Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1146 1246. Accident

It was eight o'clock in the evening. Many companies had already turned off the lights and closed down, but the tenth floor of the Max Film Building was still brightly lit.

It was not that Nie Wei was harsh and made the employees work overtime late at night.

The staff who stayed behind were not working. They all gathered in the leisure area and had a party here.

Ninety percent of the thirty or forty people present were single young men and women. They had no family ties and were bored even when they went home. So unknowingly, this leisure area of ​​the company became their gathering place.

You should know that the company was completed by Gensler, a world-renowned design firm found by Nie Wei. The 23-story building is not only magnificent in appearance, but also full of fashion inside.

Take this leisure area for example. The combination of gorgeous colors will not give people a dazzling feeling, but is full of visual enjoyment. The reasonable combination of various entertainment facilities, as well as bars, indoor barbecue grills, etc., integrate food, entertainment, and culture. There are also many black technologies here that can make people enjoy extraordinary things.

Such a good place is much better than those bars outside. Many employees of the company think that the top bars in Los Angeles may not be as good as the company's.

The key is that this place is open 24 hours a day.

Except for those who like to mess around, other employees prefer to come to the leisure area to play. As long as they bring food and drinks, they can have a happy and relaxing party here. Of course, after the party, the dirty environment must be cleaned up, and the items here must not be damaged, otherwise the company's system will definitely teach him to be a good employee.

"Turn on the TV quickly." Seeing that it was already past eight o'clock, Jack put down the sausage in his hand, and immediately sat on the sofa impatiently, found the remote control, and turned on the super-large smart TV on the wall.

Then another six or seven people gathered over, because the time for the evening entertainment news was coming.

Although Jack and his friends are all staff members of the film company, they are half a foot in the entertainment industry, but the more so, the more interested they are in entertainment news.

After all, ordinary people can only rely on the news to guess the story behind it, but Jack and his friends can verify the truth of the news through gossip in the circle.

Everyone watched the entertainment news and soon started to communicate.

"I heard that Kardashian said last time that she had no conflicts with Rihanna. But when I went to Disney last time, I heard their staff talking about it privately. The two almost fought in the bar. I heard that they pulled each other, and it was the bodyguards who pulled them apart in time."

"Really? I thought the smiles of the two in front of the camera were a bit fake. It turns out that there was a real conflict."

"And the matter of Iron Man doing charity, didn't the news say that he was doing fake charity last time? In fact, it was wrong. He really donated a lot of food to Africa, but their company made a mistake in the charity target and sent it to another place. This caused the group of people who were supposed to receive the food to say that the food was not received, and later Iron Man immediately made up for it after knowing it."

"Downey is so handsome and kind. If he cooperates with our company to film, I must find a chance to ask him for an autograph."

"There will definitely be a chance. Our company is so strong."

Just as everyone was watching the news and chatting, the entertainment news urgently interrupted a new message. Ten seconds later, the people watching the news were all stunned.

"I'll break in some new news for you. Just half an hour ago, Miss Daddario, who just became one of the heroines of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" and played Queenie, accidentally slipped down the stairs and broke her arm while celebrating at home. She may lose the opportunity to play this role..."

When broadcasting this news, the program even specially added a video.

Daddario was seen lying on a stretcher, being carried to the fire truck by two medical staff. The girl covered her face with her good arm throughout the whole process. As the camera approached, she could see her body twitching slightly, obviously crying.

"She is so pitiful." A female staff member said with some regret after reading the news.

She was the staff member who called Daddario twice at noon but was hung up both times. She was originally a little angry that Daddario didn't answer the phone, but when she saw Daddario lying on the stretcher crying, she felt that he was really pitiful.

For an actor who is not very famous like Daddario, this opportunity is too precious, and it can even change an actor's star journey.

If she hadn't been chosen, it would have been fine. But for someone like Daddario, who defeated hundreds of opponents and was chosen by Nie Wei, such an accident happened just before signing the contract.

The staff felt that Daddario was too unlucky. She lost the role for such a reason. They thought she would regret it for the rest of her life.

"Should we tell the boss about this?" Jack suddenly said. He knew that the boss was still working on the top floor.

"I think the boss must know about it." Someone answered.

"What if?" Jack didn't hesitate any more and got up and walked towards the elevator.

Jack didn't see Nie Wei and was stopped by the secretary. After knowing Jack's intention, Nie Wei's secretary didn't even need to ask for instructions and told Jack that Nie Wei already knew about it.

TV news is still a step slower than online media. Nie Wei saw the news that Daddario was injured at home. It was another video. Daddario fell under the stairs, holding his arm and crying in pain. Tears, and many of her friends beside her were screaming in panic.

The person who uploaded the video is obviously a friend of Daddario, but their relationship is obviously not good. Whether the uploader is jealous or gloating, this video has caused big trouble for Daddario anyway.

Daddario, who had just put on a cast in the hospital, didn't know yet that there were already a lot of people on the Internet criticizing her for her injury.

The reason is simple: lack of professionalism.

Many people feel that Daddario was accidentally injured and it was because of drinking, which means that he is irresponsible for his career and deserves the injury. Some people are even glad that Daddario was injured and feel that such an actress Entering the crew of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" would be a disaster for the crew, and would even affect the reputation of Rowling and Nie Wei.

If Daddario saw these comments, he would definitely cry even harder than he does now, because it is so unfair.

She fell not because she was drunk. In fact, after talking to her agent on the phone, she became insensitive to alcohol. Although the party was a blast and the sisters all drank happily, Daddario only drank juice during the whole process. And soda water, not to mention those intoxicating alcoholic drinks, she didn't even touch red wine.

