
A dull voice came, and everyone followed the sound, but Zhang Yimou also gathered around him at some point. Seeing Jiang Heng's "Fan Zi Fist" being so free and elegant, he couldn't help but admire him.

"I didn't expect that Director Jiang is also a kung fu master!"

Jiang Heng hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I just learned it from Teacher Li!"

Zhang Yimo was stunned and looked at Jet Li.

The latter's expression was complicated, with a hint of bitterness in his eyes.

"I just learned it, but Director Jiang is extremely talented, one of a kind, and he actually learned it right away!"

The people around him were all talking to help prove it, but Zhang Yimou still looked shocked, opened his mouth, and said after a long while: "Director Jiang has outstanding talent, he is really enviable!"

But deep down in my heart, I don't quite believe the authenticity of this matter.

As the saying goes, one minute on stage is worth ten years off stage.

Jiang Heng's "Fanzi Boxing" just now was almost as good as Jet Li's. Who would believe that he just learned it?

It's just that he's not that clever, and for a moment he couldn't figure out why Jiang Heng would lie in public.

He has already achieved success and fame. Why does he have such a false reputation? Do he want to be a master?

Suddenly, producer Zhang Weiping came over. When the two of them were having dinner, Zhang Yimou talked about it.

Zhang Weiping sneered: "It goes without saying that it must be fake! There are many martial arts schools in Xiangjiang, and it is too easy to learn boxing!"

"I also know the situation in Xiangjiang, but I just can't understand why he said he has never learned it?"

Zhang Weiping rolled his eyes, "Perhaps, I want to take the opportunity to publicize that he is a martial arts wizard, and then...!"

"Promote new film"

"Direct and act on your own!"

The two of them spoke almost at the same time. Although the content of what they said was different, together they seemed to be able to understand Jiang Heng's motives.

Zhang Weiping slapped his thigh and said, "It must be true. He is young, handsome, has resources and abilities. He is not willing to be a director all the time. He wants to become an international superstar like Cheng Long!"

Zhang Yimo nodded, obviously agreeing with Zhang Weiping's judgment.

More than 20 years later, many people think that Cheng Long is not very good when looking at Uncle Long who has become too old to be impressed on the big screen.

But at his peak, Cheng Long was definitely one of the most influential Chinese movie stars in the world.

The main founder of the well-known film review website Rotten Tomatoes came up with the idea of ​​creating a film review collection website because of his love for Cheng Long's movies.

There is a commercial street in Germany, which was named "Cheng Long Street" because Cheng Long filmed a movie there.

In the United States, many celebrities and dignitaries are fans of Cheng Long.

In Japan, Akira Toriyama, the author of the super popular anime "Dragon Ball", is a super fan of Cheng Long. He once said in an interview that if he hadn't watched Uncle Long's "Drunken Master", there would be no "Dragon Ball".

There is a saying that goes well, your idol may not be Cheng Long, but your idol’s idol is most likely Cheng Long.

Cheng Long once said in a program that if you point to any place on the world map, I can find someone to take care of you immediately!

Being able to say this in front of the media shows that I still have confidence.

Although Jiang Heng currently has a high status and wealth in the film industry, in terms of fame and influence on the audience, he is still a little behind.

After all, media information is not yet developed at the moment. When watching movies, everyone pays more attention to the actors and plot.

Even if you know who filmed it, you may not know who the director is, let alone become a fan.

Zhang Weiping consciously saw through Jiang Heng's "hype" strategy, rolled his eyes, and came up with an idea.

"Anyway, he is ready to come to the stage. Instead of letting him hype himself up in the future, let's borrow some heat to help "Hero"!"

Zhang Yimou looked hesitant, "Isn't it good?"

Zhang Weiping sneered, "What are you afraid of? He did the things, he blew the reputation, there are so many people on the crew talking, and media reporters keep snooping on the crew, so it's normal for him to reveal it!"

Zhang Yimou still felt that it was not good, but he would not stop him, "I only care about making good movies and ignore those things!"

Zhang Weiping said hey: "That's how it should be. Just make a good film and I'll take care of the rest!"

But unexpectedly, there were rumors circulating in the entertainment industry that Jiang Heng was a unique martial arts prodigy who could immediately perform exactly the same thing just by looking at Jet Li's performance.

The degree of exaggeration is comparable to that of Zhang Wuji, who practiced the Nine Yang Magic and the Great Shift of the Universe in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword".

There is also news that when Jiang Heng was filming "Hero", he did not use a stuntman throughout the whole process, and his fight with Jet Li was so inseparable that the entire crew was stunned.

What is even more outrageous is that Li Lianjie and Jiang Heng had a secret discussion, but they were not rivals. It can be said that the rumors are getting more and more bizarre.

The so-called official history may not be correct, but unofficial history is really wild!

As soon as these outrageous rumors came out, countless media and tabloid reporters gathered at the filming location of "Heroes" and caught the staff members coming and going for interviews.

Not to mention, in the eyes of this group of staff, Jiang Heng is really like a martial arts wizard. He has learned several routines from Jet Li, and he can master them all in one go, and he can fight with style.

When tabloid reporters heard this, they became more excited.

After returning home, he added more fuel to the fire, saying that the true identity of Jiang Heng’s father was a martial artist!

It's so powerful, swords, guns, swords and halberds, axes and axes, hooks and forks, sticks and sticks, whips, maces and hammers, kidnappers and meteors...

When Jiang Heng's father, Mr. Jiang, was young, he was proficient in all kinds of weapons. I was able to cut down from Causeway Bay to Temple Street East Road for three days and three nights. The blood flowed like a river without blinking an eye.

As for Jiang Heng, he has received the true teachings….

If you want to talk about such an outrageous thing, does anyone read it?

It is so popular!

Mainly sold to train stations and bus stations across the country, there is often a sloppy-looking middle-aged man who suddenly shouts: "Come to see the news, watch the news, King Liu was seriously injured while filming and fell to his death. Director Jiang Heng injured Li Lianjie while filming "Hero", and it turned out that he was a kung fu master…."

Such outrageous words were shouted, and people who were ready to take a long-distance bus and felt bored on the journey bought a copy and read it with relish.

In Beijing, in the office of the general manager of China Film Group, Han Sanping also held a pirated printed magazine and read the outrageous introduction about Jiang Heng on it.

"This is too fucking ridiculous, we really need to deal with these guys!"

After reading the magazine, he called Jiang Heng, and the assistant on the other end answered and said that Director Jiang was filming and asked him to call back when he was free.

After a long while, Jiang Heng finally called and said with a smile: "Boss Han, do you need me for something?"

"Uh, haven't you read the newspaper recently?"

Jiang Heng said: "How can I have time? I'm filming during the day and revising the script at night. What's the matter? Is there a problem with the release?"

Han Sanping said hurriedly, "No, no, it's just that recently it's been rumored that you are a rare martial arts genius, and that your family is a martial arts family!"

"Ah?" Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "So outrageous!"

"There are even more outrageous!" After saying this, Han Sanping read Jiang Heng a passage from a pirated magazine, which made Jiang Heng laugh and cry.

"These guys are better at making up stories than me!"

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