Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 622 622. Hidden Camera

Before 8 o'clock in the morning, the six members of Infinite Challenge arrived at the recording hall of Fanxing Entertainment Company, and even earlier than them, the program team had already prepared.

"Xie Na, did you notice that the sinister guys in the program team seemed very excited today?" Ma Dong, who had just installed the microphone in the middle of the venue, suddenly smiled and pointed at the dozens of program team members outside the camera, teasing.

As soon as Ma Dong finished speaking, Xie Na immediately blinked his big eyes, with a sly smile on his face, and said tacitly: "Of course I'm excited, the big star is coming."

The news that Nie Wei and Shu Chang were going to participate in the program had already been confirmed by them.

Nie Wei came to promote the program, and Shu Chang was a fan of "Infinite Challenge". When he heard that Nie Wei was going to record this program, he immediately begged Nie Wei to participate.

It may not be easy for others to be on this show, but who is Nie Wei? He is the big boss of Fanxing Entertainment. Besides, it is also an honor for Infinite Challenge to invite such a big star as Shu Chang. Moreover, this is the first time for the two of them to be on the show together, which is definitely a hot topic.

The only pity is that Nie Wei has already made a warning in advance and does not allow them to ask too much about their relationship. This preventive shot made Ma Dong and the program team feel miserable. Ma Dong even called Nie Wei more than ten times, trying to persuade Nie Wei to chat as much as possible, but without exception, Nie Wei refused all of them. In the end, he even put Ma Dong's phone number on the blacklist to avoid being annoyed by this chatterbox.

"Xiao Ning, Nie Wei has come so many times, you haven't seen enough?" Ma Dong smiled and teased a little girl in the field management team. Everyone in the program knew that this girl named Ning Hao was a fan of Nie Wei.

"You've seen too much, I have to cleanse my eyes." Ning Hao fought back without showing any weakness. She was a girl when she joined the group, but after half a year, the shy little girl has become a female man. It can be seen how "bad" the crew of "Go Fighting" is.

As soon as Ning Hao said this, she immediately caused dissatisfaction among the Infinite Challenge family.

Chen Jianzhou jumped out and posed a bodybuilding pose, saying to Ning Hao: "Xiao Ning, isn't Black Brother handsome?"

"Hey, you're too dark, you look dirty and greasy." Ning Hao showed a look of disdain and commented bluntly. Black was also shot and retreated. The other members of the mentor Infinite Challenge laughed wickedly, not angry at all for their companions being disliked, but rather gloating.

Who would have thought that before they finished laughing, Ning Hao pointed at Ma Dong, Yuchi Lingjia and Ou Di and shot them a fatal arrow.

"You are cunning, you are mean, you are too short, you are not as good as the black man."

"I admit that I am cunning." Ma Dong is thick-skinned. He is very thick-skinned. Except for being hit at the beginning, he quickly adjusted himself and accepted Ning Hao's evaluation with pride. However, he also found a key point. He quickly pulled Cheng Kun, who was watching the show, and pointed at Ning Hao and asked: "Where is Cheng Kun, do you dare to say that he is not handsome?"

"Handsome, but what does it have to do with you?" Ning Hao nodded affirmatively, but he stabbed Ma Dong again without hesitation. This time, Ma Dong could not withstand the blow and retreated with his chest covered.

There was also laughter at the scene. The atmosphere of the Infinite Challenge program group can be said to be the best among the current domestic variety shows. Moreover, because the program has a big brain hole, the staff of the program group gradually love to open their brain holes, just like Ning Hao just now, who was very sharp in complaining, which is completely the unique style of this program.

"Are Shu Chang and Nie Wei coming soon?" After laughing, Ma Dong asked the director on the side.

"The agreed time is nine o'clock, and it's almost here. Why are you asking so often today? This is the third time." The director replied, and suddenly thought of something. He looked at Ma Dong strangely and asked, "You ask this, do you have any plan?"

Based on the director's understanding of Ma Dong, he rarely asks about the arrival time of the guests, even Nie Wei is no exception. He only asked once the first time, but never asked a second time. This time he asked three times in a row, obviously there is some plan.

Ma Dong smiled evilly, asked his assistant to find a few members, and then pulled the director, and several people gathered together to listen to what Ma Dong had to say curiously.

"You haven't forgotten that Nie Wei played all of us when he came to "Infinite Challenge" for the first time?" Ma Dong asked, intending to arouse everyone's indignation.

