China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 80: The No. 1 Cinema in China

At the end of the year, the crew of Pacific Rim finished filming in Toronto.

In terms of special effects, Jiang Heng handed over about one-tenth of the special effects shots in the play to Weta Digital Company.

The requirements were also simple, and they had to be completed within four months so that the film could be released on time during the summer vacation.

Weta Digital Studio is as famous as Industrial Light \u0026 Magic, with its headquarters in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. It has just participated in the special effects production of The Lord of the Rings. Although it is not well-known in the industry, its strength is already good.

They were also very happy to receive Jiang Heng's special effects order, and said that they would definitely complete it with quality and quantity.

Later, Jiang Heng distributed a small number of special effects lens orders to his own Good Time Special Effects Company, and some orders to two special effects companies in Japan and South Korea, which together accounted for about 30% of the number of special effects lenses in the entire film.

In other words, 70% of the special effects lenses in the entire film were completed by Jiang Heng's "super microcomputer".

This item alone can make a profit of 50 million US dollars.

In Hollywood, for a blockbuster with good visual effects, the special effects cost at least 60% of the total production cost.

For example, "Ready Player One" cost $175 million, and the special effects cost $100 million. "Transformers 5" cost $217 million, and the special effects accounted for $130 million. "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" cost $342 million, and the special effects accounted for $200 million. These are all huge investments.

Why are some so-called domestic special effects blockbusters not working? The cost of young actors accounts for 90%, and most of them use stand-ins.

The remaining 9.99% is the cost of other people, and only the cheap 50 cents is left for special effects. It would be strange if a good movie could be made.

On Jiang Heng's side, although the real special effects cost is not high, the special effects shots of important scenes are all made with "super micro computers", and they will even be made more delicate for "value for money", and the brightness of the film is adjusted higher, and the details of the mecha and monsters are clearer.

Don't underestimate these small changes. The brightness of the film is improved, which is completely supported by the burning funds.

Why do many blockbusters always like to shoot night battle scenes? That really saves money!

After the post-production issues were allocated, Jiang Heng's time was finally not so busy.

First, he went to the "SPL" crew and played the police officer who was stabbed by Wu Jing.

He also cooperated with China Film to establish China Film Red Cinema Chain Company.

Jiang Heng originally planned to use iQiyi, Youku and Tencent to cooperate with China Film, but old Han Fei said that the name sounded unserious.

Jiang Heng had no choice but to register another Red Film Company, invest 100 million, and jointly establish China Film Red Cinema Chain Company with China Film.

In terms of equity, it is naturally state-owned, with China Film holding 51% and Red holding 49%.

But China Film could not come up with so much money, and promised to help solve a piece of land for Jiang Heng to build a building.

The land in the main urban area of ​​Beijing before expansion can only be described as extremely precious.

Not to mention the market price, even if it is a premium, it is not something that ordinary people can grab.

Thinking that in a few years, I will have my own building in Beijing, I feel more and more motivated.

The establishment of China Film Red Cinema Company is to attract cinemas from all over the country to join, and the biggest attraction is naturally Jiang Heng's special effects blockbuster.

After the reform of the cinema system, where the film is released is a game between the distribution company and the cinema.

If Jiang Heng's special effects blockbuster is only released in China Film Red Cinema, those who have not joined can only watch others eat meat and drink northwest wind.

For a time, cinemas all over the country applied to join China Film Red Cinema Company.

Han Sanping, in addition to smiling, naturally "selected the best", only selected cinemas with good locations, good decoration and good equipment.

The other cinemas saw it, how could they bear it.

You China Film is a state-owned enterprise, and so are the others!


Sue to the competent department, saying that China Film Red is engaging in unfair competition and undermining the reform of the cinema system.

You have absorbed all the good cinemas, how can other cinema chains survive?

You might as well dominate the world, and you will be the only one in China!

The competent department saw this and naturally asked China Film Red to consider the overall situation. It doesn’t matter if you eat a few more bites of meat, but you can’t take the pot and not even give your brothers a sip of soup!

Han Sanping had no choice but to return some of the applications and let those cinemas with higher value join other cinema chains.

Even so, China Film Red still quickly became the largest cinema chain company in China.

In addition to absorbing existing cinemas in China, China Film Red Cinema Company is also actively building new cinemas. Jiang Heng led the way and cooperated with AMC, the second largest cinema chain company in North America, to introduce the latest cinema equipment and build new cinemas in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

At the same time, it is also actively negotiating with IMAX to introduce projection systems and build the first IMAX cinema in China.

Originally, IMAX announced the IMAX DMR patent technology in March 2002, successfully converting Hollywood blockbusters into IMAX format, and the first IMAX DMR movie "Apollo 13" was officially released in September of the same year.

Since then, IMAX has become synonymous with high-end theaters, which continues to this day.

IMAX entered the mainland very early, first appearing in the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, and then science and technology museums in BJ, Guangzhou, Chongqing and Nanjing also had their own IMAX theaters for showing some high-definition science and education films.

By 2003, the first commercial IMAX equipment in China was installed in the Shanghai Peace Cinema, marking the official establishment of IMAX theaters in the mainland.

Calculating the time, this is the right time for negotiation.

Of course, "Pacific Rim" cannot be released in IMAX theaters in China, but the next movie should be able to catch up.

As for the specific shooting theme, Jiang Heng has already thought about it, and he will shoot Yang Jian splitting the mountain to save his mother.

It is said that the second master is wearing a helmet and armor, holding a three-pointed double-edged sword, and his eyes are open. It is also quite impressive to play an impassioned soundtrack.

It is the specific story line and villains that need to be carefully considered. Even if there is no strong opponent like the three demons of Lion Camel Ridge, you have to choose a difficult one.

In addition to the post-production of "Pacific Rim", he went to rewrite the script. He wrote several drafts in a row and finally came up with the prototype of the story.

In a blink of an eye, the post-production of "Pacific Rim" was completed. Han Sanping chose the best theater of a newly renovated theater under China Film Red, and summoned senior executives of China Film, executives of several companies under Jiang Heng's name, and representatives of Columbia Pictures to watch the movie together.

After watching the movie for more than two hours, everyone in the theater was still in extreme shock.

It should be noted that in history, "Transformers 1" was not released until 2007.

However, "Pacific Rim 1" released in 2013 was still praised by countless fans for its explosive special effects and super exciting plot.

If such a movie is brought forward to 2001, the audio-visual shock effect it brings to the audience can be imagined.

In the era when cars were not yet popular and Santana was running all over the streets, letting the audience watch heavy mechas fighting monsters made many boys excited.

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