Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 623 623. Sports Bingo

Several people stood side by side, but the positions were also particular.

As guests, Nie Wei and Shu Chang naturally stood in the middle, so that the host would introduce them later. Next to Nie Wei was Ma Dong, and next to Shu Chang was Xie Na, the only girl in the audience.

Then standing next to Ma Dong was Cheng Kun, because he was handsome and popular, as long as he appeared in the screen, even if he didn't speak, he could attract a bunch of girls to watch. On the contrary, if there was no shot of him, then the next day after the show was broadcast, there would definitely be a bunch of girls running to the official website of Infinite Challenge to curse and "speak up" for their idols.

So he was arranged next to Ma Dong, the first host. Even if Cheng Kun didn't talk much, as long as Ma Dong spoke, the camera would always be able to bring Cheng Kun.

Standing next to Xie Na was Ou Di, and Ou Di could stand in this position, of course, not because of his handsomeness and popularity, but because he was smart enough, knew how to find opportunities, was funny, and could even control the atmosphere.

After all, when Xie Na gets mad, he is like a wild horse that has let go of its reins. Someone must be placed next to him to hold the reins at any time.

It can be said that Ou Di is the second host after Ma Dong, the so-called second host.

The two people on the sides are naturally Chen Jianzhou and Yuchi Lingjia. Chen Jianzhou usually stands next to Ou Di, after all, they have a combination of "Treasure Island Brothers", and Yuchi Lingjia also stands next to Cheng Kun, who is the famous "Yuchi Servant" of "Kun Gongzi".

From this position, we can see the care of the program team in the arrangement, and of course we can also vaguely perceive the importance of each person in the host team in the program.

After everyone stood still, Ma Dong made an opening speech, Nie Wei and Shu Chang continued to promote the movie, and then the program team also announced the theme of this episode.

"Today is not an individual battle, but a team battle." The first sentence announced by the program director made the six hosts exclaim.

It's not that they haven't had team battles before, but compared with individual battles, there are too few. After all, these people usually deceive each other. It's not easy to get them to work together in a tacit manner.

As expected, when they heard that they were going to team up, everyone exclaimed, and then looked at each other with doubtful expressions.

"Question, can I team up with Shu Chang?" Nie Wei suddenly raised his hand and asked. The six people on the side were stunned at first, and then immediately complained.

"How can guests team up!"

"That's right, we never have the rule of guests teaming up with guests here."

"If you don't believe me, ask the director. Guests can't team up with each other. Am I right, Director Li?" Ma Dong winked at Director Li behind the camera and asked.

Nie Wei was speechless when he heard it. These guys cooperated well in deceiving people. They lied to each other. What guests can't team up? This is obviously a lie.

Seeing that Ma Dong was trying to win over the program team, Nie Wei immediately coughed and looked at Director Li with a threatening look.

"Ahem, the team selection is random. See the box on the table in front of you? There are eight balls in four colors. The people who draw the corresponding colors are a group. You draw first. After you draw, I will announce what the theme of today is." Director Li said.

Several people, including Nie Wei and Shu Chang, looked at each other and tacitly agreed to this method. Director Li was also relieved. It was really tiring to fight wits and courage with these guys.

"Nie Wei, Shu Chang, you are the guests, you draw first." Ma Dong encouraged on the side.

Nie Wei shrugged his shoulders and did not refuse. He walked to the box, reached out and stirred it, and then took a ball. However, just when Nie Wei was about to take it out, he suddenly found that there were many eyes around him staring at him. He immediately kept a careful eye and held the ball in his hand tightly. When he took it out, he deliberately covered it with his other hand. After taking it out for a moment, he looked at the color and quickly put it in his pocket.

"Shh!!!" There was a burst of boos from the back. Obviously, everyone was very dissatisfied with Nie Wei's "stingy" performance.

But Nie Wei didn't care. He looked at Shu Chang and winked. Shu Chang immediately understood and followed Nie Wei to take out the ball in a secretive way, and then quickly put it in his pocket.

