Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 63 62. Want a home

Many people have asked, what is home.

There are many answers. Some people say that home is a harbor, a place that can shelter you from the wind and rain. Some people say that home is warm sunshine that can melt the ice and frost in your heart. Some people say that home is a backing that can be the strongest support on your way forward. Some people say that home is trust, which allows you to remove all your disguises as soon as you return here.

In the past, Nie Wei could be said to be at home everywhere, but in fact he had no home, so he didn't know what it felt like to have a home.

But since he came to this world, he finally felt what home was with a new identity.

Just like now, he saw Zhou Jianguo and Su Qing waiting at the exit just after he left the train station, and saw his smile when he saw himself.

When he followed the two elders back home, he saw a table full of wine and food with residual heat, and listened to his parents' nagging in his ears. Although a little annoying, it was also very warm.

When Nie Wei finished his meal and returned to his room, he found that the room, which had not been occupied for a long time, was still spotless. When he wanted to take a shower, he found that there was already hot water. When he wanted to sleep, there were pajamas and new quilts ready...

Until he finally fell asleep, Nie Wei had a big smile on his face.

In this way, before he knew it, it was New Year's Eve. Early in the morning, Zhou Aiguo brought Duoduo to Nie Wei's house. This time, the little girl saw Nie Wei, who was no longer like an enemy as the first time, but seemed to be a little unfamiliar. The little girl seemed very shy. After saying the New Year's greetings, she hid in the living room to watch TV.

As for Su Qing, she was preparing breakfast, hanging oven sesame cakes and seafood porridge, with a few side dishes, which had a unique flavor.

After the four people finished breakfast, they also began to busy themselves with some preparations for New Year's Eve.

The first thing was to post Spring Festival couplets, window flowers and New Year paintings. These tasks were undoubtedly the responsibility of Nie Wei and Zhou Aiguo.

The biggest feature of the Kyoto courtyard is that it covers a large area and has many rooms. According to the custom of Nie Wei's family every year during the Spring Festival, these more than ten rooms will undoubtedly be pasted with these things, not for anything else, but for good luck.

Although this job is not difficult, the workload is not small. The two men worked for more than half an hour before they were all pasted.

This is not over yet. They have to accept the inspection of Su Qing and Duo Duo. Any slightly crooked ones have to be pasted again, which undoubtedly increases the workload of the two men.

After finally finishing the work of pasting these Spring Festival couplets and New Year paintings, Su Qing began to buy dishes for the New Year's Eve dinner.

After determining the menu, Su Qing immediately said that she needed a helper.

In response, Lao Zhou immediately said that he was absolutely capable of doing this job, and at the same time asked Nie Wei hypocritically if he wanted to go too. Nie Wei understood Lao Zhou's hypocritical behavior the moment he saw his eyes, and then shook his head firmly.

Old Zhou was very satisfied with this, and secretly gave Nie Wei a thumbs up. Then the old couple went to buy vegetables sweetly, while Nie Wei and Duoduo stayed at home.

After the two people left, the home that was originally bustling early in the morning suddenly became quiet.

At this time, Nie Wei seemed to understand the meaning of home again, that is, home does not actually refer to the house or property, but the foundation of home is people, and those who care about you are your real home.

Duoduo hid in the living room to watch TV. During this time, Nie Wei gave her a fruit plate, and then the task reward was a thank you.

Apart from this, the two had no more communication.

In order to avoid the little girl being too embarrassed to stay with him, Nie Wei was embarrassed to stay in the room to watch cartoons with her, but returned to his room to prepare to write the last part of "Zhu Xian".

Unknowingly, the serialization of "Ghost Blowing the Light" has come to an end, and the book "Zhu Xian" is about to take over the class of "Ghost Blowing the Light" and begin to meet readers in newspapers.

In order to obtain the serialization rights of Nie Wei's new book, Yanshan Wenbao also offered the highest manuscript fee in the industry, and also paid a high contract fee, which was really a big investment.

Of course, this is also worth it. It is precisely because of Nie Wei's articles that Yanshan Wenbao has now used the top three hair volume in Kyoto, and its weekly distribution in the country has also sold well. It has become a well-known newspaper in the country without knowing it.

