Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1148 1248. The Finals are coming

Nie Wei expected that "PROUDCE-101" would become popular.

Although the domestic idol market is much more mature than the original time and space due to Huayi's guidance over the years, it is still at a disadvantage compared to South Korea and Japan.

Many entertainment companies saw that Huayi found a few handsome men and beautiful women and made a lot of money by forming idol groups, so they thought that they could also make money in this industry.

But the result was completely different from what they thought.

This circle is actually more cruel than the ordinary entertainment circle, because the idol market is smaller and not mature enough. Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones. Even if Huayi has walked a way earlier than them, it is actually constantly testing. The unsuccessful girl group that Zhou Duoduo participated in is a failure of Huayi's pursuit of breakthrough transformation.

Even the idol group that Huayi strongly promotes may be cold, and the idol groups of other companies can be imagined.

At present, there are roughly two types of idol groups in China. One is a singing and dancing group, which imitates the model of Korean idol groups, and the other is a training-type idol group, similar to the Japanese AKB girl group.

The former is fine. As long as they can debut, the company will invest a lot of resources for a period of time. The resources that the members can get will definitely be more or less, but at least they can get some, which is considered a fixed exposure.

But the latter kind of idol group that is cultivated is the real hell-level difficulty trial field.

Think about a girl group with hundreds or even more people, and the place where they are regularly exposed is just a small theater. The company's resources are also limited, and there are actually only a few people who can be promoted.

The few people standing at the top of the pyramid may be popular, but their popularity is actually based on absorbing the "blood" of other members.

This is like the ancient wizards raising poisonous insects. Hundreds or thousands of poisonous insects are put in, let them kill each other, and the few who can survive in the end are the idols who are truly valuable and promoted.

This is nothing. When you find that after defeating the competitors in the team, you will face stronger external competition. Some idols even fought hard to finally stand out from their own team, but within two months, their team was suppressed by another idol group and disbanded.

In a sense, "PROUDCE-101" is actually this kind of "raising poison" model, using the lower position to set off the upper position, constantly eliminating the lower position, and finally selecting the eleven most popular members.

The only good thing is that the exposure rate of this program is very high, so even those who are not selected in the end, as long as they show their shining points, even if they leave the program, they will definitely be much better than the original unknown.

So some of the invited female group members even broke down and cried when they received the invitation letter, because they have been waiting for this opportunity for too long.

The planner of this program is Nie Wei, and the production company of this program is Fanxing Group. The combination of the two represents success.

You should know that the programs planned by Nie Wei have never failed. He has made too many celebrity artists popular, so that many people now think that Nie Wei is the golden finger in the entertainment industry, and whoever he touches can become gold.

And as the content of the program is gradually revealed, everyone is more and more eager for this program.

As long as they can become the final eleven members to debut, they will not only be able to shoot a group variety show for two years, but also receive advertising, variety shows, TV dramas and even movie jobs during the two years of the temporary group. The Star Group will also plan two regular albums for them and hold a concert for 10,000 people exclusively for them.

When these pies are drawn, even those who have debuted can't help but envy these benefits, not to mention those trainees who have never debuted, how can they bear it.

For many trainees from small companies, these resources are even something they dare not dream of, but now they have the opportunity to get them, it would be strange if they are not crazy.

Of course, learning from the lessons of the original time and space production company, Nie Wei asked the program team to indicate from the beginning when signing the contract that if they want to participate in the program, they must accept the program arrangement, and they also do not accept two teams traveling together. All activities during the contract period can only be decided by the Star Group.

This decision dispelled the selfish idea of ​​many brokerage entertainment companies to borrow chickens to lay eggs.

Nie Wei felt that he could not allow the contract dispute problem like the original time and space to happen. You know, the original time and space team almost disbanded because of the contract dispute of several members. Even if it was barely resolved in the end, because of the parallel relationship between the two groups, there was almost no scene of eleven people gathering in the early stage.

It was not until the launch of a large group variety show that the team spirit was saved.