This time, everyone behind followed suit. As a result, after the eight people finished drawing, they stared at each other, and no one knew who they were in the same group with.

This time, the program team was a little dumbfounded. Is it necessary to be so cautious in a grouping stage?

"Please take out your balls and determine the groups so that I can announce the next theme." After more than ten seconds, these guys still covered their balls without revealing their colors. The program team had no choice but to enforce it.

"How is it possible!!!" Yuchi Lingjia suddenly yelled, attracting the attention of everyone on the scene.

Yuchi Lingjia had an incredible expression on his face at this moment, staring at Nie Wei and Shu Chang, and the reason for his surprise was that the balls in Nie Wei and Shu Chang's hands were actually the same color.

"This is called fate." Nie Wei showed a proud expression, throwing the sky blue ball in his hand and laughing.

Shu Chang on the side also cooperated with Nie Wei and threw the ball with both hands. Unfortunately, her motor nerves were not very good, and she was not as relaxed as Nie Wei. She just caught it dangerously, and her flustered look was so cute.

Yuchi Lingjia was speechless for a moment. Is it really fate?

The remaining few people also looked at Nie Wei and Shu Chang suspiciously. They couldn't be sure whether Nie Wei really cheated.

Even the program team was a little dumbfounded. With a one-fourth chance, they could still get the right match. Can they just say they are a perfect match?

In any case, the grouping was determined.

The eight people changed into clothes of the same color as the ball, and then came to the recording site together, but this time they stood according to the grouping.

"The theme this time is the bingo game!!!" Seeing everyone standing still, the program director immediately announced.

Hearing that it was bingo, everyone showed a look of surprise. No wonder they had to be divided into so many groups. The bingo game is fun only when there are many people. Of course, too many people are not good, so it is a very reasonable number to divide it into four groups.

"In the Asian Games that just ended, China won a total of medals, including 165 gold medals, 88 silver medals, and 63 bronze medals. This is an impressive achievement. As Chinese people, we cannot fall behind in Infinite Challenge, so the real theme of this issue is sports bingo!"

After the director explained the content, there was a wailing and proud laughter at the scene.

The one who laughed proudly was naturally Chen Jianzhou. In the past, he was the big fool who was bullied and used in the Infinite Challenge team. After all, many times, the theme of the Infinite Challenge team is to test the mind and brainpower, which is exactly what Chen Jianzhou, who is used to solving everything with force, is not good at.

But this time, he can't say that he is good at all sports events, but at least he is more proficient than those present. After all, he was also a professional athlete back then. Moreover, when everyone is not familiar with a project, physical fitness is often very critical. Chen Jianzhou is also quite confident in this point.

The people who were wailing were naturally Ma Dong and Xie Na. Xie Na was a girl and her physical strength was a weakness, which was understandable. Ma Dong was usually one of those people who only talked but did not do anything. On the one hand, he was good at playing tricks and making others run around in circles, and on the other hand, he was really not good at it.

After all, if you look at his figure, you can tell that if he loved sports, he wouldn't be so chubby.

As for Yuchi Lingjia and Ou Di, although their reactions were not as excited as Ma Dong, they were also very dissatisfied. After all, one was skinny and the other was short, and they both had obvious weaknesses in sports.

The most calm and composed person was Cheng Kun. First of all, he was doing fitness himself, and another point was that he was in the same group with Chen Jianzhou. With such a professional athlete as a companion, what else did he have to worry about?

"Chen Jianzhou and Cheng Kun are in the same group. This is too strong. This is too much."

"That's right. Cheng Kun looks thin, but his clothes are full of muscles."

"Now that you mention it, I remember that have you seen the trailer of "The Man from Nowhere"? Nie Wei's figure is more domineering."

Several people began to complain that Chen Jianzhou and Cheng Kun were too strong to be in the same group. As they talked, they went off track and turned to Nie Wei. Of course, Nie Wei could tell that this person said this on purpose, just to mention "The Man from Nowhere" to help advertise.

