Jiang Heng was not very interested in Chen Kaige's "The Promise", and the only memories he had after many years were the two jokes of "clothes" and "incomprehensible".

Han Sanping said it casually, and he just listened to it.

This time he came to discuss the investment and preparation of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother".

Considering that the film is a mythological theme, no foreign actors are needed during the production process, and no European and American filming is required.

So Jiang Heng did not plan to bring Columbia Company with him this time.

The latter was naturally very regretful and shocked when they heard the news.

But when they learned that they would continue to cooperate in "Pacific Rim 2", there was no problem.

They just asked for the agency distribution rights of Jiang Heng's new film in several countries in North America and South America. Jiang Heng verbally agreed, and the specific contract would be signed after the filming of the film was completed.

In terms of investment, China Film Investment invested 15 million US dollars, and Beijing iQiyi Films under Jiang Heng's name invested 35 million US dollars.

In terms of production, Jiang Heng was still fully responsible, and invited Sammo Hung to serve as action director and deputy director.

As for the actors, Mr. Lan Tianye was invited to play the role of Yu Ding Zhenren, Yang Jian's master.

As for the female lead, the script was revised several times, and finally a young female character was added.

Jiang Heng did not intend to use those popular actresses in the film and television industry, and was preparing to hold an open audition, so he came to discuss.

Han Sanping was happy to hear this, "Open auditions, this is a good idea. The actresses who can kill out of thousands of troops must be correct in all aspects. Once your film is shot, there will be another female star in the mainland!"

As the head of the Chinese-language film market, facing the current situation where Hong Kong stars are powerful, Han Sanping is very concerned about cultivating mainland stars, and naturally he is happy to see it happen.

Jiang Heng smiled and said, "Then this matter is settled. I will order someone to issue a notice later, and you send someone to help prepare it!"

"Of course!"

As soon as the news came out, it quickly spread throughout the entertainment industry and caused a huge response.

Although the roles of women in Jiang Heng's films are not very important, Li Meiqi in "The Matrix" and Gao Yuanyuan in "Pacific Rim" both became popular actresses in the Chinese film market.

Being able to star in Jiang Heng's film is a step up!

Actresses from the mainland and Hong Kong have asked people to confirm that Jiang Heng wants to find a young newcomer this time, and they all lamented the unfairness of fate.

Some female artists who have debuted but not yet become popular, regardless of that, have sent their resumes to the crew, and they were actually accepted, which made them overjoyed.

More people who have some talent and good looks have dreamed of becoming stars and participated in the audition for the female lead.

North America, New York.

After Liu Xiaoli received a phone call, her face became sad and annoyed, and she was depressed for several days.

Liu Tianxian asked her mother what was wrong, but she refused to say.

As a result, one day, a Korean girl in the class packed her bags and said she was going to drop out of school.

Liu Tianxian was curious and asked her why!

The girl said, "Don't you know? The director you like very much, Jiang, is casting for a female lead. She wants someone who is young and has little acting experience. Isn't this tailor-made for me? I'm going to China to participate in the casting and wait for me to become the female lead of his new film!" Then she left with full confidence.

Liu Tianxian was stunned when she heard this.

After she set her goal of becoming an actress, she studied hard all day and worked hard to earn credits, intending to return to China as soon as possible.

But judging from the current situation, she will not be able to leave the United States until 2002.

But she didn't expect that there would be such a good opportunity in China at this moment. No wonder her mother has been unhappy these days.

As for the casting, she really wanted to participate, but she couldn't give up after earning credits for so long!

"Mom, you knew a long time ago that Jiang Heng was going to cast a female lead, didn't you?"

"I know, and I'm a little sorry, but Xixi is still young, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future. Right now, completing the credits and getting a diploma is the most important thing, you know? After getting a diploma, go back to China and try to get into Beijing Film Academy or the Central Academy of Drama, so that you can have some acting skills and work with a big director!

Although this opportunity is rare, Director Jiang Heng is not only making this one movie, he makes new movies every year, and there is a chance to work together, do you understand?"

"I understand, mom, I will work harder!"

Inland, Beijing No. 14 Middle School, a class in the second grade.

"Mi Mi, Mi Mi, have you heard? Director Jiang Heng is going to cast a female lead!"

In the class, several little girls who are still childish gathered together to discuss.

The one called Mi Mi is naturally Yang Mi, who later became very popular. At this moment, she is still a little girl, but she has a lot of acting experience.

In 1990, Yang Mi participated in the training class for young actors. It happened that the crew of "Tang Minghuang" directed by Chen Jialin came to select actors. The 4-year-old Yang Mi was fortunately selected and played the role of Princess Xianyi in the play.

At the age of 5, Yang Mi played the daughter of the male protagonist Su Can in "Wu Zhuangyuan Su Qier".

In 1992, Yang Mi co-starred with "Six Teachers" in the opera-themed children's play "Monkey Baby". In the following years, Yang Mi also starred in MV.

In 2001, Yang Mi, who was only 15 years old, sent photos to "Rayli" magazine at the suggestion of her classmates and was selected by the editor to become a flat model.

It has to be said that some people seem to be born to do this job. Their star journey is smooth and they have emerged at a young age.

"I heard about it. I sent the information a long time ago!" The little girl couldn't hide her thoughts and looked a little proud.

"Ah, if you are selected, won't you become a big star?" The girl opposite pressed Yang Mi's shoulders and shook her head desperately.

Yang Mi's head shook with her body, and she said hurriedly: "Stop, stop, if you shake your head again, it will become a paste. There are so many people, how can you be sure!"

"Our Mimi is naturally beautiful, she will definitely be selected when she arrives!"

"That's right, don't forget us when the time comes!"

"When the time comes, please help me get a signed photo from Director Jiang Heng, I think he is so handsome!"

"Please help me get one too!"

The little girls made requests one after another, and Yang Mi took on all the responsibilities, quite like a big sister, "Don't worry, if I am selected, I will definitely not forget you!"

"Wow, Mimi is so nice!"

"If there is a chance, take us to the set!"


Shanghai, Business and Tourism School, Tang Yan, who is already in his third year of high school, is preparing for the "art exam", but he is not very confident.

Because he feels that the competitors are too strong and his family is not very supportive.

When she told her father that she wanted to take the entrance exam for the Central Academy of Drama, he gave her four words, "Daydreaming".

But now she really wants to be an actress, and works hard for her "dream" every day.

One day, her best friend suddenly ran over like crazy, "Tangtang, have you heard? Director Jiang Heng is auditioning for the female lead!"

"Ah!" Tang Yan was stunned and didn't react for a while.

Her best friend knocked the textbook out of her hand, "It's already this time, why are you still reading books? If you are selected as the female lead, you don't have to take the art exam, you will be a popular actress directly!"

Tang Yan said softly: "But if you don't get selected, you still have to come back to prepare for the exam. The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, calm down, calm down!"

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