China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 78 Jiang Heng guest appearance

"Well, I did say that, you guys sit down for a while and then we can talk after I finish filming!"

Naturally, Hong Jinbao and Yip Weixin had no objections and stayed on the set honestly to watch Jiang Heng direct.

In "Pacific Rim", the scenes of mechas fighting monsters were all arranged at the China Film Digital Studio in Beijing.

It was filmed here in Xiangjiang and mainly consisted of conventional scenes, which was quite boring to watch.

But in reality, shooting special effects scenes is more boring, especially when you wear "motion capture" and other equipment and perform in the air, you will look as silly as possible.

Not long after the crew finished work, Jiang Heng, Hong Jinbao and Ye Weixin went to a nearby teahouse.

In the box, Ye Weixin talked about his creative idea, which was to make a police and gangster action movie that is full of punches and has a fatalistic atmosphere.

Perhaps due to the decline of the Hong Kong film industry, starting from the late 1990s, there have been more and more fatalistic Hong Kong films, which are completely different from the previous styles that were all over the top and completely crazy.

On a personal level, Zhou Xingxing's movies are no longer as cheerful as before, with more and more sad elements. Johnnie To's Yinhe Impression has produced a large number of films with a sad tone and a sense of fate.

Ye Weixin is also inclined to make this type of film and gave an outline of the story of "Slaying the Wolf" that came to mind.

Jiang Heng was not surprised after hearing this.

He just said, "Ask Wu Jing to come over and play a killer. As for Zhang Jin, let him play a member of the police force! As for investment, you go back and make a specific capital budget table. Let's talk about it later!" "

Ye Weixin naturally had no objection and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Director Jiang, all the money will be spent wisely! As for the actors, you can also continue to appoint them!"

Jiang Heng had no choice but to say: "Then let Donnie Yen play the male lead and ask my eldest brother to play the villain!"

Hong Jinbao beamed when he heard this. Although he and Ye Weixin had discussed it early, he was even more happy when Jiang Heng proposed it.

Ye Weixin said with a smile: "With Big Brother, Wu Jing, and Donnie Yen starring, the reputation and box office will definitely explode!"

It should be said that at this moment, Wu Jing is not suitable to be a supporting role for Donnie Yen after he has the qualifications to star in "Shintuoling".

However, the Sun Wukong in "Shituoling" has put on makeup, which is very different from his own image. Although the character is very popular, it did not enhance Wu Jing's reputation as much as imagined. It is considered a guest appearance, so there is no problem. Not big.

However, Hong Jinbao said, "The three of us are nothing. It would be a surprise if Director Jiang participated in the film!"

This was originally said as a joke, but after saying it, Hong Jinbao and Ye Weixin thought about it and realized that it was very funny!

At present, the most successful commercial blockbuster director of Chinese films, Jiang Heng, stars in an action film. Just this sentence can attract countless audiences into the theater!

"This is a good idea. With Director Jiang participating, this film will definitely become a hit before it is broadcast. Maybe the rights to other places will be sold before it is even filmed!"

Jiang Heng felt a little moved when he heard this, but said: "It's not appropriate. You are all professional action actors. I...!"

Hong Jinbao said hurriedly: "It's okay, I will design the movements for you, and you can use a substitute! You are a great director, you can definitely do it better than us!"

Jiang Heng was still hesitant, but Hong Jinbao quickly said: "That's it, I'll publicize it later!"

Jiang Heng was helpless and said with a wry smile: "Okay!"

I was thinking about which role in the film suited me, and it seemed that the one played by Zhang Zhiyao was the one who was tortured and killed by Wu Jing.

Okay, there aren't many scenes anyway, just a cameo.

The next day, Ye Weixin sent a budget sheet, which included the list of actors he wanted to hire, their salaries, and the approximate cost of various expenses of the crew. Jiang Heng looked at it as quite reliable, and Ming Youteng Pictures' The person makes the contract and finally signs and pays.

The movie "Slaying the Wolf" can be regarded as the pinnacle of Chinese action movies after 2000. It is even said that no action movie can surpass it for a long time in the future.

Because the previous Xiangjiang action movies were either a quick-and-dirty martial arts routine or a Cheng Long-style kung fu comedy, the audience was already tired of it.

That's why Tony Jia was able to quickly seize the Hong Kong film market with his fist-to-body martial arts style.

Jiang Heng was involved in it, and the film was earlier than "The Fighter" in 2003. Naturally, it had to strive for excellence, so that it would gain both box office and reputation.

So he took on the title of producer and ordered Ye Weixin to write the script and send it over, and he was helping to revise it.

Ye Weixin naturally did not dare to neglect, and he also knew that the crew of "Pacific Rim" was about to leave for the capital. He worked hard every day and finally sent the script of "Slaying the Wolf" to Jiang Heng before he left.

Jiang Heng flipped through it, and there were indeed some discrepancies in the plot and details.

"Okay, you prepare the crew first, and I'll call you later if there are any changes!"

Ye Weixin even wanted to say, I can follow you to Beijing!

After all, Jiang Heng has a lot of money and has been around for a long time. Are you still worried about not being able to make any movies?

However, preparing the crew was considered a good job. Ye Weixin hesitated for a moment and finally agreed.

Besides, after Jiang Heng led the crew to the capital, someone from China Film Group came over to make arrangements.

Han Sanping was also busy. After all, he had invested 20 million US dollars, so he couldn’t ignore it!

In the evening, it was a simple reception banquet, with people drinking and drinking, it was so lively!

Talking about the much-hyped "Transformers" in North America, a senior executive from China Film Group said: "I heard that they claim to create the most successful mecha series. Our "Pacific Rim" will also have a sequel in the future!"

It is a common practice in the film industry that after a movie is successful, the sequel project must be urgently put on the agenda.

But Jiang Heng changes the type of movie every time he shoots a successful movie.

It has been four years, and he has not made any move to prepare for the sequel of "The Matrix", which is extremely surprising.

China Film is also wondering, do you have any idea of ​​shooting a sequel!

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard it, and the words "Da Tiantian", "Pacific Rim 2", and "bad movie" instantly emerged in his mind.

Well, why did Da Tiantian come to the front?

Jiang Heng was also puzzled, but smiled and said: "There must be a sequel, there will be!"

But in his heart, he was thinking that the plot of "Pacific Rim 2" is so bad that it must not be used.

If you want to shoot, you have to create an original plot, and the special effects scenes must be more shocking.

The problem is that the routines of mecha fighting monsters were basically used up in "Pacific Rim 1". It's impossible for him to have a group battle with monsters with several mechas!


Group battle?

If the two sides fight 5v5 on American soil and demolish some iconic buildings, it should be very interesting!

But the budget is burning!

In "Pacific Rim 1", most of the fighting scenes take place at night and on the sea, which can greatly reduce the cost of special effects production.

If it is changed to daytime, on land, and still 5v5, how much budget will be reported to be reasonable!

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