Sure enough, as soon as this word came out, everyone, including the director, gnashed their teeth.

The chase battle that Nie Wei came to was an indelible shame for the Infinite Challenge. You know, since the beginning of the show, Infinite Challenge has always been known as the hell of the guests. The six people played the guests to death every time, but only when they met Nie Wei, they were played to death by Nie Wei in turn. This also completely made Nie Wei successful. He was called the only man who could suppress the Infinite Challenge family by the fans of Infinite Challenge.

This title has always been a common name used by fans of Infinite Challenge to tease several members of the Infinite Challenge family, and the program team also used it from time to time. For example, when someone showed a smug look after a certain link was successful, and looked like the only one in the world, the program team would often post Nie Wei's head portrait and write a paragraph "Have you forgotten the fear of being dominated by this man?"

Even this paragraph has become a common phrase for fans of Infinite Challenge to tease each other, so even though Nie Wei has only participated in Infinite Challenge twice, he is actually a very familiar person in the eyes of Infinite Challenge fans.

But this is also a "shame" for the members of Infinite Challenge. When have they been teased by the guests like this? This must be retaliated.

"So this time is a good opportunity. Maybe we can't beat Nie Wei in the game, but we can make a hidden camera and trick Nie Wei. Is this okay?" Ma Dong finally stated his purpose. He wanted to play a hidden camera when Nie Wei came.

"Are you sure you can really trick Nie Wei?" Cheng Kun raised his eyebrows and felt that Ma Dong's plan was unreliable. His reason was very simple. Nie Wei was too good at acting. Generally, people who can act in Savage usually have good vision.

"Don't worry, I've thought about it. I'll divide the work among you. Cheng Kun, you are responsible for confusing Nie Wei. Xie Na and Chen Jianzhou are the protagonists of this hidden camera. Ou Di and Yuchi Lingjia are responsible for covering on the side. I'm responsible for observing Nie Wei and Shu Chang. We have to make the atmosphere a little stiff at the beginning..." Ma Dong pulled a few people and began to tell them the detailed plan he had planned all night.

About twenty minutes later, Nie Wei and Shu Chang came to the building of Fanxing Entertainment Company together. As soon as they entered the door, they saw two staff members waiting at the door.

"Mr. Nie, Ms. Shu Chang, I will take you to the recording site." After seeing Nie Wei and his companions, a staff member hurriedly greeted Nie Wei and Shu Chang respectfully, and then took the two to the recording site.

When the two arrived at the recording site, they found that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

"What's wrong?" Nie Wei's expression gradually became serious, and he asked the director who came to meet him. Nie Wei's appearance really scared the director, and his heart was pounding. He began to think that Ma Dong's plan was a little unreliable.

But since they had already agreed, he had no choice but to go ahead with it.

"Xie Na and Chen Jianzhou had a quarrel over the dinner, and Xie Na was so angry that she cried. Everyone is trying to comfort her." The director briefly explained the reason.

Nie Wei nodded, indicating that he understood, and then walked towards Xie Na with Shu Chang. Behind them, a camera was pointed at Nie Wei and Shu Chang, capturing their expressions and reactions.

"Nie Wei is coming, don't laugh." Ma Dong caught Nie Wei coming from the corner of his eye, and hurriedly reminded Xie Na.

Before Xie Na nodded, she found that Nie Wei had already walked in. She quickly wiped her eyes and greeted Nie Wei and Shu Chang with a wronged expression.

"Where's Chen Jianzhou?" Nie Wei responded to Xie Na, comforted her, and then asked where Chen Jianzhou was.

"In the backstage lounge." Cheng Kun replied. As he spoke, a tall figure from the backstage walked out, and after seeing Nie Wei, he showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"Come here!" Waving at Chen Jianzhou, Nie Wei asked Ma Dong next to him: "Tell me what happened in detail."

"Hey, this is actually nothing. It was during the dinner yesterday. Chen Jianzhou may have drunk some wine, and then teased Xie Na for being a miser at the banquet, saying that he had never seen Xie Na pay the bill since he joined the group, and then everyone followed suit, and Xie Na felt wronged. When Xie Na came in the morning, she asked Chen Jianzhou to apologize to her, but Chen Jianzhou felt that he was not wrong, and the two of them were deadlocked. Then Xie Na may feel wronged, and then she cried."

