The reason why Nie Wei told Shu Chang that this person was an acquaintance was because Shu Chang was indeed familiar with this person.

The person who called was Li Dawei. Before the dinner with Shu Chang, Nie Wei sent Li Dawei the news that Fan Binbin went to Xiangnan in the form of a short message. At this moment, he called to learn more about the situation in this regard.

Nie Wei told Li Dawei the details he knew on the phone.

"I guess he went to participate in a variety show. I will find someone to understand the schedule of Lin Xinru and Zhao Wei. If Xiangnan TV really invites these three people, it may really stimulate the ratings." Li Dawei said.

"It's just a dying struggle. If it's just the ratings, it's okay. There is also a big difference in the reputation between our TV series and theirs. It's a bit unrealistic to want to surpass the ratings with a variety show." Nie Wei laughed.

This sentence also made Li Dawei on the opposite side happy.

"I was a little overthinking, but since the other party has made a move, we can't fall behind. I will help you contact the talk show later. By the way, I heard you say that you already have an agent? Who is it? Tell me if I know him?"

"Luo Kai, have you heard of this name?" Nie Wei didn't hide it and asked directly using Luo Kai's name.

"I seem to have an impression, but I can't remember it." Li Dawei pondered for a long time before answering. In fact, he seemed to have an impression, but he had no impression at all.

"Be careful when choosing an agent." After saying that, Li Dawei did not forget to remind Nie Wei: "Observe him for a while and see his character. Don't be like Cheng Kun, who was cheated by the people around him."

"I know." Although Nie Wei was prepared, he still answered seriously in the face of Li Dawei's concern.

After hanging up the phone, he saw Shu Chang wearing a pair of sunglasses and sitting on a public bench in the mall to rest.

"Let's go to the next store. Sister, which one do you think is better, Burberry or LV..." Holding the girl's hand, Nie Wei adjusted his sunglasses and prepared to search for the next store.

Shu Chang was just giggling, staring at Nie Wei holding her hand with her head down, her face was like a red apple, glowing with happiness.

Fortunately, Nie Wei became famous too suddenly, and there were no paparazzi following him. Otherwise, if they took photos of the two of them at this moment, it would definitely create a scandal that was much more intense than the one between him and Fan Binbin at that time.

That day, Nie Wei accompanied Shu Chang to visit several more stores and bought two more sets of clothes in various styles, which were completely selected according to Nie Wei's personal preferences. However, the two seemed to have a good taste. At least in Shu Chang's opinion, she liked the clothes Nie Wei picked very much.

However, this is the only day that Nie Wei has relaxed recently. Since he said goodbye to Shu Chang and went home that day, Nie Wei found that paparazzi had begun to appear near his alley. Obviously, the other party had begun to figure out the location of his home, which also proved that Nie Wei had begun to be known in the paparazzi circle.

This is a matter that affects life quite a lot, but it also proves that Nie Wei is indeed famous.

He also gradually felt this substantial impact in his life.

Just like going shopping with Shu Chang, many shopping guides can call out his name, or going jogging in the morning, he can also meet fans who want autographs, and even nearby neighbors will come to the door to get close to him.

The most interesting thing is that this matter not only affects Nie Wei, but also slowly affects her family.

Just like Nie Wei's mother Su Qing, Nie Wei's choice of film and television school was originally considered by his mother's colleagues to be an unprogressive choice. On weekdays, when school colleagues talked about their children, they would intentionally or unintentionally compare Nie Wei. In the end, as long as they mentioned this topic, Su Qing would walk away. After all, Nie Wei was her treasure, and she was also very unhappy that these colleagues talked about Nie Wei.

However, after the broadcast of "The Golden Age", Nie Wei's status in this topic has undergone earth-shaking changes.

He is no longer the willful bad boy in the mouths of his mother's colleagues, but has become a good young man with ideals and lofty goals. Some teachers even privately ask Su Qing for Nie Wei's autograph. After the news that Su Qing is Nie Wei's mother gradually spread in the school, her open class has become one of the most popular classes in the whole school.

Mom is in a good mood, and Nie Wei's food has improved a lot in recent days. He has gained two kilograms.

However, this happy life will obviously not last too long, especially as the ratings of "The Golden Age" gradually increase, Nie Wei's popularity is also getting more and more sufficient, and relatively speaking, his life is gradually becoming busy.

Soon, Nie Wei was notified by Luo Kai to go to the company again.

"The company plans to hold the signing meeting after the first round of "The Golden Age" is broadcast. This time, you are called to the company mainly because of the script and advertisement. The company has selected a lot of works and advertisements for you. Take a look carefully." Luo Kai put a large pile of scripts and advertisement books in front of Nie Wei while speaking.

"All of them?" Nie Wei looked at the exaggerated pile in front of him, which almost blocked his sight. Judging from the thickness, there must be at least 20 or 30 books?

"This is the one that has been selected." Luo Kai explained: "Most of those whose roles are too small or whose settings do not match your image have been eliminated. There are 26 scripts and 11 advertising contracts here, five of which are product endorsements, including clothing, cosmetics, medicines, and skin care products..."

"I'll just read it myself." Nie Wei interrupted Luo Kai, then picked up a few scripts from a pile and glanced at them.

Not to mention, each of these scripts was indeed carefully selected.

The characters given to Nie Wei were either the male lead or the second male lead at the worst, and most of the images were positive. However, what made Nie Wei a little depressed was that these scripts were either life dramas or war dramas, all of which were traditional dramas. To be honest, the characters did not have many characteristics in Nie Wei's eyes, and even if he performed well, it would be difficult to have a surprising response.

If Nie Wei was going to take the step-by-step route, the company's arrangement would be a very good choice. Unfortunately, Nie Wei was not the kind of person who was willing to take one step at a time, especially since he still had the memory of the next sixteen years. For him, this way of going was simply a waste of time.

Seeing Nie Wei flipping through the books one by one without stopping to read any of them carefully, Luo Kai knew that these were all things that Nie Wei was not satisfied with.

"In fact, there is another script. It's not right to call it a script. It's an interview opportunity." Luo Kai suddenly said.

Hearing Luo Kai's words, Nie Wei immediately threw away the script in his hand and looked up at him.

"The Tianlongbabu crew is still recruiting actors, do you want to give it a try?"

Thank you for the tips from my classmates I Want to Watch Your Sister and Struggle for Ladies. I'm sorry for the late upload. There seems to be something wrong with the backend of Qidian. In addition, the recommendation votes for this book have finally exceeded 10,000. Thank you everyone. I will find a chance to add more updates in the next few days to repay you.

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