Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1140 1240. New Movie

Time has unknowingly come to September of 2016.

The third season of "Singer" ended successfully. Wang Banbi did not win the title of the singing king of the year, but he also won the runner-up after competing with many masters.

However, for Wang Banbi, the love he gained is far more precious than the honor of the runner-up. According to Nie Wei's arrangement, as soon as the "Singer" schedule ended, Wang Banbi gave up the invitation of commercial performances that had increased by at least three or four times, and directly took Nie Wei's private plane with Zhang Ziyi to travel to the Maldives.

Before the trip, Wang Banbi's agent wanted to persuade him again.

After all, opportunities are rare. After participating in this program, other singers immediately go crazy for commercial performances to make money. After all, if they work hard at this time, they can earn as much as five or even ten years in the past. But if the enthusiasm is over, those merchants are not fools, and naturally they will not offer high prices.

So the few months after the end of the program are the best time to make money.

However, Wang Banbi refused without even thinking about it. This is the good thing about sentimental people. He will not care too much about temporary gains and losses. He will always put feelings in the most important position in his heart. Money and other things, as long as they are enough, are enough.

So Wang Banbi refused the good opportunity to make money. He knew that his beloved woman was waiting for him to travel together.

As the boss of the company, Wang Banbi was determined to travel. Others could not persuade him, and they could only let him be "willful". As for Zhang Ziyi, she asked for leave from the company as early as after filming "Interstellar", and this trip was arranged by Nie Wei.

So when a bunch of reporters were waiting for Wang Banbi to ask about his love with Zhang Ziyi in a commercial performance, and even when a bunch of people were waiting to see Wang Banbi and Zhang Ziyi break up, the young couple suddenly uploaded a photo of traveling in the Maldives on Weibo.

In the photo, Zhang Ziyi is wearing a chiffon shirt and a long light blue gauze skirt. Her snow-white skin is faintly visible, and she is pure and charming. Of course, it would be better if Wang Banbi, who looks like an uncle, was not beside her.

Zhang Ziyi's fans were furious when they saw this photo. What's hateful is that Wang Banbi's face is full of pride no matter how you look at it. But he should be proud. He just got the No. 1 actress in China, and the two of them even went on a yacht together...

That's right, the yacht!

Soon, some netizens noticed the yacht the two were riding on. The streamlined hull with a modern aesthetic is made of the world's top fiberglass. In the sun, the whole boat seems to be shining. There are also luxurious decorations inside, various enjoyable facilities, a high-tech cab, and a very comfortable bedroom at first glance.

The most important thing is that from the beginning to the end of the nine photos, except for the crew in the cab, there are only Zhang Ziyi and Wang Banbi on the whole yacht.

So some netizens started asking about the model of the yacht in the comments. Some people answered, but their answers were all wrong. Two of the answers looked very similar to the yacht pictures posted by Zhang Ziyi, but they could not withstand a closer look. When compared, it seemed that the yacht Zhang Ziyi was riding was more advanced.

Later, a great man who studied abroad found a piece of news from the official website of a yacht company specializing in luxury yacht customization, which solved the mystery.

It turned out that the yacht Zhang Ziyi and Wang Banbi were riding was specially customized by Nie Wei at a cost of 268 million US dollars.

In the words of the yacht company, this is the world's top yacht at present, with the top design, the top technology, and the top decoration configuration. In short, everything is the top, the best, and the best.

The yacht company dared to say this, and it was naturally confident.

This three-deck yacht is 388 feet long, about 118 meters long, and is equipped with a luxurious restaurant, five super-large VIP guest rooms, a movie screening room, a recording studio, and an outdoor bar.

There is also a small infinity pool behind the first deck. There is also a spa pool on the bottom of the yacht, and there is even a helicopter landing pad on the top floor.

Zhang Ziyi and Wang Banbi boarded the yacht directly by helicopter.

"I envy Zhang Ziyi for having a good friend like Nie Wei, so she can ride a luxury yacht worth 1 billion yuan, while I can only take a one-way unlimited bus with my pig friends for one dollar."

