Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 64 63. Art exam is coming

Faced with Shu Chang who burst into tears suddenly, everyone was a little at a loss. After all, the girl's emotions came too suddenly, and no one knew why.

"Sorry, I'll go out for a while." Shu Chang, who seemed to feel that she had lost her composure, fled the box directly with tears still flowing. The three people left stared at each other, all a little dumbfounded.

"Don't chase them." Seeing Lin Yifei and Duo Duo wanting to get up and chase them out, Nie Wei stopped them: "It's not good to have too many people go out at this time. I'll just go and take a look."

Although he was very worried about Shu Chang, Nie Wei's words were indeed reasonable. The two girls stayed in the box, and Nie Wei chased them out.

Shu Chang's figure had long disappeared in the corridor, but Nie Wei was not worried at all about whether he could find the girl. When he entered this KTV, Nie Wei saw the overall layout of this KTV in the lobby. There were only two directions from the box, one was the main door, and the other was the safety passage.

Recalling what Shu Chang said when he left the box just now, it was "going out for a while", not "saying goodbye", so it is obvious that the girl is more likely to hide in the safety passage.

Sure enough, Nie Wei soon found Shu Chang, who was sitting on the steps and wiping tears with his hands, at the entrance of the second floor of the safe passage.

"Brother, why are you here?" The girl was obviously a little flustered when she saw Nie Wei appear. She quickly wiped the tears from her cheeks and asked a little embarrassedly.

"You've cried so much, how can I not come? Don't wipe your big nose with your hands when you cry. I have a handkerchief..." As soon as he finished speaking, Nie Wei, who was taking out his pocket, suddenly froze. Then, under Shu Chang's embarrassed and somewhat puzzled gaze, Nie Wei suddenly smiled and said, "I forgot to bring it. How about eating a piece of candy first?"

As he said that, Nie Wei accidentally took out two pieces of candy from his pocket, which were stuffed in his pocket by Su Qing in the morning.

"Puff." Nie Wei's embarrassed look was so funny that even Shu Chang, who was in a bad mood, was amused. However, it was precisely because of Nie Wei's interruption that her originally depressed mood was also relieved a little.

Two pieces of chocolate candy, one for each of them.

"You know, when people are in a bad mood, they eat sweets, and their mood will quickly improve. This statement has also been scientifically verified. Sweets, especially chocolate, contain a substance called ** that can help people regulate their emotions. In addition, the magnesium in chocolate has a calming and anti-depressant effect. In addition, sweets can stimulate the brain to secrete a substance called endorphins, which brings a sense of spiritual pleasure..." Nie Wei had chocolate in his mouth and did not forget to turn on the chattering mode.

But Shu Chang felt more and more strange as he listened, because Nie Wei's words were not to comfort himself at all, but kept talking about chocolate and mood.

"So what?" After listening to a lot, Shu Chang couldn't help asking.

"Well, I think candy is the right medicine for you who are in a bad mood now, so I think it is a very correct decision for me to bring candy. You are not allowed to laugh. What's so funny about this? This is really scientifically based. Believe me."

Looking at Shu Chang who suddenly covered her mouth and laughed after hearing his explanation, Nie Wei couldn't help but sigh: "Actresses are actresses. They cry when they say they cry and laugh when they say they laugh. I really don't understand what you are thinking in your heart?"

"I cry because of you, and I laugh because of you."

"I can accept that laughing is because of me, but crying has nothing to do with me. Don't think I'm easy to bully and blame me." Nie Wei moved aside with disdain, as if he was afraid that Shu Chang would blame him.

"Am I wrong? If it weren't for your singing too hard, would I remember the past? If it wasn't for remembering the past, would I cry?" Shu Chang looked at Nie Wei and said with some dissatisfaction.

"Ah, it's not because I sing badly. I can accept this reason."

"Don't be so conceited." Facing Nie Wei's boastful look, Shu Chang couldn't help but pat his shoulder gently with her hand. However, when her hand touched Nie Wei's shoulder, the body temperature that could be felt through the clothes made Shu Chang subconsciously not want to take her hand away.

"Brother, can you lend me your shoulder to lean on?" While talking, Shu Chang followed his heart and leaned his head on Nie Wei's shoulder. As expected, the sense of security that he imagined instantly wrapped his whole body, allowing Shu Chang to enjoy a kind of peace of mind that he had never enjoyed before. This feeling was really comfortable.

