Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1290 1392. The real purpose is revealed

Nie Wei's visit to the Pearl Tower this time was more formal, bringing a formal negotiation team with a total of 22 people including business, legal, financial, technical, etc.

The same is true here at the Pearl Stage. None of the big and small bosses came that time. Only the big bosses in the stage, and the rest were professionals. Of course, Zhang Xingyi was still there, but he was just here to listen, or to wait for the trial. result.

But for Zhang Xingyi, this result has long been doomed.

Especially seeing such a formal negotiation lineup between the two parties, no matter how naive a person is, he should understand that the stage is preparing to give up "The Birth of an Actor". Zhang Xingyi is not naive at all, so from the moment he entered the conference room, he was completely Huddled in the corner, with a confused expression on his face, he was like a person in darkness with no hope of light.

The negotiation teams from both sides sat down, but neither spoke to each other.

Nie Wei took out the detailed program plan that had been prepared and handed it to Big Boss: "This is a more detailed program plan. It not only includes the program content, but also includes the stage design and the guest recommendations we made."

The big boss nodded, took the plan, put on his glasses and looked at it carefully.

This time he was not in a hurry. Nie Wei did not have to catch a flight. He had plenty of time to look at the plan. Nie Wei was not in a hurry. He had the confidence that the more carefully the big boss looked at it, the more he would provide for his company. The more I became obsessed with this plan.

And today is not considered a formal negotiation. Nie Wei came here just to confirm the intention to cooperate with the big boss.

If the intention is reached, then it is time for the negotiators present to show off their talents. For a project involving hundreds of millions of yuan, it will take at least ten days and a half to negotiate. Of course, Nie Wei does not need to participate in this process. , just need to know the outcome of the negotiation.

Big Boss couldn't help but watch, and occasionally asked Nie Wei about the specific forms of some of the creative ideas in Nie Wei's plan. After listening to Nie Wei's explanation, he immersed himself in reading again.

In comparison, Nie Wei looked very relaxed, fiddling with his laptop and not knowing what he was doing.

In fact, Nie Wei has not done anything. He is just playing games. Fanxing Game Department has released a new Western magical pixel style game, which has become very popular recently. Nie Wei has also been playing it recently, and even posted it on Weibo. This game is specifically advertised.

This game did not live up to Nie Wei's hard promotion. In just one week after its release, the sales in China exceeded 500,000, and the total sales worldwide exceeded one million. The game's reputation is also very high. In Fanxing Games The platform score is as high as 8.8 points, the highest score so far this year.

The advantage of the game lies in the variety of professional choices and skill combinations, as well as the rich plots and maps. The controversial aspect is naturally the pixel style. After all, pixel style games were mostly concentrated in the 1990s, and the classic Sword and Sword Jinqun is this type of game.

However, the game itself is not that traditional pixel style. If you look carefully, you will find that the game is actually just a pixel-like game on the screen. It looks similar but is not actually the same. Take rivers, lakes and seas as an example. , the pixel games back then were all blue, but in this game, all the dynamics of the water are simulated, including light and shadow special effects and so on.

This is actually just a game dressed in pixel style, but in fact the graphics are not bad at all.

Some people think this style of painting is very nostalgic and sentimental. Of course, some people don't like it. They think it's so old and 2D is outdated, but there are still people doing pixel art.

But there is no denying that this is a rare and good game.

Nie Wei had almost finished a complete plot chapter when the big boss finally put down the plan in his hands and looked up at the clock on the wall. Unknowingly, more than two hours had passed and it was already time for lunch. It's time.

He read the plan three times. Compared with the previous rough version, this finished version was even more amazing. Whether it was the overall situation or the details, he always had the urge to be amazed. Of course, with his cultivation, he could bear it. He couldn't resist this impulse, and this was still a negotiation. If he applauded loudly, wouldn't that be giving Nie Wei an excuse?

But in his heart, Big Boss has secretly made up his mind to win this show.

Thinking of this, the big boss glanced at Zhang Xingyi who was hiding in the corner, and shook his head sadly.

"The Birth of an Actor" probably won't be filmed. This show was originally planned to take over Fanxing's food show, but now that we have this program planning in hand, this schedule must belong to "City of Fantasy" .

