Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1147 1247. Idol Storm (I)

"Is this really the case?" Hope rekindled in Daddario's eyes.

"Well, it's definitely possible. How will you know if you don't try it, Winnie, are you right?" Kate looked at Winnie expectantly, and the latter frowned slightly.

There is definitely hope. Everything is subject to change before it is finalized. Just like today, Daddario was originally a sure-shot character, but ended up losing it due to injury.

Theoretically, if Nie Wei insists on using Daddario, Thomas will certainly not object.

But why? Why can they get Nie Wei to agree to risk casting Daddario instead of choosing another actor? Really, but based on Nie Wei’s ‘good impression’ of Daddario?

Winnie felt that these two little girls were too naive, but looking at Daddario's desperate yet hopeful eyes, she still nodded.

"I will find a way to contact Nie Wei. Now I want to ask why you were so careless! What happened at that time? How could you fall and fall so seriously?" At this moment, he was frustrated. Winnie finally calmed down from her anger and began to ask about the details of Daddario's injury.

"I don't know. I just stepped on a puddle of wine on the stairs and accidentally slipped down. I don't know why there was a puddle of wine there." When mentioning this matter, Daddario, who had already calmed down, said I couldn't help but sob again.

If she knew that having a celebration party would hurt her or even cost her the role, she would never have planned this party, but there was no regret medicine in the world. Her wrist was broken and swollen like a steamed bun.

Winnie glared at Daddario, then turned to look at Kate who was thoughtfully looking aside.

"Kate, have you thought of something?" Seeing Kate's look, Winnie asked quickly.

"It's Daphne, I must be Daphne. When I went to get the pizza, I saw her walking up the stairs carrying a bottle of wine. Who else could it be if she wasn't her?" Kate did not answer immediately, but continued to think for a long time, and suddenly realized something. shouted.

"Daphne BC, she has always been jealous of Daddario. Jealous that Daddario has a better figure than her, is prettier than her, and is more popular with boys than she is. Now Daddario wants to become the star of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" The second female lead, she is already crazy with jealousy to do this.”

After hearing Kate's indignant words, Daddario was stunned, while Winnie frowned.

"Daphne? You mean the female model Randy brought?"

"It's her, like a bamboo pole." Kate sarcastically said to Daphne, then looked at Winnie and gritted her teeth and said: "Winnie, you must take care of her. I'm sure she was the one who caused Daddario's death. No more characters.”

Daddario was still sitting on the bed in a daze, as if he couldn't accept the fact that Daphne was her murderer. In fact, before Kate said this, Daddario always thought it was an accident.

Winnie ignored Kate's radical words. It was easy to deal with a small model, but for what reason? Is it just because of Kate's one-sided words?

The key point is that it is not necessarily Daphne who did this. It is too early to mention revenge now, and the truth of the matter is far from clear.

"D'Addario, think about it carefully, do you really have no impression? And who shot the video online? You should know this, right?" Thinking of the video that was first uploaded to the Internet, Winnie asked Some gnashing of teeth.

It was that video that exposed the news that Daddario was seriously injured.

Otherwise, she could try to cover it up, and of course Daddario would have to bear the pain and cooperate. After all, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" is not a movie with a lot of action scenes. Daddario has every chance to film the entire movie without telling the crew. No film will be found to be injured.

And as long as you sign a contract with the crew, even if the crew discovers that Daddario is injured halfway through filming, it is impossible to fire Daddario because of this incident. The loss to the crew will be too great.

Although this is likely to offend Nie Wei and Max Pictures, the worst thing to do is to apologize when the time comes, and since it is a series of movies, as long as Daddario performs well enough in the first movie, even if Nie Wei knows about it Truth doesn't like her and is unlikely to replace her.

So Winnie hated the person who uploaded the video.

"I don't remember. I felt pain all over my body at that time, and I just cried." Daddario replied weakly, looking like a little white rabbit who had made a mistake and was at a loss.

