Chinese Entertainment's Shining Star

Chapter 96 95. Change Yourself

"But there is another question." Just when Shu Chang was happy, Nie Wei suddenly said.

Nie Wei's words made Shu Chang nervous again.

"The clothes are too rustic." Nie Wei commented mercilessly.

In fact, he had wanted to say this sentence a long time ago. Although Shu Chang's clothes were not much different from those of children aged 15 or 16 in this era, Nie Wei, who had been influenced by fashion for more than ten years in the future, felt awkward no matter how he looked at it. He always felt that his lovely girl and this dress were completely incompatible.

In fact, not only Shu Chang, but also Lin Yifei, were almost the same in Nie Wei's eyes.

"Really?" Shu Chang was dumbfounded when she heard Nie Wei's evaluation. You know, the clothes she was wearing were specially selected by her. How could it be rustic? However, Nie Wei's serious eyes made her realize that the other party might really think that she was very rustic.

Shu Chang said that she was very embarrassed, embarrassed to the point of blushing.

"How about going shopping after dinner?" Just when Shu Chang felt that he was too embarrassed to see people, Nie Wei, who was sitting opposite, suddenly suggested.

"Okay, okay!" This sentence instantly revived Shu Chang.

"Then you'll see what your brother thinks. Such a lovely girl from my family must be dressed up." Nie Wei took a sip of juice and said to Shu Chang with a smile. The girl blushed again, but this time she was shy.

The two quickly changed the topic from the issue of clothing. The main reason was that Nie Wei didn't want Shu Chang to be embarrassed anymore. Changing the girls' dressing should be based on reality. When they find a way to make them look better, they will naturally put aside the old ideas in the past.

The two chatted, and Nie Wei casually found a topic, and somehow talked about Fan Binbin going to Xiangnan.

"Brother, is she really going to help Huanzhu III?" Shu Chang asked puzzledly.

"As an actress, she doesn't have any new dramas recently. You don't think she went to Xiangnan with her agent to travel, do you?"

"But she is an artist of your Huayi company. Shouldn't she be on the same front with you?" Shu Chang asked puzzledly. This was also the reason for her doubts. In her opinion, since they are artists from the same company, how could they stand up for their opponents like this?

However, Nie Wei had a different opinion on this.

"First, the topic of the new and old camps of Huanzhu appearing on the show together is obviously not small. This is definitely a good opportunity for Fan Binbin, who has no dramas recently, to maintain her exposure. Her management team cannot refuse." Nie Wei raised a finger and said.

"Second, what about artists from the same company? We are not even friends. Besides, they are just going to support Huanzhu and have not directly harmed the interests of me or the company. The company cannot stop Fan Binbin and her management team because of this little thing." Nie Wei gave the second reason.

"The last and most crucial point." Nie Wei raised his third finger and said with a smile: "Although I became famous with one play, it is obviously not enough for Fan Binbin and the company to stop related activities for my face. To put it bluntly, my face is not big enough, sister, do you understand?"

"I understand, brother, you are very confident, I have never seen anyone who dares to say that he became famous with one play." Hearing the third reason, Shu Chang couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"But this is the fact."

"Okay, but the other party has already made a move, are we just waiting? And that Fan Binbin, at least there was a scandal with you, brother, how come this person turned around and stabbed us in the back, too bad." Shu Chang said indignantly.

"Didn't I say that I am not even a friend with her, and that hype was arranged by the company. You should think about where to buy clothes this afternoon, little country girl."

"You are the little country girl!!!" Looking at Nie Wei's contemptuous eyes, Shu Chang rushed angrily.

An hour later, Wangjing Boutique Plaza, Chanel counter at the Peninsula Hotel.

"The clothes here are so expensive, I think I'll just forget it." Shu Chang casually looked at the labels of a few shirts, and the numbers on them really scared her. Then the little girl followed Nie Wei with her wallet in worry. It was obvious that the things here did not match her consumption concept.

Nie Wei also found it interesting to look at Shu Chang beside him. In fact, luxury goods are still a new term in this era, which can be seen from the deserted situation of this store, and the brand concept of Chinese people obviously needs to be dormant for a long time before it will explode.

However, Nie Wei didn't mind cultivating Shu Chang's concept of brands in advance. After all, the industry chosen by Shu Chang is inseparable from fashion brands. Whether it is the clothes and accessories she needs to walk on the red carpet when she grows up, or her daily life, they will gradually be filled with these brands.

