Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 1445 1547. Another possibility

It's New Year's Day again, and time has come to 2020 before we know it.

This year's Spring Festival is relatively early. Zhou Duoduo had a holiday on December 26th. In addition to celebrating the festival, this New Year's Day also has a special meaning for Zhou Duoduo. After today, his contract with Huayi will expire.

HELLLOGIRLS' farewell concert has been prepared. Boss Wang and Nie Wei have discussed that Zhou Duoduo will still participate in this farewell concert.

Although this group basically has no group fans, if they don't participate in this kind of event before the final disbandment, I'm afraid it will leave some people with something to say.

The disbandment of the group has little impact on popular members like Zhou Duoduo, and it may even be beneficial.

When they were in a group before, the fans of several popular members would always tear each other apart because of resource allocation issues. The trivial things of sesame and mung beans could be scolded on the hot search, and the result was that a lot of black fans were attracted to several members.

And the fans of those less famous members are not fuel-saving lamps. Many people wear vests to provoke wars. The reason is also very simple, envy, jealousy and hatred.

Now that the group has disbanded, although hatred has accumulated, since there is no direct conflict of interest, the conflicts between fans will naturally decrease.

Of course, they will still compare and show off when they should, and they will definitely show off when they should. As for sarcasm, it is inevitable that conflicts will not continue to occur until some people are completely forgotten, or some people are more popular than others.

Su Qing and Zhou Aiguo did not return to China. Since Nie Wei urged the old couple to travel, they fell in love with this activity and did not even go home for the New Year.

Only because Su Qing used to be an archaeologist and flew around the world, she was used to being busy, so she could accompany Lao Zhou so crazy. If it were another wife, she would have dealt with Lao Zhou long ago.

With Su Qing's support, Lao Zhou even got a modified Raptor a while ago, and is now taking Su Qing on a self-driving tour in the western United States.

The last time he called back, he even wanted Nie Wei to help him and asked if he could contact the couple in the documentary "Lovers' Journey". He said that he admired them very much and wanted an autograph.

Fortunately, Old Zhou also promised that he would definitely bring Su Qing back to China before the Spring Festival, so Nie Wei was relieved. Otherwise, would the elders at home travel outside during the Spring Festival?

Complaints aside, Nie Wei still supports the old couple's travel.

Both of them are retired. At this age, what they fear most is idleness.

It is said that idleness can cause illness, especially psychological illness. After all, they suddenly become idle people from busy work, and they have no worries about food and clothing, and they have no goals to strive for.

Doing nothing is the most terrible thing for a person, because every day of life will become aimless. Occasionally, when you think back to the past period of time, you will be horrified to find that you have no deep memories. This feeling really drives people crazy.

So it is very good to see Zhou Jianguo and Su Qing find their hobbies after retirement and not waste their time.

What's more, traveling makes the old couple healthier, so Nie Wei must support it even more.

"Brother, let me discuss something with you." Zhou Duoduo suddenly asked while making dumplings in the morning.

"Go ahead."

"Brother, I want to study for two more years." Zhou Duoduo said with a smile.

Hearing this, not to mention Nie Wei, Shu Chang looked at Zhou Duoduo in surprise, obviously not expecting that his sister-in-law could be so motivated.

"This is a good thing, I will definitely support it, I will talk to the school." Nie Wei came back to his senses and immediately agreed.

It's good that Zhou Duoduo wants to continue studying, and she is indeed studying hard. Nie Wei has learned all this from the teachers at school.

Of course, studying for another two years will also cause Zhou Duoduo to lose a lot of popularity that she has accumulated in HELLO GIRLS with great difficulty, but if Nie Wei is asked to choose between a powerful actor and a popular idol, he hopes that Zhou Duoduo will become a powerful actor.

Popular idols seem to be glorious, but in fact they have always been at the bottom of the entertainment industry. The glory is superficial, but behind the glory, it is often accompanied by doubts and even abuse.

On the contrary, as a talented actor, she speaks with her strength. Although she may not become a big star, she is respected wherever she goes.

Moreover, Nie Wei does not think that Zhou Duoduo will not be popular after losing her popularity. Other artists may be busy because of their popularity, fearing that their popularity will disappear in a vacancy, and they will never get good resources again.

But Zhou Duoduo, who is protected by Nie Wei, is already a very influential idol artist. Even if she is still a newcomer and debuted in her thirties, Nie Wei is still confident that he can make her popular.

After all, in this era, as long as there are enough resources, it is not difficult to make an artist popular.

