
In the theater, the audience exclaimed in a low voice again.

They were not impressed by Gao Yuanyuan's beauty, but shocked by the mighty and domineering "Storm Red", a mecha made in China on the screen.

Inside the huge and spacious Broken Dome Hunter Base full of heavy industrial metal style, the black general led the male and female protagonists all the way to introduce the latest situation.

"China's Storm Red is one of the best mecha hunters. It is assembled in Changzhou. It has a full titanium core without alloy. Each muscle belt requires fifty diesel engines to power it. It is an extremely precise and deadly warrior. It is driven by the Wei triplets. They are locals and have successfully protected Hong Kong, China seven times...!"

While the black general introduced, the camera first moved from low to high, making the audience feel like looking up at a steel giant.

Then there was a close-up shot of the upper body of "Storm Red". Although it was only a few seconds, it also made the audience excited.

"Storm Red is so cool, I want to see it blow up the monsters!"

"My great Changzhou is so powerful, it can build such a domineering mecha!"

"Where did you find these triplets!"

On the screen, the brothers who played the triplets flashed by. It was said that because he couldn't find a suitable candidate for a long time, Jiang Heng once wanted to change the design structure of "Storm Red", but fortunately he finally found one.

However, in order to highlight the protagonist, Storm Red will still be offline, but there will be more scenes and close-ups.

In comparison, the first-generation mecha Cherno Alpha made in Russia looks heavier, and the Russian pilot couple both have white hair, which also looks very cool.

At this moment, the protagonist also understood the purpose of the general's call for him to come back, to tie a 2,400-pound thermonuclear warhead to the raider and blow up the breakthrough connecting the space-time wormhole, which is equivalent to detonating 1.2 million tons of TNT explosives. The male protagonist's task is to provide cover with the other two mecha hunters.

The male protagonist questioned that he had attacked the breakthrough before, but it was useless!

The black general only said that he had a plan, and then walked away.

The following is a transitional plot, with two foreign scientists like Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, who have been studying the characteristics and laws of monsters, and also making theoretical preparations for the general's plan to blow up the breakthrough.

Then, the male protagonist saw the "Wanderer" under maintenance, and learned that it was already a dual-nuclear reactor, unique.

The plot of the candidate selection was quite standard, but Gao Yuanyuan's performance was very amazing, after all, her appearance was there.

But what the audience is looking forward to is the scene of mecha fighting monsters.

The breakthrough detected the life trajectory, which should be two level 4 monsters. The camera turned, and a huge monster head appeared at the deep-sea breakthrough full of blue lightning and red flames, and opened its mouth and roared.

At the base, the supervisor introduced the situation to the people who came. Two monsters came out, code-named Tail Rat and Ridgeback Turtle, and they will arrive in Hong Kong in an hour.

The black general announced that he would evacuate the city, block the bridge, and let the people go to the shelter. Crimson Storm and Cherno Alpha went to the front line of the harbor to guard the coast. The Raiders stayed in the rear to guard the coastline and could only join the battle when they had to.

As for the Wanderer, because of the psychological trauma of the heroine, the mecha almost went out of control, and it could only stay at the base on standby.

The passionate soundtrack sounded, and more than a dozen large military helicopters carried Storm Red out of the base.

Compared with it, the commanders on the tower were as small as ants.

"It's really handsome. Do you think we can shoot it in the future?"

It is said that mecha is a man's romance. A businessman like Zhang Weiping was also excited by Storm Red's battle against monsters.

Zhang Yimu stared at the screen and smiled bitterly, "It's not easy to shoot!"

What he thought in his heart was that from the perspective of script design, Storm Red might have to be seriously injured and offline to highlight the protagonist.

Of course, there is no problem with this idea at the moment, who makes our national strength weak now!

If it is changed to a Chinese-made mecha saving the world, not to mention foreign audiences, even domestic audiences will find it outrageous!

Only when China is as strong as the United States, and a film about China saving the earth will be recognized by the market and audiences.

On the big screen, Storm Red and Cherno Alpha were suspended in the air, and Eureka Raiders walked slowly on the waves.

The battle was about to start, and the scene was extremely cool.

Especially the scene of the two mechas falling from the sky, full of power and texture.

An audience member said: "I feel that Cherno Alpha should be very capable!

"Well, it looks stronger!"

"I still look forward to the performance of Storm Red!"

As he spoke, the monster had already appeared.

The huge tail-standing rat suddenly jumped out of the sea, knocked Storm Red down with one tail, and fell into the sea dozens of meters away.

"Fuck, this monster is too strong!"

"Director, how can you let Storm Red be knocked down so easily? "

The audience complained a lot, but fortunately Storm Red quickly stood up and prepared "Thunderstorm". The alloy flywheels in each hand rotated at high speed, which looked very intimidating.

The Tail Rat stepped forward and was cut all over by the alloy flywheel, and blue body fluids splashed.

When the two sides confronted each other, it was thrown out by Storm Red.

Cherno Alpha on the side stepped forward fiercely, pinched the Tail Rat's neck with a giant steel hand, and smashed down with an iron fist.

"Wow! It feels so powerful now!"

"Exciting, exciting!"

However, the Tail Rat was indeed very strong. After being punched several times by Cherno Alpha, it suddenly used its tail to pull it into the sea.

The situation is critical!

A tail-standing rat is so powerful, and there is also a ridged turtle!

The raider applied for battle!

But it also had the task of dropping bombs, and it could not afford to make mistakes.

At this moment, the tail-standing rat attacked Storm Red with its tail, directly destroying the head cockpit.

Cherno Alpha stepped forward, but was corroded by the blue strong acid sprayed by the tail-standing rat.

At the critical moment, the raider "slowly" ran forward.

As a result, the ridged turtle that had been ambushing in the water for a long time suddenly jumped out, and attacked from the front and back with the tail-standing rat, directly destroying Cherno Alpha.

The raider who came over first punched the tail-standing rat with a heavy punch, and then grabbed it and threw it out.

When he was about to release the missile trick in front of his chest, the ridged turtle in the distance behind him suddenly released an electromagnetic pulse, which not only interrupted the raider's missile launch, but also caused the power of the entire Hong Kong to stop.

The whole process was exciting and exciting, with no boring moments.

"Fuck, the monsters can use magic, no one can stop them!"

"They can even use military tactics, that's outrageous!"

"The main reason is that the doctor is an idiot, he insisted on connecting to the monster's brain, while you know its weaknesses, the monster also knows the mecha!"

"All of them are targeted attacks!"

"Otherwise, Storm Red would definitely not be offline so easily!"

On the screen, the whole situation is extremely dangerous, and the only way is for the Wanderer, which is not afraid of pulse attacks and is driven by nuclear energy, to attack!

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