China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 95 Self-directed and self-acted

For regular media, if the other party spreads rumors or slanders, you can still ask a lawyer to communicate with them.

As for pirated magazines, even if you call the police, you may not be able to catch anyone.

Generally, if it does not cause too much negative impact, it is basically ignored, and the same is true for Jiang Heng.

After a few words, Han Sanping suddenly said: "By the way, I heard that you are going to direct and act in your new film?"

Jiang Heng was stunned, and then realized that it must be what the media said again.

"I really haven't thought about it!"

Han Sanping said: "But I think it's okay to give it a try!"

Jiang Heng's appearance and figure are definitely as strong as those of a popular idol.

As for acting skills, with twenty years of polishing in the previous life and the help of the "super microcomputer" in this life, it is also the best choice.

Before, I didn't have a martial arts foundation, and I thought it was a bit difficult to shoot action scenes.

But when I joined the crew of "Hero", I found that I could become an action superstar!

Hearing Han Sanping say this, I was really moved.

It is said that Jiao Yujun's Erlang Shen is the most classic, and Jiang Heng also agrees.

When filming "Lion Camel Ridge", Jiao Xinjun was invited to play a cameo role, and there were a few seconds of footage in the finished film.

But in this "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother", Jiang Heng did not plan to invite Jiao Xinjun to star.

The reason is that he feels that he is a bit old. Born in 1967, he is in his thirties and mature and stable. It is not suitable to play the young Yang Jian.

Jiang Heng's initial idea was to pick a young male actor from the mainland or Hong Kong to play the protagonist of this film.

But after listening to Han Sanping's suggestion and thinking about it carefully, it seems feasible!

"It seems that you are tempted. If I were to say, don't hesitate, just go for it. I really can't find a better one. You can't let Wu Yizu come again, the audience will definitely be visually fatigued!" Han Sanping advised.

Jiang Heng thought about the stills of Wu Yizu playing Erlang Shen and shook his head subconsciously.

He also thought about several young male actors from Hong Kong and the mainland, and there was really no one who was too suitable.

"Well, then I'll give it a try?"

Han Sanping smiled and said, "Why hesitate? I tell you, once the news of your directing and acting comes out, this movie will definitely be popular before it's even filmed!"

Jiang Heng laughed, "Then I'll be the lead actor for once!"

Han Sanping said again, "What do you think of the female lead?"

"I need to find someone who is very beautiful and very elegant!"

"Which role?"

"The Jade Emperor's sister!"

Han Sanping smiled helplessly, "You really don't give the male lead room to play the love scene!"

Jiang Heng said, "The theme of this movie is to save the mother, there is not so much love!"

Han Sanping thought to himself, the problem is that starting from "The Matrix", only the first of your four special effects blockbusters has some love elements!

Without love, there will be a lot fewer viewers and box office!

However, Jiang Heng's principle of cooperation is not to interfere with his creation. Han Sanping didn't persuade him too much, and only said: "If it's the sister of the Jade Emperor, I have a suitable candidate to recommend, He Qing, who has played all the four famous classics, and can be called the most beautiful woman in ancient costumes!"

In Jiang Heng's mind, He Qing's ancient costume image instantly emerged.

It must be said that she really has a face of a classical beauty, with a pair of eyebrows that seem to be frowned but not frowned, and a pair of eyes that are both affectionate and sad. She is quite suitable for the role of the Jade Emperor's sister in the film.

If there is anyone who can compete with He Qing in the track of classical beauty at this moment, only Chen Hong can do it.

But Chen Hong is the wife of the great director Chen Kaige, and it is said that Chen Kaige has always been unconvinced by Jiang Heng's achievements, so Jiang Heng naturally will not consider Chen Hong.

"It should be a good match. You can contact them first. Let's talk about the specific role after the script is finalized!"

In the evening, Yu Dong called again and said that the premiere of "SPL" in Beijing has been prepared, and asked Jiang Heng if he could come back to participate.

Jiang Heng invested in this film and made a guest appearance in it, so he naturally had to help promote it.

Originally, it was scheduled to be released two weeks after Pacific Rim, but this mecha blockbuster was so popular that it triggered a huge viewing craze and the box office fell slowly.

Yu Dong suggested that SPL be postponed for a week and the premiere should be prepared at this moment.

"Yes, the scenes here have just been filmed. After a month or so, we will go to Dunhuang to shoot a few more scenes and then we will be completely finished!"

Yu Dong was curious: "Very smooth?"


"So, boss, you are really a master?"

Jiang Heng was speechless, "Read less tabloids in the future!"


Yu Dong hung up the phone with a smile, rolled his eyes and sighed, "This talent is too exaggerated!"

Jiang Heng, on the other hand, left the Hero crew with his assistant team and prepared to return to Beijing to attend the premiere of SPL.

After arriving in Beijing, he went to Bonanza Pictures first and looked at the latest box office data of Pacific Rim.

The mainland is naturally advancing all the way, and Hong Kong and Formosa also performed very well.

What surprised Jiang Heng was the Japanese market. The box office performance of "Pacific Rim" was very good at the beginning of its release, and it became more and more fierce as time went by.

Compared with "Titanic" released in Japan in 1998, it seems to be surpassing.

It should be noted that the box office performance of "Titanic" in Japan was 26.2 billion yen, which is almost 1.2 billion yuan when converted into RMB, which is a very high box office performance.

And he remembered that when "Pacific Rim" was released in Japan in the previous life, it seemed to have a mediocre response!

The biggest difference between the two versions of the film should be that the original historical version changed the scene of the monster ravaging Tokyo to landing in Manila due to the problem of the Japanese earthquake.

But in this life, Jiang Heng not only added the scene of monsters attacking Tokyo in the film, but also increased the duration and many close-up shots. Do they like to watch this?

Although it is a little difficult to understand, the box office data fed back by Toho Corporation should be like this!

In South Korea, the performance of "Pacific Rim" has also been rising, beating Korean local films in the same period into cannon fodder.

As a result, a large-scale parade in the Korean entertainment industry was triggered. Their slogan was to restrict foreign films and protect domestic films.

The main content of the speech said: The Korean film market was once dominated by Hong Kong films, and then Hong Kong films declined and Hollywood blockbusters came in again.

Now even Chinese special effects blockbusters have come in. If this continues, the Korean film market will really become the back garden of Hollywood and Chinese films.

These slogans really attracted some young people to join, but more Korean young people planned to go to the cinema first to see what was so good about this boycott of "Pacific Rim"!

Of course, they must have a critical attitude.

As a result, seeing the classic scenes of the mecha fighting monsters with great texture and authenticity in the film, many young Koreans were shocked.

Isn't it said that the big country next door is very poor?

How can such a poor country make such a good special effects movie!

This must be resisted, otherwise if it continues to develop and join forces with Hollywood blockbusters, will there be any way for Korean local films to survive!

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