Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 731 731. Fermentation

Compared to the popularity in China that night, Nie Wei's shuffle dance and the music "SEVE" did not cause much sensation abroad at first.

Although Huayi staff uploaded the video to YouTube, it was a collection of videos of the entire concert. For an Asian star's concert, foreigners, especially Europeans and Americans, are not very interested in it.

However, Nie Wei still has a certain overseas fan base, and these people are also the first overseas fans to see Nie Wei's new song and dance in the video.

After watching it only once, these fans were immediately conquered by Nie Wei's performance on the stage and the seemingly magical "SEVE".

"Wow, what kind of dance is this, so cool!"

"I feel like jumping up when I hear this song. This is the best dance music I have heard in the past year."

"Wei will not let us down."

This group of fans first had fun in their own small forum. When they were busy enough, they also wanted to let more people see their idol's wonderful performance.

So they specially edited the clip of Nie Wei performing "SEVE" separately, added an eye-catching title, and then re-uploaded it to YouTube.

Many people uploaded it, but one of them named "Have you seen a billionaire singing and dancing?" The most eye-catching video.

The first person who saw this video focused on the billionaire.

Except for some special countries, billionaire is obviously an amazing title, which means that this person has huge wealth, and any action of the rich is also particularly eye-catching, not to mention that the key points are marked at the back. The singing and dancing thing is obviously full of attraction for netizens.

But if they were attracted by the title of billionaire at first, then after watching the video, these people were deeply fascinated by the figure on the stage.

The light and powerful dance, the dynamic melody and the magical repetitive tune, the combination of the two made everyone who watched the video addicted to this video.

They began to watch and listen to the song in the video repeatedly. Some people even started to learn to dance clumsily following Nie Wei on the computer screen in front of their computers.

He also began to search for everything related to this video.

People's power to explore news is infinite. Don't think that gossip is only a talent of Chinese people. In fact, it is definitely a common talent of people on earth.

Soon they found a lot of relevant information about Nie Wei.

He is a very famous actor and director in Asia. He also has a movie in Hollywood called "The Man from Nowhere". This also made many netizens suddenly realize when they saw this news and remembered Nie Wei's name. In particular, many female fans who have seen the movie think that Nie Wei's figure is really super good.

In addition, the title of the billionaire was also confirmed.

Although Nie Wei's wealth value on the Forbes list is slightly exaggerated, Nie Wei is still a world-class rich man who can be ranked in the top 100. This makes them more curious about the process of Nie Wei's wealth creation. After carefully searching for information, this curiosity turned into admiration.

In their eyes, Nie Wei is simply the Gates of Asia, even better than the world's richest man. At least the world's richest man can't write songs, act in movies, or dance such cool dances. The most important thing is that Nie Wei is not even 24 years old.

Especially Nie Wei, before many financial geniuses were not optimistic about Apple, bought Apple stocks on a large scale, and then Apple did not live up to Nie Wei's trust and launched a cross-era product, which changed its embarrassing position in the technology industry in one fell swoop and became the hottest technology company in the world.

Nie Wei's "heroic" approach is most favored by these European and American teenagers. He insisted on his own ideas in the face of thousands of oppositions and finally won. In the eyes of many teenagers, Nie Wei's persistence is really cool.

They read Nie Wei's entrepreneurial story and also dreamed that they would become world-class tycoons before the age of 24 like Nie Wei in the future.

Although 99% of them know that they are daydreaming, who can't have a dream? What if it comes true?

Originally, a year had passed, and the popularity that Nie Wei had accumulated in the United States had long since dissipated. However, after this video, the dissipated popularity began to gather again, even faster and more than when the movie was originally shown.

Three days later, the first video of "SEVE" imitating Nie Wei's shuffle dance appeared on the Internet. It acquired more than 100,000 hits on the day of uploading. At this moment, the hits of the original video exceeded 20 million, and it has been on the hot videos of YouTube for two consecutive days.

Less than two hours after the first imitation video was uploaded, more and more videos imitating Nie Wei's shuffle dance began to appear on the Internet.

Some simply imitated Nie Wei's dance steps, and some even took the trouble to adapt them. In the end, even many professional dancers participated in it, and they danced even more freely and freely than Nie Wei.

However, the most popular video is still the original version that Nie Wei danced. In a week, this video clip captured by netizens has even received more than 100 million hits.

Of course, these endless videos have further triggered the craze of shuffle dance and "SEVE". More and more people began to dance various similar dances to the music of "SEVE", and even some celebrities began to join this craze. Gradually, shuffle dance and "SEVE" began to become popular in China from abroad.

For a time, the whole world seemed to be infected by Nie Wei's dance and song. Everyone was scrambling to take pictures of their own dances, whether professional or funny, and uploaded them to the Internet. Friends also had to dance to a song when playing together. It seemed that if you haven't heard this song and can't do a few shuffle dances, you are already OUT.

However, in China, which was originally the first to become popular, the hottest news in recent times is not this dance.

Of course, it is not irrelevant, because the biggest entertainment news in China at this time is that the dancer Nie Wei actually got married.

On the day the news broke, people who saw the news really felt that they might be celebrating April Fool's Day, because it was so sudden that everyone felt caught off guard and had no psychological preparation at all.

Even the media reporters were not prepared at all.

Although they all knew that Nie Wei and Shu Chang's relationship was very stable and the possibility of getting married in the future was indeed very high, this would take some time after all. First of all, the ages of the two people, Nie Wei was less than 24 years old, and Shu Chang had just turned 20 years old, which was the best time of youth.

