Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 730 730. We got married

Seeing Shu Chang in a trance these two days, Nie Wei was really worried, so he took the initiative to mention this matter while eating breakfast that day.

"Are you feeling unwell recently, or are you worried about something? If you are not feeling well, I will accompany you to the hospital. If you are worried, you should tell me."

Shu Chang was really scared when Nie Wei asked this suddenly, but looking at Nie Wei's concerned eyes, Shu Chang hesitated for a moment and replied: "I am not sick."

The implication was obviously to tell Nie Wei that she was not in good shape these two days because she was worried.

"What is the worry?" Nie Wei asked with a frown, thinking in his mind, but nothing big happened in the past two days, and Shu Chang didn't even go out of the house, and he and her didn't quarrel. Where did this worry come from?

In just a moment, Nie Wei figured it out. Shu Chang's worry must come from the wedding banquet of Liu Tao and Wang Ke. Thinking about the way Shu Chang looked at the newlyweds at that time, there was something wrong. Obviously, attending this wedding seemed to stimulate Shu Chang.

"Nothing, I just envy Sister Liu Tao, she got married with brother-in-law Wang Ke after knowing each other for only 20 days." Shu Chang's answer made Nie Wei secretly say that it was true.

No wonder, in the past year, Shu Chang has mentioned to Nie Wei that she will be 20 years old soon, and every time she attends a wedding, Shu Chang seems to be very active. Among the first-line female stars in the circle, Shu Chang received the most bouquets this year.

Nie Wei can see that Shu Chang really wants to get married, especially her reaction in the past two days, which made Nie Wei have a deep understanding.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei suddenly put down the half-eaten sandwich, stood up and walked towards the bedroom. This sudden action surprised Shu Chang who was sitting opposite.

But soon, this surprise turned into a surprise, and it rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of the head, making Shu Chang feel numb all over.

All this was because of a small box that Nie Wei took out from the bedroom.

"Not long ago, when I was preparing your birthday gift for your birthday, I actually specially prepared this pair of rings. I also want to give you a happy family." Nie Wei opened the small box, and inside was a pair of diamond rings. This was a pair of engagement rings that Nie Wei picked together with the bracelet last time.

Nie Wei originally thought that Shu Chang would be happy when he took out the engagement ring, but when he opened the ring box and looked at Shu Chang, he found that his baby was crying and his eyes were red.

Nie Wei was at a loss immediately.

"Baby, why are you crying? I... I know that my proposal is a little informal or too sudden. In fact, after I bought the ring, I thought about how to propose to you many times and how to surprise you. It's just that I don't think it's appropriate. Otherwise, wait a minute, let me think about it?" Nie Wei asked.

Hearing this, Shu Chang wiped her tears, and under Nie Wei's surprised eyes, she directly picked up the female engagement ring in the small box and put it on her finger.

"Why are you panicking? I am touched." Shu Chang finally smiled at this moment, looking at the ring on her hand happily. She was really surprised. She had never thought that Nie Wei would prepare a ring, let alone that he would take it out under such circumstances.

Nie Wei's impetuous move was unexpected and gave Shu Chang a big surprise.

"Like, I chose it according to your preferences, square diamond." Nie Wei also put another men's ring on his hand, and did not forget to "take credit" to Shu Chang beside him.

Seeing Shu Chang's longing for marriage just now, Nie Wei got excited and took out the pair of rings that had been prepared for a long time, but when he really gave it to Shu Chang, Nie Wei was actually a little nervous. What if Shu Chang refused?

Although Shu Chang usually looks like she wants to get married, after all, this girl has just turned 20 years old. For ordinary girls, this is the age of crazy play.

Now it seems that Shu Chang likes it very much, and it is obviously right for him to do so.

Nie Wei obviously couldn't eat his breakfast. Shu Chang, who got the ring, completely regarded Nie Wei as a big tree and herself as a koala. She hung on Nie Wei and wouldn't come down. She was as sticky as she could be.

The two of them fell on the sofa, Shu Chang squeezed in Nie Wei's arms. Although the TV was on in front of them, it was obvious that neither of them was paying attention to it.

Although Shu Chang was clinging to Nie Wei, her eyes were all on her hand with the ring.

