Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1109 1209. A fulfilling day

The fans who flocked in were still late. After 1:30 p.m., the Chinese restaurant closed on time. Nie Wei and others went to the nearby vegetable market to buy ingredients for dinner.

The first wave of fans who arrived saw only a restaurant with a locked door.

"Lunch time is from 10:30 to 13:30, and dinner time is from 4:30 to 10:00. It will open in more than two hours." A girl with a ponytail looked at the business schedule written on the glass blackboard in the small courtyard of the Chinese restaurant and sighed with a frown.

"Wait, it's just more than two hours. Anyway, I don't have classes in the afternoon." The companion girl looked at the interior of the restaurant from the campus and answered casually.

"But I have classes in the afternoon, what should I do?" The ponytail girl said anxiously.

"You ask Li Xinhui to sign in for you. She doesn't have classes in the afternoon either." The companion girl thought about it and proposed a solution.

The ponytail girl heard it and hurriedly called Li Xinhui.

Half a minute later, the girl with ponytails was holding her phone, her expression was about to cry, and her companion girl saw her and asked her what happened.

"That girl Xinhui is also rushing here, she told me she is almost here." The girl with ponytails said with tears in her voice, and while she was talking, she saw a taxi stopped at the intersection not far away, and then three girls walked down from it, one of whom was the Lee Xinhui she mentioned.

"I can't do anything about it." Seeing this, the companion girl said helplessly, and then thought of something, and whispered: "Why don't you skip class?"

The girl with ponytails looked at the closed door of the restaurant, and thought about the photos that were circulated at noon, and nodded vigorously. In front of the idol, skipping class is not a crime!

There were actually people in the restaurant. The director of the program group, Li Xuri, was in the monitoring room with three staff members, watching the morning recording while visiting the store.

He also knew that there were a few fans outside, but he didn't take it seriously at first, thinking that a few fans saw the news online and came to join in the fun. Seeing that the restaurant was closed, they would at most go up for a while, and if they saw that it was not open, they would probably leave.

"Nie Wei is very good at controlling the process. In the morning recording, all the processes were actually led by Nie Wei."

"I think Nie Wei's creativity in the doll costume is really wild and unconstrained. I suggest that more content be cut into the main film here, which will definitely be a big attraction for the ratings."

"Nie Wei's statement of identity at the end of lunch was just right. Director Li, can't we really invite BOSS to participate in the program? As long as he is there, our program will definitely be a big hit." After sighing, a director of the program group couldn't help but ask Li Xuri.

In his opinion, even if Nie Wei is not popular, this person will help the program too much. If the previous members were scattered soldiers, then with Nie Wei, these people have become elite soldiers, and everyone's distinctive image has been inspired under Nie Wei's guidance.

What's more, Nie Wei is so popular.

He thinks that as long as Nie Wei participates in the program, this variety show can get at least five points of ratings in China, and the number of online hits will definitely exceed 1 billion, otherwise he will be very upset.

"What a sweet dream, don't think about it." Li Xuri's eyes flashed with a touch of heartbeat and regret. His colleague's proposal made him very excited, but he was also very clear that Nie Wei could not join the show, which made him very regretful.

"Director Li, there seem to be more and more fans at the door." A staff member who was checking the monitor suddenly shouted.

Li Xuri looked at the screen pointed by the staff member, and his eyes widened immediately.

He had just looked at the monitor not long ago, and there were less than ten people at the door. How come there were so many people in less than half an hour? Looking at the dense crowd, are they going to exceed a hundred people?

If this is not handled properly, it will be a big accident.

Li Xuri quickly took out his mobile phone to notify the staff who were still resting to come and maintain order, and at the same time asked the staff to try to communicate with these fans to see if they could temporarily disperse them.

However, Li Xuri obviously underestimated the stubbornness of the fans at the scene. Except for a few who left for fun, the remaining 80% to 90% of the people did not move, and it was clear that they were waiting for Nie Wei to appear.

The program team also hurriedly reported the situation in the store to the artists who were buying vegetables.

Upon hearing the news, Nie Wei and the others were also stunned. There were hundreds of people queuing in front of the store, and they were all here for Nie Wei?

Fan Binbin glanced at Nie Wei who was signing autographs for the fish-selling aunt, and couldn't help but feel jealous. Why is this guy so popular wherever he goes?

