It is finally on the shelves. Let me say a few words here.

First of all, I want to thank all the book friends who follow me. Without you, this book would not be what it is now. Although the performance is average, I will continue to write.

The reason is simple. I have to make money to eat and I don’t have those unrealistic ideas.

The second is to update. On weekdays, I don’t have any manuscripts saved, so I can only try my best to write more.

I will try my best to complete five updates. If it is not enough, I will make up for it on weekends.

Finally, I would like to thank Wutong and Chuixue for their care, and thank book friends Song Bingshu, book friend 20191201052116443, and book friend 20230419183525058 for their rewards.

Finally, I would like to ask the book friends who have been following me to subscribe. Thank you!

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