Thinking of this, Nie Wei thought of Lin Yifei again. This girl will suffer a lot from brand clothing in the future, and she has even been dubbed the "copycat princess" by the media. It seems that I should talk to that girl about this issue when I have time.

"This shirt, this skirt, and this pair of leather shoes." Ignoring Shu Chang's protests, Nie Wei quickly picked out a set of clothes and handed it to the salesperson next to him, asking her to take Shu Chang to change clothes.

Nie Wei walked to the jewelry counter, which was the essence of the store.

"Mr. Nie, is there anything you need?" The person who greeted Nie Wei was the store manager, who was quite pretty. In fact, in this era, the store manager of the only Chanel counter in Kyoto must not be too bad-looking. She should be a beautiful woman with both beauty and wisdom.

She called out Nie Wei's name, and it was obvious that she had also watched "The Story of a Noble Family", which also proved that Nie Wei's recent fame has become more and more popular among the public.

"Let me take a look at the hairpin." Nie Wei said with a clear purpose.

"Are you buying it for Miss Shu Chang? Then I recommend you to take a look at this one." The store manager enthusiastically took out a hairpin and introduced it: "This is our designer's new model this year, inlaid with pearls and rhinestones..."

"No need to introduce it, just this one." Nie Wei liked this hairpin very much and thought it matched the ponytail that Shu Chang had combed today.

"Okay, do you need me to pack it for you?"

"No, check out this hairpin and the clothes I just chose together." Nie Wei directly took out his credit card and handed it to the store manager.

Several things cost Nie Wei more than 30,000 yuan in total, and the main value of the hairpin accounted for nearly half, while the clothes and shoes were second.

A little interesting thing happened when checking out. Unexpectedly, the store manager of this store was also a fan of Nie Wei. While checking out, he secretly asked Nie Wei for an autograph.

After a while, Shu Chang also changed her clothes and came out. She wore a loose chiffon shirt with a lapel, a dark green and black striped plaid skirt, and a pair of black square-heeled high heels. With her exquisite appearance and well-proportioned figure, she looked like a young and beautiful fashionable girl, which immediately made Nie Wei feel bright.

"This dress suits Miss Shu Chang very well." The shopping guide also gave praise at the right time.

"Brother, how is it?" Shu Chang looked in the mirror and saw that she was completely different from before. She asked Nie Wei nervously.

"Very good." Nie Wei stared at Shu Chang with burning eyes. Shu Chang, who wore this dress, had lost her youthfulness and had a more mature feeling. She was closer to the beautiful girl in his previous impression.

Nie Wei's eyes were so hot that Shu Chang lowered her head a little embarrassedly, but she suddenly felt beautiful in her heart, and she seemed to feel that her brother's eyes on her were also a little different from before.

"A little gift for you." Nie Wei admired it for a moment, then took out the hairpin he had just bought from his pocket and handed it to Shu Chang.

"Brother, put it on for me." Shu Chang obviously liked the new hairpin very much. She quickly untied her hair and re-combed a ponytail, and then asked Nie Wei to clip the hairpin on her personally.

"Very good." Nie Wei looked at Shu Chang who had already put on the new hairpin, looked up and down, and clapped his hands in praise.

The shopping guide on the side also looked at Shu Chang with envy. The girl's appearance when she first entered the door was completely different from now.

"How much is it in total?" Shu Chang was obviously very satisfied with her new clothes and accessories. This time, she took out her wallet very quickly. However, when she was about to check out, the store manager informed her that Nie Wei had already paid the bill.

"I agreed to pay the bill." The girl complained, but her little face was full of pride. Who made these shopping guides look at her with envy?

Wearing new clothes, Shu Chang wanted to go to Nie Wei to show off again, but when she turned around, she found that Nie Wei was not in the store. She hurried to find him and soon saw Nie Wei more than ten meters away from the counter. However, Nie Wei was holding a mobile phone at this moment, and it was unknown who he was chatting with.

"Brother, who is it?" Shu Chang asked quietly when she walked to Nie Wei's side.

Nie Wei, who was on the phone, glanced at Shu Chang, smiled and covered the position of the mobile phone microphone, and whispered: "Acquaintance."

Thank you for the reward from Tian_wai classmate.

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