The audition objects of "PROUDCE-101" are brokerage companies all over Asia. Just to arrange the audition staff, the Star Group has invested nearly 500 people, but even so, this link took a full month to complete.

Among them, Chinese entertainment trainees account for about 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​are overseas trainees.

After all, Nie Wei's goal from the beginning was to create the strongest idol girl group in China. How could he let overseas trainees occupy more places? In the final group, overseas trainees will have at most one or two members, so that they can be used when expanding overseas markets.

Zhou Duoduo got the news from Nie Wei a few months ago, and she has been preparing to participate in this program almost all this time.

The company was also secretly preparing. Two months before the show started, Zhou Duoduo and Huang Ting's team activities stopped. At the same time, they had three more juniors in their daily practice life. These were the members that the company matched for them to participate in the show.

The company hoped that Zhou Duoduo and Huang Ting would be selected for the eleven-member group. As for the other three juniors, they were just allowed to take advantage of Zhou Duoduo and Huang Ting's popularity and go on the show to increase their popularity. Of course, if someone really has the opportunity to enter the final eleven-member group, it would not be too late for Huayi to invest resources at that time.

The three-month program passed quickly. Before we knew it, it was the tenth episode. With the selection of the last fifteen people, the only thing left was the live broadcast of the final ranking.

The dormitory that was originally noisy has now become deserted. Zhou Duoduo has three roommates, and now only Huang Ting is still with her.

Of the three girls selected by the company, one was eliminated in the first round of 101 to 60, and the other two lost the opportunity to continue recording the show in the 60 to 30 stage.

Of course, what impressed Zhou Duoduo the most was that in this program, she also met Mu Han, who is now the leading actress of the Fanxing Live platform.

When she introduced herself and said that she had always had an idol dream in her heart and that she finally had the opportunity to continue to walk with her good friends, Zhou Duoduo and Huang Ting's eyes were all wet at that moment.

Unfortunately, just three days ago, when the 30 entered the 15th, Mu Han ranked 16th and lost the opportunity to stand on the final stage with them.

That day, Zhou Duoduo, who had always been very strong in the program, hugged Mu Han and cried with tears, and so did Huang Ting. Many people who don't know the truth will think this is a bit fake. Can people who have only been together for more than two months have such deep feelings?

But only Zhou Duoduo and the three of them know best. They worked hard together, sweated, cried, and even got hurt and bled together, cried together, laughed together, and carried dreams together. What a precious friendship this is.

Zhou Duoduo was originally very happy that Mu Han participated in this program, and they had the opportunity to become a team again, but unexpectedly, Mu Han was blocked at the last moment.

Zhou Duoduo, who was holding hope but feeling despair, really felt that her heart was as painful as being cut by a knife.

"Don't be sad, I am very happy that I can get to this point today. When I go out, I will vote for you and cheer for you. Duoduo, Huang Ting, remember your dreams and make them come true. You can do it!" After Mu Han finished speaking with sobs, he left the stage in a seemingly chic manner.

But some careful people found that Mu Han's shoulders were shaking slightly under the camera.

That night, Zhou Duoduo wanted to run out of the dormitory several times and call Nie Wei to ask him if there was any way to revive Mu Han and rejoin their eleven-member team.

But such an idea could not be put into action at all. The dormitory was closed management, and all smart tools such as mobile phones and tablets were confiscated. Zhou Duoduo finally sat on a blanket with Huang Ting and chatted for a whole night.

They enlightened each other and finally determined a unified idea, that is, with the expectations of good friends, they were successfully selected into the final eleven-member group, and really became super idols famous throughout China, Asia and even the world as they dreamed at the beginning.

After ten episodes, the members of the final eleven-member group have basically been determined, and only the last two remain a little suspense.

Zhou Duoduo, who has many halos, has been far ahead of other trainees since the second episode, firmly controlling the C position in each episode, while Huang Ting is wandering between the second, third and fourth positions, moving up a little when she performs well, and moving down a little when she makes some mistakes.

