Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1141 1241. Audition for Fantastic Beasts

Since Nie Wei acquired Max Films, he began to prepare for the construction of a new building.

The original Max Films headquarters was also OK, with a six-story building and two studios. For a second-rate film company, it was already very good to have its own building and studio.

But Nie Wei thought that Max Films could not always be second-rate. It had to become a first-rate, or even the most powerful film company in Hollywood.

In terms of soft power, it takes time to accumulate, but in terms of hardware, Nie Wei can completely use money to complete it.

It happened that a construction company in Los Angeles was selling a 23-story office building with a good location. Nie Wei went to the site to see the building. The quality of the building was also very good. The only drawback might be that the price was relatively expensive.

But what Nie Wei lacked the most was money.

Having invested in so many companies at the beginning, Nie Wei has begun to close the net in recent years. Except for some technology companies that have been of practical help to him, Nie Wei still holds a large number of stocks. In the past two or three years, Nie Wei has gradually cleared out the stocks of the remaining companies and converted them into actual cash.

The return was significant, exceeding 10 billion US dollars, and Nie Wei only invested less than 1 billion at the beginning. Even if inflation is taken into account, the tenfold return has made Nie Wei a lot of money.

Nie Wei also became the bank's favorite customer.

There are many rich people these days, but most of the wealth of those rich people comes from fixed assets or company shares. It is really rare to see rich people like Nie Wei who hold more than 10 billion in cash.

In their words, Nie Wei can support a bunch of banks by himself.

Because the United States is not like China, this country has many small and medium-sized banks, and the service scope is also large and small. Their capital is not like the trillions of capital of domestic state-owned banks. These small and medium-sized banks may only be worth tens of millions, or even millions or even hundreds of thousands of small banks.

Nie Wei will not deposit money in these small banks, even if the interest they offer is much higher than that of large banks.

However, Nie Wei is not going to just deposit this money in the bank to earn interest. He wants to invest it. He sells those stocks to buy some real estate.

Internet companies are too watery, so Nie Wei took advantage of the high price to sell them and use the money to develop himself, such as investing in the promising virtual reality industry, or developing apps, or even investing in game companies. These are the real foundations.

After the new building was renovated, it became the new office building of Max Films, and the original building was directly demolished. Nie Wei wanted to build an 8,000 square meter super-large studio here, and two supporting 2,500 square meter large studios.

By then, as long as these studios are built, Max Films will not need to queue up to rent large studios from other companies.

The audition time is 10 o'clock in the morning, but from more than 8 o'clock, actors have reported with their certificates.

When Nie Wei came to the company, there were already two or three hundred people gathered in the hall. When Nie Wei came in, he felt as if he had come to the opening season of a university, where a bunch of teachers and students were chattering non-stop.

However, when someone found Nie Wei, the scene soon became quiet.

These hundreds of people all watched Nie Wei walk into the VIP elevator with admiring eyes.

"That must be Nie Wei, right? It's the first time I've seen him in person. He's so handsome."

"Oh, why did I forget to say hello to him? Do you think he'll like my outfit today? I would have dressed more sexy if I'd known."

"He has such a strong aura. It's hard to believe he's several years younger than me."

The male actors simply envied Nie Wei, who had a successful career at a young age, fame, wealth, and all the top positions. Compared to Nie Wei, they were not good enough. They felt that even if they could become Hollywood stars in the future, they couldn't compare with Nie Wei.

As for the actresses, they had more thoughts.

Especially when they saw that Nie Wei was so handsome in person, and had such a good temperament and figure, many of them really had evil thoughts.

Although they all knew that Nie Wei was married, they were not going to get married. They knew that the possibility of marrying Nie Wei was zero. It was not that they lacked confidence in themselves, but that the cost of divorce for a super-rich man like Nie Wei was too high.

But even if they can't marry Nie Wei, being a mistress or even a mistress is acceptable, because Nie Wei is handsome and rich, and the key is that he can make them famous.

