In 2001, China had just joined the WTO and was on the eve of its economic take-off. The overall national economy was still underdeveloped.

No matter how poor a country is, there are still a lot of rich people.

Even the poorer the place, the greater the gap between rich and poor is likely to be.

Not to mention that the market economy trend of twenty years of reform and opening up has created a large number of rich people.

Some of them are ambitious and struggle endlessly.

But there are still more people who are lost in wealth, living in luxury all day long, no matter how extravagant they are, how can they gain face.

The investment amounted to hundreds of millions of dollars, it was co-produced by China and the United States, and the world's first mecha-type special effects blockbuster was released, which is not a big stimulus to these people.

But the world's first IMAX movie with super stunning visual effects. There are only five IMAX screens in the world and they are all in China. This gimmick is more attractive.

During the screening period, IMAX ticket prices increased six to seven times, but many wealthy people did not notice.

And with the extensive publicity in the media and the Internet, some wealthy people finally realized that it is very honorable to use this ticket to see it for yourself or give it to friends or leaders!

For a time, the pre-sale tickets for the first day of the release of the IMAX theaters in the five cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Wuhan under the China Film Red Cinema Line were sold out almost instantly.

On the black market, the original twenty-one IMAX movie tickets start at two hundred.

Some bold and evil-hearted people can actually sell the goods even if they ask for three hundred.

In Shanghai, real estate businessman Chen Shifu shouted into the phone, "Three hundred, these grandsons really dare to ask for it, give it to him, give it to him, remember it's two, and it must be during prime time!"

The assistant on the other end negotiated with the scalper for a while, and then said to the phone again, "Well, Mr. Chen, during prime time, I want four hundred tickets!"


Chen Shifu was so happy that he almost choked. He felt that he was already dark enough, but he didn't expect that there was someone darker than him.

Twenty-one movie tickets, and I dare to ask for four hundred if I flip them.

If he hadn't washed his hands and gone ashore in the past few years and started to do big business, he would have considered recruiting a group of brothers to take over these scalpers and then do it himself.

"Give it to him, give it to him!"

After Chen Shifu finished speaking, he added another sentence: "Add two more, not at the same time!"

The assistant was stunned, thinking that Mr. Chen was flirting and wanted to take his lover to a movie!

Little did he know that what Chen Shifu was thinking was that the original two sheets were bought for Secretary Song's daughter.

The two extra pieces can be given to Secretary Song himself!

Whether he takes people to see it himself or gives it to others, he must remember his favor after all.

Although he still hasn't allowed himself to hug this big tree completely, he has a lot of things to do for the other party, so he will eventually have a chance.

In the office of the boss of a toy factory in Guangzhou, a boss wearing a vest, shorts, and slippers held a stack of IMAX theater tickets for the first day of the release of "Pacific Rim". He patted his hand a few times and said: "This time , everyone has really worked hard, and I will reward everyone with two movie tickets for "Pacific Rim" in the IMAX theater! "

"Wow, long live the boss, you are so good!"

"It's true. I waited in line for a long time but couldn't buy anything. Boss, you really moved me!"

The boss waved his hand and continued: "It's not just about watching a movie. There is a mission. You must remember the characteristics of every mecha and every monster in the movie. Whether you can make a fortune depends on this time!"

But it was said that this person only realized it later, because he was busy with other orders before, and by the time he noticed the news that "Pacific Rim" was about to be released, the screening in Guangzhou had already ended.

An employee showed him a photo of a mecha downloaded from the official promotional website of "Pacific Rim". The guy's eyes lit up instantly and he hurriedly ordered everyone to get relevant information.

Unfortunately, although the mecha photos on the official website are high-definition, they are basically partial details.

The "Wanderer" in the premiere promotional video can be seen in full, but because it is a fight in the dark, the video quality is not good and many places are too blurry.

The boss then thought about letting a few key members go to watch the movie. Firstly, it was a reward for their previous order. Secondly, he was preparing to imitate the mechas and monster toys in "Pacific Rim" and prepare to make a lot of money. .

Although he hasn't seen it yet, based on his sense of smell from many years of business experience, he knows that such mecha toys must be very popular.

In Guangzhou, there are many toy manufacturers who have the same idea as him, and they are all gearing up to do something big.

Some people have even given up on the domestic market and aimed directly overseas, negotiating with distributors in Southeast Asia, the United States and other places. After "Pacific Rim" is released, factories will imitate mechas and monster toys as soon as possible, and then ship them out by sea and put them on the market.

It can be said that there are too many people waiting around for the possible benefits of this film.

On July 13, "Pacific Rim" was officially released in mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, North America, Japan, the United Kingdom and other countries and regions where it is distributed.

Because there is no so-called zero-hour screening, and after a long period of extensive publicity, the 8:30 am screening in many theaters is the earliest release time of "Pacific Rim".

Domestically, long queues instantly formed in front of theaters in the business districts of major cities, and the queues were filled with boys and girls full of expectant expressions.

Especially those who hold IMAX theater tickets and have their girlfriends with them, they are so proud.

That is to say, there is no circle of friends these days, otherwise I would have to post a few updates!

Audiences who entered the theater and watched the IMAX version were so excited when they left the house that they turned into "tap water" and recommended it to their relatives and friends.

Of course, this is a show-off.

After all, if you pay a little attention to the movie market, you will know how difficult it is to buy tickets and how high the prices are from the "scalpers".

There was even a couple who were lucky enough to buy the IMAX version of the movie tickets at the normal price early on, but when they came, they were fooled by the scalpers' "high-priced purchase" and sold them at 150 yuan per ticket.

The young couple took 300 yuan and went to the mall happily. The scalper sold it to a lawyer named Zhang Wei for 250 yuan per ticket.

It can be said that after the film was released, the popularity of "Pacific Rim" cannot be described as "hot", but only as "burning".

Because on the third day of the film's release, which was Sunday night, the IMAX playback equipment in a certain theater malfunctioned due to long-term continuous playback, causing the audience in the theater to be excited.

Some audience members shouted excitedly, "I bought a high-priced ticket from a scalper and drove hundreds of kilometers just to watch the IMAX version. Now you tell me that it is broken and can't be played?

No, it must be played!

The audience in the theater basically had the same demands, and the staff was in tears after being scolded, so they had to go to the manager.

But the manager came over and couldn't solve the problem, so he could only send someone to contact the manufacturer to seek technical support and calm the audience's emotions.

But the audience didn't listen to this, and they were excited, waving their arms and rolling up their sleeves, and it seemed that a violent conflict was about to occur.

The theater manager was really helpless, and he knelt down in front of the audience with a plop!

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