Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1444 1546. Striving for a Well-off Life

Luo Kai put away his phone, looked at Yu Hai and the bearded man who were still in the office, and said with a smile: "Boss Nie specifically told me on the phone to praise you."

Yu Hai and the bearded man were modest on the surface, but they were very happy in their hearts. If Luo Kai had not been there, they would have laughed on the spot.

And compared with the former BOSS, the current BOSS Luo Kai obviously made them very satisfied.

Not to mention anything else, just the fact that he was not greedy for credit was too rare.

If this matter was put on the former editor-in-chief, when he reported this matter to the boss, he would definitely focus on confirming his own credit first, and the rest would be for those of us who really did the work.

Unlike this Boss Luo, he really reported truthfully, and all the credit was given to Yu Hai and the bearded man without any discount, and therefore received verbal praise from Nie Wei.

Luo Kai's style was really the best for Yu Hai, who was still very motivated.

"I'll find someone to take you around the company first. You're lucky. In two years, our company will move into a new building, the super building in Xinbei District. The whole building belongs to our company." Luo Kai mentioned the building with a proud tone.

Yu Hai and Big Beard deeply agree with this.

This Fanxing Building is definitely one of the most dazzling projects currently under construction in Kyoto. It is said that the main body will be more than 300 meters high, which is a veritable skyscraper.

The key is that this building also fully demonstrates the strength of Fanxing. After all, if you don't have money to build a building, isn't it better to rent an office building?

Yu Hai and Big Beard looked at each other when they thought about working in such a building in the future, and they saw excitement in each other's eyes.

Fanxing has a wide and deep influence in the industry, and its financial resources are so strong. The key is that it treats employees very well.

They just signed a work contract. As formal employees, they skipped the two intern levels of T1T2 and started as T3 level employees.

As for the T3 level, which is the starting point for formal employees, the monthly salary alone is 10K, which is 10,000 yuan. If you do the math, each person can get 120,000 yuan in basic salary every year.

And this is just the basics.

There is a calculation method for Fanxing's annual salary, called 12+1+3.

The so-called twelve refers to the basic salary of twelve months, and +1 refers to the salary of the 'thirteenth month' at the end of the year, which is actually the New Year's welfare given by the company, that is, the so-called double salary at the end of the year.

Generally, companies that can pay thirteen salaries are those with good performance. For example, the newspaper where Yu Hai worked before could not even guarantee twelve months of salary a year. The editor-in-chief would always find some reasons to deduct everyone's salary from time to time, and there was no so-called double salary at the end of the year.

Of course, it may be because the editor-in-chief was stingy that the small newspaper could persist for so many years.

And Fanxing is not only a thirteen-salary company, but a sixteen-salary company, that is, on the basis of the thirteenth salary, as long as the staff successfully completes the work throughout the year, they can get a diligence award of at least three months' salary.

Some staff members with particularly good performance can even get a six-month diligence award, which is equivalent to the 19th salary.

The 16th salary is just the beginning. In addition, the contract also standardizes many benefits other than salary, such as 30 days of full-paid sick leave, 15 days of half-paid personal leave, employee health protection, holiday gift packages, annual meeting benefits, etc., almost covering every aspect of employee life.

The company even provides them with free employee dormitories and even a shopping card worth 500 yuan, which can be used to buy daily necessities such as bed sheets and bedding in the employee supermarket. If not needed, this shopping card can also be discounted to the first month's salary.

As for meal cards, bus cards, subway cards, etc., they are also fully prepared, which is really considerate and careful.

As for the excellent working environment, great promotion space, and good company prospects, let alone these.

Let Yu Hai describe this contract, he can only describe it as being satisfied to the extreme. Compared with his previous treatment in the newspaper, it is really a world of difference now.

Led by the staff arranged by Luo Kai, the two visited the company. Although this is an old building that is about to be eliminated, in Yu Hai's eyes, it is a working environment that is tens of millions of times better than the original newspaper.

In the original newspaper, his office area is only two square meters, which also includes the aisle area. After placing a computer, keyboard and mouse on the desk, even a pot of larger green plants is crowded. If you put a thermos cup and a pen holder, it will be full and there is no room for anything else.