Instead of serving those fat guys, Nie Wei, who is handsome and has a higher status, is undoubtedly a better target in their eyes.

It is said that girls have a strong sixth sense. Some people just think that there are people around them who have the same idea as themselves. For a while, many girls are looking at each other, and the moment their eyes meet, sparks are about to burst out.

Nie Wei took the elevator to the 20th floor, where there is an advertising studio, and the audition was held here.

Before Nie Wei arrived, someone had already arrived here.

The male lead Joseph and the female lead Nina were both interviewers today. When they saw Nie Wei coming, they stood up and greeted him.

Nie Wei sat between the two, and the staff quickly handed him a cup of green tea. Nie Wei didn't drink it, but smiled and asked: "How are the preparations for the role? The official shooting will be less than a month away. I don't want you to sharpen your guns at the last minute."

"I'm well prepared. I've even started to have hallucinations during this period. I think there is magic in the land where I live. I mean it." Joseph answered with a fanatical look in his eyes.

Nie Wei was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "It seems that you really worked hard, but you have to be moderate. I don't want you to go crazy just to make a movie."

"No, I can control my thoughts. Believe me." Joseph answered confidently.

Actors have always been divided into two major schools, the experience school and the expression school. The experience school, as the name suggests, is to put oneself into the role, experience the joys and sorrows of the role, until the person and the role are combined into one, which is what people often say is the unity of man and play.

The expression school is just the opposite. They act with God's vision, completely detach from the role, and calmly control their expressions, body movements, joys and sorrows. For them, the role is like a basketball in the hands of a basketball player and a football under the feet of a football player. What they have to do is not to turn themselves into a ball, but to learn how to use them.

It is hard to say which is better or worse between the two, but only whether it is suitable or not.

Actors who are emotional are more suitable for the experience school, and those who are more rational are more suitable for the expression school. Of course, this is not absolute. An actor may not always walk one path, and occasionally jump to another path.

Just like Joseph, he used to be an expressionist, but recently he seems to be a little crazy and has embarked on the path of the experience school, and he has gone a little deep.

In Nie Wei's opinion, his current state is what the experience school calls "entering the play".

The so-called entering the play means that an actor enters the role so deeply that he will bring the character's habits before filming. This is entering the play.

There are advantages to entering the play, but there are also disadvantages. The advantage is that it can interpret the role more vividly and perfectly. After all, even the actor himself believes that he is the role. Isn't it easy to play yourself?

The disadvantage is that it will cause certain troubles to the actor.

When Nie Wei was filming "New Police Story", he was so immersed in the role that he didn't get out of the role completely for a while after the filming. At that time, his eyes were so weird that he even scared Luo Yuan, who was still his personal assistant, to tears.

However, with the improvement of acting experience, Nie Wei can control himself to get into the role and get out of the role at will, but it is obvious that Joseph is not yet mature.

Although he patted his chest to make a promise in front of Nie Wei, Nie Wei knew that sometimes the actors themselves may not be able to tell whether they are out of the role or not, just like himself at the beginning. If Luo Yuan hadn't been scared to tears, he didn't know that his eyes would be so scary.

If Joseph is too immersed in the role, it is easy to substitute the emotions of the role outside the play. Sometimes you see two actors have love news after filming the opposite scene, because these two people did not get out of the role well. Although they don't think of each other as a couple in their hearts, at least they have a good impression of each other subconsciously, which makes it easy to make a pair.

Of course, the relationship may become worse, no one can say for sure. Anyway, Nie Wei thinks that he should give Joseph some guidance when he has time, and even thinks about finding a psychologist for Joseph after the filming.

Nina, who was on the other side, saw Nie Wei and Joseph finished chatting, and immediately said, "Boss, can I make some small suggestions on the script?"

"You say." Nie Wei did not feel offended by Nina. Before starting filming, it is reasonable to make small changes to the script. Even many crews will temporarily modify the script due to special reasons during filming. This thing is not immutable.

