Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1134 1234. On the headlines

Feeling that the discussion was almost over, Zhang Ziyi wanted to take Wang Banbi to leave. She could see that her boyfriend was very uncomfortable in such an environment.

"Wait a moment, I have something to say to Teacher Wang." Nie Wei saw Zhang Ziyi stand up, motioned her to sit down first, and then looked at Wang Banbi who was surprised.

"Teacher Wang, I hope you can participate in the new episode of "Singer" recording."

"Why?" Wang Banbi asked subconsciously, and then felt that it was not right after the words came out, and hurriedly explained: "It's okay to be on the show, I have wanted to be on this variety show for a long time."

He is really not afraid of being on "Singer". Some famous singers may be afraid of the stage of "Singer". That's because these people have no strength, and "Singer" is a cruel stage. It will definitely be a shame to be eliminated.

But Wang Banbi doesn't care. He is a rock singer. He has been singing live since his debut. His LIVE strength is definitely the best in the industry. He is confident that as long as the program group does not operate behind the scenes, with his live strength, not to mention winning the championship, at least the top three will be no problem.

So he was not afraid of being on the show "Singer", but he just couldn't understand why Nie Wei suddenly invited him to participate.

Using his fame? As soon as this idea came up, Wang Banbi immediately denied it. "Singer" has never lacked guests. Although he is recognized as a talented person and is very suitable for the choice of "Singer", it is obviously not a must. Nie Wei does not need to invite him personally.

Or is it to use the show "Singer" to punish him?

Wang Banbi suspected, but he quickly denied this idea. Zhang Ziyi had already told him about Nie Wei's attitude last night. Zhang Ziyi also told him those words. He admired Nie Wei's mind and felt from the bottom of his heart that Nie Wei would not be the kind of person who would take revenge on others.

And Nie Wei didn't need to go through so much trouble to punish himself. As long as he denied it, the public relationship between him and Zhang Ziyi would be postponed for at least three to four years.

After all, they are all adults, and it is impossible for them to really gamble their entire careers on a vigorous love. What he wants more is a stable and long-term companionship, so he thinks that both he and Ziyi will make the same choice under the pressure from Nie Wei.

But Nie Wei chose to support him. Just from this point of view, Wang Banbi doesn't think Nie Wei will use such a low-level trick.

Just when Wang Banbi was guessing, Nie Wei directly explained the reason.

"After you and Ziyi are exposed, there will inevitably be a big storm in public opinion. The more silent you are at this time, the worse it will be. It is better to participate in a program to increase your exposure and show your love on the program."

"I plan to cooperate with you on a song at that time, and invite Ziyi to the scene, and you sing for her."

"Confession, it is not necessary to say it so clearly, and it is necessary to issue a formal announcement. That method is too intense. We might as well let the audience accept it little by little, starting from the gossip, then the ambiguity in the program, and then the true confession on the stage. This is also a process of acceptance for the public."

"Nie Wei, your idea is good." Zhang Ziyi clapped her hands happily and nodded in agreement.

"How can I be so embarrassed? Oh, thank you so much, Mr. Nie. Thank you, thank you very much." Wang Banbi was grateful and a little self-blame. How could he have so many dark thoughts just now? It feels that Nie Wei asked him to be on "Singer" to help him.

Wang Banbi was also too sensitive. After all, under strong pressure, he always felt that someone would want to harm him. This is the origin of the idiom "seeing enemies everywhere".

After a round of thanks, Wang Banbi left the meeting room first, and Nie Wei kept Zhang Ziyi.

"Ziyi, this is all I can do for you. If you choose to go public with Wang Banbi, you will definitely be affected. What we can do at that time is to help you get more shows at some big-name shows, and make a high-profile confession and act low-key. It just so happens that you also want to take a break for a while, so you can go abroad with Teacher Wang to travel. After a round, the country should be calm."

"Nie Wei, thank you." Zhang Ziyi thanked sincerely.

"What is there to thank me for? In fact, I don't think this is a trouble at all. Instead, I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. Sister, congratulations on finally finding your own happiness before entering the age of forty."

"Okay, Nie Wei, you are making fun of me for being old again!" Zhang Ziyi stretched out her hand and pretended to hit Nie Wei, but the fist that landed on Nie Wei was just a light touch.

"By the way, your guy really wants to be on the hot search, I have a way." Nie Wei blocked Zhang Ziyi's light punch and suddenly said.

"What way?" Zhang Ziyi paused her "attack" and asked curiously.

