Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 47 46. Tianjin Crosstalk (Part 2)

Although there were not many people present, the two people on the stage spoke very hard.

The joke is an old joke, but it has obviously been improved. It can be regarded as new wine in an old bottle. The performances of Guo Degang and Yu Qian are also excellent. The only slight flaw is that although the joke has been improved, it is not the mature version of the future Lao Guo. There is still some gap in comparison.

"Why is this "Article Club" different from what I heard in Kyoto?" Shu Chang asked Xiang Nie Wei.

"Hey, you still listen to cross talk in Kyoto." Nie Wei was a little surprised. He originally thought that this girl came to this teahouse today just for a temporary interest. Unexpectedly, when she asked this question, she was obviously a frequent visitor to this kind of place.

Hearing what Nie Wei said, Shu Chang immediately retorted: "Don't underestimate people, there is a teahouse near my home, and there are cross talkers there. I have not only listened to "Wenwenhui", but also "The Dream of the Western Expedition" and "The Dream of the Western Expedition" "Giving a Wife and Sacrifice a Son"..."

"That's quite a lot." Listening to Shu Chang casually saying the names of so many cross talk jokes, Nie Wei couldn't help but give a thumbs up, which made the little girl's proud eyebrows fly.

"Brother, you haven't answered me yet why what he said is different from what I heard." Shu Chang felt proud for a while, then thought of the original question and asked quickly.

Not to mention, although Nie Wei didn't know much about the art of cross talk, he really understood the issue of Shu Chang. Lin Yifei looked at the side with a curious face, and Nie Wei immediately started to explain.

"You can't just look at the name of a cross talk joke. It's like the name of a word brand. Although the routine is the same, the content is different."

"It's just 'new wine in old bottles'." Shu Chang's understanding was obviously good. She figured it out as soon as Nie Weigang started talking.

Nie Wei was also very satisfied with the little girl's understanding, but looking at Lin Yifei on the side who was still a little confused, she continued to explain: "Take the "Article Club" as an example. Although the creator is unknown, the original version should have been born in In the late Qing Dynasty, the content was a satire on the eight-legged writing system at that time, but what about now? Please think about it carefully, Lin Yifei.”

"The eight-part essay system has long since disappeared, so that joke would not be in line with the current situation, right?" Lin Yifei frowned and started thinking, but soon caught the key point, and answered happily.

"Yes, absolutely correct." Nie Wei gave Lin Yifei a thumbs up, and then concluded: "In fact, this art also pays attention to advancing with the times, and most of the content of cross talk jokes is to satirize the dark side of the current society. This requires more integration with the times. Finally, most cross talk actors who have some pursuits are not willing to tell the same jokes as others. It is like the difference between art and crafts. Only by having your own style is the door to success. I will be open to you, and the same is true for actors.”

"Brother, what you said is so good!" Shu Chang was quite emotional after hearing this. Although she is young, she has stayed in this industry the longest among the three people here. She undoubtedly has the same experience with Nie Wei's words. The most profound.

Although Lin Yifei is still a little confused, the difference between art and crafts is still clear. Perhaps as she walks deeper and deeper here, her understanding of Nie Wei's words today will become deeper and deeper.

The three of them were chatting on the kung fu stage. Guo Degang and Yu Qian had already finished telling a joke and left the stage. Shu Chang was quite sorry about this. After all, it was a completely different "Article Club" and the chubby bald man's acting was really good. Yes, it’s a pity that I didn’t hear it.

Seeing Shu Chang's regretful look, Nie Wei couldn't help but smile and asked, "Do you like hearing new jokes that much?"

"Yeah, it's a pity that I didn't listen to everything. It was really funny." Shu Chang replied regretfully.

"How about I write a joke and see if I can let them act it?" Looking at Shu Chang's regretful face, Nie Wei suddenly felt that there was something he could do. It happened that there was someone in his memory who was quite good. The complete cross talk joke was also written by Mr. Guo who came down just now. Why not write it now to make my sister laugh.

