China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 85: Mechas fighting monsters

Before arriving in China, Don Murphy had been reluctant to believe that Jiang Heng could take photos of mechas that had great texture and looked extremely real.

The reason is naturally that China is too backward at this time. In a country where the automobile industry is still in its infancy and the streets are full of imported cars and joint venture cars, how can it possibly make a good mecha movie?

Although film is just an art, it needs soil to be born.

For example, Chinese martial arts stories and fairy tales cannot be photographed well by Americans.

But themes such as science fiction, interstellar, and mecha are their strengths as Americans!

Now that I am being beaten ahead by a Chinese, and I can't catch up no matter how hard I try, this feeling is unbelievable.

I can only hope that the quality of "Pacific Rim" is not good and the so-called IMAX effects are garbage.

He didn't expect it, but what he saw was a shot with full visual effects and extremely realistic details. Don Murphy no longer knew how to describe his mood at this moment.

Especially the shot of the Rover slowly entering the waters of Alaska on a rainy night is really cool.

He was thinking about how to advise Michael Bay to surpass "Pacific Rim".

On the screen, in the sea, a huge fishing boat encountered a monster and did not know how to escape.

The nearly 80-meter-high Wanderer rode the waves and stretched out its huge iron hands to lift the fishing boat out of the water. The audience was stunned to see it.

“It’s really touching!”

"How did you take this photo?"

"It's so real. Is there really such a mecha in the world?"

"Maybe there is in the United States!"

"Impossible, if there were any, they would have been used to scare people!"

For Chinese people in 2001, the United States was really an extremely powerful existence, and it was one of the reasons why many people liked Hollywood movies.

Therefore, for a considerable number of Chinese people, watching Jiang Heng's special effects blockbusters will give them an extremely dreamy feeling.

It's the kind of thing where you think he can't shoot that well, but the effect is far beyond your imagination, and there's a strange sense of pleasure in the process of watching the movie.

Among the thousands of people in the audience, there were some such people.

When I didn't come, I was "short" in various ways, and I sat in the movie theater and said "fuck"!

Especially when he saw the Wanderer using a "plasma cannon" to blast the monster's intestines to pieces, he had to use "fuck" several times in a row to express his excitement.

"This is so cool, the movements are so realistic!"

"Are they happy too early?"

"Not finishing the attack is totally stupid!"

While the audience was talking, the monster jumped out of the sea, slapped the Wanderer on the head, and stabbed the huge "spikes" on its head into the chest of the Wanderer's mecha.

The male protagonist charged up the plasma cannon again, but it was already too late. The monster viciously bit the limbs of the "Wanderer" mecha, tearing off the mecha's left hand, as if a giant beast was eating a man.

What's even worse is that he actually tore open the cockpit and directly took out the pilot played by Xie Tingfeng.

In the theater, the audience looked at the big screen with serious expressions, wanting to see how the male protagonist could save the situation.

The one that can solve the current dilemma is naturally the plasma cannon.

It's a pity that it accumulated power too slowly. During this period, the monster kept biting the hard mecha, and the male protagonist who was connected to the neurons wailed in pain, as if the mutilated mecha was wailing.

Fortunately, the plasma cannon was finally fired, and the Wanderer and the monster disappeared.

When the audience was worried about the fate of the male protagonist, the camera turned to show an old man leading a child, walking on the beach in snowy weather to hunt for treasure.

"Oh, my god!"

But it was the old man on the screen, looking into the distance and exclaiming.

As soon as the camera turned, a scene that countless movie fans will never forget appeared.

A pair of huge iron legs appeared in the sea water, filling the entire big screen.

The camera looks upward, and the steel giant returns from riding waves in the wind and snow, holding on with one arm, but collapses to the ground the moment he lands ashore, as if heralding the end of an era.

It is so tall that when the knees are lowered, every small part on it is far higher than a human on the ground.

But it was so weak. The sand splashed up when it landed was more than ten meters high, which shows how badly it fell.

The strongest mecha Wanderer was seriously injured.

Its driver, covered in injuries, ran out slumped and fell headlong on the snow.

The camera moved upwards, and the human beings next to the homeless man's body were so small that the audience felt sad.

Then there is a transitional plot, where the monsters evolve faster and faster, but the human mechas are somewhat insufficient.

Major coastal cities around the Pacific Rim were frequently destroyed by monsters, and a large number of mechas were damaged in battles. Countries finally decided to abandon the mecha hunter plan and rebuild coastal defense walls.

The black general who had been in charge of the mecha hunters was unwilling to accept it and argued with the American representative, who promised that he could lead the remaining mecha hunters to Hong Kong for the final battle. Sponsorship lasted only eight months until the seaside defense wall was completed.

When it came to choosing the general responsible for the Mecha Hunter plan, Columbia recommended Samuel L. Jackson. Naturally, Jiang Heng had no objections. After all, he had seen him appear in many Avengers movies, so he could at least be familiar with him.

On the screen, the plot progressed, and the male protagonist went to Sitka, Alaska, to participate in the construction of the coastal protective wall, and became a down-and-out welder.

But I learned from TV that this thing is just like paper to monsters.

The workers spent several years building it, and the monsters demolished it in less than an hour.

The male protagonist was shocked, the audience was silent, and a turning point appeared.

On TV, the Australian Eureka Raider mecha, relying on its strong mobility, heavy copper fists, and missiles from the chest, easily killed a level 4 monster.

Because it was during the day, this fight was extremely clear, and the audience also saw the image of a tall and strange monster clearly for the first time.

Watching it being knocked down and falling to the ground, revealing its huge teeth and tongue.

"Fuck, this Eureka Raider is so maneuverable!"

"Yes, if the plasma cannon of the Wanderer had this firing rate, Xie Tingfeng would not have died!"

"The attack was very smooth!"

Listening to the pilot of the Eureka Raider on TV, he said that the termination of the mecha hunter plan was entirely the fault of him, an unqualified driver.

When the male protagonist left in a sullen mood, a helicopter slowly landed at the door of the construction site, but it was the black general who came to ask the male protagonist to return to the team.

At first, he must have refused, but he returned after all.

Amid the sound of exciting music, a helicopter flew over the bay and arrived at the mecha hunter training base.

At this time, a person wearing a long black coat and holding a huge black umbrella walked towards them.

The camera turned again, and a woman stepped forward and gently raised the umbrella. It was Gao Yuanyuan with short hair and a cold face.

The exciting music, the continuous rain, the black umbrella and clothes, and the large helicopter slowly landing in front of her, all indicate that this woman is not an ordinary person!

Today, I have been working and writing, and I have been almost busy. I really can't hold on. I owe one chapter, and I will definitely make it up on the weekend!

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