Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1135 1235. Groundless Observations?

Wang Banbi is on the headlines!

Wang Banbi is on the headlines!!

Wang Banbi is on the headlines!!!

Important things should be said three times. Wang Banbi is on the hot search headlines on Weibo. Not only was he mentioned three times, but there were 300,000 comments from netizens, which directly pushed this topic to the top of the hot search headlines.

The members of the two super topics, "Feeling sorry for Wang Banbi" and "Helping Wang Banbi to be on the headlines", were all crazy. In their words, Wang Banbi, a guy with thick eyebrows and small eyes, actually betrayed the organization without saying a word?

We agreed to keep a low profile and refuse to be on the headlines, but how come you suddenly made the headlines? It was too sudden, and many people couldn't accept it.

In fact, the members of these two super topics seemed to be "feeling sorry" for Wang Banbi, but in fact, most of them were just making fun of Wang Banbi's lack of traffic. Most of these guys were Wang Banbi's black fans. It's a pity that the topic they always used to make fun of was slapped in the face today.

Not only Wang Banbi's haters were slapped in the face, but even Wang Banbi's few fans were also surprised.

You should know that Wang Banbi has a nickname among his fans, called Wang Fuzi.

Fuzi refers to an older and knowledgeable person. In ancient times, teachers were generally called Fuzi. Of course, this is not to praise Wang Banbi for his knowledge. Although he is indeed very knowledgeable, the reason why he is called Wang Fuzi is because the image of Fuzi in TV dramas is mostly strict and serious, and Wang Banbi is also a very strict and serious person in his daily life.

This actually has a lot to do with his family and education.

Although Wang Banbi is a famous rock master in the entertainment industry, many people may not believe it. He is not a so-called underground wild road. He is a serious academic school.

Wang Banbi has been studying violin at the primary school attached to the Central Conservatory of Music since he was a child. He has a very good talent in music. He was successfully admitted to the violin major of the Central Conservatory of Music, and after graduation, he also served as the chief violinist of the Huaxia Ballet.

It can be said that his musical growth path is the most orthodox academic school.

So you see that Wang Feng can write lyrics and compose music. In addition to his good musical talent, more importantly, he has a solid musical foundation. This is the key to his long-term creative ability, not just relying on a flash of inspiration.

Actors or singers who come from academic schools actually have a common problem, that is, they always use a lot of theoretical knowledge to explain something.

Because they have a high knowledge reserve, they think that others can understand it more clearly, but to ordinary people, it undoubtedly sounds like some preaching and is very boring.

Wang Banbi is exactly this type, and therefore he was called Wang Fuzi.

So Wang Fuzi, who usually always faces the camera with a serious face, suddenly started to play self-deprecation today, which really shocked his fans.

"Teacher Wang, if you are kidnapped, just blink, or give me a 666 in the comment section, so we can find a way to rescue you."

"This must not be the Wang Banbi I know, you are a fake, right!"

"Did no one notice who took the photo of Wang Banbi? It's a pity that Wang Banbi didn't wear glasses, otherwise my Weibo Conan would definitely find clues and tell the public the truth."

"Weibo Conan? I wonder why he looks so familiar, this guy is a paparazzi, and he even blackened Teacher Wang in the last report, everyone, hate him!"

Wang Banbi looked at the lively comment section under his Weibo, looked at Zhang Ziyi in disbelief, and confirmed again: "Is it really what Nie Wei said?"

"How is it, isn't it amazing?" Zhang Ziyi asked with a smile.

"Awesome!" Wang Banbi gave a thumbs up and admired him from the bottom of his heart.

From announcing his divorce, to holding a concert at the Bird's Nest, to releasing a new album, his team did a lot of preparation and invested a lot of publicity expenses, but in the end he only got a name that couldn't make the headlines.

Unexpectedly, Nie Wei just mentioned it casually, and Zhang Ziyi did it, and he actually made the headlines, and even made the headlines twice in one day. For Wang Banbi, this really made him feel incredible, and he also felt from the bottom of his heart that Nie Wei was too amazing.

"Do you think Nie Wei secretly asked those programmers on Weibo to change the ranking list?" Wang Banbi suddenly asked again, mainly because he didn't quite believe that he could make two Weibo hot headlines in one day.

