Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1145 1245. Finalized

Daddario took out her phone and saw an unfamiliar landline number. If it was normal, she might have picked up the phone to ask who was calling, but at this moment, she was so annoyed that she just wanted to explain the audition to her good friend as soon as possible. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, she hung up without thinking.

"Listen, Kate, things may not be what you think. I actually..." Daddario was about to tell the truth when the phone that had just been put in her pocket rang again. She took it out angrily and saw that it was the same number as before.

"Who is so annoying?" Daddario pressed the hang-up button fiercely.

"Daddario, what's wrong with you?" Kate, a friend, also found that her good friend was a little irritable at this moment, and asked with concern.

"I... forget it, I'm just a little upset, nothing." Daddario's courage had long gone after being interrupted twice by unknown calls. At this moment, facing Kate's concerned eyes, she didn't have the courage to admit that she lied.

"Is your good friend coming? The date is coming soon. You are so careless. I will go with you to buy some daily necessities later." Kate listened to the explanation, thought about it, and automatically figured out the reason why Daddario was upset.

Daddario was speechless, but he didn't want to explain, so he let Kate guess there. But to be honest, it's really a blessing to have such a warm-hearted friend like Kate.

"By the way, Daddario, the results will definitely come out before Saturday this week. I have called a group of good friends to prepare a celebration party for you at the Little Wildcat. You must come when the time comes." Kate suddenly said.

Daddario was speechless and choked. He wanted to slap himself twice. Being warm-hearted is good, but being too warm-hearted is not beautiful. She is in a very bad mood now.

"No, Kate, listen to my explanation..." Daddario was anxious and prepared to explain again, but the phone seemed to be against her. Just when she was about to say it, it rang again.

"Shit, I want to see who keeps calling me!" Daddario even spit out swear words in his rage, which scared Kate.

You know, Daddario is always elegant, as if he is insulated from swear words. I didn't expect that he would swear at this time. Kate trembled a little. She seemed to have seen the raging anger in her chest through Daddario's headlights.

"Why is she angry?"

"Is it a good friend who came early?"

"How about I buy her a cup of hot coffee?" Kate simply couldn't guess what Daddario was angry about, but she just thought that Daddario was not feeling well.

Just when she was thinking about it and preparing to buy coffee, Daddario answered the phone honestly on the other side, without the tigress look just now.

Because the caller was her agent.

Daddario's agency is CAA, a Hollywood giant, but Daddario is not the one that the company promotes. Her agent is just an ordinary agent in the company. The key is that she is not the only artist of the agent. Before she entered the company, her agent already had five artists under his management.

So usually this agent almost ignores Daddario, unless there is a job coming to her, she will call her.

Daddario respects and fears this agent named Winnie. He respects her because this agent is very serious and responsible. When he receives every job, he can receive a detailed information from the agent, which is marked with many things to pay attention to, which makes Daddario's work much smoother.

Fear is because this agent always has a cold face, expressionless, and looks very strict, which always reminds Daddario of the teacher who was responsible for student discipline when she was in school.

As a representative of big breasts and no brains, Daddario's memory is definitely not wonderful, and it can even be called the shadow of her childhood, so now every time she sees this cold-faced agent, she always feels scared subconsciously.

So when she saw that it was her agent calling, her anger immediately subsided, and she pressed the call button in a panic.

As soon as the call was connected, the agent's angry voice came from the other end: "Daddario, are you still asleep? Max Films called you twice and you ignored them both. Are you crazy?"

Daddario was a little confused. A call from Max Films? Could it be the two strange calls she hung up just now?

Before she came to her senses, the agent on the other end of the phone seemed to have a mental illness. The angry tone just now was filled with joy in an instant.

"Daddario, congratulations, you were chosen by Nie Wei, my God, I feel like I'm dreaming now, you were chosen by Nie Wei, you will star in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", you will work with the best director in the world, you will be famous, do you know?"

"I will be famous?" Daddario murmured subconsciously, her eyes that were originally absent-minded gradually brightened, and in the end they even shone as brightly as stars, she finally came to her senses, she finally knew what great news she had received, she was actually chosen by Nie Wei.

At this moment, her head was filled with huge surprises, and she didn't even have time to think about why Nie Wei chose her with such a bad performance.

Kate, who was standing by, looked at her best friend in surprise. She was irritable, but suddenly she was stunned for a long time, and then she grinned and kept laughing.

"Daddario, don't scare me, what's wrong with you?" Kate asked worriedly.

"Kate, I was chosen, I was chosen by Nie Wei, I will work with Nie Wei and JK Rowling, I will be the second female lead in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", I will be as popular as Emma Watson, hahahahaha!" At the end, Daddario laughed heartily without caring that this was a public occasion.

For a young actor like her, this news made her so happy that she almost exploded.

At this moment, she felt that all the happy things in the past 30 years combined were not as happy as this moment, because she would embark on the road of real stardom like those glamorous female stars.

Money, fame, status, these will also be within reach.

Just when she had begun to imagine her wonderful life after becoming famous, she suddenly heard a loud shout in her ear, and then she came back to her senses. She was still on the phone with her agent.

"Daddario, listen to me carefully first. Max Films has chosen you, but everything is not yet confirmed, so we have to sign the contract as soon as possible. In addition, I will try my best to help you get the best result in terms of salary, but you should not have too much expectation. After all, you are extremely lucky to be able to participate in such a movie. Money is secondary. The key is to seize this opportunity."