Just like an artist who doesn't look good, if you buy headlines for a long time, send soft pushes, saying how unique, international, and high-end the artist's appearance is, and you avoid the important and focus on the trivial for a period of time, you will find that many people start to say that this artist is good-looking, has temperament, and has a unique style.

This is the power of resources.

People will be influenced by resources unconsciously, and then develop a favorable impression of artists who were originally indifferent to them. This is why those idols always appear on TV shows to impress fans.

"Study hard, don't worry about popularity. When you have the ability, I will write a script for you." Nie Wei was very satisfied with Zhou Duoduo's progressive ideas and encouraged her.

"Then it's settled." Zhou Duoduo agreed with a smile.

The reason why she chose to continue schooling was precisely because she had Nie Wei behind her. If she had no one to rely on in the entertainment industry, she could only be like Yang Xiaoli who was busy day and night, not letting go of any resources, and working hard every day. I am afraid that I will be eliminated from this circle.

Sauerkraut, pork, leek, eggs, and fresh shrimp fillings, the three kinds of dumplings were put into the pot. With the steaming heat, they soon surfaced one by one like white fat dumplings and were fished out of the pot by Nie Wei.

"Sister-in-law, try this sauerkraut filling. This is sauerkraut pickled at my friend's house. She said it's different from the ones she bought, but it's delicious."

"Okay, okay, let me have a taste." Shu Chang picked up the dumplings and took a bite, then smiled and nodded under Zhou Duoduo's expectant eyes: "It's delicious."

"Is it delicious? Let me try it too." After hearing this, Zhou Duoduo also picked up a pickled cabbage dumpling and soon exclaimed with satisfaction: "It's delicious, it tastes really good."

After Nie Wei heard this, he also tasted one and thought it was really delicious. It didn't have the smell of sauerkraut, but retained the sour taste of sauerkraut. It felt very refreshing in the mouth.

"Who gave it to Yixing?" Nie Wei asked curiously.

"Do you still remember her?" Zhou Duoduo shouted in surprise.

"What is there that I don't remember? Didn't we just meet a few days ago?" Nie Wei couldn't laugh or cry. Zhou Duoduo said it as if she had dementia. How could she not recognize someone after just a few days?

Moreover, this Xiang Yixing is Zhou Duoduo's best friend in school, and Nie Wei certainly knows about it.

Nie Wei is very concerned about Zhou Duoduo's social circle. After all, friends have a great influence on each other. Being with good people may not necessarily make you better, but being with bad people can really easily turn bad.

Fortunately, Zhou Duoduo's circle of friends over the years has never worried Nie Wei. Whether it was Huang Ting and Mo Han before, or Xiang Yixing now, they are all good girls.

"Sister-in-law, please eat more." Zhou Duoduo saw Shu Chang didn't move his chopsticks for a long time, so he took the initiative to pick up a dumpling and put it into Shu Chang's bowl.

"Don't pinch me, I don't have much appetite right now." Shu Chang said.

"Have you eaten the hawthorn pills I asked the doctor to prescribe for you?" Nie Wei asked from the side. Shu Chang has been having a bad appetite recently and has lost weight due to hunger. He only weighs 90 kilograms.

Nie Wei was also worried, so she found someone to specially prepare hawthorn pills for Shu Chang, hoping to help her strengthen her spleen and appetite and eat more.

"I forgot to eat, it's too sour." Shu Chang replied with a smile.

Different from the sweet and sour hawthorn pills on the market, the hawthorn pills prepared by Nie Wei are so sour that there is almost no sweet taste. This is what Nie Wei can order. After all, eating too much sugar is not good for the body.

But this hawthorn pill was not to Shu Chang's appetite, so she deliberately forgot to take it.

However, the devil is as tall as the Taoist. Nie Wei had expected that Shu Chang would 'forget', so he simply took a few hawthorn pills with him and handed them to Shu Chang on the spot.

Seeing the hawthorn pill in Nie Wei's hand, Shu Chang suddenly pouted and became unhappy.

"I just have gastroenteritis again. It's an old problem. It will be better after a while." Shu Chang resisted the hawthorn pills in Nie Wei's hand and refused to take them. Instead, he defended.

"You know you have a bad stomach, but you were still clamoring to eat Sichuan hot pot two days ago?" Nie Wei opened the hawthorn pills and handed them to Shu Chang.

He said forcefully: "Eat it, it will be good for your health."

"Annoying!" Shu Chang snorted and shouted dissatisfied, but still took the pills.

