Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 46 45. Tianjin Crosstalk (Part 1)

In order to visit more attractions, Lin Yifei also contributed her nanny car.

Nie Wei drove the two girls and the first place they arrived was the Ancient Culture Street in Tianjin.

If you want to find the characteristics of Tianjin, this Ancient Culture Street is definitely the first choice. Yangliuqing New Year paintings, clay figurines Zhang's colored sculptures, kites Wei's kites, and brick carvings Liu's brick carvings, each of which is a precious cultural heritage passed down from ancient times.

In addition, some Tianjin-style delicacies are also here, such as Goubuli steamed buns, Erduoyan fried cakes, etc., and of course the most famous Tianjin ** flower is indispensable. It can be said that this street of eating, drinking and having fun is definitely the first choice for Tianjin tourism.

After Nie Wei found a parking spot, he took the three of them to stroll around the Ancient Culture Street.

Although it is the end of the year, the Ancient Culture Street has never lacked popularity. Although it is not crowded, there are not many vacant places when you look up.

"Follow me closely, or I won't be responsible if you get lost later." When Nie Wei was about to step into the Cultural Street, he once again instructed the two girls behind him.

"Brother, is this tight enough?" As soon as Nie Wei finished speaking, Shu Chang hugged Nie Wei's arm, half of his body leaning on Nie Wei.

"Enough, too close... Sister, you have eaten too much recently, it feels so heavy." Nie Wei deliberately pretended to be pressed to one side and complained.

"Nonsense, I weighed it when I took a shower two days ago, and it was half a pound lighter." Shu Chang patted Nie Wei in dissatisfaction, but he let go of Nie Wei's arm.

"I'll testify!" Lin Yifei, who was standing aside, also raised her hand to guarantee Shu Chang.

"Okay, I said the wrong thing. Do you still want to go shopping? We have missed a lot of fun." Nie Wei raised a hand and pointed behind the girl. It turned out that they had walked 20 to 30 meters without realizing it during the play. They really missed a lot of stalls.

Sure enough, as soon as Nie Wei said this, the girls' attention was attracted to the direction Nie Wei pointed. They complained about Nie Wei and turned back, completely ignoring the topic of weight just now.

Watching the two girls happily shopping, Nie Wei followed behind the girls to protect them, in addition to looking around.

It's not that he was afraid that they would get lost. After all, they were big girls of fourteen or fifteen years old. No matter how stupid they were, they would not be unable to find their home, especially Shu Chang, who had been traveling all over the country since she was a child. Would she get lost while shopping? That would be a joke.

Nie Wei's main attention was still the three hands around him. After all, the two silly girls had a lot of money in their pockets, and it was hard to guarantee that they would be targeted by thieves.

But I don't know if all three hands are resting today. Anyway, I haven't seen anyone who is blind all the way. Nie Wei also saved his energy and didn't have to play a bloody hero saving beauty drama.

"You two sisters are tired from shopping, so why don't we find a place to rest?" Nie Wei was carrying more than ten bags, which were filled with things bought by the girls. Seeing that it was almost noon, Nie Wei suggested that everyone find a place to rest.

Lin Yifei still wanted to continue shopping, but Shu Chang on the side felt a little sorry for Nie Wei, especially seeing the big and small bags hanging on her brother, it must be tiring, so she decided to stand on the side of her brother.

Two to one, the minority obeys the majority, and the three decided to take a break temporarily, even if Lin Yifei pouted.

However, it was not convenient to carry big and small bags, so Nie Wei suggested that he would go to the car first, and the girls would have no objection, but when Nie Wei returned to the car and returned to the agreed place, he found that the girls were gone.

Nie Wei was not panicked. He had a cell phone with him. He called Shu Chang and found out that the two girls had gone to a teahouse to listen to crosstalk.

"Come on, you guys keep listening. I'll find you guys." Nie Wei smiled helplessly, hung up the phone and headed for the address Shu Chang reported.

"Celebrity Teahouse, it's here." Nie Wei found the place quickly, but when he saw the sign, his eyes lit up immediately. This place is not simple.

Just the photo of this celebrity teahouse is not something that ordinary teahouses can have. How many teahouses have you seen that can get the handwritten inscription of crosstalk master Mr. Ma Sanli? It is estimated that this is the only one in Tianjin. No wonder Nie Wei felt familiar when Shu Chang mentioned this name. Now he saw this photo and he immediately remembered it. This is obviously the celebrity teahouse known as the first floor of crosstalk in Tianjin.

Approaching the teahouse with expectation, Nie Wei spent 80 yuan on the ticket. He first ordered a pot of Mingqian Longjing tea, then bought some melon seeds and peanuts, and also bought a portion of Shawo radish recommended by the waiter. With the food in hand, Nie Wei walked into the teahouse.

As Nie Wei walked towards the small performance hall, he admired the photos of famous crosstalk artists performing here on the walls. In a short corridor, Nie Wei saw Luo Yusheng, Ma Sanli, Wei Wenliang, Yang Shaohua, Su Wenmao and more than 20 famous crosstalk artists, which shows the wide network of the owner behind the teahouse in the crosstalk world.

However, what made Nie Wei curious was that Mr. Guo, who would become famous all over the country in the future, did not appear in this corridor. But Nie Wei smiled when he thought about it. In his memory, Mr. Guo at this moment was probably still working hard in Kyoto. It would take another four or five years for this star to come out.

Approaching the small hall, there were not too many people. After all, it was a weekday, and there was no big shot to keep the place, so naturally there were fewer people watching.

The two girls were easy to find. They were the most eye-catching in the crowd. They were obviously waiting for Nie Wei. When they saw him appear, they waved their hands happily to welcome him. This action made many young men in the room look in Nie Wei's direction with jealousy, wanting to see who was so lucky to be favored by the two young beauties.

When Nie Wei arrived, the crosstalk had not started yet. It was a coincidence that this teahouse usually performed two shows a day, one in the daytime and one in the evening, and Nie Wei and others happened to catch the one in the daytime.

After Nie Wei sat down, he put the food on the table, and soon the waiter brewed the tea and brought it up.

The three of them ate melon seeds and radishes while drinking tea. Nie Wei also introduced the brewing method of Longjing and the uniqueness of the Shawo radish from time to time. Time passed quickly during the chat, and before they knew it, the host had come on stage to start the opening remarks.

"Let us invite Guo Degang and Yu Qian to bring us the crosstalk "Article Meeting"."

Huh——! ! ! Hearing the two names mentioned by the announcer, Nie Wei's eyes lit up. What a coincidence.

"Brother, do you know these two people?" Seeing Nie Wei's surprised expression, Shu Chang, who had been paying attention to Nie Wei, asked curiously.

"Sister, this crosstalk today is worth listening to." Nie Wei answered irrelevantly.

How could it not be worth it? If it were ten years later, and Lao Guo and Lao Yu were to perform a crosstalk live for more than ten people, the appearance fee would be very expensive. But now, with a ticket price of 80 yuan per person, sitting in the closest position and listening to the two future crosstalk masters telling you stories, this treatment is really worth it.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei couldn't help but become interested in the two people standing on the stage. I don't know how much of the future Lao Guo and Lao Yu can tell.

(Thanks to the generous rewards from students such as Blood Killing Elf, Yu Langjun, Sleeping Lazy Cat, Mamluk Cavalry, etc., the red envelopes received today are quite generous, and I am really grateful!)

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