Ma Dong's words were seven points true and three points false. Xie Na was really stingy. Although he didn't pay for a bill once, he also paid the least among the six people. Chen Jianzhou did tease Xie Na like this at the banquet, but the ending was different from what he said. Neither of them took it to heart, and they quarreled on the spot. Anyone could see that this was a joke. In fact, the relationship between the two was very good.

Besides, when five grown men go out to eat, how can they always let girls pay the bill?

While Ma Dong was talking, Xie Na started crying again. Not to mention, she cried quite well, with a sob and a wronged expression, staring at Chen Jianzhou as if she was looking at a class enemy with deep hatred.

"Are you crying like this just for this?" Nie Wei approached Xie Na, sniffed his nose, looked at Xie Na deeply, and asked.

Xie Na originally wanted to speak freely according to the plot discussed before, but Nie Wei suddenly approached her, and with that scrutinizing look, she was nervous at the first moment, and couldn't say what she wanted to say. Being stared at by those eyes was like being seen through.

"Illusion, it must be an illusion." Xie Na quickly put away her wild thoughts and replied: "He looks down on me. I come from an ordinary family. I am indeed very frugal in my life, but I am not a miser."

After saying that, Xie Na held her mouth tightly and looked like she was about to cry again.

Shu Chang, who was standing by, wanted to go up and comfort Xie Na. Xie Na's words just now made her feel the same. When she was a child, her family was not well off, so she was very frugal with money. On weekdays, her friends would treat each other to shrimp strips and candies, but she never spent a penny on this.

At first, her friends would invite Shu Chang to eat with them, but later they stopped inviting Shu Chang, and they also mocked her behind her back, calling her a stingy girl and a miser. Although they didn't say it to her face, the rumors would eventually reach the ears of the person involved.

So Shu Chang could empathize with Xie Na's frugal character due to her family environment, and even looked at Chen Jianzhou with some unkindness, because this guy was too much like those classmates who said bad things about her behind her back when she was a child.

Being stared at by Shu Chang's unkind eyes, Chen Jianzhou's back was full of sweat. This was the malicious look from the future boss's wife. You know, his contract with Jin Xing only had half a year left. After the contract ended, he was going to sign with Fanxing Entertainment Company. After all, the development prospects in the mainland were broader, and the salary was much higher than that in Taiwan.

Now I just hope that the future boss's wife will be more generous and forgive me after knowing that this was a prank. Otherwise, it is not worth it to offend the future boss's wife because of such a prank.

However, Shu Chang's idea of ​​comforting Xie Na has not yet turned into actual action, and he was stopped by Nie Wei.

"Okay, we're about to start recording, just act for a while." Nie Wei suddenly said, which made everyone on the scene jump, especially Ma Dong. He was so disappointed at that moment, because he obviously found that Nie Wei had already seen his hidden camera.

But holding on to the last 1% of hope, he "struggled desperately" and said: "Nie Wei, what are you talking about?"

"I felt something was wrong since I entered the hall. When did I need someone to greet and lead the way when I came to Fanxing? And there were two of them at once. The most critical moment was that not only did two people come, but only one person led the way, and the other stood stupidly at the door, probably waiting to tip you off?"

"And Director Wang is really good at making programs, but his acting is really low. Seeing how nervous I was, I was trembling when I spoke. Combined with the situation on the scene, I basically guessed that you wanted to play the hidden camera game with me, Also, photographer, your camera is too obvious for Shu Chang and me. It's not the official start of the recording. Is it necessary to follow us with the camera all the time? "

"Finally, Xie Na, if you can't cry, use eye drops. I smelled it just now."

"And Chen Jianzhou, concentrate on variety shows. You are not suitable for acting. How many times have you looked at Ma Dong? Do you think he can save you?"

Fifteen minutes later, Xie Na, who had finished putting on makeup, walked to the recording site and stood side by side with the other brothers who looked annoyed or lost. Nie Wei's analysis just now made them feel "ashamed". Fortunately, Ma Dong was still confident at the beginning, but now he was completely slapped in the face by Nie Wei.

Thinking of this, Xie Na's face was a little hot. Fortunately, the program team did not give her too much time to be ashamed, and quickly announced what the theme of today would be.

Thanks to Han Zhi Feilong for the generous reward of 4300, thanks to Fridrik for the reward of 600, thanks to Jianghu Youxiaer for the reward of 500, thanks to Tearing the Soul of the Cowardly, and 0773 book friends for their reward support. A very interesting thing happened today. Our building had a power outage three times within a few hours, which almost made me collapse. In addition, I will try to update more on the weekend. Thank you again for your support. Thank you all.

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