He fell because someone had spilled a puddle of wine in the middle of the stairs. She happened to step on it and slipped down. Because the wine was on her body, a reporter smelled it and thought she fell because she was drunk.

Of course Daddario couldn't care less about the drink now, she was injured, and that was the most important thing.

Daddario was not afraid of the many bruises on her body, but the broken wrist made her so sad that she wanted to cry. The doctor had already said that the fracture was not an easy injury to recover from. Even if she took good care of it and tried hard to reexamine it, it would take two to three months. Only after a period of time can I barely move, and I cannot lift heavy objects for half a year.

Knowing that he was so seriously injured, Daddario was so frightened that his tears stopped and he was stunned.

After learning about his injury, Daddario's first thought was not the pain of being unable to move his wrist, but the role he might lose.

Daddario thought that any normal crew would never cast an injured actor, not to mention that she was so seriously injured. Was she going to lose this role?

When Daddario thought of this, the tears that he had not been able to hold back burst out again, and they became even more raging, like a flood bursting out of his eyes, falling drop by drop, almost forming a line.

Of her friends, only Kate accompanied her to the hospital. Seeing Daddario crying so sadly, Kate was speechless and didn't know how to comfort her.

Fortunately, not long after, Winnie also came to the hospital.

"How on earth did you get injured so seriously at this time!" Wei Ni asked angrily as soon as they met.

She was really furious. When she received the news that Daddario was injured, she felt as if the sky was about to collapse. Her whole head was buzzing and she almost fainted.

Knowing that it was just one night before Daddario signed the contract with the crew, she was afraid that something might happen to Daddario, so she gave her numerous instructions on the phone to ask Daddario to pay attention. Instead, Dario lost his temper at this critical moment.

Faced with Winnie's reprimand, Daddario did not refute, but just cried harder.

Seeing the girl in front of her with tears falling down like broken pearls, Winnie sighed softly. She didn't know that Daddario was the one who felt most wronged at this moment.

But when she thought that her role was gone, and her chance of becoming the company's gold medal agent was also gone, she couldn't help but feel irritated.

"Dadario, it's not the time to cry yet. Kate, take care of her. I'll contact Max Films and hope they are still willing to keep their promise." Winnie said this last sentence. Do not believe.

However, like a man who saw light in a desperate situation, Codadario's originally gloomy eyes suddenly burst out with the light of hope, staring straight at Winnie, as if he wanted to get the answer he wanted from her.

Winnie looked at Daddario and avoided her gaze. The girl's hopeful gaze made her feel distressed because she knew the chance of this was not high.

No matter how hard Daddario gets injured, no one can guarantee that she can successfully complete her acting work, so even if Max Films decides to give up Daddario, no one will say anything. This is human nature, who Make you not careful.

Wei Ni didn't have Nie Wei's phone number, or even Thomas' phone number. She finally got Thomas' phone number from a friend who was better off and called him.

As soon as the call was connected, Thomas' voice sounded confused: "Hello, who are you?"

"Hello, Mr. Thomas, I am Daddario's agent Wei Ni." Wei Ni quickly introduced herself.

Thomas' original doubtful voice suddenly dropped: "Miss Winnie, is there anything we can discuss tomorrow? It's time for me to go to bed now."

Winnie subconsciously looked up and saw that the clock on the wall had crossed 'nine' and was approaching 'ten'.

This really wasn't a good time to chat, but Winnie couldn't wait to explain things.

"Mr. Thomas, I will only delay you for, just five minutes. Please let me explain Daddario's matter."

"There's nothing to explain. Unfortunately, the girl got injured. I sympathize with her, but Max Films is a legitimate company. We can't use an injured actress to film. Miss Daddario, please take care of yourself, heal your injuries, and don't think too much." Thomas said indifferently.

He didn't know the news of Daddario's injury as early as Nie Wei, but it wasn't too late. After knowing the news, he had already passed on this actress in his heart.

Anyway, Thomas didn't think Daddario was a unique actress. There were a lot of small actresses like her in the circle. Why should he continue to use her at the risk of her getting injured again?

If Daddario got injured more seriously during filming, it would be troublesome for the crew. Not only would they have to pay for the medical expenses, but the key point would be to delay the filming progress. These losses would be enough to pay for ten Daddarios.

Winnie was speechless. She didn't say a word of explanation until Thomas hung up the phone.

The beeping sound in her ear brought Winnie back to her senses. This agent who usually looked like a strong woman now looked like an eggplant hit by frost, looking listless.

Winnie returned to the ward, and Daddario and Kate, who were still sobbing, looked at her at the first time.

"Sorry, Daddario, Max Films may choose another actor." Winnie said this painfully.

When Daddario heard it, his eyes suddenly turned red again, and his eyes were quickly filled with tears, and he was about to burst out.

"Winnie, is there really no other way? Isn't there still a month before the shooting? Daddario may be able to recover. Also, is this the decision that Nie Wei told you personally, but he admires Daddario so much..." Kate said anxiously. So far, she still believes Daddario's lies and thinks that her audition performance is great and has impressed Nie Wei.

Winnie almost rolled her eyes when she heard this. It would be great if she could talk to Nie Wei, but she couldn't get in touch with such a big shot.

"No, it wasn't Nie Wei who said it, but it was Thomas, the president of Max Films, who made the decision." Winnie's words were very clear. Since Max's president said so, the matter was basically settled.

But when Kate heard that it was not Nie Wei's decision, a glimmer of hope suddenly surged in her heart.

"Daddario, cheer up, this is not Nie Wei's decision, you still have hope to join the crew."

Thank you for the generous reward from Fantasy Paradise and 0773.

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