Winnie pointed at Dadario with hatred, held back her harsh words for a long time, and finally said: "What have you learned in the entertainment industry these years?"

Winnie was really angry at the silly Daddario. He was already in his thirties, so why did he still look so innocent and ignorant? , just know how to cry.

Daddario lowered his head in embarrassment. She felt that she was like that at that time, how could she still pay attention to who took the video? Winnie's question was completely difficult.

"Kate, what about you, do you have any impression?" you asked and then asked Kate who was standing aside.

Kate blinked her eyes, as if recalling, thought for a moment, and finally shook her head in distress: "Sorry, Winnie, I really can't remember. Daddario fell down the stairs at that time, and I was so scared. I was so panicked that I hurriedly went up to check on her condition and was busy calling the ambulance. At that time, the room was in chaos because Daddario was injured, so I didn’t even pay attention to who took the video.”

"But I think it was taken by Daphne. I remember she was sitting on the sofa at the time. The video was also from that angle. I guess it was the BC."

Kate couldn't help but guess that Daphne was behind it, but Winnie pretended not to have heard.

But looking at Daddario lying on the hospital bed, Winnie couldn't help but have some prejudice against Kate's final Daphne.

"I will ask someone to investigate that Daphne. If it is really her who did it, I will give you an explanation."

"It must be her, Winnie. You must deal with her severely. It's best to drive her out of Los Angeles." Kate shouted excitedly after hearing Winnie's assurance.

"Shut your mouth!" Winnie glared at Kate fiercely. Does this guy have no brain? Can he say such things casually? If a nurse comes in and hears it, Daddario will probably be in the entertainment news again tomorrow.

Kate shut up and didn't dare to speak.

Wei Ni sat for a while and then left. It wasn't that she was cold-blooded towards her own artists, but she actually had a lot of things to do, such as how to get Nie Wei's phone number, or where to block Nie Wei?

What Kate said actually planted a seed in Winnie's heart. Even if the chance is one in ten thousand, if you don't fight for it, who knows whether you can succeed? After all, there are still people in this world who can win the lottery.

At this moment, Nie Wei, who made a fortune by winning the lottery, has returned home, and was teased by Shu Chang as soon as he entered the door.

"I heard that the second female lead you just chose is injured and can't play?"

"how do you know?"

"Although I stay at home, I am not a primitive person. I can also watch TV online." Shu Chang smiled and took Nie Wei's coat and hung it up, then put away his joking expression and asked seriously: "What do you want? what to do?"

"What else can I do? Just choose again." Nie Wei replied with a smile. He didn't pay much attention to this matter.

Nie Wei chose Daddario because of her appearance and potential, but that didn't mean Daddario was the only candidate in his mind. Since Daddario was injured, all he could do was choose another actress. Come out and play this role.

And Nie Wei doesn't find it difficult. There are so many actresses who want to play this role, and she can always pick a suitable one.

"Miley's manager called me." Shu Chang said suddenly.

Nie Wei frowned slightly, not because he blamed Shu Chang, but because he felt that Miley's manager was really unnecessary. He thought that Miley would have hope if Daddario couldn't play this role? It's simply naive.

Miley's kind of trouble maker bothers Nie Wei from the bottom of his heart. As a director, he wants to find an actor who can worry less. After all, the filming work is enough for him, and he doesn't have time to provide psychological counseling for a little girl. .

However, the unhappy expression disappeared in a flash. He didn't want Shu Chang to misunderstand, and believed that Shu Chang would not make any decision for him without authorization.

"I didn't give him a clear answer. I would like to ask what do you think?" Shu Chang did not make any decision without authorization.

"Next time he calls you, just push the question to me and let him ask me." Nie Wei said with a smile. Shu Chang also breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. She is really not good at this. matter.

Nie Wei knew that the agent would definitely call again. He would be damned if he didn't want to eat such a big pie.

After Miley rejected Nie Wei's request, she was already passed by Nie Wei. This woman is famous but also has a lot of troubles. She is really not a suitable candidate, so even if her overall quality is better than Daddario, Nie Wei did not choose her. he.