Then it will create a situation. Even if "The Birth of an Actor" is filmed, there will be no time to broadcast it. If the 60 million filmed program is placed in some bad time slots, it will be a waste of money, and the good time slots will be occupied. It's on and can't be moved at all.

My colleague Big Boss is also angry. The most fearful thing about some things is comparison. It is also a show that tests acting skills. Why is the planning case written by Nie Wei so fresh and refined? But when I look back at the "" "The Birth of an Actor", compared with "City of Fantasy", is a bit disappointing.

To put it bluntly, the birth of actors is still a traditional competitive type, but singing has been turned into acting.

This is also the only bright spot of this show. Nie Wei also said in the last meeting that the show has no potential to become a hit. The only thing that can support the ratings is the star cast in each episode.

Because the appeal of stars is different, the ratings of the program will definitely be unstable after it is broadcast.

Big Boss has been thinking about these words of Nie Wei for the past few days. The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that Nie Wei is right. Some things are just afraid of digging deeper, just like Zhang Xingyi's show. Now that I think about it, it is not a singing competition with those The show is exactly the same.

Compared with "City of Fantasy", it is much fresher and more refined. It abandons the traditional competitive mode and relies entirely on content to win. With some small creativity and interaction, Big BOSS can imagine this just by looking at the plan. The show will be very interesting.

The big boss turned his attention to Nie Wei who was standing aside.

He didn't speak immediately, but looked at Nie Wei seriously. At this moment, he felt from the bottom of his heart that the geniuses he had seen before were not geniuses, and the one in front of him was the real genius, at least in terms of entertainment. , Nie Wei's talent has made him admire him.

In his opinion, Nie Wei was able to come up with such a special plan in just one night. What a talent this was.

Of course, Fanxing's variety show team also made him envious. It only took less than two days to complete the planning in such detail. However, it took him half a year to prepare a show on the station, and it was not as good as Nie Wei and his team of three. It's an interesting show made by God.

Thinking of this, even the big BOSS felt frustrated.

Fortunately, after so many years of turmoil, he is not that kind of hypocritical person. He quickly cheered up and said: "Mr. Nie, this planning project is okay, but if you want to replace our program, I may I have a few issues to discuss with you.”

Nie Wei paused the game and said with a smile: "You tell me."

"First of all, "The Birth of an Actor" was stopped by Mr. Nie. Our TV station has already invested part of the money in the early stage of this show, including the guest lineup and instructors. We have even done part of the choreography and equipment. The rental fee, etc., if we cancel this homemade program because of your program, then our TV station will lose this part of the funds. "

"And because of this, we have to apologize to those guests and instructors from time to time, and we will owe another favor."

When the big boss said these words, he didn't notice that Zhang Xingyi, who was sitting in the corner, was already pale. Although he had already known it in his heart, when the real 'judgment' came, he still felt a kind of heart-piercing pain.

The show was gone and was so easily replaced.

My half-year's efforts were no match for Nie Wei's achievements in three days.

If the frustration in Big Boss's heart is like a whale, then the frustration in Zhang Xingyi's heart is at least like a Kun.

"You don't want me to be responsible for this part of the compensation, do you?" Nie Wei asked with a smile.

"Of course not." Big BOSS replied with a smile: "This is all our Pearl Channel's business, but since we have made such concessions for this program, I hope you can promise me a few small Small request.”

"I'm all ears." Nie Wei was mentally prepared to refuse, but on the surface he was as good as he could be.

"First of all, I hope that your program can give more consideration to the guests that our program has signed when selecting guests. Firstly, these young people are really outstanding. Secondly, it can also minimize the losses of our program, such as Zheng Zheng. I believe an artist like Shuang is also very suitable for this program, isn’t it?”

The big boss looked at Nie Wei with a smile, waiting for his answer. Nie Wei thought carefully for a moment and gave his answer.

"You can give us the list and we will select some of them."

Nie Wei didn't say much, let alone ask them for recommendations. Anyway, the show has to select performers, and it's not about where to choose. Nie Wei doesn't make any promises. When the time comes, if there is someone on the list that he can admire, he can naturally choose. But if you can't stand it, you may really choose Zheng Shuang in the end.