His guy really doesn't have the reputation of being on the hot search headlines. He is not the kind of star who brings traffic. He made big news several times, but every time he was unlucky enough to encounter bigger news.

In 2013, Wang Banbi's love life was frustrated and he announced his divorce. But the result was good. That afternoon, Wang Tianhou also announced that they were in love but not destined to be together, so they should part ways amicably.

The result was that Wang Tianhou crushed Wang Banbi with ten times the traffic, so that the news of the latter's divorce only splashed a little and then calmed down.

And he held a concert at the Bird's Nest, and thought he would be on the hot search once, but it happened that the Hengtai football team won the Asian Cup.

And he released a new album, Yang Mi announced the good news of her marriage, and he posted that he climbed a 3,900-meter mountain, but the Internet broke out the scandal between Leehom and Yundi, and...

Zhang Ziyi thought about it for a moment and almost shed tears for Wang Banbi. Is this person lucky or unlucky to be able to catch up with so many good times?

There are even some hot search topics on the Internet such as "feeling sorry for Wang Banbi" and "helping Wang Banbi make headlines".

Even so, so far, Wang Banbi has only been on Weibo's hot search headlines a handful of times. For a first-tier singer, this number is really pitiful.

Therefore, Zhang Ziyi was very curious about what Nie Wei could do.

"Do you want your man to take off his eyes and take a selfie?" Nie Wei left this sentence with a smile, said hello to Zhang Ziyi, who looked dull, and left the company.

Nie Wei rushed to the company as soon as he got off the plane. He was also tired. Now that the preliminary processing of the matter was completed, he naturally wanted to go home and rest.

Ever since Nie Wei made that suggestion, Zhang Ziyi sat there blankly for a long time, as if she had been greatly shocked.

An hour later, Zhang Ziyi returned to the high-rise apartment she bought in Kyoto. As soon as she opened the door, she heard Wang Banbi's voice on the phone. The content should be about discussing the singer with her agency.

"Well, I have already promised Nie Wei. It is estimated that the program team of "Singer" will contact you in a while. Remember to be polite when the time comes. Except for some issues in principle, I can cooperate with you. What do you think of the performance? Fee? The performance fee is optional, we can also charge a nominal one yuan..." As soon as Wang Banbi finished speaking, he felt his arm being patted. When he turned around, he saw that it was Zhang Ziyi who looked dissatisfied.

Covering the phone, Wang Banbi asked in confusion: "Honey, what's wrong? What are you unhappy about?"

"What are you talking about? Nie Wei still lacks your performance fee, so you just tell the company to charge the normal price. If you only charge one yuan, what will happen to Nie Wei? Are you trying to repay a favor?"

"Yes, yes, you're right." Wang Banbi also understood that what he just thought was wrong. He was only thinking about how to repay his kindness, but he didn't expect that Nie Wei wouldn't pay his performance fee at all. If he really didn't accept it, On the contrary, it was not good. It seemed like he was making a deal with Nie Wei, and the favor was weakened.

"Old Wu, as for the performance fee, just follow the company's lowest price in the past." Wang Banbi picked up the phone and quickly gave instructions.

After chatting for a few more words, Wang Banbi hung up the phone and suddenly found that Zhang Ziyi was still standing next to him, and she was still staring at his face.

"What's wrong with me? Is there something dirty on my face?" Wang Banbi subconsciously touched his face.

"Honey, take your eyes off and I'll take a picture for you."

"What are you doing?" Wang Banbi laughed, but he honestly took off his eyes and let Zhang Ziyi take pictures.

Looking at Wang Banbi's face without glasses, Zhang Ziyi suddenly wanted to laugh. She had seen it before, but for some reason, after Nie Wei said those words, when she looked at it again, it was as if she had discovered a new world.

"Have you finished taking the photo?" Wang Banbi was a little panicked. He was severely short-sighted and couldn't see clearly after taking off his glasses.

"I'll take two more photos. Just wait a moment and I'll take another close-up. Okay, put on your glasses." Zhang Ziyi took more than twenty photos before letting Wang Banbi put his glasses back on.

"Why are you asking me to take photos without glasses?" Wang Banbi put on his glasses and asked curiously.

"Let you make the headlines." Zhang Ziyi was selecting photos to put on the Internet. When Wang Banbi asked, she subconsciously replied.