"Brother Nie Wei, you are so amazing. You have so many fans in Korea." After Jing Tiantian knew the situation, she envied and admired Nie Wei.

Zhang Liang didn't say anything. He just envied Nie Wei and thought that it would be great if he could have one-tenth of Nie Wei's popularity. This kind of popularity everywhere really made him feel very exciting.

Huang Xiaoming also envied him, but he was different from Zhang Liang. While he was envious, he was also thinking whether he could try to expand his popularity in Asia.

At present, Huang Xiaoming has fallen into a bottleneck in development in China, and his eyes have gradually been set on foreign countries. Especially when he saw Nie Wei's glorious side, he couldn't suppress this idea anymore.

Knowing the situation at the restaurant, the four people also speeded up the process of buying food. It took more than half an hour to buy all the ingredients. The five people returned to the restaurant carrying the things.

When the car drove to the street near the restaurant, they saw a long queue on the street, and the place where these people were queuing was the side road of their Chinese restaurant.

"There are more than a hundred people, I think there are many more?" Such a long queue was very visually shocking, especially Zhang Liang, who was so scared that his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

If all of them came to eat, he, the chef, would probably collapse in the kitchen.

"No matter how many people there are, we will welcome them. The restaurant is open for business, so there is no reason to turn away customers. Let's go and get started!" After getting off the car, Nie Wei carried two bags of ingredients and encouraged everyone.

In Nie Wei's opinion, the more people, the better. Although it is a bit tiring, it is very interesting. The Chinese restaurant is expected to become popular overnight after tonight.

Because there are too many people waiting, the restaurant is "forced" to open early.

The waiting fans lined up in a very disciplined manner under the maintenance of the staff, but there were too many people. Nie Wei looked at the customers outside queuing up like this, which was not a solution. In addition, most of these people were his fans. Nie Wei thought about it and decided to let customers in by calling numbers.

Give each customer in line a number, so that they don't need to stand stupidly on the street, and those with the later numbers can do something else to kill time.

This is a common method used by many popular restaurants, and Nie Wei is also learning and applying it.

However, I don't know if the numbers can be issued according to the number of people outside. After all, Nie Wei and others are just flesh and blood people, not robots. They have to greet guests and cook. It is impossible for them to keep doing it physically, so the numbers must be limited.

Finally, after Nie Wei and others discussed with the program team, they decided to issue 100 numbers. This number put a lot of pressure on Nie Wei and others, but there was no way. There were too many people waiting outside. If too few numbers were issued, if this group of people got chaotic, the program team would not be able to control them with their limited manpower.

But even so, more than half of the people still couldn't get a number.

Nie Wei saw in the monitoring room that the girl in the 101st line was expecting the staff to give her a number, but she cried when she was not told that she didn't have one.

The girl's crying was very distressing, but Nie Wei still didn't give her any special treatment.

Rules are rules, and the rules set by oneself cannot be broken because of temporary sympathy, especially the current situation is still very serious. If Nie Wei gives the green light to the crying 101st girl now, what about the 102nd one?

As long as there is a gap in this kind of thing, it means that the rules will be broken, and many people will feel that they have been treated unfairly and will have a bad feeling.

So even if the girl cried very sadly, Nie Wei couldn't do anything, he knew that sympathy should not be used at this time.

The crying of the 101st girl infected many people, and many girls who didn't get the number started crying, while the 100 customers who got the number felt that they were very lucky.

After the numbers were distributed, Nie Wei immediately started to work and prepared to receive guests.

The Chinese restaurant can accommodate 20 guests at a time, and soon the first 20 were called into the restaurant. Huang Xiaoming rolled his eyes and smiled brightly at the customers who walked into the restaurant.

"It's really that Chinese male star, he's so handsome."

"Why didn't I see Nie Wei?"

"He's probably in the kitchen, isn't brother Nie Wei the chef?"

If Zhang Liang heard the fans' discussion, he would probably cry. He is the chef, and Nie Wei is just a temporary helper. How come he became the chef?

The first 20 guests, without exception, all ordered the dish of pot-fried pork.

Not many people ordered braised pork, only five. After Zhang Liang finished his work, he looked at Nie Wei who was still fighting with the order, and asked him if he needed help.

Nie Wei thought about it and refused.

It's not that Nie Wei looked down on Zhang Liang's cooking skills, but those fans outside who ordered orders were obviously for his reputation. If he asked Zhang Liang to help, he would be relieved, but facing the fans' kindness, he felt that his sincerity was not enough.