As one of the most popular actresses in China, Shu Chang has worn countless beautiful and expensive rings in dramas and activities, including treasures that are more precious than the ring on her hand at this moment, but in Shu Chang's opinion, none of them are as precious as the engagement ring she is wearing at this moment.

Because the meaning behind it is different.

This engagement ring is a symbol of Nie Wei and her love, and it is also Nie Wei's promise to her. As for those jewels, they are just commodities. No matter how high their value is, how can they compare to Nie Wei's heart?

"Nie Wei, you are willing to give me this ring. Does it mean that you have chosen me for this life?" Shu Chang, who was lying in Nie Wei's arms, suddenly asked.

Facing the girl's sudden question, Nie Wei answered without any hesitation: "Of course."

This is indeed the answer from the bottom of Nie Wei's heart. He is very clear about how much the girl has paid for the two of them along the way. And the most important thing is that when he spent time with Shu Chang, Nie Wei felt happy from the bottom of his heart and felt this happiness. It can last a lifetime, otherwise how could Nie Wei prepare the ring specially.

Just because Nie Wei has a net worth of tens of billions, it is destined that he will not take his marriage lightly.

"Then... I'm twenty years old. When will we, like Sister Tao, get a certificate and hold a formal wedding?" Shu Chang said immediately after hearing Nie Wei's answer. Obviously, these words have already been in her mind. I have been thinking about it for a long time.

"Eh?" Nie Wei was startled by the girl's words. Why did Shu Chang think of getting married just after giving away the engagement ring?

However, after being surprised, Nie Wei also seriously considered Shu Chang's words.

Just like what he thought just now, Nie Wei feels that his feelings have indeed been tied to Shu Chang in this life. If there are no accidents, it is certain that the two of them will stay together forever, so when they get married is not important. thing.

"Are you serious?" Thinking of this, Nie Wei looked at Shu Chang in his arms and asked seriously.

"Of course I'm serious." After hearing Nie Wei's words, Shu Chang was startled for a moment, then immediately sat up from Nie Wei's arms and spoke to Nie Wei in the same serious tone.

"Then get married." Seeing Shu Chang's firm eyes, Nie Wei was in a daze for a moment and then replied.

While waiting for Nie Wei's answer, Shu Chang's heart beat like a drum. But after hearing Nie Wei's answer, Shu Chang's heart seemed to pause at that moment. The missed beat was sweetened by Filled to the brim.

"Shu Chang, you should know that my new movie will start soon, but I don't want to miss every detail of your wedding, so I hope we can get the certificate first, and the wedding will be planned when we are both not busy. Okay "What?" Nie Wei suggested at the same time after agreeing to get married.

Preparations for the new movie have come to an end. Nie Wei would definitely be too busy to prepare for a wedding at this time, so he felt that instead of trying to do both things perfectly, it would be better to finish the things at hand first and then get busy with the wedding. After all, the two of them are still young, and the preparations for the wedding cannot be completed in a short time. After delaying it for half a year, all aspects can be done better and more perfect.

Exactly half a year later, the new villa has been decorated long ago and can be used as a wedding room.

Shu Chang didn't hesitate at all and agreed immediately. Although she also wanted to get married as soon as possible, she also understood that Nie Wei's words were the most suitable solution.

What's more, Nie Wei had given her so many surprises today. She had no idea that this seemingly ordinary day would become a moment that she would never forget.

Soon Shu Chang ran to check the almanac and found that today was a good day for marriage. He immediately decided to take his household registration book and Nie Wei to the Civil Affairs Office to get the certificate.

Since they decided to get married, the two of them didn't hesitate and chose a pair of clothes for each other. Of course, a white shirt was a must. After all, they had to take wedding photos. Shu Chang even put on light makeup. After working for more than half an hour, the two of them finally got married. Get out of the house.

On the way from leaving home to the civil affairs office, Shu Chang was obviously a little overly excited. Not only was he humming along the way, he also kept his eyes on Nie Wei's face, as if Nie Wei's face was as beautiful as a flower.

But having said that, in Shu Chang's eyes at this moment, Nie Wei is really more beautiful than Hua.

