Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1142 1242. Angel? Devil?

There are 710 data in total, which are the results after screening. Many actors who want to audition don't even have the chance to be notified. They will be eliminated before the initial audition for various reasons.

The entertainment industry has always been so cruel, and of course most of these people deserve it.

According to Nie Wei, the company's initial screening is actually very loose. As long as the image and age meet the requirements, they can basically pass, but there are some people who will definitely not pass, that is, actors who had a very bad reputation in the circle before, and had inferior behavior or even criminal behavior. The company will directly eliminate them in the initial selection.

There are many prodigals among these people, but it's a pity that the film company can't review their recent actions one by one. The company screened them out just to save some trouble. Their current experience is to pay for their past mistakes.

In this regard, China was originally more relaxed, but in the past two years, because of the stupid remarks of a certain young actor in Taiwan and his fans, China has also begun to crack down on this area.

In Nie Wei's opinion, this is correct. Artists never represent themselves. Their behavior is not personal behavior, but represents a group.

Because they all have their own group of fans. If ordinary people do something wrong, it will affect their family and friends at most, but if they do something wrong, it may affect the values ​​of tens of thousands or even millions of people.

Especially for those idols, many of their fans are underage, and their values ​​are still in the growth stage. If they are affected, they may form wrong values, which may be affected for their whole life.

When Nie Wei and others looked at the audition actor information, the actors outside were also waiting anxiously.

The movie outline used for the audition was announced a week ago. Although hundreds of people were eliminated before the initial audition, the remaining more than 700 people were still under great pressure.

Because there are only five roles that require more than 700 people to compete together.

On average, there are more than 100 competitors for each role, but in fact, some roles have more than 300 competitors. The second female role, the beautiful witch, is very popular with actors as Nie Wei expected. This is a likable role. Eighty percent of the actresses who came today are here for this role.

On the contrary, there were not many people who auditioned for the second male lead, the Muggle Jacob, only less than 50 people, because this role requires a fat actor, and male actors are generally very thin. Even if they want to gain weight, they can't achieve the fatness described in the script in a week.

The remaining three roles are the Minister of Magic, a mature woman in her thirties or forties, and the cowardly Bareben, a magic genius used by the villain in the story, and the last one is naturally the villain Graves.

Of course, there are more than these roles in the movie, there are many minor roles, but these do not require Nie Wei to go to the trouble of auditioning, they are all unimportant roles, just leave it to the casting director.

Although there are three male roles and only two female roles in the five audition roles, there are more female actors on the scene. After all, the role of the second female lead is so popular that many female actors feel that as long as they play this role, they can even overshadow the heroine.

A group of young and beautiful girls gathered in the hall, and it was impossible for them to say nothing. This circle seemed big, but it was actually very small. Many actresses were even friends with each other, and some were even under the same agent. Even if they were not familiar with each other, they would introduce themselves to each other and get familiar with each other after a few words.

Compared with the lively atmosphere on the girls' side, the boys' side seemed much duller.

Except for the introductions at the beginning, dozens of fat guys spent most of the rest of the time playing with their phones. The middle-aged uncles who auditioned for the villain always looked busy, and their phones kept ringing. As for the boys who came to audition for the role of Barben, their eyes were mostly on the girls around them.

After all, they were at the age of youth. How could they not be curious when they met so many beautiful girls talking and laughing there?

And among this group of girls, another girl was particularly eye-catching and was the focus of attention of many men on the scene.

"Daddario, there is a little boy on the left who is peeking at you again." Daddario looked over at the reminder of his friend and saw a boy lowering his head in panic.

Daddario smiled but didn't respond. After all, she had experienced too many similar experiences.

Ever since she started puberty in junior high school, it has become her daily routine for boys to secretly look at her like this. At first, she felt a little embarrassed and even angry, but after experiencing more, she didn't care anymore and was even secretly proud of it.

What she once regarded as a burden is now her capital of pride.

Her companions looked at Daddario's big white rabbits with envy, and then looked at her pure baby face. They felt that their sister was really a combination of a devil and an angel. Sometimes when Daddario inadvertently showed her charm, even she, as a woman, would feel moved. She even felt that she had a mental illness and went to see a psychologist for this.

Thinking of this, the girl said in an envious tone: "Daddario, I think the role of Queenie is definitely yours."

Hearing her good friend's words, Daddario's face was happy, and she also felt that she was very confident. When she was about to answer, she heard a sneer from the side.

Daddario subconsciously turned her head and saw a very beautiful girl with short golden hair looking at her with disdain.

Seeing this woman, Daddario's face instantly darkened.

Miley Cyrus, this time she regarded it as one of the main competitors. Before 2012, Miley had always looked like a pure little girl, with long chestnut black straight hair, and was the first love goddess in all boys' dreams.

But since 2012, this girl finally ushered in a belated rebellious period. She cut her long hair and dyed her chestnut hair golden. She pierced her ears, wore ripped jeans and motorcycle clothes, and had the same three hobbies as Teacher Yu, but Teacher Yu smoked legally, while hers was not.

In addition, she also had many scandals, such as kissing a female model on the street, as if she had fallen from an angel to a devil overnight.

It stands to reason that such an artist should have been screened by the film company long ago, but who made her have a strong background?

The record company behind her is RAC. It may sound a little strange, but I believe everyone is familiar with the artists under this company.

At the peak of this company's glory, it had John Denver, Elvis Presley and Justin Timberlake.

Now, Miley Cyrus's big sister is Britney Spears, who was once popular all over the world. In addition, powerful singers such as Qian Jie are also her partners in the same company.

