China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 87: Burning the Whole Audience

The tail-standing rat doesn't look particularly big in the sea, but when it climbs ashore and collapses a building with its two claws, the audience is shocked.

"This monster is exciting!"

"This doctor is really stupid, being found by the monster!"

"The budget is burning!"

"Is it here for supper?"

On the streets of Hong Kong, people are running madly to the shelter, and the doctor is also among them, and has not been caught by the monster for the time being.

In the sea, the Eureka Raider is in trouble.

The electromagnetic pulse of the ridged turtle directly destroyed its power system, and the inside of the mecha was pitch black.

The driver and his son climbed out of the cockpit and provoked the monster with a signal gun.

Just as the ridged turtle roared and was about to kill the two, a strong light came.

The monster turned around and the Wanderer was suspended and transported by a large helicopter, and it "really" fell from the sky.

"There was a loud bang in the sky, and the big brother made a brilliant appearance!"

"It's like a god descending to earth!"

"The turbine on his chest is so cool!"

"It would be great if there were related toys!"

As the audience was whispering, the passionate soundtrack sounded, and the steel monster and the alien monster on the screen also fought each other.

As soon as they fought, the Wanderer took the upper hand and easily tore off a piece of the scales of the ridged turtle and threw it out.

This monster was not simple either. It actually picked up the Wanderer, turned around and threw it out.

But the huge Wanderer was thrown onto the viaduct, and then fell to the ground and rolled continuously, sparking and lightning all the way, and continued to slide backwards for a long time before stopping.

Just this one shot made the audience scream with excitement.

Don Murphy exclaimed, "This is the effect, this is the effect, Transformers can have more such shots!"

Ordinary audiences sighed, "This is a hard landing!"

"The most advanced weapons, fighting the most primitive battle!"


The horned turtle came slowly, stepped on the explosive truck, first jogged, and then jumped into the air.

The Ranger went over, jumped up, and punched the horned turtle to the ground. It was a simple, direct and handsome move!

The strongest Ranger grabbed the horned turtle's head with one hand and punched it again.

Probably because he thought the power was not enough, he activated the elbow rocket and punched it hard.

The horned turtle was stunned and actually used the lighthouse as a weapon to hit the Ranger.

The latter bent down and grabbed two containers with one hand and two containers with the other hand, punched left and right, and pierced his ears with his two peaks, and stunned the monster again.

After a confrontation and struggle, the Wanderer directly showed the plasma cannon. Perhaps because of the dual-core power, it did not charge for a long time this time, and it could continue to bombard, hitting the ridge-backed turtle's intestines and stomach, one arm was knocked off, and it fell to the ground with a bang.

When the protagonist was about to leave, he suddenly thought of his past mistakes and bombarded it again.

The simple, exciting, and hardcore fighting style, the plot of killing the enemy neatly and learning to make up for the enemy, really made the audience in the hall intoxicated.

The following shots made ordinary audiences exclaim that it was explosive, and even a person like Xu Laoguai who was imaginative could not help but admire Jiang Heng's wonderful idea.

But the tall and mighty Wanderer came slowly with the exciting soundtrack, dragging a huge ship in his hand.

"Hey, this picture is amazing!" Jiang Wen, who came to watch the movie, couldn't help but secretly admire this idea, and at the same time felt that the IMAX viewing effect was really good, and the visual effect was far better than other theaters he had seen before.

However, on the big screen, the Ranger used the ship as a weapon and hit the Tail Rat several times in a row, and the guy had no power to fight back.

The Tail Rat used its tail again, snatched the ship and threw it out, and at the same time swung its tail to knock the Ranger away, and then ran away.

The Ranger shuttled through the high-rise buildings on the streets of Hong Kong, and at the same time called a helicopter to help search for the Tail Rat.

As a result, this guy quickly emerged from a building and attacked, trying to push the Ranger into another building, but was knocked down by two punches.

One is the strongest steel behemoth, and the other is a super-powerful alien monster. The two guys used the business district with many office buildings as the battlefield, punching the flesh, hitting the building and breaking the windows, and sparks flashing.

Seeing that he couldn't beat the Ranger, the Tail Rat sprayed strong acid again.

But the Ranger was well prepared and easily avoided it.

The tail-standing rat used its tail to wrap around the Wanderer's arms, trying to sneak attack the cockpit, and was frozen to pieces by the coolant used by the male protagonist.

The two killer moves were dodged by the Wanderer, and the audience thought that this guy would be easily killed.

The tail-standing rat actually turned over and grabbed the back of the Wanderer, opened its two claws, turned into huge wings, and took the Wanderer to fly.

"Fuck, this monster can also turn into a pterosaur, so awesome!"

"This is amphibious on land, sea and air, a little too fierce!"

This monster first hit the Wanderer hard on the roof twice, and then took it flying higher and higher, through the clouds, to the high altitude with thin air.

At this moment, there was not enough oxygen, and the two plasma cannons were used up. Just when the male protagonist thought there was no other weapon.

The female protagonist said, no, there are more.

The screen prompts, "Chain sword equipped successfully!"

The Wanderer's right hand suddenly pulls out a huge chain-like thing, which is bent and separated into a shining long sword during the swing.

The male and female protagonists swing their arms at the same time, and the Wanderer mecha also swings the long sword in its hand upwards, cutting off one of the wings of the Tail Rat, and the Wanderer falls down with a bang...

The Battle of Hong Kong can be said to be the most exciting fighting scene in "Pacific Rim 1".

In comparison, the end of the film, the Wanderer fights the Level 5 monster and takes its body deep into the wormhole to throw bombs, which is slightly less exciting.

But for the audience, it is still exciting.

When the whole film was played and the lights came on, the audience applauded.

Even directors such as Zhang Yimou, Jiang Wen, and Xu Ke were amazed by the wonderfulness of the film.

This film naturally has no artistic value, and the story can only be said to be smooth and compact, but in terms of special effects, details, lens language, and composition creativity, it is definitely ahead of the times, and can even be said to be epoch-making.

Even in Hollywood, it is one of the best and exciting existences, not to mention the mainland of China in 2001.

"Congratulations, Director Jiang, I can't believe that the film can be shot so well!" Zhang Weiping squeezed to the front and said sincerely.

He is a little arrogant and looks down on ordinary filmmakers.

But when he met Jiang Heng, who made better commercial films than Zhang Yimou and made more money than him, his temper improved instantly.

Jiang Heng smiled, "Thank you, thank you!"

However, there were too many people at the scene to congratulate him, and he had to shake hands to thank him, not to mention how chaotic it was.

Fortunately, the beautiful host Yao Miao came on stage in time and said softly to the microphone: "Dear guests, media friends, and audience friends, now let us invite the biggest contributor to this epoch-making film, Director Jiang Heng, to come on stage and answer a few questions, okay?"

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