"I'm going to marry you today, I'm going to marry you today." Shu Chang's repeated words came to his ears, and Nie Wei couldn't help but laugh out loud, teasing Shu Chang: "Why do you only sing this line? "

"I know this, hehe." Shu Chang replied.

"Look at how stupid you are." Nie Wei glanced at Shu Chang's silly smile and couldn't help complaining. Shu Chang was not angry and asked directly: "No matter how stupid I am, you still want to marry me. It's too late for you to regret it anyway. "

"It doesn't matter. I'll be fine if we have a smart one in our family. It's better for you to be stupid, and you'll be happy if you're stupid." Nie Wei laughed, making the girl extremely embarrassed.

Soon, Nie Wei and Shu Chang drove to the nearest civil affairs office.

Perhaps because it was a working day, there were not many people at the Civil Affairs Office today. In addition, Nie Wei and Shu Chang wore masks when they went out and did not take them off when they entered the Civil Affairs Office, so they were all crowded all the way to the registration place. No one noticed the two big stars Nie Wei and Shu Chang.

When they were applying for a marriage certificate and needed to check their household registrations, the staff discovered that it was Nie Wei and Shu Chang who had registered for marriage.

"Ah——!" This accident made the little girl in her twenties who was examining scream on the spot. Fortunately, she quickly noticed her gaffe and immediately covered her mouth, but the brief scream was still It attracted a lot of curious looks.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Nie Wei's obviously dissatisfied look made the little girl apologize quickly. The scream just now was indeed not polite.

"Isn't this a hidden camera? Are you filming a show? You don't really want to register for marriage, do you?" After calming down her emotions, the little girl couldn't help but be curious, and asked Nie Wei and Shu Chang gossipingly .

Shu Chang smiled sweetly on the side, while Nie Wei showed a speechless expression and replied: "It's not filming, we are here to register for marriage."

"Really, are you really getting married? Oh my god." The girl looked at Nie Wei and Shu Chang in surprise, as if she had seen something incredible.

In fact, she really thought it was incredible that the two big stars were getting married.

In her opinion, those big stars who got married in their thirties were considered early, and it was normal to get married in their forties. But what about Nie Wei and Shu Chang? She clearly remembered that Nie Wei should not be twenty-four years old this year, and Shu Chang was even younger. She was born in 1987 and she was just twenty years old this year, just reaching the legal age for marriage.

Such a young couple of big stars, are going to get a marriage certificate so early? The girl's head was really full of question marks at this moment, and she even suspected that this might be a prank against her. She even subconsciously glanced around to see if there were any staff members who looked like they were secretly filming.

"Miss, can you please review it faster? I'm afraid the people behind me are waiting anxiously." Nie Wei saw that the little girl was still thinking about looking around, so he immediately urged her.

"Ah, sorry, if there is no problem, fill out the form and go over there to take a photo." With Nie Wei's reminder, the girl finally came to her senses and accepted the reality that the big star couple in front of her were really going to get a marriage certificate.

If she wasn't working, she would have wanted to take out her mobile phone right now to tell her girlfriends about the news.

In fact, her colleague next to her had already widened his eyes in surprise and sent text messages to his friends to report the shocking news.

Nie Wei certainly noticed the little actions of these staff members, but he didn't stop them. He had already decided to marry Shu Chang, so he would do it openly. He would not hide his marriage like some stars.

As the two filled out the form and went to take photos, the few people in the Civil Affairs Office gradually noticed the couple. After all, whether it was Nie Wei or Shu Chang, their temperament and appearance were quite outstanding, and it was difficult not to be noticed.

And with the popularity of the two, almost everyone who noticed them immediately recognized them.

Then came the same exclamation as the staff. Many people even thought the same thing as the young staff, suspecting that the two were filming.

But after searching for a long time, they couldn't find anything like a camera. It wasn't until the two received their household registration books and the staff stamped them that everyone was really sure that Nie Wei and Shu Chang had actually gotten married today.

Less than half an hour after Nie Wei and Shu Chang left the Civil Affairs Office, when the world was searching for Nie Wei's shuffle dance and "SEVE", China's top search suddenly changed.

Thanks to BOSS+Shu Kuang for the generous reward of 500, and thanks to Fantasy Paradise and 0773 for the generous reward.

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