But now, the office area is twice as large as before, and the key is that the office is very free.

Staff can choose to work at their workstations, or they can choose to work in the library, lounge, or even entertainment area, company cafe, tea room, regardless of the work location, only the working hours. As long as the work is completed on time, the company does not force employees to work in a certain location.

And after completing the work, there will be no forced redistribution of labor to employees. The remaining time employees can choose to relax in the company, drink tea, play billiards, or even play indoor football, or play basketball.

After visiting the company, Yu Hai and Da Huzi were also very surprised. They finally knew what the top working environment in the industry was like. The two of them were like Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden. They were curious about everything and asked questions all morning.

At noon, they also came to the cafeteria of Fanxing with their meal cards.

Both of them have 500 yuan in meal allowance in their meal cards, which is the food allowance given by the company, and the key is that it is available every month.

The two smelled the aroma of various meals and looked at the price list, and felt that they didn't need to add money at all. If they saved a little, the 500 yuan would be enough for a month.

"It tastes really good. It is indeed the legendary top-notch delicious canteen." The bearded man took a bite of cherry meat and couldn't help but admire it.

Yu Hai deeply agreed that the food in this canteen was definitely beyond the level of ordinary small restaurants, and even better than many well-known restaurants. Take this cherry meat. He ate at an Internet celebrity restaurant that specializes in cherry meat, and felt that the Internet celebrity restaurant was not as delicious as the chef of the Star Canteen.

"Let's say goodbye to boxed lunches in the future." Yu Hai said with a smile.

"Of course, with so many dishes, who would want to eat boxed lunches?" The bearded man answered happily. In the past, when they worked at the newspaper, they basically ordered boxed lunches. The stingy editor-in-chief naturally wouldn't order very good boxed lunches for everyone. Basically, they ordered the kind of boxed lunches that were oily, salty, and cheap.

Not only was the taste of that kind of boxed lunch simply incomparable to the food in front of them, but even in terms of hygiene and health, it was far from being comparable to the food in the cafeteria of Fanxing Company.

"It's a pity that I can't take it out, otherwise I really want to bring it to my wife and children to taste." The bearded man took another bite of cherry meat and really felt comfortable all over. The pleasure brought by the food made him unable to stop. The only regret was that he couldn't share it with his family.

Hearing this, Yu Hai thought of something.

"Actually, it's okay. Didn't you read the contract just now? One of the benefits is the family open day. At that time, you can bring your family to visit the company. At that time, you will have the opportunity to bring your sister-in-law and nephew to taste the food in the cafeteria."

"There is such a benefit?" The bearded man was stunned.

He really didn't notice it. He was just busy looking at the salary. When he thought about earning more than 100,000 yuan a year, he didn't care about other benefits at all.

After all, this salary is more than double what he earned in the newspaper before.

"What other benefits are there? Tell me quickly."

"You signed without reading anything just now?" Yu Hai asked with a smile.

The bearded man scratched his head embarrassedly and changed the subject to urge: "I see you have signed it, what should I hesitate about? Besides, isn't it the same if you tell me?"

"Well, I'll tell you, the family open day is just a small benefit. In addition, there are 30 days of full-paid sick leave every year, and 15 days of personal leave, etc...."

The more the bearded man listened, the wider his mouth opened. He forgot to eat. After all, there are too many benefits.

"It's great." After listening to Yu Hai, the bearded man was silent for a while, and then he spoke this comment again. Just after saying this, his eyes were red.

At this moment, he felt that the days when he was overwhelmed by life suddenly disappeared. Now the air is fresh, the sun is bright, and the whole person is relaxed.

"Yes, it's great." Yu Hai also said with a smile.

When the two men who jumped from food and clothing to a well-off life were imagining a better future, Nie Wei, who had long been on the road of spending money, was accompanying Zhou Duoduo to see her new car.

"This Continental GTW12 is our company's latest convertible sports car, front four-wheel drive eight-speed dual-clutch..." The sales manager introduced it on the side.

But he was interrupted by Zhou Duoduo as soon as he said it.

"2-door, 4-seat soft-top sports car, 6.0T engine, 635 horsepower, no need to introduce, my brother's family has a car with the same configuration, but it's white."

