Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1108 1208. Revealing the Mask

"smell good!"

"Yes, it smells so good!"

"What does this smell like?"

"It smells so good."

In the kitchen, Jing Tiantian swallowed her saliva and watched Nie Wei put the last stir-fried pot pork on the plate. She asked like a greedy cat: "Brother Nie Wei, can you let me try it?"

"This is for you to taste. Tensor, why don't you come and have a piece too and try my handiwork?" Nie Wei said.

When Jing Tiantian heard this, she was not polite. She found a pair of chopsticks, quickly picked up a piece of pot meat, and then took a big bite.

A crisp sound sounded, and then Jing Tiantian also hummed with satisfaction.

"Delicious, so delicious."

Nie Wei watched Jing Tiantian take down her chopsticks like the wind and ate three or four pieces of Guobao Pork in a blink of an eye. When she wanted to eat more, Nie Wei quickly stopped her.

"Don't just eat it without talking about it, but give me a few comments."

"I told you, it's delicious, it's delicious. I'll give you another thumbs up!" Jing Tiantian gave Nie Wei a thumbs up, and then while Nie Wei was dumbfounded, she immediately picked up another piece and ate it. There was a beautiful expression on her lips.

Jing Tiantian definitely couldn't ask anything else, so Nie Wei turned his attention to Tensor beside him.

"It's golden in color, crispy on the outside and sweet on the inside. It doesn't taste greasy at all. I can't find anything wrong with it." Tensor also gave Nie Wei a thumbs up and said in admiration.

Nie Wei's cooking skills were so good, it really exceeded his expectations.

At least when it comes to the dish of Guobao Pork, Zhang Liang feels that what he cooks is not as good as Nie Wei's.

"With Chef Zhang's affirmation, I have confidence." After Nie Wei said this, she asked Jing Tiantian to take the pot-roasted pork to Fan Binbin and Huang Xiaoming to taste, while she continued to make it until all the orders were completed.

Seeing how good Nie Wei's Guobao Pork was, Zhang Liang also felt a little competitive and took his braised pork more seriously.

When Jing Tiantian brought out Guobao Pork for Huang Xiaoming and Fan Binbin to taste, it also attracted the attention of the diners in the restaurant.

"Little girl, is that Guobao Pork?" Someone asked after smelling the aroma and looking at the appearance comparison flyer.

"This is Guobao Pork, our main dish today, the price is over there, only 15,000 won." Jing Tiantian pointed to the menu card and price hanging on the wall and introduced it to the customers.

"Then give me a piece of Guobao Pork!"

"We also want a share for this table."

In just a few minutes, the order for Guobao Pork increased by six more. Fortunately, Huang Xiaoming and the others bought enough tenderloin and ingredients in the morning.

After chopping vegetables, mixing meat, frying repeatedly, mixing sauce, and finally stir-frying, portions of pot-roasted pork are served on the table. Jing Tiantian always asks if it tastes good, and she always gets a yes. The answer made the little girl very satisfied, and she never tired of immersing herself in such a question and answer game.

In fact, there is not much difference between Korea's famous sweet and sour pork and pot-roasted pork. Both are sweet and sour, but the sweet and sour pork does not have the final stir-frying process of meat and sauce. Instead, the sauce is served in a separate bowl. After the dish is weighed, whether it is topped with sauce or dipped in sauce, it is up to the customer to adjust the dosage.

But Guobao Pork is different. The sauce and fried meat slices have to be stir-fried together before being cooked. The advantage of this is that the Guobao Pork itself is very tasty. The difficulty is to control the sweetness and acidity. If it is too light, it will have no taste. Too heavy and too greasy.

Moreover, this pot-wrapped pork dish is also a dish used by Northeasterners to measure the skill of chefs in local restaurants.

You must know that almost every restaurant in the Northeast has this dish, but not every chef can make it well. When I go to a restaurant, I order a pot of pork belly first. It is delicious. Then, what about the other dishes in this restaurant? They are all good. If you can't cook the Guobao Pork well, then you probably don't need to try the other dishes.

Nie Wei's pot-wrapped meat conquered the stomachs of all the diners.

Tensor's braised pork on the other side is also cooked. It is soft and tender, fat but not greasy, and has a slightly sweet aroma. It is also a Chinese dish that is very suitable for Korean tastes.

The last dish of stir-fried vegetables was left to Tensor. He simply lit up the two stoves and while stir-frying the vegetables, he kept an eye on the braised pork to reduce its juices.