As for Fox, Nie Wei is not planning to contact her. Daddario's injury is not necessarily a bad thing. At least when casting is resumed, he will definitely receive more media attention.

It is foreseeable that many people want to see who the new "Luck Lady" will be after "Unlucky Guy" Daddario.

But what Nie Wei didn't know was that the unlucky guy hadn't given up yet. Her manager, Wei Ni, took three classes in a row in one night, and through countless connections, finally got Nie Wei's personal phone number.

She was not a big agent, so she owed Nie Wei a lot of favors by getting her phone number, which she would have to pay back in the future.

If she can convince Nie Wei to continue using Daddario as the second female lead, then these favors will be owed and very worth it, but if she fails, she will suffer a huge loss.

So before Wei Ni called Nie Wei, she wrote the draft for a whole night.

Early the next morning, she set the alarm clock and rested for two hours before getting up. She squeezed the time and made an appointment to call Nie Wei as soon as breakfast time was over.

The call was put through. While waiting, Wei Ni's heart beat like a drum. When Nie Wei answered the phone and said hello, her first sentence was broken due to nervousness.

Winnie was very regretful, she felt that she had dropped the chain.

But she was very happy soon, because Nie Wei on the other end of the phone laughed out loud when she heard her broken self-introduction. Although she was the one who was laughed at, Nie Wei was obviously in a good mood, and at least not What's the prejudice against her and Daddario who got into trouble?

This is completely different from last night's phone call with Thomas. The tone of both parties can be fully distinguished.

"Okay, Miss Winnie, if you are asking for something for Miss Daddario, why don't you stop speaking. This will make it difficult for both of us. Miss Daddario's body is the most important, and I will not ignore the actor. Health." Nie Wei spoke very gently and politely, which made Wei Ni feel cold.

She didn't expect that Nie Wei would reject her directly without even listening to any of her explanations.

"Mr. Nie Wei, listen to me, Daddario was framed for her injury, she didn't do it on purpose." Winnie said hurriedly, and she had forgotten all the rehearsals last night, and only wanted to win back Nie Wei's heart as much as possible.

Hearing that Daddario was murdered, Nie Wei was stunned, but didn't care too much. There are so many dirty things in the entertainment industry, putting thumbtacks in models' shoes, cutting short the straps of someone's dress, or deliberately pouring dirty water on someone, etc. Daddario can't protect herself by accident, who else can she count on?

"Miss Winnie, I believe what you said."

"Are you really willing to believe it? That's great." Winnie's eyes burst into a bright light, thinking that Nie Wei had changed his mind.

"Of course I am willing to believe it, but after all, I am not a police officer, just a director. I think it is more appropriate for you to talk to the police about this matter."

Winnie hit a soft nail, and her originally excited expression instantly wilted.

Nie Wei had no obligation to care about the trivial matters between these young actors, unless Daddario had already joined the crew and was a formal member of his crew. At that time, anyone who wanted to support Daddario would really be against Nie Wei. As for now, I'm sorry, the two parties only had a verbal agreement, and there was not even a formal contract. Nie Wei had no need and no obligation to stand up for Daddario.

Winnie was not stupid, and she could hear the indifference under Nie Wei's gentle tone.

Nie Wei said "goodbye" and hung up the phone. When he got on the car, Nie Wei directly instructed his secretary to ask where Daddario was hospitalized.

Considering the influence of public opinion, Nie Wei decided to visit the actress in person. At least then the outside world could not say that he was cold and ruthless, and he didn't care about the injuries of the selected actresses, but only cared about selecting new actors with great fanfare.

At the same time, in China, an idol storm was being set off.

"PRODUCE-101", which Nie Wei planned specifically for Zhou Duoduo, received great attention after the first episode was broadcast.

A group of young and beautiful girls are like a hundred flowers blooming, sweating on the stage and chasing their dreams. Many people immediately became fans of the little girls in this show after watching it.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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