Jiang Heng came to the stage and stood still. Before he could speak, the audience burst into applause again.

It's not that the guests were overly enthusiastic, but the general audience who came to watch the premiere were sincerely in awe.

How can I put it this way, in an era when the entire market is flooded with all kinds of bad movies and money-making scams, a director can risk losing money and invest huge sums of money to make a sincere film, and the effect is still far beyond the audience's imagination. Good.

That feeling is like eating a star-rated meal at the price of a roadside shop. The pleasure and surprise are indescribable.

They can only use their applause to express their reverence.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng smiled and bowed in thanks.

Lasting for more than a minute, the host Yaomiao interrupted the audience's applause at Jiang Heng's signal and began a promotional Q\u0026A session.

"Hello Director Jiang, before watching the film, I never thought that China could make a mecha movie and do it so well. Can you tell me the secret?"

"My secret is to be attentive and truthful. I wonder what everyone thinks of the mecha in the film?" Jiang Heng asked the audience.

"It's so real, as if such a weapon really exists in this world!"

"Yeah, especially when the mecha walks step by step, that sense of heaviness and power is so cool!"

"I seem to have heard that kind of clicking, clicking mechanical sound!"

The audience talked a lot and expressed their most intuitive feelings.

Jiang Heng said: "What everyone said is right. When I was conceiving this movie and making various settings, I considered these aspects. In fact, someone advised me to make these mechas lighter. It seems more high-tech.

But considering the timeline in the film, I ultimately declined. I think if humans could invent such a war mecha at that time, it would have been a huge technological progress. Because the logic of the film is considered from the perspective of the real world, there are no superheroes, only ourselves and our technology can save mankind!

Therefore, whether it is the outer shell of the mecha, the interior of the cockpit, or the interior of the base, there is a lot of distressing. Because fighting is frequent and funds are limited... "

Jiang Heng's explanation made the audience suddenly realize, and they felt more and more emotional when they recalled the details that they had not paid attention to when watching the movie before.

Otherwise, these "old-fashioned" treatments will definitely cost money and time.

If the audience is not paying attention, they may not even notice it.

But it is these things that the audience may not pay much attention to, which affect the quality of the final film.

All the media reporters in the hall also took notes on what Jiang Heng had just said. When they went back to write the article, they would definitely mention it.

During the question and answer session, a boy wearing glasses said: "Hello Director Jiang Heng, I like this movie very much, and I also like 'Storm Red' in it. I would like to ask if there will be a sequel. If so, 'Storm Red' 'Will there be more scenes?"

As soon as these words came out, almost all the eyes in the venue were focused on Jiang Heng.

"There will definitely be a sequel. The number of scenes in the next 'Storm Red' will be greatly increased, and the fights will be more exciting than this one!"


As soon as Jiang Heng finished speaking, many young men and women exclaimed, This part is already very exciting, but the second part is even more intense, so what is it like?

What's even more surprising is that it will really increase the number of scenes in "Storm Red", which makes many Chinese people look forward to and proud of it.

After asking a few more questions, Jiang Heng called all the main creators to the stage. Even Xie Tingfeng, who guest-starred as the hero's brother in the film, came and answered the reporters' questions together. The entire premiere event was finally over. .

The ordinary audience members naturally went home after the show.

Media reporters had "travel expenses" and received red envelopes and hurried back to write articles and edit interview materials.

All the guests went to a nearby star-rated hotel, where China Film Group set up a banquet hall to entertain all the guests present today.

Counting the crew members, there are more than a hundred.

There were cheers and congratulations among the guests at the banquet.

Han Sanping's face is full of red, and he doesn't refuse anyone who comes.

Jiang Heng's drinking capacity was a bit weak, and he felt dizzy after a while.

Fortunately, Yu Dong had a good drinking capacity and helped him block a lot.

During the dinner, when talking about the movie's box office, they all said that it would definitely surpass "Shintuoling" and set a new domestic box office record.

But when asked how much he predicted, Jiang Heng smiled and said nothing, while Han Sanping stretched out his fingers and said domineeringly: "Such a good film should cost at least 500 million!"


The guests applauded and applauded, and the atmosphere reached its peak for a while.

Zhang Weiping's eyes were extremely hot when he saw it. He glanced at Zhang Yimou and thought to himself, when will we be able to be so beautiful?

Xu Ke also clapped, and the smile on his face became a little bitter.

Just now, I was chatting with some investors in the name of toasting. As soon as he mentioned his plan to make a new movie, he changed the subject and had no intention of talking at all!

Now, all I can do is ask Jiang Heng.

Hong Jinbao, who is also a big figure in the Hong Kong film industry, has a very calm attitude, and even said that he is vaguely looking forward to it.

Later that year, he filmed "Slaying the Wolf". Although he was not the starring role or the director, he was very happy to have his son join the cast again.

Although the brat is ineffective, he is good at being obedient, unlike that brat like Aaron...

As for the release of "Slaying the Wolf", it is also scheduled for the summer, just two weeks after the release of "Pacific Rim".

At that time, mecha blockbusters were still hot and the media was promoting them in various ways. I wonder how many people would go to the cinema if an action movie starring Jiang Heng was released!

"Mecha and monsters are the types that foreigners like to watch. I'm afraid the global box office this time will set a record!" Hong Jinbao suddenly said.

Han Sanping's smile faded a little after hearing this. After all, he knew the domestic market very well and could guess it almost exactly, but it was hard to say about the international market.

But he was already very happy in his heart. When he came here, he sat in the same car with several deputies. Everyone guessed that the global box office of "Pacific Rim" would break Jiang Heng's previous personal record.

And they participated in the investment, shooting and distribution of the film, and they could also write a big story when they wrote the performance report at the end of the year.

Han Sanping didn't dare to brag, and turned to look at Jiang Heng.

The latter said calmly: "Five hundred million US dollars, there is still some!"

The guests in the venue were stunned at first, and then said that they had everything.

"Director Jiang, you are so awesome and domineering!"

"You are too modest. 500 million US dollars is not enough. It should be at least 700 million, 800 million or 900 million. What do you think?"

Old Monster Xu suddenly said, "Director Jiang is too conservative. I think 10 billion US dollars is possible!"

When these words came out, the whole audience was stunned.

Especially Zhang Weiping, who looked unfamiliar and thought, "This old monster Xu is really different. I am known as Zhang Dapao, but I dare not say that like you!"

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