Zhang Ziyi couldn't help laughing when he heard Wang Banbi ask this, and pulled Wang Banbi's face and asked: "How big is your face? To put it bluntly, Nie Wei is worth it to joke about the fairness of Weibo's hot search list just for a casual remark?"

"Relax, let go, isn't it okay if I said it wrong." Wang Banbi rubbed his cheeks and smiled bitterly: "I still don't dare to believe it. It's so simple to make the headlines. I just take off my glasses and it's over?"

"Maybe it's that simple." Zhang Ziyi didn't understand why it was so simple, and answered perfunctorily.

"How can it be so simple?" At the same time, in his own study, Nie Wei smiled and said to Shu Chang beside him while looking at the two hot searches of Wang Banbi.

The reason why Wang Banbi was able to make the headlines this time was that the public opinion accumulated before was enough.

Some things can't explode all at once, especially for stars like Wang Banbi who don't have enough traffic, there is always a fermentation process.

The fact that Wang Banbi couldn't make the headlines has become one of the top ten popular memes in the first half of 2016. This is the basis for Wang Banbi to make the headlines this time. It can be said that Wang Banbi has accumulated enough potential attention, and the only thing missing is the final ignition.

Nie Wei was just a person who started the fire, giving the public a point to complain about Wang Banbi.

If the first hot search headline was because Wang Banbi suddenly gave the public a "surprise", then the second headline was completely a result of accumulated efforts.

"Is Mr. Wang really going to be on Singer? But hasn't Singer already started recording?" Shu Chang couldn't help but ask curiously after hearing Nie Wei's story today.

You know, although Wang Banbi has no traffic, he is indeed a first-line singer in the circle, with status and fame. Even if the Singer program is popular, a heavyweight singer like Wang Banbi should at least be given a starting spot.

But now that Singer has started recording, if Wang Banbi participates, he can only be a challenge singer, which is undoubtedly a bit "insulting" to Wang Banbi.

"So I agreed to collaborate with him on a song on the show." Nie Wei replied with a smile.

This collaborative song is not only to make it easier for the audience to accept the relationship between Wang Banbi and Zhang Ziyi, but also Nie Wei's compensation for Wang Banbi as a challenge singer.

Wang Banbi was arranged in the third episode as a guest singer.

Mainly because the first two episodes had been recorded, Wang Banbi could only start recording from the third episode if he wanted to join. For this reason, the program team postponed the recording of the guest singer in the third episode. Although the latter was somewhat dissatisfied, the program "Singer" was indeed popular, and they had no objection. They just hoped that the program team would take care of them more at that time.

Wang Banbi's participation in the third episode, and as a guest singer, really shocked the group of singers who were participating in the recording. At first, no one believed it, especially the news that Wang Banbi and Zhang Ziyi traveled together in the United States was revealed on the Internet. Everyone was surprised why these two people got together, and felt that the news that Wang Banbi participated in the singer was becoming more and more unreliable.

When it came to the recording of the third episode, the singers walked into the recording site, and the first sentence they asked each other whether Wang Banbi had come.

"Is it really Wang Banbi?"

"I saw online that Wang Banbi is the challenger. Is this true?"

"Did anyone see Wang Banbi today?"

"What should I do? I'm a little nervous. Teacher Wang is so good. I can't compete with him."

Wang Banbi's live performance is well-known in the circle. Even though all the singers participating in the "Singer" program are powerful singers, if the challenger singer is Wang Feng, most of them will be a little nervous, especially the two young singers, who are even more flustered. Only the two seniors are sitting there calmly, but in fact they are a little nervous.

When Wang Banbi walked into the recording site with a smile, everyone widened their eyes in surprise.

Although they had heard about it before, when they really saw Wang Banbi as the challenger singer, they couldn't help but be surprised, especially the senior singers, who burst into a strong fighting spirit in their eyes at that moment.

At the end of the recording that day, the staff who participated in the recording program only said "fighting between gods" to describe today's program scene.

The arrival of Wang Banbi was like a catfish effect, stimulating all the other singers. Everyone put out 100% or even higher energy to deal with this super strong singer. Wang Banbi lived up to expectations and performed very well on the spot. In the end, everyone won the quota with conviction and officially became a member of "Singer".

Wang Banbi's affairs went very smoothly. Originally, Nie Wei had specially taken care of the program team and took care of him when necessary. As a result, the feedback from the program team said that Wang Banbi didn't need their care at all. He conquered the audience on the day of recording and won the first place in votes.