If Nina really has good suggestions, Nie Wei does not mind adding her ideas to the script.

"Boss, I've read the script. Isn't the heroine Tina dressed too plainly? Not only does she not have any accessories, but she also looks very dull. I remember the description of her first appearance. Tina wore a long gray coat, a black shirt, and a cotton hat. When the hero stayed at her house, Tina's pajamas were also old-fashioned."

"Boss, why don't you take a look and let me solve Tina's clothing problem. The company doesn't need to pay for the clothing. I can use my own private clothes. Do you think it's okay?" Nina finally said her little thoughts.

After reading the script, Nina was still very satisfied with the role of Tina. The only thing she was dissatisfied with was Tina's look, which was very old-fashioned, and basically inseparable from black, gray and brown.

As a girl who loves beauty, how can she tolerate such old-fashioned dress?

So during this period, she had been wanting to talk to Nie Wei about the look of the heroine Tina in the movie. Today, she had the chance, so she said that in her opinion, it was just a small matter, and she had already covered the cost of the costumes, which could be considered as saving a sum of money for the crew, so Nie Wei should not refuse.

What she didn't expect was that Nie Wei refused without any hesitation.

"Have you read the script carefully and studied the role carefully? Do you know what Tina's original occupation was?"

"Magician?" Nina was frightened by Nie Wei's serious expression and answered hesitantly.

"Of course she is a magician. I asked what she does in the Ministry of Magic." Nie Wei was even amused by Nina's answer.

"She is an Auror. She is an Auror." Nina also came back to her senses at this time, looking at Nie Wei's angry face, and quickly answered.

Looking at Nina who looked like a frightened little white rabbit, Nie Wei did not show any mercy and continued to ask: "What is the specific responsibility of the Auror profession?"

"Fighting against dark wizards." Nina thought for a while and answered uncertainly.

"What is their style of action?" Nie Wei asked again, but this time Nina did not need to answer, Nie Wei gave a direct answer: "They are like soldiers and spies. They are the elites on the first front line against dark wizards. Do you think such a profession is suitable for wearing colorful clothes?"

"And the character of Tina itself is conservative, because she has to make a sharp contrast with her outgoing and beautiful sister. If you also dress brightly, how do you want her sister to shape the role?"

"I don't care how she shapes it." Nina thought so in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it. Although she still disagreed with Nie Wei's statement and thought that this style of sacrificing oneself for the benefit of others was too stupid, Nie Wei had already given a clear negative answer, and even a little angry. A man of insight is a hero, so she still apologized honestly and said that she shouldn't think too much.

Joseph watched Nie Wei teach Nina a lesson, secretly laughing on the side. He had long been unhappy with this woman, who had too many little thoughts.

He had met Nina frequently in the past six months, acting together, and studying scripts together. Joseph thought that he was not a difficult person to get along with, and he was not particularly picky about friends, but he just couldn't like Nina. He always felt that this girl gave him a feeling of insincerity.

Just like now, Nina looked well-behaved, but in Joseph's eyes, what this woman thought in her heart would never be as good as what she said, and you can see how sweet her smile was, but it was so fake.

Nina's incident was just a small episode, and Nie Wei didn't take it to heart. After scolding Nina, Nie Wei began to look at the information in his hand.

These were provided by the agency and the Actors Guild. There were photos of the actors, as well as their basic information such as age, height, and weight. Below were usually some of the actors' works and evaluations.

If there were really no works, write more about what you are good at performing. Anyway, try to show yourself and strive to leave a deep impression on the director.

But Nie Wei never cares about such paper things. No matter how gorgeous the writing is, if he fails in the audition, he should still be eliminated.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous donations.

It wasn't that I was lazy yesterday, it was mainly because of the power outage. I didn't expect there would be a power outage on the Lantern Festival. What's annoying is that there is power across the street.

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