Influenced by the success of many special effects blockbusters by Jiang Heng, and of course, mainly by the awards and box office success of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", Zhang Yimou decided to shoot a martial arts blockbuster.

After confirming the project and script with Zhang Weiping, the boss of Xinhua Noodles, Zhang Yimou began to look for actors.

For the role of the male protagonist Wuming, not only a solid foundation in kung fu is required, but also a strong box office appeal.

Zhang Yimou initially considered Cheng Long, but felt that Cheng Long's personality and image did not meet the requirements of the character, and finally gave up the idea, and then invited Jet Li.

At this moment, Jet Li really had the idea of ​​shooting a martial arts blockbuster, and the reason was naturally due to the regret after missing "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

Zhou Runfa, who has no martial arts skills, can star in a martial arts blockbuster with a global box office of over 200 million US dollars. How embarrassing for Jet Li, who has always been called the "Kung Fu Emperor" by the media!

So this time, Jet Li not only lowered his own price, but also made several requirements.

The first one is naturally the most important opponent actor, the actor of Changkong.

Jet Li asked who he was going to cast, and Zhang Yimou said a name.

Jet Li said, let's let Donnie Yen do it!

Zhang Yimou was stunned, because he had already made a decision, and he would have to pay for a temporary replacement!

However, Jet Li insisted again and again. In his words, only by acting with a veteran action actor like Donnie Yen can he create dazzling sparks.

Zhang Yimou thought about the amazing battle between Huang Feihong and Nalan Yuanshu, and agreed.

Jet Li said, let's also change the role of Canjian!

Zhang Yimou hummed in confusion, and couldn't believe his ears. You are the male lead, and you have to designate the two most important supporting roles. Who is the director between us?

Jet Li quickly explained: "I am just making a suggestion from the perspective of box office and awards!"

Zhang Yimou became interested and motioned for the other party to continue.

"I think Director Jiang Heng is more suitable for this role than Liang Chaowei!"

"What do you mean?"

Jet Li said: "In terms of fame, Director Jiang Heng is far more famous than Liang Chaowei, especially in Europe and the United States!"

With just this sentence, Zhang Yimou almost agreed.

His purpose of filming "Hero" is very simple, one is to win awards, and the other is box office.

Especially in Hollywood, the Oscars need to be promoted. If Jiang Heng can participate in the film, it will be much easier to promote it.

Jet Li continued: "And I have seen Director Jiang Heng. He is young and handsome. Although he has no martial arts foundation, he can be used through action design and post-editing, and the effect will not be too bad."

What was not said was that Liang Chaowei also had no martial arts foundation, so why must he be chosen!

Zhang Yimou agreed with him and said worriedly, "But he is busy shooting a big movie, so he may not be willing to participate!"

Jet Li said, "I heard that his company in Hong Kong is preparing an action movie and invited Zhen Zidan to star in it. Director Jiang will also make a cameo appearance. So he should not be opposed to acting."

After listening to this, Zhang Yimou felt that he could really give it a try.

There would be no conflict in the schedule.

Hong Kong has always been quick to shoot movies. From preparation to completion, it takes two or three months.

But his "Hero" has to be done with great caution. The earliest it can start shooting is after next summer.

"Okay, Director Jiang is filming in Beijing, so I will go to visit him!"

In order to show his sincerity, Jet Li was willing to go with him.

After making a phone call in advance and making an appointment.

That day, Zhang Yimou, Jet Li, and Zhang Weiping walked into the "Pacific Rim" crew in the digital studio of China Film.

Looking at the green screen in the studio, the actors in motion capture suits performing various performances in the void, Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping were amazed.

"Can a monster several tens of meters high be filmed?" Zhang Weiping said in disbelief.

Jet Li said: "I heard that the reflective film on this suit is used to film the trajectory of the movement, and then the trajectory data is combined with the pre-built model. As for how to do the specific special effects, you have to ask professionals!"

Zhang Yimou and others looked at Yuan De who came out to greet them. The latter subconsciously rubbed his big bald head with his hand and smiled and said: "Well, that's about it. I don't have much education and I don't understand those high-tech things!"

The group came to Jiang Heng and waited for the scene to be finished before they had time to talk.

"The shooting task is relatively heavy, so I couldn't come to meet you. Please forgive me!"

Zhang Yimou is a silent person. He wanted to be polite but felt that it was okay not to say anything. He just said "um" and passed by.

Jet Li smiled and said, "This is the busiest part, I understand!"

Zhang Weiping said, "Are the scenes in Lion Camel Ridge also shot this way?"

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "It's about the same, but this is easier to shoot in comparison!"

Zhang Weiping wondered, "Why?"

Jiang Heng said, "When the blue lion, white elephant, and golden leopard in Lion Camel Ridge are transformed into human form, their heads also retain some features of the originals, which requires the facial expressions of the actors to be captured in real time and then combined with the digital model. The mechas and monsters in this movie don't have that, they just fight!"

Zhang Weiping seemed to have realized something and smiled and said, "That's pretty good!"

Turning to Zhang Yimou, he said, "If our movie makes money, we'll make a monster movie in the future!"

Zhang Yimou didn't comment, but just hummed lightly.

Jiang Heng instantly thought of the Great Wall and Da Tiantian, and thought to himself that it would be better if you didn't shoot it!

Because time was limited, Jet Li directly stated his intention and said that he wanted to invite Jiang Heng to participate in "Hero" and play the role of Canjian in the film.

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this, thinking, isn't it true that good actors can become directors?

Why do people always want to find him to make movies recently!

He subconsciously refused: "It's not suitable!"

Zhang Weiping said: "It's suitable, Director Jiang, your fame, image, industry status and your own ability can be competent for this role. Moreover, our "Hero" should be regarded as the first commercial blockbuster in the mainland, except for you. Whether from the perspective of supporting Chinese language or banding together for warmth, your participation is too important!"

Zhang Weiping is indeed quite capable to win over Zhang Yimou, the leading director of Chinese-language films for many years.

After hearing these words, he didn't know how to refuse.

Of course, he didn't really want to refuse.

As for stealing Liang Chaowei's role, well, the two of them didn't have much intersection, so there was no guilt.

I immediately thought of Zhang Manyu, who played opposite me in the film. She seemed to be a little older!

Zhang Yimou saw this and felt a little nervous. He felt familiar again and thought, he wouldn't change the actors too!

If you guys change them all, how can I shoot?

He suddenly said, "Director Jiang, you don't have any other requests, do you?"

Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment and smiled, "No, just set the schedule in advance and don't take too long!"

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