The sales manager was annoyed at Zhou Duoduo's inadvertent display of wealth, but with a smile on his face, he praised: "Miss Zhou is right, but your car is more special. According to Mr. Nie's request, this car is customized in rose red, and there are many details that are exclusive to you."

While speaking, the sales manager opened the car door and pointed to the gear lever inside the car and said: "Like here, it is engraved with the pinyin abbreviation of your name."

"There are many similar places with your mark. This is a GT that belongs to you. It is unique in the world. I believe it also represents that Mr. Nie's care for you is unique."

Zhou Duoduo smiled and patted Nie Wei's shoulder, expressing her satisfaction with these small details.

"By the way, we have also prepared a special license plate for Miss Duoduo, 0926, which is your birthday. I hope you like it." The sales manager said.

This unexpected gift finally made Zhou Duoduo's face reveal a surprise.

Xiang Yixing, who accompanied her to pick up the car, was also very envious of this gift. Birthday photo, what a memorable gift.

Nie Wei and Shu Chang both felt that the manager was really thoughtful at this moment. Although 0926 is not a fancy license plate and is not worth much, it is very meaningful to Zhou Duoduo. Thinking about it this way, it may be more suitable for Zhou Duoduo than those fancy license plates such as 666 and 888.

Nie Wei glanced at the smiling sales manager and thought that it was indeed not simple to be able to do this job.

You know, this sales manager knew that Zhou Duoduo was picking up the car and prepared the license plate in just over an hour. Unexpectedly, he could get this 0926. Whether it was coincidence or ability, it can prove that this sales manager is very skillful and very attentive.

"Can I test drive now?" Zhou Duoduo asked.

The sales manager quickly replied, "Of course, this car belongs to you. You can drive it away now."

The car has four seats, and the sales manager did not join in the fun. After all, other car owners test drive, and the staff accompanied them because they were afraid that the buyer would drive the car away directly, or scratch it. They watched.

But this car already belongs to Zhou Duoduo, and Nie Wei has paid the full price, so Zhou Duoduo can drive it however she wants.

In the end, Xiang Yixing sat in the co-pilot seat, while Shu Chang and Nie Wei sat in the back seat.

Zhou Duoduo gripped the steering wheel and shouted excitedly: "Let's go!"

Nie Wei always felt that Zhou Duoduo had the potential of a racing driver. If it weren't for the speed limit in Kyoto City, she would probably be able to drive the car to a low altitude. However, even if the speed limit was set, her speed was kept at the critical point of the speed limit, constantly testing the line between breaking traffic rules and not breaking traffic rules.

"Slow down." Xiang Yixing's face turned pale. Zhou Duoduo drove too hard, which made her a little unbearable.

"We're just getting started. Let's drive on the highway in a few days. I'll let you experience what "Fast and Furious" is. If I wasn't born late, I would be the most suitable actress for this movie." Zhou Duoduo stepped on the accelerator and passed another small car.

Nie Wei, who was sitting in the back seat, didn't think much of this speed, but was amused by Zhou Duoduo's words.

"Duoduo, drive slower." Shu Chang suddenly said. Nie Wei turned his head subconsciously and found that Shu Chang's face was not very good.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?" Nie Wei asked with concern.

"Yeah, a little uncomfortable." Shu Chang nodded, and Zhou Duoduo also slowed down the car at this time: "Sister-in-law, are you okay?"

"It's okay, I just suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, and now I'm much better." Shu Chang replied with a frown.

She felt that her stress enteritis seemed to have recurred, and she felt nauseous. You know, she didn't get carsick.

Perhaps seeing Shu Chang was not feeling well, Zhou Duoduo lost interest in driving on, turned the car around and returned to the 4S store, and then completed all the formalities within half an hour.

Zhou Duoduo was very excited to get the new car, but seeing Shu Chang still looking a little uncomfortable, she felt a little guilty. Was she really driving too fast?

After thinking for a while, Zhou Duoduo said with concern: "Sister-in-law, why don't you go to the clinic."

"It's okay, I'm really fine, I'm much better now." Shu Chang smiled and waved her hand. As a star, she rarely goes to the clinic, because if she is photographed by reporters there, there will definitely be some messy news.

Thank you Jingzhi for the generous reward.

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