Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1144 1244. Candidates

Nie Wei didn’t choose any of the more than 20 male actors who auditioned for the role of ‘Obscure’ Barebone in the play.

But for the female Minister of Magic, Nie Wei chose the one he liked.

Uma Thurman, the former Golden Globe winner, became Nie Wei’s favorite.

It is said that this female star’s achievements do not require her to play this supporting role, but she has been doing a bit badly recently.

In 2012, she starred in Spielberg’s musical “Fame”, in which she played a famous but unsuccessful actress, which is a bit like a true portrayal of her real star journey.

This is an actress with artistic pursuits, but she has not had any outstanding works since “Mother’s Glory” in 2009. This can also be seen from her personal honors. She has not had any outstanding personal honors since that movie.

However, this does not mean that she has no strength. In fact, it makes sense that she can be recognized by the Golden Globe Awards.

She is a recognized talent in Hollywood. Not only does she have excellent acting skills, she can also write scripts. Although she has not produced many works, they are classics enough. Many people must be familiar with her name, that is the "Kill Bill" series.

The copyright of this series of movies is in Nie Wei's hands. When he acquired Max Films, Nie Wei spent a lot of money on the two movies "Kill Bill" and "Kill Bill 2".

Quentin praised Uma Thurman as an actress with fatal charm, and praised her acting skills for being able to show the depth of human nature in the ordinary.

Of course, no matter how famous she is, she can't beat reality, especially after she got married and had a baby in 2012. The money for the baby's milk powder is definitely a big problem. Obviously, this female actress is also willing to take some commercial movies for the money for milk powder.

Her salary is two million US dollars. For a minor supporting role, this salary is high, but if she can invite this Golden Globe winner, Nie Wei thinks it is worth it.

Not only because of her acting skills, but also because of the topic brought by her identity. Even the Golden Globe Award winner is willing to play a supporting role, so isn't this movie more worthy of the audience's expectations, and it will also give the audience a feeling of high quality.

The villain Graves is the role that Nie Wei attaches the most importance to.

The villain is crucial to whether a movie is good or not. If the villain is not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, then the performance of the righteous will be discounted no matter how well it is.

Depp has accepted Nie Wei's invitation and is willing to play this role, but his role is mainly concentrated in the second part. In the first part, only the last shot will show his face. Nie Wei plans to take this shot to the start-up site to shoot, and Depp also agreed to return to participate in the start-up ceremony of this movie.

Inviting Depp is not cheap. Nie Wei paid a salary of 28 million US dollars. This is the result of a price reduction because Depp's recent momentum is not very good.

You should know that the actor's salary at his peak was close to 50 million US dollars. There are even rumors that he received a salary of nearly 100 million US dollars for filming "Pirates of the Caribbean 5".

Of course, the latter is not available for reference. Even if it is true, it is because Captain Depp's image is too deeply rooted in people's hearts. In order to ensure that this long-lasting series remains authentic, the film company must offer a sky-high salary.

However, what troubles Nie Wei is who to find to play the role of Grindelwald's pretender Graves.

Nie Wei had asked Keanu before, but he was obviously unwilling, and Nie Wei did not force it. There were quite a few actors with good acting skills in this audition.

In fact, actors of this age, unless they are too unpromising, generally do not have bad acting skills. After all, they have more life experience, and even if they don't have much spirituality, they are not too bad.

But Nie Wei is still not satisfied with this level alone.

He hopes to find an actor with excellent acting skills who can play the role of Graves alive. If he uses a 100-point system, Nie Wei needs an actor who can score at least 95 points, not just 80 points.

At present, Nie Wei has no particularly good candidates. If it is really not possible, he will have to invite someone to choose someone he likes from the waiting list.

In addition to these, Nie Wei is also hesitant about the candidate for the role of the second female in the play.

Among the actors who auditioned, three people left a deep impression on Nie Wei, Daddario, who has a devil figure and an angel face, but his acting skills are extremely poor, Miley Cyrus, who is very individual but refuses to grow long hair, and Megan Fox, who was once famous for her sexy image in "Transformers".

In terms of sexiness, Megan is definitely the strongest, but she is a little older. Like Daddario, she was born in 1986, but this girl does not have Daddario's baby face. Standing next to Nina, she is obviously older than Nina.

As for Daddario, Nie Wei did not add her to the final list, but when a staff member quietly told Nie Wei about Daddario's performance in the corridor and the hall after leaving, he had a different opinion of this actress.

Obviously, Daddario is talented in acting, but she just took the wrong path.

It's like forcing someone who is obviously better at sprinting to run long distances. The result may be horrible, but it doesn't mean that this person has no talent for running.

Just like Daddario, Nie Wei thought that this girl might be a natural experiential actor, but she chose the path of expressionism. As a result, she made a mistake and became synonymous with bad acting.

As a result, Daddario is in his early thirties and has not made a decent name for himself.

"Maybe this girl can still be saved?" Nie Wei tapped Daddario's profile with a pencil, hesitated for a moment, and finally put it aside, then took Miley's profile in front of him.

This girl has a strong personality, which left a very deep impression on Nie Wei.

Since becoming a director, this is the first time Nie Wei has encountered an actor who refused a role because of hair problems.

Interestingly, after the audition, Nie Wei immediately received an apology call from Miley's agent, who also wanted to invite Nie Wei to dinner and let Miley apologize to Nie Wei in person.

Nie Wei naturally would not agree. During the audition, having dinner with the actress who auditioned, regardless of whether the other party apologized sincerely, wouldn't it be equivalent to handing the handle to the other party?

Moreover, he vaguely heard Miley shouting on the phone that she just didn't want to keep her hair. It can be seen that this girl is really resistant to keeping long hair, or insisting on her personality.