In addition, there is another good news for Nie Wei that Ghost Blows Out the Light has officially obtained the approval number of the Publishing Bureau, which also means that the novel can be printed in physical form. If nothing goes wrong, it will meet all readers in the form of a book after the New Year.

In the future, when Nie Wei goes out, he can also tell people openly that he is a writer who has really published a novel.

But someone obviously doesn't want Nie Wei to have a simple New Year. Nie Wei, who was sitting in front of the computer and hadn't typed out a thousand words, was interrupted by a phone call.

The caller was none other than Lin Yifei, who was so idle at home that she was almost growing hair.

"Nie Wei, come out and play." As soon as Nie Wei picked up the phone, he heard Lin Yifei's cheerful voice on the other end of the phone.

"I still have work to do." Looking at the book he had just written on the computer screen in front of him, Nie Wei didn't really want to go out.

"You're lying. What kind of work do you have during the New Year? Oh, just come out. I promise I won't delay you too much."

Unable to resist Lin Yifei's constant pleading, Nie Wei thought about it and agreed. However, when he thought of the little girl at home, he asked: "Can I bring one more person?"

"Who? Shu Chang, I have already called her."

"No, it's my little sister at home."

"No problem, come together." Lin Yifei agreed without any hesitation, which also left Nie Wei no reason to refuse.

As for how to take Duoduo away, Nie Wei quickly thought of a way. He came to the room where the little girl was watching TV and only said, "Brother will take you to see Sister Shu Chang, do you want to go?".

Hearing this, the little girl's soul was immediately hooked away.

There is no way. Although it seems that Shu Chang can only play a supporting role on the set now, this is an inevitable transformation process from a child star to a real star. It is also undeniable that Shu Chang herself is still an absolute superstar in the minds of this generation of children.

Obviously, Xiao Duoduo is also a little fan of Shu Chang.

Although Lin Yifei was arranging the fun, but the girl obviously didn't have any brilliant ideas about how to have fun during the Spring Festival. To be honest, many entertainment venues were closed on this day, so in the end, the few people decided to keep it simple and went directly to a KTV.

Duoduo was obviously the most excited along the way, because she found that brother Nie Wei really didn't lie, she really saw Shu Chang, but the little girl was obviously a little shy. Although she stared at Shu Chang with her eyes without blinking, she hid behind Nie Wei all the time and didn't dare to come forward to talk.

"Shu Chang, this is my little sister Duoduo, who is also your fan. Don't forget to take a photo and sign it later." Nie Wei smiled and pulled Duoduo out from behind and introduced Shu Chang.

"Hello, Duoduo." Hearing that it was Nie Wei's sister, Shu Chang was stunned at first, and then looked at Duoduo and said hello.

"Hello, sister Shu Chang." Duoduo responded timidly, but the excitement in her eyes could not be concealed at all.

"Do you want sister Shu Chang's phone number? If you want, call me Brother Nie Wei, and I will help you get it. "Nie Wei found that Duoduo looked at Shu Chang with a fanatical look, and he began to use Shu Chang to get closer to the girl.

Sure enough, when Duoduo heard that Nie Wei could help her get the idol's phone number, she was immediately moved. After hesitating for a moment, she called sweetly: "Brother Nie Wei."

"Haha, Duoduo is so good." Rubbing the girl's ponytail, Nie Wei quietly winked at her. Shu Chang immediately understood Nie Wei's intention, and took out his mobile phone to exchange numbers with Duoduo.

"Don't chat, it's boring to just chat in KTV, let's sing. "Lin Yifei on the side suddenly felt a little bit excluded, and she was immediately unhappy, and quickly called on everyone to sing.

It must be said that the reason why several people chose KTV was undoubtedly because they had a certain degree of confidence in their singing skills.

Just like Lin Yifei holding the microphone now, her voice is indeed sweet and moving. She also chose a song "Courage" by Liang Jingru. Although she couldn't sing the kind of fearless feeling in the song, at least her voice was clean enough to give people a fresh feeling.

Soon Lin Yifei finished singing, and everyone applauded enthusiastically.

"Shu Chang, you have released a record, so come on too. "Lin Yifei smiled and walked back to her seat, handing the microphone to Shu Chang.