Nie Wei smiled with satisfaction at the cleverness of several people, and at the same time cooperated to do a Popeye's action. The bulging muscles on his arms made the other people's eyelids jump. Xie Na even poked him directly, and then retracted his hand as if he had been electrocuted. Then he hugged Ma Dong's arm and jumped happily, saying it was so hard.

Nie Wei almost misunderstood when he heard it, and Shu Chang on the side was also very happy, not at all jealous of her boyfriend being taken advantage of.

"Girl, be reserved." Ma Dong comforted Xie Na, feeling a little timid in his heart. He quickly changed the topic and prepared to move on to the official content. He believed that the program team would not really let them run a hundred meters or play football. There must be many tricks waiting for them.

The group took the bus and came to the venue for today's competition. Nie Weiyi couldn't help but laugh. Isn't this the Workers' Stadium? Not far away, just a few hundred meters away is the Workers' Stadium. Huayi's New Year's Eve celebration was held there before.

The group got off the bus and entered the stadium and came to the hall. There was a classic 5X5 bingo bar set up here. There were 25 little people painted on it, doing various actions, but there were no names marked. One could only guess what sport they were doing based on the painting.

"This is obviously a football!"

"Needless to say, it must be table tennis."

"Do you think this is tennis or badminton?"

"This must be swimming."

Everyone came to the panel and immediately started to discuss, but Nie Wei did not join their discussion. Instead, he pulled Shu Chang to stand aside and analyzed the project and how to complete Bingo as soon as possible.

"Okay, next I will announce everyone's activity range. Someone will give each group a map. The Workers' Stadium where you are and the Workers' Stadium not far away have a total of 25 sports, corresponding to the 25 squares on the Bingo bar. Whether it is four sides or diagonal lines, as long as five are connected together, you can complete the bingo game and win today. In addition, today's winning reward is 100 grams of gold bars."

As he said, Director Li took out today's winning reward. Two gold bars of full quality were placed in front of everyone, making everyone's eyes bright.

Nie Wei calculated in his mind again. The current domestic gold price is about 160 Chinese yuan per gram. A gold bar is 16,000 yuan. In fact, it is not much for each host present. They are now recording a program, and the minimum remuneration is 50,000 yuan.

But gold is simply the favorite of all human beings, not to mention such a big and impactful piece. Obviously, this reward is too touching. It is estimated that these people will fight hard today.

Just as Nie Wei thought, even Xie Na rolled up his sleeves on the spot, pulled Ou Di beside him, and warned him that he must play the game seriously today.

"Excuse me, can the bingo grid occupied by others no longer be occupied by later people?" Shu Chang suddenly asked the program team.

"You can occupy it. As long as your score is better than theirs, this grid will belong to you." The program team immediately replied.

Hearing this answer, Ma Dong and the others immediately scolded the program team for being cunning. Such important information had to be revealed by Shu Changwen. Now it seems that not only must the task be completed quickly, but it must also be completed well and quickly to complete the final bingo.

It can be said that this information made the bingo game much more complicated.

Soon, a staff member came forward and handed each group a map, and the program team then announced that the game could begin.

A bunch of people rushed into the elevator and stretched their hands to the 6th floor at the same time. At this time, everyone realized that everyone’s first destination choice was exactly the same.

"Are you going to play table tennis too?" Xie Na asked Nie Wei on the side.

"You too?" Nie Wei nodded and asked back.

"It seems that everyone is not stupid. They know to occupy the center first." Ma Dong said happily.

Bingo game is very similar to Gobang, and Gobang players often place their first moves at the Tianyuan position, because this center point can be used for attack or defense. As long as it is occupied, there will be countless more choices.

At least in the bingo game, occupying the center means taking the initiative of the four bingo choices, which not only allows you to have many choices, but also blocks some bingo choices of your opponents, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

In the elevator, everyone talked back and forth, and no one fooled anyone. In the end, everyone gathered on the table tennis project, but when everyone walked into the house, they were all dumbfounded.

Thanks to ShawnR for his generous reward of 500, and thanks to Qiu Yeliangyue and 0773 for their generous rewards.

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