"Haha, I don't envy him at all, the car I made is also worth hundreds of millions." This netizen also attached a picture when commenting. Everyone clicked in curiously and was speechless. It turned out that the car worth hundreds of millions that this guy rode was a high-speed train.

"Huh, I don't envy him at all, because I have ridden more valuable ships." Good guy, this netizen is even cuter, and he photoshopped his face onto the Shenzhou.

Netizens who saw this comment couldn't help laughing, joking that he was going to soar into the sky?

Of course, there are also many people who are jealous of Wang Banbi, thinking that he got a chance to ride on Nie Wei's yacht by relying on Zhang Ziyi's face. Unfortunately, these words are all in vain. After Wang Banbi and Zhang Ziyi went abroad, they temporarily cut off their connection with the domestic network. No matter how jealous they are, they can only wink at the blind.

At dinner time, everyone went to check Zhang Ziyi's Weibo again. The two had left the yacht and returned to the resort by helicopter. As expected, they aroused the envy and jealousy of countless netizens.

Many fans of Zhang Ziyi suddenly lost interest in mocking Wang Banbi. These two were showing off their love abroad and living a fairy-like life, while she was nestled in a small bedroom of more than ten square meters, eating instant noodles and ham sausages and almost crying out of grievance. Is it necessary?

Now that I think about it, it’s not worth it.

So originally, Wang Banbi’s Weibo comments were all sarcastic voices from Zhang Ziyi’s fans, comparable to a violent storm, but suddenly calmed down overnight. Except for a few people with bipolar disorder who were still howling, so many people who opposed it before seemed to disappear overnight.

A bloody storm suddenly dissipated.

When Wang Banbi and Zhang Ziyi returned to China after playing in the Maldives a month later, not many people went to Wang Banbi’s Weibo to oppose it. The two showed their affection for a month, and those who could not accept the reality were numb.

Of course, the group of people who looked down on Wang Banbi still looked down on him. They felt that he was just a gigolo, but they were too lazy to say it. At most, they despised him in their hearts.

In fact, Wang Banbi’s grievance was not really a grievance. Because Zhang Ziyi exposed her relationship with him, many people called for quitting being fans this time, and even the forum owner ran away.

Of course, it seems that Zhang Ziyi has lost a lot of fans, but in fact, she has not been affected much.

Zhang Ziyi is not one of those small idols who rely on fans to support traffic. She is a top actress. She does not rely on fans at all. As long as she performs well in movies, even if they are not her fans, they are willing to go to the cinema to watch movies.

So her popularity has never been based on the number of fans, but the quality of her works.

This is why there are so many people on the Internet who are calling for quitting being a fan, but Zhang Ziyi can still travel abroad in a good mood, because she herself does not care about this.

The only pitiful ones are those self-righteous fans who think that calling for quitting being a fan can make the idol change his mind, but in fact, Zhang Ziyi is too lazy to read their messages. A group of self-righteous guys who love to point fingers will only listen to them if they are brain-dead.

Nie Wei has played enough in Europe and has a deep understanding of British life and humanistic culture. The most important thing is that all the investors of the crew are in place, and Nie Wei also thinks it is time to select actors and prepare the crew.

Before leaving the UK, Nie Wei and Shu Chang once again invited Rowling to dinner.

"Knowing that the film was finally going to start shooting, I happily sang an opera, which scared our nanny." During the meal, Ms. Rowling was very happy and even revealed some embarrassing things about herself.

"I am really happy that my magical world can once again be on the big screen, but I am also worried that my book fans will not like this strange yet familiar world."

After making a few jokes, Rowling expressed her concerns again.

The story of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" itself takes place before "Harry Potter", which is considered a prequel, but the content of the story has little to do with "Harry Potter".

He has the same magical background as "Harry Potter", but the story takes place in another country, the United States.

The script of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is actually not very related to the original work, because the original work is more like a textbook for popularizing magical animals, because its title once appeared in "Harry Potter", although it was mentioned briefly, it is indeed one of the textbooks of Hogwarts.