"Winnie, I understand. You can decide the salary. I am willing to accept any price offered by the other party. I can't wait to get the script to participate in the reading. I will try my best to make friends with every actor." Daddario's voice was trembling, and his excitement was obviously not calmed down in a moment.

"Okay, if you can have this attitude, I will definitely help you get the contract as soon as possible. In two days, I want this role to belong to you alone." Winnie promised.

At this moment, Daddario only felt that this agent was really reliable.

"Also, remember not to cause any trouble during this period, and remember not to drive after celebrating drinking. I don't want to see your news associated with drunk driving."

"I will be good, don't worry." Daddario answered very obediently.

"Okay, remember to turn on your phone 24 hours a day." After another instruction, Winnie hung up the phone.

After Daddario put away his phone, he saw Kate's extremely surprised face sitting opposite him.

Although she felt that Daddario had a high chance of getting the role, she was still deeply shocked when Daddario became one of the heroines of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

This feeling is like an ordinary friend around you, everyone has an ordinary family environment, but one day this friend tells you that his family has won a 100 million yuan prize and is already a billionaire.

The sudden gap, even Kate, who has a carefree personality, couldn't help feeling a sense of loss, and jealousy grew in her heart, which is also human nature.

Kate quickly got rid of the jealousy in her heart and was really happy for her good friend.

"Daddario, when are we going to have the celebration party?" Kate asked excitedly.

"Well, I think we should leave the restaurant first." After Daddario came to his senses, he suddenly found that there were many strange looks around him. He realized that he was so crazy just now, and attracted the attention of many people in the restaurant.

The two of them didn't want the fast food they were halfway through, and hurriedly fled.

It wasn't until they got into their own Beetle cars that they breathed a sigh of relief and laughed at the same time.

"Kate, call the sisters to my house to have a party in the evening. I will treat you with the best food and wine." After laughing for a while, Daddario slapped the direction sign and said generously.

She was ready for her wallet to be empty. It was so worth celebrating that she naturally couldn't be stingy, and this might be the turning point of his star road. She must do it very beautifully.

Otherwise, when she became a big star, the host interviewed her and asked her how the celebration party was, would she tell the host that she just treated her friends to pizza and Coke? Although they usually eat and drink like that at parties, it's obviously not possible today.

"That's great. I'm looking forward to the party tonight." Kate took out her mobile phone and started sending invitation text messages to herself and Daddario's friends.

While Daddario was busy holding his own celebration party, Winnie also started negotiating with Max Films.

It was called a negotiation, but in fact, Max Films just put the contract in front of Winnie. Winnie read it carefully for a long time, and she only picked out whether there were any traps in the contract. As for the treatment, she really didn't care.

Daddario could star in this movie, and Winnie would be willing to pay for it. Some opportunities really can't be bought with money. Making a star famous can bring ten times or even a hundred times or a thousand times the value, which is far from the current salary of tens of thousands of dollars.

The key is that Max Films did not deliberately embarrass her because Daddario was not famous. The salary of 300,000 US dollars is not much different from Daddario's current worth, and Winnie can completely accept it.

"Have you read the contract? If you have no objection to the treatment, you can notify your artist to come over tomorrow to sign the contract." said the Max staff member on the other end of the phone.

Vinnie naturally agreed, and the two sides agreed on a time before hanging up the phone.

The contract is an online version, and the actual signing requires Vinnie to take Daddario to the Max Films building to sign in person, but the matter is basically confirmed at this point.

Vinnie took off her glasses, and her tired face showed a bright smile.

She felt that her luck had really turned recently. A little actor who didn't care much was actually chosen by Nie Wei and became the second female lead in a super blockbuster.

Thinking about it now, Vinnie felt like she was dreaming.

Of course, all this is just the beginning of the battle. Nie Wei will only give them the opportunity to become famous, but whether they can grasp it in the end depends on their own performance.

For example, whether Daddario's performance in the movie can attract the audience's love, and the various troubles that Daddario will face after becoming famous, and even Vinnie herself will face possible competitors. After all, the agent of a star is not static.

After Winnie decided to join Daddario, she followed him throughout the whole process. On the one hand, she supervised and restrained Daddario and prevented him from making mistakes at critical moments. On the other hand, she also wanted to make up for her previous neglect of Daddario and cultivate feelings as much as possible. Sometimes, the emotional card is very important between agents and stars.

The reason why Nie Wei finally chose Daddario is very simple. First, the girl's image is too suitable and very eye-catching. Second, she has potential to be tapped. The most important thing is that although Daddario has gained some fame in the circle for her sexiness, she is very self-disciplined. In the years since her debut, let alone negative news, even the rumors are very few, and the sporadic rumors are still very unreliable.

Nie Wei likes such self-disciplined actors, so even if her acting skills are far from the standard in Nie Wei's mind, Nie Wei is willing to choose her.

Compared with Miley, her acting skills are much better than Daddario, but she has too many negative news, and she even has a bad record in the police station. Nie Wei doesn't like such actors very much.

As for Megan, Nie Wei can only say that she is not suitable.

Nie Wei hung up the phone. The staff on the phone just reported the progress of the negotiation with Daddario. If everything goes well, the contract will be signed tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei also showed a relaxed smile.

After working for most of the day, Nie Wei was also tired. He took a break while he was in a good mood, temporarily ignored work, and went online to check the entertainment news.

He just logged into a portal website and was attracted by the headline of the headline news.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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