As an artist promoted by the company, Miley Cyrus is naturally wild.

"What are you looking at, round-faced monster!" Seeing Daddario looking over, Miley raised her chin and pointed her nose at Daddario, asking unhappily.

Daddario's chest became bigger with anger. It was obviously you, the rude guy, who laughed at me on the side, and now you asked me what I was looking at.

So angry, really angry, Daddario patted his chest, and the rippling flesh wave made Miley's unhappy expression stiff for a moment.

Miley couldn't help thinking in her heart that this big-breasted monster was too annoying.

"Humph." As if they had a telepathic connection, the two of them snorted at the same time and turned their heads at the same time.

Daddario dragged his friend to sit on the other side, as if he was hiding from the virus, far away from Miley, out of sight and out of mind.

"Daddario, isn't Miley a singer? Why is she here too?" After the two sat far away, her friend finally couldn't help asking.

"How should I know?" Daddario responded unhappily, but seeing her friend's aggrieved expression, she also reacted that she shouldn't vent her anger on her friend, so she slowed down her tone and tried to explain: "Maybe she wants to transform, it's hard to get into the music industry recently."

"That's right." The friend nodded in agreement.

Since the popularity of online music, physical records have been severely impacted. Coupled with the rampant piracy on the Internet, the record industry has been depressed again and again. There are only a few singers who can really make money by selling records. Although Miley Cyrus is also quite popular, her music is obviously not that good.

And artists of her age are the most fond of trying new things, and it is normal for them to cross over to act in a play. There are too many reasons, and Daddario can't guess which one it is.

But what is certain is that Miley is definitely her competitor.

There is no need to ask, with Miley's age, it is impossible for her to compete for the role of the Minister of Magic. That role must be at least 35 years old, and she must look older. You should know that Nie Wei specifically marked in the character introduction that the actor's age for this role should be around 40 years old, with a fluctuation of five years.

Then the only possibility is Queenie, the second female role.

In terms of acting skills, Daddario feels that she is not a powerful actor, but facing Miley, she has full confidence to crush her. After all, the other party has no acting experience before, and she feels that she is far from the other party in terms of experience.

"Wait and see, I will make you look good later." Daddario thought to himself, looking at Miley from a distance, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

Miley didn't know that the big-breasted monster she hated was having fun alone there. At this moment, she was sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, her hands on the back of the left and right chairs, and she occupied three seats by herself.

Of course, it wasn't that she was impolite. It was just that the five or six chairs around her were all vacant. Everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding and sat around her. As a result, the seats three or four chairs away from her were full, but there was no one on her side. The place where she sat was the center, presenting a very interesting vacuum zone.

"Is she isolated?" Miley muttered unhappily. Since her rebellious period came and she did a lot of extraordinary things, her original friends gradually decreased. Although she made some new friends, those who were not presentable obviously couldn't get into this place.

She was not afraid of being isolated. She had long been used to it, and she disdained to chat with those stupid women. Thinking of this, Miley bit her lip.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the audition started on time.

Daddario was lucky to get the number for the morning, which was very important to Daddario.

You know, the higher you rank, the easier it is for the director to remember you. Auditions are just like work. You are always motivated at the beginning, but later on, the director becomes numb and becomes more perfunctory in his observations.

And sometimes the director may directly choose an actor, and then the people behind him will lose the chance to audition and be directly PASSED. Daddario has also experienced this. It is not a good feeling to fail without even having the chance to try hard to show yourself.

Walking into the studio, Daddario quickly looked at Nie Wei and the other two sitting there.

She was not unfamiliar with Joseph, the leading actor of Max Films, who was excellent in both appearance and acting. He played a relatively important role in two consecutive movies of Nie Wei, and was now quite popular. He was directly appointed by Nie Wei as the male lead of the new movie.

As for the other Nina, Daddario secretly rolled her eyes.

She felt that Nina was the kind of girl who relied on luck, and she didn't know how Nie Wei chose her.

When she saw Nie Wei sitting in the middle, Daddario was in a trance for a while, and felt her heartbeat speed up a little.

There were many Asian men among the people she knew, but Daddario always felt that her aesthetics were still more European and American, and she couldn't get the charm of Asian men. Those Asian men didn't seem attractive to her, even if they were recognized as handsome men by those Asian women.

But after she saw Nie Wei today, she realized that her aesthetics were actually very broad. At least the Chinese man in front of her made her feel moved at a glance.

Handsome, really too handsome!

What attracted Daddario was not Nie Wei's appearance, but her calm and indifferent temperament. Anyway, the moment she saw Nie Wei, she suddenly felt that everything around her was dark, and only Nie Wei, who was sitting there, was shining.

Originally, she was just going to take a sneak peek, but she was stunned for a moment after seeing Nie Wei. During this daze, she and Nie Wei looked into each other's eyes.

Then Daddario immediately lowered his head shyly.

Nie Wei was speechless. This girl was so shy, could she really be a good actress? Nie Wei expressed deep doubt.

However, Daddario's appearance did give Nie Wei a strong impact.

From the perspective of male aesthetics, Daddario's figure is definitely SSR level, with convex and concave, which is simply the most standard devil figure.

But she has a small round face, big eyes flickering, and a blushing face (because of shyness), which is exactly the appearance of the pure heroine in a youth love novel.

Nie Wei thought, this is the perfect combination of an angel and a devil.

If her acting skills are also good enough...

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise, 0773, and Lumia for their generous rewards.

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