Seeing Shu Chang take the hawthorn pill, Nie Wei smiled again.

"Like a child, you can be persuaded to take medicine." Nie Wei complained with a smile, which made Zhou Duoduo, who was watching the show, happy, while Shu Chang rolled his eyes with a bad expression.

She also knew that Nie Wei was doing it for her own good, but she just didn't like eating it. She felt unbearable when she smelled the hawthorn pills, and the moment she swallowed them, she felt nauseated.

Shu Chang thought to himself, this is not medicine, it is simply poison.

"Sister-in-law, you haven't recovered from your illness yet." Zhou Duoduo asked distressedly. After all, seeing Shu Chang having no appetite for delicious food was definitely a very torturous experience in Zhou Duoduo's opinion.

Zhou Duoduo thought to herself that if it were her who loves to eat, she would probably be in despair.

"It's been better for a while, but I don't know what happened recently. I seem to be sick again." Shu Chang sighed and said.

"How about I recruit someone to check you out?"

"Don't bother me. I just take the medicine the doctor prescribed for me last time. It's probably because I didn't insist on taking the medicine last time that the condition recurred." Shu Chang said with a smile.

Nie Wei nodded, superficially agreeing with Shu Chang's idea, but in her heart she had already made up her mind to find a doctor to check Shu Chang.

After eating the dumplings, Shu Chang and Zhou Duoduo went shopping. They originally wanted to invite Nie Wei, but it would be troublesome for Nie Wei to greet fans at that time, so he refused.

After Shu Chang and Zhou Duoduo left, Nie Wei took out her mobile phone and called a doctor she knew, inviting him to go to the manor to check up on Shu Chang at night.

"Mr. Nie, what are the specific symptoms of Madam?"

"She just has a loss of appetite. By the way, she has been feeling sleepy recently. Sometimes she can fall asleep even while chatting."

"Are there any other symptoms?"

"Does sudden motion sickness count? But the speed of the car was a bit fast at that time, and I usually feel so comfortable as a nanny car that I don't have any special reaction." Nie Wei thought about it carefully, and then remembered her comfortable reaction when she went to the 4S shop to test the car with Zhou Duoduo some time ago, and then replied.

"Mr. Nie, I don't think these symptoms of Mrs. Shu Chang are necessarily enteritis..."

After more than ten seconds, Nie Wei came back to his senses from the shock and asked hurriedly: " said you have a baby?"

"I'm not sure either," said Dr. Qin on the other side very seriously: "I just suspect it, because these symptoms are very consistent. Of course, to know whether the wife has a baby, we still need to conduct professional examinations, preferably with some medical equipment."

"Then tonight, okay?" Nie Wei calmed himself down and didn't get too happy too early.

After all, Shu Chang also suspected that she had a baby before, and the symptoms were very similar to now. As a result, after going to the hospital for examination, it was found that it was just stress enteritis. Nie Wei was afraid that he had too high expectations and would be disappointed.

He didn't even dare to tell Shu Chang this idea.

"It's okay, Mr. Nie, I will take the team and the machine to your manor and personally check the wife." Dr. Qin promised.

After hanging up the phone, Nie Wei found that his hands, which were as steady as a mountain, were actually shaking slightly at this time.

"Calm down, you must calm down, don't have too much hope..." Nie Wei was giving psychological hints. It was because of too many disappointments before that he, who had a strong heart, was a little weak when facing this problem.

After calming down for a long time, Nie Wei finally stabilized his emotions, and then immediately called Shu Chang.

"Wife, what are you doing?"

"Shopping, what else can I do?"

"Ah, remember to eat less ice."

"You are crazy, it's minus 20 degrees outside, what ice can I eat."

"Yes, yes, and don't go to crowded places, pay attention to safety."

"There are bodyguards, Duoduo and I are safe, Nie Wei's mother, don't nag, I'm going to look at new bags with Duoduo, and I'll bring you a gift later, love you."

Shu Chang hung up the phone in a hurry, Nie Wei held the phone and anxiously turned around in the room, unable to sit still for a moment, for fear that Shu Chang would have problems.

At six o'clock in the evening, Shu Chang and Zhou Duoduo returned to the courtyard.

Seeing Shu Chang returning home safely, Nie Wei breathed a sigh of relief. Although the bodyguards had reported Shu Chang's situation to Nie Wei all afternoon, Nie Wei was still worried until he saw her in person.

After all, Shu Chang is not just herself now, and there is a small life in her belly.

Thanks to Qiang Love Rong for the generous reward.

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