Of course, this is also related to Wang Banbi's recent popularity.

He was on Weibo's hot search headlines twice before. Two days ago, he was photographed by the media traveling in Los Angeles with Zhang Ziyi. He took advantage of Zhang Ziyi's popularity and became a hot search again. As a result, the matter of the singer who challenged the house attracted heat. Wang Banbi has really experienced the treatment of a traffic star in the past month.

Now all that remains is to continue to release news to make the public feel that the relationship between Wang Banbi and Zhang Ziyi is becoming more and more ambiguous.

In the previous news from the United States, although the media swore that there was something fishy going on between the two, most netizens did not believe it. This was also a headache for Nie Wei. This was the first time he saw someone trying to hype up a scandal, but netizens did not believe it. The reason was that the CP feeling between the two was too low. No one thought that Zhang Ziyi could be interested in Wang Banbi.

Unfortunately, most people were wrong this time. Sometimes love is so wonderful.

During the period when Wang Banbi participated in the singer, there were constant news releases. Zhang Ziyi visited Wang Banbi backstage and personally made soup for him to drink. The two also strolled in the courtyard of Mingzhu TV Station in the middle of the night, talking and laughing.

Although there were no photos, let alone videos, there were more and more news, and netizens who did not believe it at first finally began to doubt it.

Some radical fans of Zhang Ziyi even went to Wang Banbi's Weibo to warn him to stay away from their goddess.

At this time, the gap between the two artists can be seen.

Because the news has not been confirmed yet and are all hearsay, there are not many fans on Zhang Ziyi's side. Those extreme fans just went there to set up a forward base, which may be less than one percent of Zhang Ziyi's fans. But even so, it still caused a commotion on Wang Banbi's Weibo.

Wang Banbi also has some fans, but in front of Zhang Ziyi's radical fans, they are really scum with less than 5 combat effectiveness. They have no organization and no discipline. They are beaten back by Zhang Ziyi's fans in minutes. Occasionally, they make some noise, but they are quickly drowned out.

Wang Banbi has been on the hot search again, but this time Wang Banbi would rather not be on the hot search himself, after all, this time he was hacked by Zhang Ziyi's fans.

However, Nie Wei also called him specifically and told him that this is just a drizzle. The real storm will wait for the moment when they really make the news public. If you, Wang Banbi, can't hold on, quit as soon as possible.

Wang Banbi didn't do it when he heard it, and promised solemnly on the phone that he would never panic.

Of course, it's easy to say, but Wang Banbi is still very panicked in his heart. It wasn't until Nie Wei flew back to China to collaborate with him on a confession song that Wang Banbi was relieved.

The song cooperation went smoothly. Wang Banbi liked the song very much. The key was that the lyrics were well written. He simply wrote his mood at the moment into the lyrics.

He almost regarded Nie Wei as his soulmate for a while. He talked to Nie Wei about music for a long time until Nie Wei couldn't help dozing off. He stopped talking embarrassedly.

He looked at the time again. It was almost midnight.

"Go to bed early. Ziyi will also go to the recording site tomorrow to cheer you up. This is the last thing to be done. Try to complete it successfully. When you finish the show, you will go on a global trip with Ziyi. The rest will be left to us."

"Mr. Nie, thank you so much." Wang Banbi held Nie Wei's hand gratefully and shook it non-stop.

"Okay, okay, stop shaking. I will fall asleep if you shake it again." Nie Wei broke away from Wang Banbi's hand, waved his hand, and left the recording studio directly.

He didn't have time to play touching with Wang Banbi. Today, he went straight to the recording studio after getting off the plane, and then stayed there for more than ten hours, with almost no rest in between. He was really exhausted now. Even though Nie Wei was in good physical condition, he felt a little bit overwhelmed. After all, he was not Iron Man.

Early the next morning, Nie Wei was awakened by the alarm clock. He stretched and felt that all the fatigue was swept away.

"Husband." Shu Chang also woke up and called out when he saw Nie Wei getting up and changing clothes.

"Wife, get up quickly, I'll take you to see a good show today." Nie Wei smiled and pulled Shu Chang up. Wang Banbi confessed to Zhang Ziyi on the spot. Such a good show, Nie Wei certainly couldn't miss it.

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