"What's wrong?" Nie Wei asked with some surprise.

"I just want to lean on you for a while and listen to me talk." Shu Chang replied.

"Okay, I'll listen. "Nie Wei lowered his waist slightly to let the girl lean more comfortably, and was also very curious about what Shu Chang wanted to say to him.

"Since I can remember, I have never seen my father. Later, I heard from my mother that my father left us when I was five months old, and the reason was because I was a girl. Sometimes I hate him, but sometimes I also hate myself, why I am a girl, and I also implicate my mother. "

"Mom is the best woman in the world. She has worked hard for me all her life. I still remember that my mother and I lived in a small house of only eight square meters, sleeping on the same bed, with only a broken quilt with many patches. I didn't sleep well at night, and my mother had to get up many times in the middle of the night to cover me with a quilt. "

"I still remember that when I was in primary school, my mother made me a red cotton-padded jacket. Unfortunately, when I wore it to school, my classmates laughed at me for being old-fashioned. When my mother knew about this, she cried sadly. She would always stand at the door of the house waiting for me to come home from school, and then affectionately call me by my nickname "Xiaozier". She would also exchange the only three eggs in the family for a banana for a word I said. But this mother who was so good to me, when I was eight years old..."

Shu Chang leaned on Nie Wei's shoulder and whispered stories about her childhood. Sometimes her tone was warm and memorable, sometimes regretful, sometimes very sad, and sometimes very happy.

Nie Wei listened silently, and finally understood why the girl was so independent, and finally understood why he had never met Shu Chang's parents from beginning to end, and never heard her mention the news about the two elders. It turned out that all this was indeed a past that the girl was unwilling to mention.

And Nie Wei finally understood why Shu Chang cried so sadly when she heard the song he sang, because the person in the song was so similar to Shu Chang, and it was obvious that Shu Chang also longed for a complete family.

That day, Shu Chang talked a lot about his childhood, and Nie Wei was always patiently being the best listener. The two of them relied on each other. I don’t know how long they talked. Anyway, when Shu Chang finished telling the story and Nie Wei returned to the box, they found that Lin Yifei and Duoduo had left long ago.

Nie Wei called Lin Yifei and found out that because it took too long, she had taken Duoduo downstairs to drink coffee.

Nie Wei took Shu Chang to the coffee shop and met up with Lin Yifei and Duoduo. At this time, Shu Chang’s mood had completely calmed down because of his frank confession to Nie Wei. Seeing Shu Chang’s bright smile again, Lin Yifei and Duoduo were obviously much happier.

It was just because of this incident that everyone obviously didn’t want to continue playing, and Shu Chang felt very embarrassed about it.

The four of them sat in a coffee shop, drank a cup of coffee, had some desserts, and then prepared to go home for the New Year.

"Xixi, I've decided. I'm going to sign up for the art exam in two days." Shu Chang suddenly said when the four of them had already started to say hello and leave.

This sentence instantly brightened Lin Yifei's expression, and even Nie Wei on the side was a little surprised.

"Really? Changchang, you are so nice. Let me kiss you." Lin Yifei hugged Shu Chang and kissed her face heavily.

"Hehe, I just think that as an actor, if I don't even pass the art exam, it would be a pity, isn't it?" After saying that, Shu Chang didn't forget to look at Nie Wei, obviously wanting to see if he approved of his decision.

"Of course." Nie Wei nodded without hesitation: "Maybe I can give you a surprise on that day."

At this moment, Nie Wei suddenly had a plan in his mind, but no matter how curious Lin Yifei asked, Nie Wei didn't say it out loud. After all, is it a surprise? If he said it, would it still be a surprise?

Unconsciously, two weeks have passed. Nie Wei and others returned to the crew a week ago to continue filming. However, as the time for the art exam is approaching, Li Dawei has to give several leading actors a holiday. After all, this is related to the life of two young girls. No matter how important work is, it must give way.

(Thanks to QT丶Qitao, Qianyouliangya, Yaodadongle, Guiwu Dadi and other classmates for their rewards. I changed the cover. Everyone can see if you can see it. In addition, the book friend group of this book has been established. If you are interested, you can join it. I will put the group number in the introduction later.)

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