Jing Tiantian was not idle either. In addition to serving the dishes, she was also responsible for bringing the pickles prepared by Tensor to the table.

These small pickles are also carefully prepared, including Sichuan kimchi, sugar-coated peanuts, clam meat mixed with seafood sauce and cucumber mixed with Kyoto sweet noodle sauce.

Nie Wei tasted them all and they tasted really good.

Fan Binbin was busy settling accounts and collecting money. As for Huang Xiaoming, although he had no specific duties, he was actually the busiest as a handyman. Not only did he have to help Jing Tiantian serve the dishes, but he was also responsible for cleaning up the tables after the diners had finished their meals and some things on the floor. Debris should also be cleaned up immediately.

Unconsciously, two hours passed. After Nie Wei determined the ingredients, she told Jing Tiantian to remove the Guobao Pork sign because the ingredients had been used up.

In one noon, Nie Wei made twenty-eight dishes of pot-roasted pork, using up all the tenderloin bought by Huang Xiaoming and Tensor.

The sales volume of Tensor's braised pork was also very good, with a total of 20 copies sold. In addition, his stir-fried vegetables were even more popular, with 37 copies sold.

It’s not that the fried vegetables are delicious, but that many customers don’t necessarily choose two meat dishes. But after ordering the meat dishes, they usually come with a side of vegetables to relieve their tiredness. In addition, because the price is cheap, it is naturally sold. More.

There were also some miscellaneous dishes, but not many were sold, and Nie Wei didn't remember much of them.

Nie Wei finished frying the last three dishes of Guobao Pork, but this time he did not let Jing Tiantian carry them all out. Instead, he carried two portions and followed Jing Tiantian out.

This is also the last link in Nie Wei's plan.

When the two girls who were dining saw Nie Wei taking off his mask and asked them if the food was delicious, the two girls were stunned.

Countless exclamations immediately sounded in the restaurant. Obviously, no one expected Nie Wei's sudden appearance, and in this way.

After a moment of sluggishness, everyone who reacted went crazy.

This is Nie Wei, a super star, the world's top director, and a super rich man. When so many bright halos are placed on a person's head, that person will shine in the eyes of ordinary people.

At this moment, in the eyes of all the customers in the hotel, Nie Wei is shining and very dazzling.

"Nie Wei, is it really Nie Wei?"

"Are you Nie Wei?" After the two girls came to their senses, they quickly asked Nie Wei for confirmation.

"If it's true, I'm Nie Wei, hello." Nie Wei smiled brightly and reached out to shake hands with the two girls. Unexpectedly, the two girls were bolder. One of them grabbed Nie's only hand and shook it. Holding Nie Wei's arm, he shouted in a coquettish tone: "Nie Wei, can you speak Korean? You speak Korean so well. My name is Eunmi, and I am your fan!"

"I'm also a fan of yours. My name is Zhen Shu. Whether it's the movie you starred in or the movie you shot, I've watched them all. Yesterday Eunmi and I went to see "Interstellar" together. It's such a great movie. Nie Wei, can you give us your autograph? We also want to take a photo."

"Of course, no problem." Nie Wei shook off the hands of the two girls without leaving a trace. The moment he agreed, the eyes of other customers in the restaurant also lit up. For a moment, everyone forgot to eat and ran to Nie Wei to beg. Please sign and take a photo.

Nie Wei was very lucky that he had chosen to show up when there were fewer people in the hotel. If he had come to deliver food during the peak period, the whole hotel would have been in chaos. Now, although it is not a chaos, it is undoubtedly beyond the reach of the program team. expectations.

Nie Wei herself did not expect that she would be so popular in Korea.

"Are you really all my fans?" Nie Wei asked jokingly while signing autographs for the two children.

Who knew that Nie Wei's playful questioning made the two girls anxious, and they quickly took out their mobile phones to show Nie Wei the Nie Wei fan club they had joined.

"There are so many members. Did you create this fan forum yourself?" Nie Wei curiously looked at the fan forum that the girl found and found that there were more than 5,000 people online in this forum, with more than 50 members. Ten thousand people were also very surprised.

"It was founded by sister Taixi and has been in business for eight years." Eunmi replied proudly.

Nie Wei's surprised expression made her feel very satisfied. She felt that she and others had accomplished something big, which was beyond the expectations of her idol.