Shu Chang took the microphone generously without any hesitation, and then ordered a song "Love You for More Than Two or Three Days" also from Liang Jingru.

"Walking through the summer streets, I still want to hold your hand, and I really want to hear a warm greeting... I love you for more than two or three days, but I miss you many times every day, and I am not used to the lonely streets, crowded crowds, and no hugs from you..."

It must be said that the quality of Liang Jingru's two songs is very good. Almost as soon as the prelude sounded, everyone in the box could sing a few words with Shu Chang.

As the song went on, Nie Wei couldn't help but sigh that Shu Chang was indeed a singer who had released records and held concerts. At least in terms of pitch and expression of emotions in the songs, he was a level better than Lin Yifei just now.

As for Duoduo, she was completely immersed in the idol's personal singing at this moment. She looked at Shu Chang with enthusiasm, just like a little fan fascinated by the charm of the idol.

As for Lin Yifei, her eyes were a little weird at this moment, and the reason why her eyes were weird was because she was Shu Chang was a little weird when she was singing.

Because she found that when Shu Chang was singing, his eyes would always look at Nie Wei inadvertently. She didn't know if it was her own illusion. Anyway, Lin Yifei felt that Shu Chang's eyes were not the kind of random and aimless glances, but the kind of gaze full of emotion.

For some reason, seeing Shu Chang looking at Nie Wei with this kind of eyes, Lin Yifei always felt a little depressed.

If Nie Wei understood the girl's mood at this moment, he would definitely tell her in a psychological way that this kind of feeling is actually called "jealousy".

Lin Yifei's depression was obviously reasonable, because Shu Chang was indeed looking at Nie Wei at this moment, mainly because some words in the lyrics touched the girl's heartstrings, and her eyes subconsciously looked at Nie Wei.

What made Shu Chang feel equally depressed was that when she was expressing her feelings implicitly, Nie Wei, who was sitting opposite her, was obviously distracted.

This was not Nie Wei's fault. Who made Lin Yifei and Shu Chang both sing Liang Jingru's songs? Hearing these two consecutive songs from the treasure island, Nie Wei's thoughts couldn't help but fly over.

This is the problem of the reborn. Because they can see the future, they can easily be connected to the future they foresee, and then their thoughts are taken away.

And the reason why Nie Wei was distracted this time was still related to the current songs.

You should know that when the music industry in Taiwan is officially booming, there are singer-songwriter Wang Lihong who has both idol strength and strength, as well as the strongest newcomer Jay Chou, and women include Sun Yanzi, Liang Jingru, and SHE group, etc. Excellent singers are endless, and many media have shouted the slogan that the record industry will be glorious again.

But Nie Wei is very clear that this is also the last glory of Taiwan music and even Chinese music. With the increasing popularity of the Internet in the future, coupled with the emergence and development of free music software, these conditions will also erode the sales of singers' records step by step.

And without the sales of records, this industry will naturally continue to decline.

Think about the sales of the most popular singers today, which can easily break a million, but in a few years, selling 100,000 copies will be considered a big hit.

Looking at the big names in the music industry in later generations, almost all of them have devoted themselves to variety shows, relying on variety shows to support their music and promote their music, while also making music an accessory to variety shows. It has to be said that this is indeed a kind of sadness in the Chinese music circle.

When Nie Wei came back to his senses, the song sung by Shu Chang had entered the end, and what Nie Wei saw was Shu Chang looking at him with a pair of eyes full of resentment.

"What's wrong?" Facing the girl's gaze, Nie Wei was a little confused.

But before Nie Wei could figure out the meaning of Shu Chang's eyes, Lin Yifei had already come to the door with a microphone.

"Nie Wei, Shu Chang and I have sung, shouldn't you also sing one?"

"Okay." Nie Wei took the microphone with a smile, then picked up the remote control, thinking about what song to choose.

As for what song Nie Wei would sing and how he would sing, it can be said that the three girls present were very much looking forward to it, but when Nie Wei finally chose a song, complaints mixed with disappointment began to sound in the box one after another.

