is not a major, and she has never learned dance at this time, but her performance is actually pretty good.

Especially her outfit at the moment, with short ear-length hair, a dark vest, and black pants, gives her a different kind of beauty.

The "ruthlessness" shown when fighting with wooden sticks adds a bit of charm, and is quite similar to Zhou Zhiruo in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword" and Yagyu Piaoxu in "The Best in the World".

Of course, it's not without its problems.

For actors who have not systematically learned martial arts, the biggest problem is that they use too much force and cannot stop their strength.


But Gao Yuanyuan accidentally stopped it and hit Wu Yanzu with the stick again.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Gao Yuanyuan hurriedly bowed to apologize and looked at Jiang Heng pitifully.

Jiang Heng had no choice but to rush to a slightly taller and thin actor dressed in the same clothes not far away and said, "Come on!"

The man hurriedly ran over to fight Wu Yanzu in Gao Yuanyuan's place. It was Zhang Jin, the future "suited thug".

At this moment, Zhang Jin is just a stuntman. He once served as Jiao Xunjun's stuntman in "Little Li's Flying Knife". Because of his thin body, he served as the stand-in for Zhang Ziyi and Yang Ziqiong in "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Jiang Heng led the crew of "Pacific Rim" to come to Hong Kong for filming, which excited many Hong Kong artists and made various recommendations and connections to the crew for jobs.

Jiang Heng is indeed interested in taking care of him. As long as the conditions are similar, he will basically recruit everyone who can be used, which will greatly increase his reputation in the Xiangjiang entertainment circle.

Zhang Jin cherished this opportunity to cooperate. He paid attention to Jiang Heng's explanation of movements when he was not on the stage. At this moment, he stepped forward to have a "fight" with Wu Yanzu, and he actually passed.

"Not bad!" Jiang Heng couldn't help but clap his hands, and Zhang Jin hurriedly said a few words of humility.

Jiang Heng said: "You are very good at it. I will start a drama later and you can join in!"

"Thank you, Director Jiang, thank you, Director Jiang!" Zhang Jin was overjoyed.

Wu Yanzu was curious, "What movie are you going to film?"

Jiang Heng chuckled and said, "A low-cost action scene!"

Seeing that Wu Yanzu seemed to have no part in it, he refrained from asking.

To talk about his current identity is rather embarrassing.

In Jiang Heng's films, he is considered an international superstar, but he is only famous and does not have much box office appeal.

After all, the audience went to see Jiang Heng's films for the special effects, but instead made Wu Yanzu look like a vase.

In the past few years, I have also made several non-Jiang Heng works, and I can only say that the performance was acceptable, without any major breakthroughs.

The filming continued, but there were a lot of indoor scenes for the male, female protagonists and supporting actors, including rough factory-style interiors and high-end sci-fi scenes, all shot on the Shaw Brothers studio.

However, what Jiang Heng said casually was heard by many people at the scene, and immediately spread throughout the Xiangjiang entertainment circle at an extremely fast speed.

"He wants to shoot an action scene?" In the tea restaurant, Ye Weixin subconsciously ignored the words "low cost".

After all, for Jiang Heng, whose directing and production costs are hundreds of millions of dollars, anything below HK$100 million can be considered a small cost.

"Yes, many people in the venue heard that Director Jiang may have thought that Zhang Jin is good and had such an idea. However, if he can come over with a good script, he might get investment!" said the person on the other side. arrive.

Ye Weixin couldn't help but click his tongue after hearing this. He didn't have a complete script at the moment, but he had an idea that he had been thinking about for a long time.

I was originally going to write it, but with the current state of the Xiangjiang film market, I'm afraid I won't be able to attract investment even if I write it, so I haven't started writing it yet.

I heard that Jiang Heng is going to make an action movie. There should be a lot of people busy writing about it right now!

You have to finish writing before meeting, otherwise you will miss a good opportunity.

Thinking of this, I immediately called Hong Jinbao.

Otherwise, I would say that Hung Kam-bo is a big brother in the Hong Kong film industry. He has worked with many people. Ye Weixin served as the director's assistant in Hung Kam-bo and Mika's "Skinny Tiger, Fat Dragon", which can be regarded as a bit of a friendship.

After the call, tell me your thoughts.

Hong Jinbao smiled bitterly, "You guys really want to go together. It's no problem for me to help recommend you. As for who can win Director Jiang's favor, it all depends on your ability!"

Ye Weixin quickly thanked him and then suddenly had an idea, "By the way, I have specially customized a role for you in my script. I believe that after you play it, you will definitely make the audience shine!"

"Oh, what a character!"

Hong Jinbao disagrees with this. He has played too many roles in his debut for so many years.

There are many things that are eye-catching, how can you be fooled easily.

Ye Weixin told him all about the gangster boss Wang Bao he expected. After hearing this, Hong Jinbao became really interested. He has never played a similar role in so many years since his debut.

Asked about the outline of the script again, Ye Weixin gave it a rough outline, and Hung Kam-po felt more and more good about it.

"Where are you? I'll drive to pick you up. Let's go meet Director Jiang together!"

Ye Weixin was very excited when he heard this. With the relationship between Hong Jinbao and Jiang Heng, it was not a big problem to get this investment.

This means that in this difficult period when Hong Kong film production is decreasing year by year, he has one more project to start working on!

"Okay, I'm...!"

Ye Weixin reported the name of the tea restaurant and waited quietly for Hong Jinbao to come over, while his friend opposite left early.

About half an hour later, Hong Jinbao drove over and took Ye Weixin to the set of "Pacific Rim".

"Director Jiang, I heard that you are going to cast an action movie, but you haven't found a script yet. I happen to have one here!"

Jiang Heng looked up and saw Hong Jinbao and Ye Weixin arriving hand in hand.

I feel confused and helpless at the same time!

He just said casually at that time, after all, Zhang Jin is indeed very good and can be called the last action star in Hong Kong.

It’s not a big deal to invest some money to make a movie when you have free time.

I didn't expect that just a casual comment on the set would cause many Hong Kong artists to call. He really said it casually!

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