Jiang Heng couldn't see the suspicion in Han Sanping's eyes, and said with a wry smile: "As the saying goes, just do good deeds and don't ask about the future! I have made a lot of money in the mainland, and I have been thinking about how to give back, but I haven't figured out which way to use it. Today While we’re at it, let’s donate some!”

Han Sanping was even more shocked. After all, although his status and rank were high, in terms of net worth, he was only a drop in the bucket compared to Jiang Heng.

One million comics is not a small sum of money for an individual or for China Film Group Corporation!

For example, if he now wants to invest 100 million to make a movie, it can't be decided simply by patting him on the back.

Jiang Heng is so good. Originally it was just a joke, but he went straight to the real point. This is so awesome!

"If you really do this, you will have done a great thing!" Han Sanping looked moved and patted Jiang Heng on the shoulder.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "From now on, I don't know how many people will regard you as a good boy and want to get alms from you!"

"In terms of media reporters...!"

Han Sanping was mid-sentence when Jiang Heng interrupted, "As for the media, there is no need to report it. It would not be a good thing to report the truth. Keep a low profile, keep a low profile!"

When Han Sanping heard this, he didn't know what to say for a moment. He stretched out his right thumb and silently clicked "like"!

After thinking for a while, he said: "Don't worry, even if the media doesn't report this matter, the leaders will see it, and it will definitely be good for you in the future!"

Jiang Heng waved his hands hurriedly, "I really didn't think so much. I just want to spend some money to build some good houses for the children in the southwest mountains. Forget it, let's not talk about it for now. Let's go back to make preparations, establish the project, and invest money!"

Han Sanping felt a little strange, but after Jiang Heng said this, it was naturally difficult to continue talking about this topic.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly said: "By the way, have you thought about the next movie? Do you want to make a sequel to "The Matrix"?"

Jiang Heng said: "In the second part, I'm going to make a movie about Yang Jian chopping up a mountain to save his mother. It's the sequel to "The Matrix", so let's put it in later!"

"Yang Jian split the mountain to save his mother, but he is not as famous as Agarwood!"

Han Sanping frowned slightly, walked a few steps and then said: "If you shoot Agarwood and split the mountain to save his mother, the opponent is Erlang Shen, which is very oppressive, and the master Sun Wukong also appears, which is also more interesting!"

In fact, the original work of "Baolian Lantern" has nothing to do with Sun Wukong. Han Sanping is talking about the plot in the 1999 animated film "Baolian Lantern" produced by Shanghai Animation Film Studio.

As for this animated movie, the filming is really good, and the dubbing cast is even better.

Erlang Shen, voiced by Jiang Wen, and Monkey King, voiced by Chen Peisi, both left deep memories for the audience.

Jiang Heng said: "I don't like the character Chen Xiang very much!"

Han Sanping was speechless for a long time. This reason is really powerful!

"Okay, you are the director, whatever film you make must be according to your wishes, as long as China Film Group can participate in the investment!"

Jiang Heng smiled: "That's inevitable!"

The two chatted for a while, and a secretary sent a report on the screening of "Pacific Rim" in other regions.

For example, in Xiangjiang, it was naturally released with great success, the box office soared, and there were a huge number of viewers.

After all, in the eyes of most Hong Kong viewers, the director of this film is from Hong Kong, and many scenes were shot in Hong Kong. The most exciting fight scene in the film is the "Battle of Hong Kong". You must support it!

Coincidentally, Zhou Xingxing's "Shaolin Soccer" is also released at the same time, scheduled for July 12, one day earlier than "Pacific Rim".

Both films use visual effects as their selling point, and they were released on the same schedule, just like sparks hitting the earth, instantly igniting the summer schedule in Hong Kong.

Many Hong Kong filmmakers have the illusion that Hong Kong films are reviving, and they have gone to the cinema to watch blockbusters, hoping to see what they can learn from.

The talented director Wang Jing is one of them. He first watched Zhou Xingxing's "Shaolin Soccer". Although he thought the film was very good, he still had no idea how to follow the trend.

I turned around and went to watch "Pacific Rim" again, and was extremely shocked by the visual effects of the film.

I really didn’t expect that Jiang Heng’s special effects blockbusters have surpassed Hollywood levels.

In contrast, many Chinese-language films still use 50-cent special effects.

"Well, 50 cents special effects?"

Wang Jing was instantly inspired and recited the title of the movie, "Pacific Rim, Atlantic Rim, I can definitely use 50 cents special effects and similar creativity, and then copy it!"

Wang Jing was so excited that he almost screamed.

After watching the movie, I hurried home and spent the whole night writing the script for "Atlantic Rim."

Then he called Lin Xiaoming, the boss of Huanyi Entertainment, "Boss Lin, I have a good idea. How about we work together?"

Lin Xiaoming is an investor in "Shaolin Soccer". Because the film was released on the same schedule as "Pacific Rim", he was feeling depressed!

"What's going on? Don't tell me you're going to spoof "Shaolin Soccer". Don't blame me for falling out!"

Wang Jing said hey: "Definitely not!"

"Then you are?"

"Atlantic Circle, are you interested?"

Lin Xiaoming was originally lying on the sofa, but he sat up immediately after hearing these words, "Atlantic Rim? Is the script finished?"

"If I can make this call to you, I must have written it down!"

"Come right over, I'll wait for you in the office!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xiaoming still couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

Although "Shaolin Soccer" had a good reputation and box office, it was still beaten by "Pacific Rim", which made him very unhappy.

After all, "Shaolin Soccer" failed to be released in the mainland, and the box office was already missing a lot.

It was really depressing that the movie was released in Hong Kong and encountered a super strong opponent.

So no matter who wanted to spoof "Pacific Rim", he had to help out!

Not long after, the chubby Wang Jing appeared in Lin Xiaoming's office and took out a script from his bag.

"Boss Lin, haven't you seen "Pacific Rim"? Let me tell you the plot first?"

Lin Xiaoming, who was smoking, had a dark face and suddenly said, "I have seen it!"


Wang Jing was stunned. He really didn't expect Boss Lin to watch the rival's movie.

Lin Xiaoming did not hide it, "I thought that Jiang Heng was young and just succeeded by chance. Maybe this movie would fail, even worse than "The Legend of Zu". I didn't expect that it was made in Hollywood!

If I had known it was this level, I would have delayed the release of "Shaolin Soccer" by a week!"

Wang Jing said with a smile: "Although both movies are sold with visual effects, they are two different types after all. Ah Xing has so many fans, and the box office performance is not bad!"

Lin Xiaoming smiled bitterly and shook his head, and then took the script from Wang Jing.

After reading it once, I felt that it was a bit of a good idea.

"As for the actors, what do you think?"

Wang Jing said with a smile: "Wu Yizu must not be invited, that would offend him. But Xie Tingfeng, who appeared in "Pacific Rim" for less than five minutes, can be asked to play the male lead in "Atlantic Rim". As for the actresses, there are too many to choose from!"

Lin Xiaoming nodded slightly, thinking that this was a good idea. He took a look at the script and said decisively: "I'll invest in this movie!"

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