Rowling wrote this book not to create a new story, but to do charity. She didn't take any money from the book sales, but donated all to the Comic Relief Foundation.

The script of the movie version of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" was basically re-created by Ms. Rowling for the movie, and some ideas of Nie Wei were combined.

"Ms. Rowling, don't worry, you are the most powerful best-selling author in the world, and Nie Wei is one of the best screenwriters in the world. Your cooperation will definitely be a very wonderful script, and the audience will definitely buy it."

"Haha, I feel much more relieved to hear you say that." Rowling laughed. She still felt a little embarrassed to be comforted by a little girl like Shu Chang, and hurriedly hid her weakness just now.

But the inner uneasiness will not be reduced because of Shu Chang's comfort. The higher you stand, the more afraid you are of falling, because the higher you stand, the worse you fall.

For Ms. Rowling, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is a new beginning. If it succeeds, she will be successful and famous. If it fails, her reputation will definitely be affected.

Thinking of this, Rowling looked at Nie Wei. Compared with Shu Chang's consolation, Nie Wei, who said nothing, made her feel more at ease.

Because Nie Wei always looked calm and composed, he looked very safe.

"Don't worry, Ms. Rowling, you hate failure, and I hate failure too, so let's succeed together." Nie Wei raised his red wine glass and clinked it with Rowling.

After the meal, Nie Wei and Shu Chang left England that night.

Before Nie Wei and Shu Chang arrived in Los Angeles by plane, the news that Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was going to be open for casting had already spread.

Although the male and female protagonists had been booked, there were still many important roles in the play, such as the second male lead, the fat Muggle Jacob who loved to make bread, or the heroine's sister Queenie who was good at mental magic, or the villain Graves in the play, and even the cowardly Obscure Bareben.

After reading the script outline, these roles were no less important than the male and female protagonists in the eyes of many actors.

So even if the male and female protagonists were booked, the competition for the remaining roles was still very fierce. In just half a day, Max Films received hundreds of audition applications, and the roles of Jacob and Queenie, the second male and female roles, received more than 70 more.

Thomas asked the staff to keep all these applications for the time being and wait for Nie Wei to come.

After Nie Wei arrived in Los Angeles, he did not go to the company immediately, but told Thomas to officially start working mode the next morning.

In the following seven days, Nie Wei was busy with the work of the new crew, and the audition time was not confirmed, which made a lot of actors anxious.

Thomas received many calls from well-known agents in the circle these days, all asking about the audition time.

Unfortunately, Thomas could not give them any answer to this.

Perhaps among the actors in the United States who met the requirements of the role, only Joseph and Nina, who had confirmed the role early, could remain calm.

During these seven days, Nie Wei was not only busy with the crew's preparations, he was also considering the actors, but he was not considering the selection of the second male and female roles, but who should play the villain Graves in the play.

Nie Wei had seen this movie in the original time and space, and the actor who played Graves was Colin Farrell, an Irish actor.

Because he had starred in "Minority Report" and had a certain reputation in Hollywood, but Nie Wei was not very satisfied with him. Nie Wei thought about it and wanted to give this role to Keanu, the handsome old man.

Thinking that at the last moment, Graves' disguise was revealed, and the savior Keanu turned into Captain Depp, it would definitely become a classic that movie fans talked about with relish.

But Keanu didn't think so.

"This role is too bad, I don't like it very much. If you let me play Grindelwald in the second part, I would be happy."

"Sorry, I think Grindelwald must be Depp."

"Then there is no way, I don't want to play such a bad role." Keanu decisively rejected Nie Wei.

Nie Wei did not force Keanu. Since Keanu was unwilling, he would wait until the open auditions to see if there were more suitable actors.

On September 10, Hollywood actors finally got accurate news. On September 20, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" would open auditions, offering 15 roles, and actors who met the requirements were welcome to participate.

Thanks to Fantasy Park and 0773 for their generous donations.

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