"Brother, you can also write cross talk jokes?" Shu Chang shouted in surprise, and Lin Yifei on the side looked at Nie Wei with the same curiosity.

"You're looking down on people, aren't you?" Nie Wei returned what Shu Chang had just said intact, then asked the waiter for paper and pen, and immediately leaned on the desk to write.

"Don't peek, it won't be interesting if you read it for a while and then listen to it." Nie Weiwei wrote while guarding against being overly curious, while Lin Yifei waited patiently.

"If you don't want to read it, don't read it. It seems that if you write it, they will say yes." Nie Wei stopped him several times when he tried to peek. After Nie Wei threatened to peek again and stop writing, Shu Chang didn't The only solution was to sit back in the seat angrily, but still did not forget to say a harsh word, obviously expressing dissatisfaction with Nie Wei who was still mysterious when writing a joke.

Nie Wei just smiled at this and acted as if he didn't hear it. He was quite confident about the joke he wrote. What he was afraid of was that the time was too short and the two would not agree.

There are quite a lot of classic jokes about Lao Guo and Lao Yu in the future, but some of them Nie Wei didn't know when they were written at all, so even though he remembered the content, he couldn't write them.

So after much selection, Nie Wei decided to write one that he was sure of, and that was a story about which he clearly knew the time, called "My Life."

The reason why it is clear is that this piece is a new piece. The first time it was performed was on a certain satellite TV Spring Festival Gala, and then it became a must-have program for Lao Guo.

Although the joke only has less than 4,000 words, Nie Wei wrote it by hand after all, and the speed is completely different from typing on the computer. It took Nie Wei more than an hour to write the words that can be completed in half an hour on the computer, and this was only completed under the premise that Nie Wei deliberately accelerated the speed.

When Nie Wei finished and raised his head, a bitter smile suddenly appeared on his face.

The reason is very simple. The two girls Shu Chang and Lin Yifei in front of him obviously forgot about his joke writing. The two of them were eating melon seeds and peanuts happily, and the tea was kept flowing. They were also amused by the crosstalk actors on the stage. They looked so happy.

What made him even more angry was that at this moment, there was less than half an hour left before the end of the performance. Even if Guo Degang and Yu Qian were willing to take this joke, it was a problem whether they could remember it in such a short time, let alone perform it. Nie Wei's efforts seemed destined to be in vain.

"Forget it, just treat it as a favor." Nie Wei, who accepted his fate, wrote a congratulatory message on the last page of the joke, calling himself Nie Wei, a crosstalk lover, and then called the waiter over and handed the joke directly to him.

"I gave it to Teacher Guo and Teacher Yu. Please help me deliver it to the backstage and hand it to them personally." Nie Wei handed the joke and 200 yuan of consumption to the waiter together. The other party nodded in understanding and patted his chest to guarantee that it would definitely be delivered.

"Brother, how did you give him your joke?" Shu Chang noticed Nie Wei's little action and asked immediately.

"Haha, I underestimated it today. There will be a chance in the future. I will definitely let you know that your brother is not only a good actor, but also an excellent joke teller."

"Haha, I'll wait and see." Shu Chang joked with a smile.

With the end of the performance on the stage, this crosstalk program also came to an end. Of course, those who want to drink tea can continue to sit, but there will be no show to watch.

Nie Wei, Shu Chang and Lin Yifei came here just for the crosstalk, so they naturally had to leave after the show was over. Besides, tea and melon seeds don’t fill you up. After walking around for the whole morning, everyone was already hungry, so it was just right to go out and find a good place to eat.

But just as the three of them were about to step out of the teahouse, they were suddenly stopped.

“Is that Mr. Nie Wei in front? Wait a minute, wait a minute.”

The voice sounded a little familiar, and Nie Wei subconsciously turned his head and saw a bald fat man trotting towards him.

Thanks to the lazy cat classmate who sleeps for the reward of 588, and the last reward from the two classmates Mingtian and Mamluk Cavalry. I have something to do in the afternoon, and if there is really no way to update the evening, I can only return it next week...

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