Nie Wei's answer seemed to be very flattering, but in fact it was just a slap in the face. The big boss didn't insist on asking Nie Wei to agree to a few places. It would be too cheap and would also owe a favor. It was really unnecessary.

And this is just an appetizer, his real purpose is still the following items.

"Second, due to the problems that occurred in our program this time, I realized that our station's production team seriously lacked program production experience, so I thought, could we insert some of our people into the program production team this time? ?”

"Our station is also responsible for the wages of this part of the manpower. Mr. Nie only needs to take care of their three meals a day, not even their accommodation. Our Pearl Station has staff dormitories."

When Nie Wei heard this, his face showed surprise. This should be the top priority that the big boss wanted.

In fact, it is not a big deal to insert a few people from Pearl TV. Although these people do not know how to produce programs, their professional skills are among the best. Every year, many domestic media talents flock to these TV stations to work. Their professional standards It's still worth protecting.

Moreover, Pearl TV is even responsible for wages, which means these people are working for Fanxing for free.

But there are also some things that shouldn't be taken so superficially. The big boss is trying so hard to recruit people into Fanxing's program team, probably just to steal others.

Fanxing has the most advanced variety show production experience in the industry, and this part cannot be seen just from the program. Many of them require practical operations to understand, and Big Boss came here for this learning experience.

Nie Wei doesn't think there's anything wrong with being 'stealing' from others. This kind of stealing can't steal creativity, and Fanxing's strongest strength is actually in creativity, and Nie Wei is also happy for them to steal their masters. After all, they are in the same circle. Progress is progress, but the Guang Fanxing family is not really strong.

If Chinese variety shows want to go higher and have greater influence, they need more and more talents whose ideas can keep up with the times or even be ahead of the times.

This kind of progress is what Nie Wei expects and what the industry needs.

Of course, Nie Wei would not agree to this big boss easily, and would also take the opportunity to gain some benefits for himself.

"This matter is not easy to handle. Our team has developed a tacit understanding after years of cooperation. If we rashly join others, it will easily cause problems."

As soon as Nie Wei finished speaking and the big boss didn't even answer, he heard an urgent voice from the corner.

"Director Nie, I promise not to cause trouble to your program team, and I don't ask to hold any position. Just treat me as the most ordinary member of the program team, and let me be an ordinary cameraman, or a set manager." All willing.”

Zhang Xingyi was really anxious. When he heard Big Boss's request, he realized that joining the program team and learning Fanxing's way of producing variety shows was his hope for turning around in the future.

So at this moment, he would rather put down his body and go to this show to be a soldier.

"Director Zhang, don't worry, I have to think about this matter." Nie Wei did not give Zhang Xingyi an answer, but turned to look at the big boss and asked: "Do you have anything else to add?"

There was a trace of helplessness in the big boss's eyes, and he felt that Nie Wei was as cunning as a fox.

I made two requests, but the other party seemed to refuse them, but in fact they didn't agree to anything. It was so cunning.

The last request made by the boss didn't offer any hope, and he said casually: "Since our Taishin program has stopped production and the losses have been considerable, I hope that the payment date for the purchase of the program can be extended this time."

"Okay." After hearing this, Nie Wei agreed.

"Please forgive Mr. Nie for the difficulties we face... huh?" The big boss was about to recite the words he had thought of, but as soon as he said it, he paused because he seemed to hear Nie Wei's voice of agreement.

"Mr. Nie, have you agreed?" Big Boss asked with a slightly surprised expression.

"I agreed." Nie Wei smiled and nodded.

The big boss was a little touched for a while, and he felt like a friend in need is a friend indeed. Of course, this touch was only the slightest, after all, business is business.

"Do you have anything else to add?" Nie Wei asked again. This time the big boss shook his head, and if he continued to talk, he felt like he was "excessing the limit". Otherwise, everything should be done within limits.

But the big boss stopped talking, and Nie Wei sat up straight, smiled like a fox, and said, "I also have a request."

Thank you Jingzhi for your generous reward.

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