At such a good age, they didn't want to have more fun, but they would "think about getting married", which really made the reporters scratch their heads and couldn't understand.

There were also their professions, but they were celebrities. Even some comedians kept their marriages secret, fearing that exposure would affect their careers, but did they really not care?

Nie Wei and Shu Chang got married so openly. Didn't they know how many men and women's hearts would be hurt?

The most important thing was that since the two were ready to get married, there should at least be a sign, and we paparazzi should be prepared, but there was no sign at all, as if it was a sudden decision, so that the paparazzi couldn't help complaining while running to the Civil Affairs Office.

Because Nie Wei's move really caught them off guard, and even made many reporters begin to doubt their professional ethics.

After all, this can be regarded as the most important news of the year, but these professional reporters finally found out through the news spread on the Internet. This is simply an insult, trampling and the most cruel blow to their profession.

When the reporters arrived at the scene, it was less than an hour after Nie Wei and Shu Chang left the Civil Affairs Office, which was considered fast.

The first reporter who ran into the Civil Affairs Office was a big brother wearing a big hat. He didn't even bother to take off his mask. The door that was pushed open by her hadn't been closed yet, and he had already shouted loudly in the hall: "Does anyone have a video of Nie Wei and Shu Chang's live wedding? The clearer the better, photos are also fine. I will charge 5,000 for the video and 200 for the photo. I only want the clear one!"

This big brother's voice is loud enough. Suddenly, everyone in the hall jumped with a shout, but soon everyone was attracted by the reward he gave later.

The video costs 5,000 yuan, and the photo costs 200 yuan. No matter how you look at it, it's free. There were actually a few people who didn't leave after finishing their business. When they heard this, some of them stood up immediately.

"I have a video here. Can you take a look?" As he said this, the man took out the handheld DV that he had prepared to record the process of him and his wife getting the marriage certificate.

When the reporter heard this, he immediately rushed to the side of the man, and urged him to find the video quickly with an anxious look on his face.

I don't know if it was because he wanted to shoot a marriage documentary for himself and his wife, so he practiced it specially. The video he took was really clear, with good focus and no shaking. The key is that he took the video in a good position, on the side of Nie Wei and Shu Chang. Although the faces of the two were not captured, the half of Shu Chang and Nie Wei's faces in the video were enough to prove that they were the real people.

The video basically recorded the process of the two getting the marriage certificate and taking photos, which is enough for reporting materials.

"Okay, this video is it. Let's go to the bank to transfer the money now." After watching the video, the reporter took the man to the transaction without saying anything. This made many people who didn't have time to fight for it regret it. They hesitated for a moment, and the 5,000 yuan was earned by the big brother in front of them.

The reporter took the newlyweds to the bank to trade, but he was not the only reporter who thought of looking for materials at the Civil Affairs Bureau. Soon, more reporters arrived.

This time, the reporter didn't need to ask, and the people with the information took the initiative to ask them if they wanted first-hand information.

Although it didn't sell for 5,000, it was still 1,000 or 2,000, and at least a few hundred yuan could be earned from the photos. Invisibly, these newlyweds received a lot of extra money on the day they received the marriage certificate.

The reporters who got the information rushed back to write the report, while the reporters who didn't get the information pestered the staff, hoping that they could reveal some information, pity them, and give them a meal.

However, just as the reporters were rushing to report, the news about Nie Wei and Shu Chang's marriage on the Internet fermented.

Within an hour, it became the number one hot search on blogs. The first blog posting this message even received over a million hits, with more than 100,000 discussion replies.

"If this wasn't Nie Wei and Shu Chang hyping up their new drama, I'd eat my keyboard."

"It must be some spoof show, it must be Infinite Challenge, right? This show crew is so unscrupulous, they only know how to do eye-catching things."

"But it looks so real, I just got married to my boyfriend, and the process was the same."

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it, this must be fake, how could our brother Nie Wei marry a little goblin like Shu Chang, she's not even as good as me!"

"Shu Chang just turned 20, how could you bear to do that, Nie Wei?"

Netizens seemed to have celebrated a huge festival, and they were all excited with the news, especially the fans of Nie Wei and Shu Chang, who felt like the sky was falling and the earth was cracking. Many of them were still thinking about whether Nie Wei and Shu Chang would break up soon, but then they got the news of their marriage.

The blow of this gap is really huge. Many people were stunned when they saw the news on the computer. When they came to their senses, they cried and howled. It was okay if there was no one around, but those who were around probably had a heart attack.

However, although the two are very popular and have a lot of fans, they still do not account for a large proportion among many netizens. Most of the clicks and replies on the Internet are actually contributed by the onlookers.

After confirming the accuracy of the news, most of these people came with blessings.

"Congratulations to the most beautiful couple in China."

"I never thought that my two favorite actors are now married, but I am still a single dog, woof woof~~~!"

"Wow, Shu Chang has made a fortune. So many female stars have tried their best to marry into a wealthy family, but they all failed in the end. But Shu Chang achieved her wish at the age of 20. The key is that she married well. Nie Wei is much more handsome than those rich second-generations. Their child will probably be able to fascinate thousands of boys and girls in the future."

The heat of online discussions has been increasing, and Nie Wei and Shu Chang, as the parties involved, have fallen into a new trouble, because just ten minutes ago, the elders of both sides called their mobile phones almost at the same time.

Thanks to the generous reward of 600 from 1992 and the generous reward from Fantasy Paradise.

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