"It's so great, can you send me a thank you article?" Nie Wei asked.

"Of course it's no problem!" Eunmei immediately nodded excitedly and agreed.

The content of the post was very simple. Nie Wei expressed her gratitude. In order to prove that it was Nie Wei's dictation and Eunmi forwarded it, she also took this opportunity to take a photo with Nie Wei. In the photo, she held up her mobile phone and pointed at it. The camera, the smile is so sweet.

Eunmi also decided not to mosaic this photo, so that the little sisters in the forum would be jealous!

But what Eun-mi doesn't know is that her little sister Zhenshu is already very jealous. She obviously has an account on the forum, and her fan level is higher than Eun-mi. Why does she have one more chance to take a photo with Nie Wei? It's Eunmi, but she, a fan who is better in all aspects, still wants to take pictures of them.

Zhen Shu really wanted to find another one with Nie Wei, but when she looked up again, Nie Wei was already being pulled by other diners to ask for autographs and photos.

You must know that "Interstellar" is currently being released in South Korea, and it is very popular. It has already had nearly one million viewers in four days, ranking first among foreign films.

Many local Korean filmmakers are optimistic that "Interstellar" can break the attendance record for foreign films. It is worth mentioning that the current record holder for this item is also Nie Wei, who shot and starred in "Inception" ” ranked first in the number of viewers of imported films in South Korea with 5.01 million viewers.

In addition, Nie Wei has an extraordinary handsome appearance and enjoys a high reputation in the world. Therefore, even if Nie Wei has never carefully managed the popularity in South Korea, Nie Wei is definitely a superstar-level figure in this land.

"Are you filming a show?"

"I said, why are there so many cameras? Are they all celebrities?"

"That waiter looks so familiar. Now that I think about it, isn't that brother Lin Shu from "Nirvana in Fire"?" A diner pointed at Huang Xiaoming and exclaimed in surprise.

Huang Xiaoming, who was a little disappointed a second ago because he was not popular in the local area, immediately showed a bright smile and waved to the customer who recognized him.

But what made him dumbfounded was that the customer who called Huang Xiaoming's name was quickly grabbed by his companion, who kept asking her what "Nirvana in Fire" was?

In fact, Huayi has been sending many film and television works to South Korea in recent years.

However, Koreans prefer idol dramas or palace dramas, and are not so keen on power struggles, so that "Nirvana in Fire", which has sold well in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and even Southeast Asia, has received a mediocre response in Korea.

In addition, Huang Xiaoming's modern costumes are different from those in ancient times, so even if some people have seen this drama, they may not recognize him.

While Nie Wei was busy signing autographs and taking photos with customers, the post posted by Enmei also set off a storm in Nie Wei's fan forum.

Nie Wei appeared, and appeared in a restaurant, and became a chef in the restaurant to cook personally!

A series of keywords woke up Nie Wei's group of Korean fans. At first, some people questioned the authenticity of this matter, but under the "iron evidence" of the photo, this doubt only existed for a moment and then disappeared.

Then Enmei's phone began to ring non-stop, all of which were text messages sent by other users in the forum, asking her the location of the restaurant, asking her if Nie Wei was still there, and of course many people asked her if Nie Wei's dishes were delicious.

"The restaurant is in Hongdae."

"Nie Wei is still here, signing autographs for customers."

"The food is delicious, and Nie Wei's cooking skills are great. I am so moved that I am about to cry. My idol actually cooked for me, and it was so delicious. I am so happy."

Enmei's reply attracted the envy of countless girls. Everyone left messages under her post, asking her to take pictures of the sweet and sour pork made by Nie Wei, and to take more pictures of Nie Wei, even if they were a little far away, so that they could see Nie Wei's face.

After all, as a fan of South Korea, it is really hard to see the idol once in a thousand years. Nie Wei does not go to South Korea every time he promotes a movie. Sometimes, these fans can only see their idol once every two or three years. Some fans even save money just to go to China to see what Nie Wei looks like in person.

Such fans are still a minority. First, the age of Nie Wei's fans is mostly between teens and thirties. These people are either in school or busy with work, and they have no time at all.

Second, the money for going abroad is not a small amount, and many people cannot afford it.

But now, the opportunity has come. Nie Wei actually appeared in Seoul and became a chef in a Chinese restaurant. Nie Wei's fans who got the news immediately took action, like ants leaving their nests, and began to gather towards the Chinese restaurant.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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