"Nie Wei, I really suspect that you lied about your age now. Even Qiao Zhenyu doesn't sing such an old song. Why did you choose such a song?" Lin Yifei complained about Nie Wei's decision. Duoduo on the side also nodded repeatedly. Shu Chang, on the other hand, suddenly became silent after seeing Nie Wei's song selection, and didn't know what to think.

"Old songs are classics." Nie Wei smiled, and didn't care about Lin Yifei's complaints, and pressed the play button.

"I Want to Have a Home", dedicated to everyone." Holding the microphone, Nie Wei said softly when the prelude sounded.

That's right, Nie Wei chose the song "I Want to Have a Home" released by Pan Meichen ten years ago. Perhaps the warmth of home recently made him too nostalgic, so when he saw the name of the song, his fingers subconsciously pressed the confirmation button.

Looking at Lin Yifei and Duoduo sitting on the sofa eating snacks, and Shu Chang in a daze, Nie Wei touched his nose. It seems that the song he chose is not popular, but it doesn't matter, as long as he likes it.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei tightened the microphone in his hand, and as the prelude ended, he sang affectionately: "I want a home..."

Nie Wei's low voice was magnetic. When his voice sounded, the three girls present felt their ears stunned, and then their eyes looked at him standing in the center of the stage at the same time. Everyone's expression was a little surprised, and some couldn't believe that Nie Wei's singing would be so charming.

Lin Yifei put down the snacks in her hand, Duoduo also put away her messy questions, and Shu Chang came back to her mind all of a sudden, looking at Nie Wei with blurred eyes, listening to his moving singing to interpret this true song.

"I want to have a home, a place that doesn't need to be too big, when I'm tired, I will think of it..." Nie Wei sang very seriously, and it can even be said that he completely put his previous emotions into it. He knew the feeling of having no home best. Drifting around the world seems to be chic, but the warmth and sense of security of home are the most precious.

The three girls listened to it very seriously. At some point, the mockery on Lin Yifei's face had faded away, and she was replaced by an extremely serious face. She listened to Nie Wei's singing seriously and let this voice echo in her heart.

Shu Chang's eyes became red unconsciously when Nie Wei sang the first sentence, and when Nie Wei sang the sentence: "Who doesn't want a home, but there are people who don't have him, with tears on their faces, they can only wipe them gently..."

Listening to this lyric, Shu Chang could no longer hold back the resonant emotions in her heart, and two lines of tears slid down silently.

Tears flooded Shu Chang's eyes, making her vision blurred, but at the same time, Nie Wei's voice seemed to be getting clearer and clearer, and it could sing more and more into her heart. Every word and sentence of the lyrics seemed to be hitting her heart more and more deeply.

As for Duoduo, she might be the most confused one among the three girls present, and she just felt that Nie Wei's singing was really, really, really good.

Just as the girls were immersed in Nie Wei's deep voice, the climax of the song finally arrived. Then, the high notes that made the girls' eyes widen instantly burst out from Nie Wei's mouth, shocking the eardrums of everyone present.

"Although I have never had a warm family, I have grown up gradually. As long as my heart is full of love, I will be cared for. I can't blame anyone. Everything depends on myself..."

To everyone's surprise, Nie Wei, who has a deep voice, can sing such a stunning high note. That kind of explosive power really shocked the hearts of the three girls.

What's more rare is that the emotions contained in Nie Wei's singing are transmitted to their hearts through music without hindrance. Even Duoduo feels a sense of suffocation in her heart, as if she is a child without a home. That sad feeling makes her want to cry.

Just when Duoduo was feeling very uncomfortable, suddenly there was a sound of crying beside her. At first, Duoduo thought she was hallucinating and imagined her inner emotions into reality, but then Nie Wei's singing stopped abruptly, and she finally woke up. Someone really cried.

(Thanks to the tips from classmates such as Lurking for N Years, Fang Zhi, Qian Youliangya, Guiwu Emperor, and Yang Jia Dajiangjun. This chapter has more than 5,000 words. In fact, I had already coded more than 2,000 words at noon, but because I think it is more comfortable to read this chapter together, I didn't upload it. Finally, I'll add a small advertisement. I have set up a book club, 534131417. Friends who are interested can join in and chat.)

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