In Beijing, in the office of the CEO of China Film Group, Han Sanping was still frightened. "Thankfully, the theater manager responded in time, otherwise if violence or stampede occurred, we would be in trouble!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, deeply convinced.

It is said that success depends on support and success depends on life. People in the film and television industry are somewhat superstitious, otherwise they would not turn on the phone to worship God. Believe this or that!

If there was a violent conflict at the movie theater that night, it would undoubtedly pour cold water on the popular "Pacific Rim". Even Jiang Heng, who has always been so impressive, would be plagued by rumors. Fortunately, it was resolved smoothly.

"Actually, after all is said and done, IMAX's projection system is still not mature enough. With this lesson learned, IMAX's technical support must be strengthened, and the theaters must also provide training to their employees!"

Jiang Heng made a suggestion and then said: "That manager, please give me a reward!"

Han Sanping smiled, "That's for sure. The theater chain company will give him a bonus. After the summer, his family will be arranged to travel abroad. If there is a suitable position in the future, he will be given priority."

Jiang Heng was quite satisfied after hearing this and stopped paying attention to this matter.

Han Sanping picked up a report on the table, which contained various detailed data analyzes since the release of "Pacific Rim".

It includes not only the box office on the first day of release, the three-day box office on the first weekend, but also the single-day box office, the box office of each theater, the box office of each city, and the box office ranking of each theater. It is written in detail.

However, in Jiang Heng's opinion, this thing is purely for holding meetings for extended periods of time.

Which theater has a high box office and which theater has a low box office, of what use is it to the producer?

He only cared about the single-day results and cumulative box office. He took a quick glance and looked at yesterday's box office data first. It was 37.9 million, which was higher than the 36.2 million on the first day of release. Naturally, it broke the previous box office record held by "Shintuoling". , and achieved a box office of over 100 million at a faster speed.

Recalling the domestic data when "Shituoling" was released, Jiang Heng smiled, "Looking at this performance, 500 million is stable!"

"Five hundred million? Someone has already set the target at 600 million!" Han Sanping said.

"Who is more confident than us?"

"Of course it's the media. Look, look at what's written in the newspaper. All kinds of data and calculations are so detailed!"

Jiang Heng took it and took a look. It turned out to be the "China Film News". The headline on the front page stated the box office expectations for "Pacific Rim". Based on the box office results of the film's first and next day of release, as well as the popularity of various places, Comparing various data from the time of the release of "Shintuoling" and analyzing the film type and schedule, we can conclude that Chinese-language movies may cross the 500 million threshold and jump directly from 400 million to 600 million.

The entire report was so detailed that even director Jiang Heng found it to be very reasonable, let alone ordinary viewers who didn't know the truth.

"Don't tell me, the writing is quite good. Even I feel confident after reading it!"

Han Sanping laughed and said, "If you ask me, this report is well written. I must meet the author if I have the chance!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, the film industry is also a river and lake, and a river and lake naturally requires personal sophistication.

The quality of a film is one thing. Censorship, distribution, theaters, media, film critics, and even the actor's popularity will all affect a film's box office performance.

If Jiang Heng wants to take root in the mainland, he must be kind to others and make friends.

"When the box office really exceeds 600 million, we will hold a grand celebration party and invite him over!"

Han Sanping laughed and said, "One day, I will send a car to invite all the people from their newspaper office to thank him for his good words!"

Jiang Heng also laughed, "Dr. Han is so awesome!"

Han Sanping waved his hand and said, "Can't talk about it, can't talk about it. Speaking of which, there's another annoying thing. As soon as this movie came out, a lot of toys based on the mechas in the movie appeared on the market, especially those in Guangdong. Bian, I heard from the theater over there that they are selling it at the entrance of the theater, and they can’t even drive them away, which seriously affects our sales of genuine products!”

"Pacific Rim" was a hit in the mainland summer season, and there was no second film released during the same period. "The Wolf", which will be released two weeks later, is also produced by Jiang Heng's Hong Kong Uteng Film Company and stars Jiang Heng as a guest star.

It can be said that the entire summer season in the mainland has been taken care of by Jiang Heng.

Even the always arrogant piracy disc group cannot get a share of the pie.

After all, everyone knows that "Pacific Rim" is a visual effects blockbuster, not based on storyline. With the quality of TV sets in China at the moment, even if you use the best color TV to play pirated discs, you will not have a good viewing experience. It would be better to have more Spend some money and go to the cinema!

Therefore, the impact of pirated discs on the box office of "Pacific Rim" is minimal.

But in terms of peripheral toys, some of the genuine products authorized by China Film and Aiyouteng are no match for them.

Counterfeit toys were flying all over the place, and they were sold right in front of the theater.

Some spectators were bored while waiting in line. Seeing that the items were not expensive, they bought some for fun.

Some of them are not overly excited after leaving the cinema, so they spend purely on impulse.

This is not the case with genuine products. They are beautifully packaged and expensive. Most importantly, they are displayed on the counters of shopping malls. You can’t buy cheap imitations.

Jiang Heng didn't take it seriously and smiled, "I just said it casually. Do you think it makes sense? You know the situation in China. First of all, there is no copyright awareness and piracy is common. But in terms of toys, I don't think it's a bad thing. Toys are usually bought for children. Genuine ones are too expensive. If children cry for them, it will cause financial burden to many families. If there are cheap ones, parents can spend a little money to satisfy their children's wishes, which is also a good thing!

Anyway, they can't afford our genuine products, so let's leave them to those with a wealthy family!"

Han Sanping was stunned when he heard this, then smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that you are so rich, but you can still care about the poor. How about donating a batch of genuine toys to the children in the mountainous areas?"

Jiang Heng smiled, "Donate it, I just need this little money?"

At this point, he remembered something and suddenly said, "Donate a batch of Hope Primary Schools!"

Han Sanping saw that Jiang Heng suddenly looked lonely, and joked, "Why, you can't bear it?"

"Oh, do I care about this? I'm afraid that the money will be donated and not spent on the right things, and the houses will not be built well. I won't agree!" At the end, his expression was very serious.

Han Sanping said, "It's okay. I'll help you find a contractor. There are so many departments in China Construction. I'll help you negotiate with any one you want to appoint!"

"Is that true?"

"Of course. As long as the money is in place, I'll run this errand for you. It's for the sake of the child!"

"Okay, let's talk about this today. I'll pay!"

Han Sanping saw that Jiang Heng was serious and knew it was not a joke. He tried to ask, "How much do you plan to pay!"

"I'll pay 100 million!"


Hearing this, Han Sanping almost fell down. He really wanted to say, brother, the popularity of "Pacific Rim" is almost self-ignited. This is not the way to hype.

The media will explode once the news of your donation comes out!

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