Nie Wei thought about it and was willing to fulfill her wish, and soon threw her information aside.

Megan, or Daddario? The two actresses born in 1986 made Nie Wei fall into a happy trouble.

Daddario was tormented during the audition days, not because the result was not yet determined, but because he felt that he had no hope. He was tormented by the fact that people kept sending her congratulatory text messages during this period, and even her agent asked her excitedly about her performance in the audition more than once.

Daddario could only be vague in front of these people, and her colleagues also regretted secretly, wondering why she suddenly acted so well at the beginning, but everyone thought she could pass, but only she knew that this matter was probably going to fail.

Thinking that when the results came out, everyone found that it was not her who was finally selected for the role, then how would everyone look at her?

Sympathy? Pity? Or ridicule?

Daddario felt that she had to change her last name to Alexander, because the pressure in her heart was really as big as a mountain.

It can be said that in the past few days, Alexandra... No, Daddario didn't think about the results at all, but was thinking about how to explain her failure to be selected after the results came out, at least to think of a decent way to get through this.

Only three days have passed, and Daddario still has no good solution. The only way she can think of to get through smoothly is to be selected, but what is the chance...

Anyway, Daddario feels that she has no hope.

In a fast food restaurant, Daddario and his friends who auditioned together at the time solved the problem of lunch here.

"Have the audition results come out?" As soon as the two sat down after ordering, the friends couldn't wait to ask.

"Didn't you also participate in the audition? Don't you know whether the results are out?" When Daddario heard the words "audition results", he felt a headache and spoke weakly.

The friend didn't notice that her partner was not in the right state, and replied sadly: "I will definitely not be selected. I was only halfway through the performance when Nie Wei called for a stop. I even saw Nina, that little BC, laughing there. She must be laughing at my poor acting skills, although my acting skills are indeed very bad."

Speaking of this, the friend suddenly became energetic again and encouraged Daddario: "Good friend, after you join the crew, remember to perform well and make sure to overshadow that little BC. Don't let her be so proud."

Daddario felt that the Coke she had just drunk turned bitter. She once again regretted why she wanted to act in the first place. Wouldn't it be better to honestly admit failure? Now the friend actually felt that he would definitely join the crew, but Daddario knew her audition performance very well.

Daddario's face became even uglier, but the friend was still unaware and kept talking with saliva flying.

"You know, I got a little news about Miley. This time she is in trouble."

"Huh?" Upon hearing Miley's name, Daddario became energetic and asked quickly, "What's wrong? Tell me quickly."

"Don't worry, I'll tell you right away." The friend giggled and said, "You know, I heard that Miley's audition performance was also quite good, but this woman's brain is really problematic. Nie Wei asked her if she was willing to grow long hair for the role. Guess what she answered?"

"She won't refuse, will she?" Daddario widened his eyes in surprise and guessed in disbelief.

This result is not difficult to guess. If Miley is willing, the friend would not be so gloating. Although the result is not difficult to guess, Daddario still can't believe that this is what a normal actor would do.

You know, this is not cutting hair, but growing hair. What's there to refuse? If it were Daddario herself, she would be happy even if Nie Wei asked her to shave her head to play this role.

"Bingo!" The friend snapped his fingers excitedly and said with a smile: "That's right, she really refused. I heard that after the audition, her agent almost fainted when he knew the news."

"Do you think she is mentally ill?" The friend asked again.

This time Daddario gave his answer very confidently: "She is sick!"

When Daddario answered, he couldn't help but feel jealous of Miley. Nie Wei asked this question, obviously he was very optimistic about Miley. If Miley agreed to keep long hair at that time, would this role be hers?

What's hateful is that the other party gave up the role that I wanted so much because of such a small problem. It's like the thing that I regard as a treasure, but the other party regards it as a piece of grass. Do you think it's hateful or not?

Daddario picked up the burger in his hand and took a big bite.

Looking at Daddario chewing the burger, the friend's expression suddenly became a little strange. After hesitating for a moment, he asked: "Daddario, don't you need to keep in shape? Eating these things will make you fat, right? You should pay more attention before joining the crew."

The friend's reminder was kind, but Daddario felt a pang of pain.

She usually pays attention to her figure before joining the crew. During that time, she would stay away from her favorite burgers and fries, and at most smell the fragrance.

But now she obviously doesn't need to stay away from these, and she can't be selected.

"Hehe, I'll have another meal today, and I'll go on a diet starting tomorrow." Daddario replied with a forced smile, and was shaken again. He thought that he might as well just admit that his performance was terrible. It would be easier to win sympathy if he took the initiative to confess than to be exposed by everyone at that time, right?

"Ah, I really envy you for being able to play such a good role. This time you will definitely be very popular. There is no actor who has worked with Rowling and Nie Wei who is not popular. Look at Emma Watson. Isn't she famous today because of "Harry Potter"? You can do it too."

"Also, don't forget me when you become popular. You are not allowed to refuse me when I ask you to play." After encouraging Daddario, the friend said with some concern.

"Don't worry, you are my best friend." Looking at the nervous eyes of the friend, Daddario promised with some embarrassment.

She felt that she really couldn't pretend anymore, especially facing the expectant eyes of her friends, she felt a deep sense of guilt in her heart.

"Kate, I think I have something to confess to you." Daddario gritted her teeth and made up her mind to tell the truth. She was afraid that if she continued to lie, she would lose such a good friend.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Daddario so serious, Kate asked curiously.

"I..." When Daddario was about to confess, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Thank you Qiangloverong for the generous reward of 2000, and thank you Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for the generous reward.

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