"This will make the headlines. You think it's too simple. I didn't even go to the Bird's Nest concert." Wang Banbi couldn't help but laugh. He thought Zhang Ziyi was joking. If he didn't wear glasses, he could make the headlines. , he stopped wearing them a long time ago. After all, although he is short-sighted, he can still wear contact lenses.

Zhang Ziyi ignored Wang Banbi and chatted with Nie Wei on Fanxing APP, asking how to post photos.

Nie Wei told her to do whatever she wanted.

Zhang Ziyi thought for a while, logged in to Wang Banbi's Weibo account, and then uploaded the selected three close-up, long-range and close-up photos, and then edited a piece of content, took off her glasses, and seemed to see a new world.

Click to upload.

After a few seconds, someone responded to this message.

"Is this Wang Banbi?"

Zhang Ziyi replied using Wang Banbi's account: "It's me."

"This, this, this, this, this, is really Wang Banbi?"

"I really saw a new world... no, a new Wang Banbi."

"Hahahaha, it's so funny. Teacher Wang is very serious when he wears glasses, but why does Teacher Wang look so cute when he takes off his glasses?"

Zhang Ziyi couldn't help but smile when she saw these comments and replied: "What can I do? I have nowhere to put my glasses."

My reply made the netizens who commented even more excited. Some people joked that Wang Banbi’s glasses are only half of his good looks. Others said that Wang Banbi was lucky to still be wearing leather pants, otherwise he would not be able to recognize him if he took off his glasses.

Zhang Ziyi was bored and picked some interesting comments to reply to.

In more than ten minutes, there were more than 500 comments on this Weibo post, which is comparable to the 24-hour reply count of Wang Banbi’s Weibo post. However, there is a big gap between this popularity and the hot search, let alone the hot search. Search the headlines.

Zhang Ziyi didn't care, she actually felt that Nie Wei was just joking.

Of course she thought it was fun too.

Over there, Wang Banbi called Zhang Ziyi to help in the kitchen. Zhang Ziyi dropped her account and ran to the kitchen. But what she didn't know was that the popularity of her Weibo post increased rapidly after she left, especially since Nie Wei was so naughty. He posted a reply below, and it exploded like oil cooking in a raging fire.

No one expected that the photo of Wang Banbi taking off his glasses would be enthusiastically sought after by netizens.

Wang Banbi was still taking a nap when he learned the news. He was woken up by the ringing of the phone. After answering the phone, the excited voice of the agent on the other side reached his ears.

"Teacher Wang, you made the headlines!"

"You're still dreaming, right? Why am I making headlines?" Wang Banbi muttered.

"Really, you are the number one on Weibo's hot search list right now!" the manager said confidently, his tone full of excitement.

"How is it possible..." Wang Banbi was about to deny it when he suddenly broke into a cold sweat and asked quickly: "A photo of me and my sister-in-law was taken by a reporter?"

Wang Banbi asked in panic. He felt that if he could make headlines, it would probably be when his relationship with Zhang Ziyi was exposed, but Huayi was not ready yet. If the relationship was exposed now, it would be really bad.

"Brother, what are you talking about? Isn't it the photo you uploaded yourself?" the agent on the other side of the phone asked in confusion.

When Wang Banbi heard this, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and opened the Fanxing Weibo APP. Almost as soon as he opened it, he was dazzled by the red letters of 999+ in the message area.

Normally when he saw so many replies, Wang Banbi would jump with joy, but at this moment, he had no intention of reading the comments of netizens and hurriedly turned to his Weibo.

A few seconds later, Wang Banbi let out a long sigh of relief, and then looked at Zhang Ziyi, who was sleeping soundly next to him, dumbfounded.

He also remembered at this time that Zhang Ziyi had said when she took a photo of him just now that she wanted him to be on the headlines, but the headlines were indeed on the headlines, but the content made him not sure whether to be happy or sad.

Especially the heart-wrenching comments from netizens, Wang Banbi even touched his face subconsciously, causing self-doubt.

Is the difference really that big whether I wear glasses or not?

Wang Banbi, who did not believe in evil, walked to the bathroom. Five minutes later, he returned to the bedroom with a shocked expression.

What made Wang Banbi even more unexpected was that he made headlines because he didn't wear glasses. As a result, he finally made headlines, and this incident also became a hot search headline.

Wang Banbi made two headlines a day. After learning the news, Zhang Ziyi laughed so hard that her stomach hurt. She also admired Nie Wei from the bottom of her heart and felt that this person really had the ability to turn decay into something magical.

Thanks to Fantasy Park and 0773 for their generous tips.

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