In the choice of being relaxed or sincere, Nie Wei chose the latter. Although it was a bit tiring and hard, being a star is like this. If you lead fans with sincerity, fans will treat you with ten times the sincerity.

This is also one of the main reasons why Nie Wei has so many loyal fans.

One hundred customers, some alone and some in groups, ordered a total of 44 portions of sweet and sour pork in three hours. The fire in Nie Wei's stove never stopped during this period.

Even though Nie Wei had amazing physical strength, he was tired and sweaty, and his arms were sore.

The customers who came to the restaurant to consume were full of praise for Nie Wei's sweet and sour pork, but what made them feel sorry was that Nie Wei did not appear from beginning to end, and these fans only watched Nie Wei busy in the kitchen from a distance in the restaurant.

Fortunately, Nie Wei had prepared in advance. When the staff released the numbers, Nie Wei completed 100 group photos of all the artists in the restaurant, and then everyone signed their names, and Nie Wei was no exception. These became the additional gifts for these guests.

Although the fans who didn't interact with Nie Wei up close were disappointed, they were still somewhat relieved to get the autographed photos. Of course, it would be better if the autographed photos were only for Nie Wei.

When Fan Binbin closed the door of the restaurant and hung the CLOSE sign, everyone collapsed on the chairs.

This day was really tiring.

However, no one complained at all, but they were very happy, because it was a sharp contrast to the empty schedule of the previous two days. Today was tiring, but everyone felt very fulfilled.

After everyone rested for a while, Zhang Liang got up and went to the kitchen to fry two dishes. At Jing Tiantian's strong call, Nie Wei also made a pot-fried pork. Several people gathered around a small table that was temporarily cleaned up, and each person had a bowl of rice to solve this busy dinner.

After dinner, Nie Wei followed a few people back to their dormitory.

Because the program team paid very little for the guests, they naturally would not treat them harshly in terms of food, accommodation and transportation. Fan Binbin, Huang Xiaoming and others lived in a large villa with a very nice courtyard.

After Fan Binbin took Nie Wei around, he took him to the guest room that had been prepared long ago.

Although it was a guest room, the decoration and facilities inside were no worse than the room where Fan Binbin and the others lived. It was even the room with the best lighting in the whole villa. After seeing it, Nie Wei could already imagine the scene of being woken up by the sun tomorrow morning.

Nie Wei put away his luggage and came downstairs. Huang Xiaoming was making tea for everyone.

These stars of Huayi were all brought into the habit of drinking tea by Nie Wei. For example, artists like Huang Xiaoming and Cheng Kun would carry a small teapot and a few taels of good tea wherever they went, and they would make a pot whenever they had nothing to do.

In the middle of the chat, with Nie Wei's intentional reminder, Jing Tiantian also remembered the fruit peeling competition that Nie Wei mentioned during the day, and several people took the opportunity to compete in fruit peeling before going to bed.

Nie Wei had a huge advantage in this competition. A fruit knife was played in Nie Wei's hands. The final result was no suspense, and Nie Wei won.

This was the result of Nie Wei's water. Otherwise, Nie Wei would have said to the other few people, asking them to peel half first and then he would start. In this way, Nie Wei felt that he could easily win.

At Nie Wei's suggestion, they also made a ranking list of fruit peeling results. Nie Wei temporarily ranked first, followed by Zhang Liang, and the clumsy Fan Binbin ranked last.

In the future, when guests come to participate in the program, they can play this project at night, and then the results will be entered into the ranking list. After the first quarter of the program, this ranking list is obviously a major attraction.

After the fruit peeling competition, today's recording is almost over. Everyone knows that Nie Wei will leave tomorrow morning, and they all expressed their reluctance. Jing Tiantian even secretly dropped the "golden beans".

"Okay, it's not a life-and-death separation. You work hard here to record. After the filming is completed, I will treat you to a big meal when you return to China." Nie Wei smiled and comforted everyone.

There was no conversation all night. At four o'clock the next morning, before dawn, the lights in the kitchen suddenly lit up, and Nie Wei in pajamas appeared in the kitchen.

Facing the camera, Nie Wei whispered: "I will take a plane to Taiwan to promote the movie in a while. Before I leave, I will make breakfast for everyone. Let me think about what to make."

Thank you for the generous reward from Fantasy Paradise and 0773.

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