The main competitors for Huang Ting are two trainees from Y Entertainment who have debuted. They have a fan base and have been gilded in Korea, and they are very popular.

Of course, what surprised Zhou Duoduo and others the most was that a girl named Yang Xiaoli also performed very well, basically stable in the top five, and even ranked second when she was the best. That episode was also the only time Zhou Duoduo's C position was threatened, and the difference between the two was less than 5,000 votes.

The reason for the surprise is that this girl named Yang Xiaoli can neither sing nor dance, but her popularity is terrifyingly high.

Of course, the more she gains, the greater the pressure she has to bear.

Although Yang Xiaoli became popular because of an accident, what really made her known to the people of the whole country was that she was on the hot search list one after another, and the number of times was simply more than that of Zhou Duoduo and other members combined.

Being on the hot search list is a good thing, but being black on the hot search list is not so beautiful.

Although the program team has confiscated all members' mobile phones and tablets, some people still know what is going on outside through various channels, and also know how much pressure Yang Xiaoli is under.

At first, Yang Xiaoli did not have so many black fans. Although she was not good at dancing and singing, she was at least very beautiful. However, as her popularity soared, many of the brokerage companies behind the members became alert.

In addition, some members had unexpected situations during this period. At this time, their brokerage companies helped to divert attention behind the scenes, and the best target was naturally Yang Xiaoli, who was looked down upon by other fans.

Someone sang out of tune during a live performance, it’s okay, let’s criticize Yang Xiaoli.

Someone rolled their eyes when announcing their results, it’s okay, let’s criticize Yang Xiaoli again.

It doesn't matter if a certain member seems to be mocking his teammates, because there is still Yang Xiaoli, right?

Zhou Duoduo felt distressed when she saw it. Although Yang Xiaoli was indeed a little "unworthy of her position", she didn't have any black material after all. Those black fans kept blackening her because of her strength. But poor strength does not mean poor character. Why should they look like the enemy who killed her father?

In addition, Zhou Duoduo gradually discovered many advantages of Yang Xiaoli during the process of getting along with her.

For example, she is very optimistic and can always bring joy to the team. Although she is like a child sometimes, she is very mature sometimes. The great truths she said made Zhou Duoduo couldn't help but be surprised.

At the same time, although Yang Xiaoli was blackened by the whole network, these black fans also invisibly promoted Yang Xiaoli's fame. As a result, her ranking did not drop but rose. In the second period, she was still hovering around 20th place. In the third period, she was directly promoted to 11th place. In each subsequent period, she made some progress. Until the last evaluation, she even surpassed a trainee of Y Entertainment who was equally strong and ranked fourth.

Yang Xiaoli was a blessing in disguise, becoming the second trainee in the team to go viral, besides Zhou Duoduo.

The final battle will be held in a week, when the bosses of major companies will be present. The program team thoughtfully gave the members a chance to call their families and invite them to attend the final group ceremony.

The girls were all very excited, but Zhou Duoduo was hesitant.

The parents must be called. The last time everyone watched the family video together, Zhou Aiguo said in the video that he would definitely return to the scene to support Zhou Duoduo.

But Zhou Duoduo was very hesitant about whether to call Nie Wei.

She knew that Nie Wei was in the United States and was busy working on a new movie. The United States was so far away from China, and it was very tiring to fly back and forth. Just to watch her group ceremony, was it worth Nie Wei's hard work?

Thinking of Nie Wei occasionally showing his tired look in front of her, she felt a little sad. The last time they met for dinner, she even saw a white hair on Nie Wei's temples.

"Don't you want to call Mr. Nie Wei? After all, this is your group formation ceremony, and you are likely to debut as the center." The staff member accompanying the program group asked.

"No, my brother has work to do, and I can't let my business delay his work." Zhou Duoduo gritted her teeth and determined her thoughts, but when she said this, she couldn't help feeling a sense of loss in her heart.

Thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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