China Entertainment special effects started in 1997

Chapter 96: Popular around the world

In North America, Pacific Rim has been released for almost a month, and its box office performance can only be described as a chart-topping success.

The first weekend of 81.27 million US dollars is shocking. According to previous data, as long as the reputation of Pacific Rim does not collapse, the total box office in North America will be more than 300 million US dollars.

The problem is that after watching the movie, the vast majority of American audiences gave comments that the visual effects are cool, the plot is smooth, and the American-made "Rover" is so handsome!

The film once again proves that only the United States can drive away aliens, monsters and other things that threaten mankind.

The only doubt is why the driver of the American-made mecha is a Chinese?

Oh, Wu was born and raised in the United States and finished college, so there is no problem!

With the gimmick of the world's first mecha blockbuster and ultra-high-quality special effects, the North American box office of Pacific Rim has been rising since its release, easily breaking through the 200 million and 300 million US dollar ticket mark.

While countless American audiences are excited, it also arouses the concerns of Hollywood filmmakers.

Because of the box office performance of 300 million US dollars, it can compete for the annual box office champion.

Last year, the annual No. 1 "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" only had a box office of 267 million US dollars, only 7 million more than the runner-up "Lion's Ridge" with 260 million US dollars.

Many North American netizens speculated online who was the North American box office champion in 2000. It couldn't be "Lion's Ridge" from China, right? Could it be that some people spent money to buy the box office for the dignity of Hollywood!

Conspiracy theories have a market everywhere.

Because "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" was released in the summer, it won too reluctantly, making too many people doubt the authenticity of its box office.

And this time, Jiang Heng's new film "Pacific Rim" directly broke through the 300 million mark, and even broke the psychological defense of some Hollywood filmmakers.

The annual box office list in North America will not be so easily taken by a Chinese director's work. If that were the case, it would be too embarrassing.

But looking at the box office performance of "Pacific Rim" at the moment, the market estimates that the box office is about 330 to 360 million US dollars.

Who can stop it from reaching the top!

At this time, Warner Bros., who had a grudge against Jiang Heng, stood up and shouted to the media, "I'm here!"

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone", jointly produced by Warner Bros. and British Sunrise Pictures, will be released worldwide during the Christmas season. With the huge influence of the original novel and the excellent production level, it will definitely beat this incongruous Sino-US co-produced mecha vs. monster movie.

New Line Cinema announced to the media that the 2001 North American annual champion is naturally "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". The film is adapted from Tolkien's classic novel "The Lord of the Rings Trilogy", which is popular all over the world, and is filmed in the form of a trilogy. It took 3 years to write the script alone.

The film will use various traditional methods and computer special effects to present the mysterious fantasy world in the original book to the audience and create a real "Middle-earth".

These two movies can be called the most anticipated movies in North America in 2001.

The audience also looks forward to their box office performance. The problem is that there are still three or four months before Christmas, so let's take a look at "Pacific Rim" first!

By the time the film was taken off the screen, Pacific Rim had grossed $349 million in the North American market, ranking first in the annual box office and fifth in North American film history.

It ranked behind Titanic with $658 million in 1997, Star Wars: Episode I with $474 million in 1999, E.T. the Extraterrestrial with $359 million in 1982, and Jurassic Park with $357 million in 1993.

Such a result is unprecedented and has shocked many people.

Some Hollywood companies have jumped out to accuse Columbia, believing that it is undermining the interests of the entire Hollywood by cooperating with Jiang Heng.

Many films that should have made money failed miserably at the summer box office due to the large-scale release of Pacific Rim.

Columbia, on the other hand, was too lazy to pay attention to such remarks, and was only focused on calculating the global box office results, the film's revenue sharing and copyright income, and how much money it could share.

At the same time, he secretly regretted that it would have been great if he could have gotten the North American revenue share. At least $160 million would have been shared out of $349 million.

He only invested $30 million and made a killing in one go.

Unfortunately, the share was based on the investment ratio, and the director Jiangheng had to pay the film salary and box office dividends according to the standards of Hollywood big directors.

By the end of September, Pacific Rim was released in all film markets around the world, with a cumulative box office of $939 million.

It ranks fourth in the world's film history after Titanic (first release) with $1.8 billion, Jurassic Park with $1.029 billion, and Star Wars: Episode 1 with $1.027 billion.

Once the news was announced, it shocked the world.

Major media around the world reported on it, and CCTV's News Broadcast even reported the production information of Pacific Rim and its superb performance in the global film market for an unprecedented long time.

In the domestic entertainment industry, it has even become a topic of discussion among everyone.

Many people even claim to have found the secret to the revival of Chinese-language films, which is the Sino-US co-production of special effects blockbusters, with both China and the United States making great achievements.

The famous performing artist "Teacher Liu" announced to the media that next year, the Sino-US co-production of "Journey to the West" will start filming, and he will continue to play the role of Sun Wukong.

As soon as this news came out, many fans were really excited.

After all, "Sixth Teacher" played Sun Wukong very well, and the audience also expected to see a high-quality movie version of "Journey to the West".

Although Jiang Heng's "Lion Camel Ridge" is wonderful, the main storyline and the tone of the film are somewhat sad and dark, which does not conform to the aesthetic taste of some audiences.

Later, Chen Kaige announced that he would start shooting an oriental fantasy epic film, which would be co-produced by China and the United States and co-created by stars from China, Japan and South Korea.

As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation instantly.

After all, "Sixth Teacher" is just a famous old artist and has no strength in film production.

Chen Kaige is different. He is a famous international director. He said that he would co-produce with the United States and invite actors from China, Japan and South Korea to co-produce. That is really possible.

It's just that there is no news about which Hollywood company will participate in the investment and what kind of film will be shot.

"He wants to make a film about fate!"

In the office of the general manager of China Film, Han Sanping slowly took a sip of tea and put it down and said.

Although a lot of money was made from the film "Pacific Rim", it is impossible for a large group company like China Film to cooperate with Jiang Heng alone. If there are suitable projects, it will continue to invest.

In history, the film "The Promise" was invested by China Film and released in 2005.

In this time and space, seeing that Jiang Heng, a young boy, has made box office hits one after another, his old rival Zhang Yimou has also created "Hero", and the unknown Li An has become a Hollywood director with a film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon".

And he is still being questioned by fans, that is really can't wait!

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